USD 125 million in support

NEL 13.03.2024 kl 18:46 3406

(March 13, 2024 - Oslo, Norway, Nel, OSE:NEL). The US Department of Energy (DOE) and the state of Michigan have awarded a collective USD 75 million in cash incentives and grants for Nel's next electrolyser production facility in Michigan. "The support from the Department of Energy and the state of Michigan is crucial for realizing our factory, which will create new green industrial jobs and be a significant contribution to the energy transition," says Nel's President and CEO, Håkon Volldal. "It is encouraging to see the Department of Energy taking these strategic steps to stimulate a clean energy economy, and we appreciate their long-time support to take our products from R&D to commercial products," he says. On 13 March, the Department of Energy announced that they have granted Nel USD 50 million in direct investment support for the company's planned new US gigafactory and workforce development initiatives in the Detroit region. Partnering with General Motors, Macomb Community College, Wayne State University's College of Engineering, and others, DOE's investment will further enhance domestic electrolyser manufacturing production capacity while building a robust clean hydrogen value chain and an industrialized manufacturing training program. In parallel, the state of Michigan awarded USD 25 million in direct investment support to lead the nation in the clean energy transition. "By harnessing our Make it in Michigan Competitiveness Fund and partnering with the Biden-Harris Administration, we are creating more than 500 good-paying, high -tech jobs in Plymouth," says Governor Whitmer. "Today's investment in Nel Hydrogen will create a hydrogen production facility and ensure we stay on the cutting-edge of clean energy production and advanced manufacturing. Let's keep working together to bring jobs and projects home as we grow our economy and deliver for Michigan families." "Today's announcement is another example of how Michigan is leading America's technology and clean energy future," says Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist II. "Because of a matching investment from the Michigan Competitiveness Fund, this federal grant will enable our partners to create more than 500 good-paying, high-tech jobs in Plymouth. Governor Whitmer and I will keep working to create jobs and win projects that will grow our economy and help more people 'make it' in Michigan." Nel has previously been awarded approximately USD 50 million from the state of Michigan in support of this electrolyser production facility (see the press release issued on 8 July 2023). Total support from federal and state authorities amounts to approximately USD 125 million. Fully built out, the Michigan site is expected to have an annual nameplate production capacity of 4 GW. In the planned new facility, Nel will manufacture its next-generation electrolyser technologies: the PEM stacks currently being developed together with General Motors, and pressurized alkaline stacks. A final investment decision has not yet been made and depends on market demand for electrolysers. ENDS For additional information, please contact: Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02?097 Lars Nermoen, Head of Communications, +47 902 40 153 About Nel ASA | Nel has a history tracing back to 1927 and is today a leading pure play hydrogen technology company with a global presence. The company specializes in electrolyser technology for production of renewable hydrogen, and hydrogen fueling equipment for road-going vehicles. Nel's product offerings are key enablers for a green hydrogen economy, making it possible to decarbonize various industries such as transportation, refining, steel, and ammonia. This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This information was issued as inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, and was published by Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, Chief Financial Officer, at NEL ASA on the date and time provided. Forward-looking statements: This announcement contains certain forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they reflect the company's current expectations and assumptions as to future events and circumstances that may not prove accurate. A number of material factors could cause actual results and developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
13.03.2024 kl 19:45 3352

Nel ASA: Nel and partners receive about USD 90 million in funding from DoE

(March 13, 2024 - Oslo, Norway, Nel, OSE:NEL). Today, Nel and its partners
received around 90 USD million from the Department of Energy (DoE) for seven
research and development projects. Nel is the leading partner on one of the
projects. About 10 % of the work under the R&D programs will be undertaken by

"We are thankful for the support from the Department of Energy, which will help
accelerate our research and development while solving key challenges for the
future of the hydrogen industry," says Nel's Vice President for Research and
Development, Kathy Ayers.

DoE has awarded funding to the following projects in which Nel is one of the

· Low-Cost, Clean AEM Electrolysis through Transport Property Understanding,
Manufacturing Scale-up, and Optimization of Electrodes and Their Interfaces (Nel
in lead)
· Advanced Porous Transport Layer Design and Manufacturing for PEM
· Durable, Low-Cost, Manufacturable AEM Electolyzer Components
· Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalyst Scale-Up and Validation for Proton
Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers
· Precious-Metal Free Coatings for PPG PTL Assemblies
· High Performance non-PFSA Membranes for Next-Generation Proton Exchange
Membrane (PEM) Electrolyzers
· H2CIRC: Circular Recycling for the Hydrogen Economy

Link to the press release from the Department of Energy:


For additional information, please contact:

Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02?097

Lars Nermoen, Head of Communications, +47 902 40 153

About Nel ASA |

Nel has a history tracing back to 1927 and is today a leading pure play hydrogen
technology company with a global presence. The company specializes in
electrolyser technology for production of renewable hydrogen, and hydrogen
fueling equipment for road-going vehicles. Nel's product offerings are key
enablers for a green hydrogen economy, making it possible to decarbonize various
industries such as transportation, refining, steel, and ammonia.

This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of
the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This information was issued as inside
information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, and was published by
Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, Chief Financial Officer, at NEL ASA on the date and
time provided.

Forward-looking statements: This announcement contains certain forward-looking
statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and
uncertainty because they reflect the company's current expectations and
assumptions as to future events and circumstances that may not prove accurate. A
number of material factors could cause actual results and developments to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
Mr Erik
13.03.2024 kl 20:37 3287

Mye positivt i dag. På høy tid!! Hva tror du om Nel i det korte og lange bildet framover?
13.03.2024 kl 23:26 3074

Nexa skrev Innlegget er slettet
Lenke til nyheten om woodside? Hvor har du det fra?
14.03.2024 kl 11:41 2928

Shortdekning på gang?
18.03.2024 kl 09:02 2503

Nexa skrev Innlegget er slettet
Skal tro hvordan det går med byggingen av Hydrogenfabrikken i Bjerkvik. Det er et enormt areal som er klargjort.
04.04.2024 kl 16:54 2209

Nel ASA: Additional USD 41 million in tax credits for manufacturing expansion in Michigan

(April 4, 2024 - Oslo, Norway, Nel, OSE:NEL). Nel has been awarded up to USD 41
million in investment tax credits for its planned manufacturing expansion in
Michigan as part of the Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Tax Credit (48C)

"We continue to see strong support for our efforts to scale our US operations,
both within advanced research and efficient manufacturing. The support now
received increases the attractiveness of investing in expanding our capacity and
capability in the US," says Nel's President and CEO, Håkon Volldal.

The 48C program is funded by the Inflation Reduction Act and managed by the US
Department of Energy, the US Department of Treasury, and the Internal Revenue
Service. A fully owned subsidiary of Nel ASA will receive up to about USD 41
million in tax credits, equivalent to 30 % of the value of qualifying
investments. Receipt is subject to conditions, such as wage and apprenticeship

The tax credits come in addition to other grants communicated earlier. Nel has
now secured close to USD 170 million in accumulated support from the Department
of Energy and the State of Michigan for its planned Michigan facility.
Approximately half of this amount is cash incentives.

Nel has been operational in Connecticut for decades, developing advanced
applications for producing hydrogen based on its PEM electrolyser technology,
and being a leader in advanced electrolyser research and development. The
company has initiated a significant expansion and industrialization of its
manufacturing capacity and is preparing for a future site in Plymouth Charter
Township, a suburb of Detroit, Michigan. When fully developed, the facility
will be among the world's largest electrode facilities, where Nel will
manufacture its next-generation pressurized alkaline and PEM technologies.


For additional information, please contact:

Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02?097

Lars Nermoen, Head of Communications, +47 902 40 153

About Nel ASA |

Nel has a history tracing back to 1927 and is today a leading pure play hydrogen
technology company with a global presence. The company specializes in
electrolyser technology for production of renewable hydrogen, and hydrogen
fueling equipment for road-going vehicles. Nel's product offerings are key
enablers for a green hydrogen economy, making it possible to decarbonize various
industries such as transportation, refining, steel, and ammonia.

This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of
the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This information was issued as inside
information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, and was published by
Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, at NEL ASA on the date and time provided.

Forward-looking statements: This announcement contains certain forward-looking
statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and
uncertainty because they reflect the company's current expectations and
assumptions as to future events and circumstances that may not prove accurate. A
number of material factors could cause actual results and developments to differ
materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements.
09.04.2024 kl 11:06 2028


Sveitsiske klimautslipp brøt menneskerettighetene, slår EMD fast

Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen (EMD) har konkludert med at Sveits har brutt noen av menneskerettighetene. Det melder nyhetsbyrået Reuters.

Fire sveitsiske kvinner i 70-årene har frontet saken mot staten, fordi de mener myndighetene har ikke gjort nok for å beskytte dem mot farlige klimandringer. Det bryter med deres rett til liv og helse, mener de.
09.04.2024 kl 22:47 1912

100 hydrogenlastebiler til Norge i 2025

Lastebilprodusenten MAN skal produsere 200 hydrogenlastebiler i 2025. Hele 100 av disse skal til Norge. - Dette er starten på utrullingen av hydrogenlastebiler og -stasjoner og en milepæl for hydrogensatsingen i Norge, sier Ingebjørg Telnes Wilhelmsen.

10.04.2024 kl 22:08 1782

Droppet Norge: Får 1,8 milliarder i støtte i USA

Nel-sjef Håkon Volldal mener Norge er blitt en sinke på energiomstilling. Nå har Nel fått 900 millioner i kontanter for å bygge ny fabrikk i USA.
19.04.2024 kl 09:39 1451


Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): Siemens Energy og den danske elektrolysørprodusenten Topsoe A/S er blant et dusinvis av mottakere av omtrent to milliarder dollar i skattekreditter for ren energi i USA, som ventes kunngjort på fredag av Biden-administrasjonen.

Det meldte Bloomberg News torsdag.

Tildelingene administreres av det amerikanske energidepartementet og er en del av et skattefradragsprogram for produsenter av ren energi som fikk en økning på ti milliarder dollar gjennom Inflation Reduction Act, skriver Bloomberg og viser til kilder kjent med saken.

Det ventes at Topsoe vil motta en tildeling på opptil 136 millioner dollar gjennom programmet for bruk i byggingen av et elektrolysørproduksjonsanlegg for 400 millioner dollar i Chesterfield, Virginia, ifølge en av kildene.

Energiminister Jennifer Granholm er forventet å kunngjøre tildelingene sammen med guvernør Roy Cooper i Nord-Carolina når de besøker et Siemens Energy-anlegg.

Energidepartementet kunngjorde i forrige måned at de tildeler totalt fire milliarder dollar i fradrag for over 100 prosjekter, men navnga ikke mottakerne. Selskapene som er ventet å bli fremhevet i fredagens kunngjøring har samtykket til å bli offentlig navngitt, skriver Bloomberg.

TDN Direkt
Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
23.04.2024 kl 14:45 1302

Hermanrud som stort sett var short Nel har kjøpt Nel i det siste. Generalforsamling i dag.
26.04.2024 kl 07:04 1167

Nel: Hy Stor Energy reserverer kapasitet på én gigawatt

Selskapet Nel leverer elektrolysører, som bruker strøm til å skille ut hydrogen fra vann. Nå melder selskapet om en mulig fremtidig storkunde.

Hy Stor Energy har ifølge Nel reservert kapasitet på mer enn én gigawatt alkaliske elektrolysører. Dette er knyttet til fase én av Mississippi Clean Hydrogen Hub, hvor det planlegges produksjon av hydrogen blant annet til stålindustrien.
Reservasjonen vil ikke bli bokført som ordreinngang før Nel har fått en bekreftet bestilling.

Skulle reservasjonen bli til endelige ordrer, så tilsvarer det i så fall et helt års produksjon ved Nels fabrikk i Porsgrunn. I 2022 var kapasiteten i den nyåpnede fabrikken på 500 megawatt, men siden varslet selskapet en utvidelse til én gigawatt.
Hvis det blir tatt en investeringsbeslutning for dette prosjektet, så vil produksjonen på Herøya etter planen pågå gjennom 2025, 2026 og 2027, skriver Nel i sin melding.
Redigert 26.04.2024 kl 07:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.04.2024 kl 09:09 1019

Blir en del short-inndekking idag.. så vi bryter 5,20kr lett.
26.04.2024 kl 09:58 952

Ja de jobber hardt med å få den ned. Fkk som vanlig god hjelp av børspausen på 5,13. De dagene det gikk nedover med 12 % var det aldri børspause. Tror de sliter utover dagen da tyskerne er ivrige.
26.04.2024 kl 11:19 890

Rally i nel? opp 0,25 øre
26.04.2024 kl 14:48 817

Hvor stor er denne kontrakten i EUR ?

Har tidligere sett kontrakt på 10 MW til 5M EUR, så når denne går i boks 4-500M EUR på ett års produkjsjon i Porsgrunn ? (grunn for litt forsiktig optimisme :-) ?
Redigert 26.04.2024 kl 14:49 Du må logge inn for å svare