ABS - et av de beste kjøpene på børsen
Artic Bioscience (ABS) vil bli en blockbuster medisin (salg på 1 mrd. dollar pr år) ved kun 350.000 pasienter årlig. Potensialet er i overkant av 22 mill. pasienter.
Det vil overraske meg stort om ikke flere enn 350.000 pasienter velger ABS sin medisin som innebærer en pille i stedet for å smøre inn kroppen med salver hver dag som må være ubehagelig og tidskrevende.
Det vil overraske meg stort om ikke flere enn 350.000 pasienter velger ABS sin medisin som innebærer en pille i stedet for å smøre inn kroppen med salver hver dag som må være ubehagelig og tidskrevende.
03.10.2024 kl 13:42
Newkid skrev Nesten så en begynner å bli litt utålmodig å
Nå er det mer snakk om dager enn uker til utlesningen av primærendepunktet blir børsmeldt. Partnerskap vil nok komme på plass raskt etter dette.
09.10.2024 kl 17:43
Er på overtid nå iht børsmelding 29.august. Vi går inn i syvende uke ser jeg på Sharewille. Er dette et godt eller dårlig tegn.
09.10.2024 kl 18:22
Vanskelig å si, men når Verrica/Lytix nylig gikk langt over tidsfristen før publisering av sine data viste det seg at resultatene var over forventningene gode.. Får bare krysse fingrene for at resultatene er meget gode uansett når de måtte komme!
Redigert 09.10.2024 kl 23:47
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14.10.2024 kl 19:15
Arctic Bioscience - Announces top-line results from the phase 2b HeROPA study
All patients have passed 6 months of treatment in the HeROPA phase 2b clinical study, which compared HRO350 to placebo. While the high dose active treatment arm showed an effect close to the assumed effect level, the placebo rate was unexpectedly high, preventing the achievement of the primary end-point. The HeROPA study is still ongoing and placebo controlled for 52 weeks.
"We have strong confidence in our phospholipid-based technology platform for resolving inflammation. The study is still ongoing, and the promising effects observed in the treatment arm at the 6-month read-out are encouraging. This is a 52-week trial, and based on prior clinical studies, we know that HRO350 has time to onset of effect”, says CEO Christer L. Valderhaug.
Arctic Bioscience will continue investigating the data in collaboration with its Contract Research Organization (Smerud Medical Research International) to identify the reasons behind the unexpectedly high placebo rate. Mild-to-moderate psoriasis is a fluctuating disease where patients can experience spontaneous improvements, and the disease is often less severe during the summer, due to sunlight exposure. Thus, endpoints analyzed after 52 weeks of treatment may elucidate how disease fluctuation over a full year may have impacted the 26-week primary endpoint. Of note, there have been no safety concerns, and no unexpected serious events related to the study medication have been reported to date.
“We will investigate deeper into the data from the 6-month read-out, while the study proceeds with 12-months of treatment. Our aim is to provide an oral treatment option for patients, and to that end we have carefully and pro-actively explored alternative regulatory and go-to-market strategies, which we will assess as new insights emerge. The data shows potential, and once we have completed more detailed analyses, we will decide on the course we believe offers the greatest potential moving forward”, says CEO Christer L. Valderhaug.
PASI50 (50% improvement in PASI score) was chosen as primary endpoint to align with regulatory guidelines on clinical studies in psoriasis. The study is still ongoing, thus numeric data are not disclosed at this time.
“The high placebo rate in this trial was surprising and warrants further investigation. Data from our previous study showed a statistically significant improvement over placebo in the same patient population, and we also have cellular studies showing anti-inflammatory effects of HRO350 with relevance in psoriasis. We are grateful to the patients and investigators participating in the HeROPA trial, and hope that 52-week data may provide further answers on effect rate versus placebo and document safety”, says Medical Director Runhild Gammelsæter.
Arctic Bioscience will continue the global market expansion of its nutraceutical pipeline where we see a significant growth potential. The company will also perform a full strategic and organizational assessment to secure a sustainable financial platform. Cash preservation initiatives will be put in place to ensure that available financial resources enable the company to complete the 12-month study and continue product development, regardless of the strategic direction taken.
CEO Christer Valderhaug and Medical Director Runhild Gammelsæter, will present the findings of the study and the next steps during a webcast on Wednesday, October 16th, at 12:00 CET. A separate invitation will be published at Newsweb.
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 in the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement was published by Jone R. Slinning, CFO at Arctic Bioscience AS, on the date and time as set out above.
For further information, please contact:
Christer L. Valderhaug
Mobile: +47 920 84 601
Email: christer@arctic-bioscience.com
About Arctic Bioscience
Arctic Bioscience is a biotech company developing and commercializing pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products based on unique bioactive marine compounds.
The company is developing HRO350 – a novel oral drug candidate. HRO350 is being developed for treatment of patients with mild-to-moderate psoriasis. This is a large patient group in need of new effective medicines with beneficial safety profile.
Nutraceuticals from Arctic Bioscience are sold globally as bulk ingredients as well as finished goods under the ROMEGA® brand.
Arctic Bioscience is led by a highly skilled team of talents with diverse and highly relevant background.
All patients have passed 6 months of treatment in the HeROPA phase 2b clinical study, which compared HRO350 to placebo. While the high dose active treatment arm showed an effect close to the assumed effect level, the placebo rate was unexpectedly high, preventing the achievement of the primary end-point. The HeROPA study is still ongoing and placebo controlled for 52 weeks.
"We have strong confidence in our phospholipid-based technology platform for resolving inflammation. The study is still ongoing, and the promising effects observed in the treatment arm at the 6-month read-out are encouraging. This is a 52-week trial, and based on prior clinical studies, we know that HRO350 has time to onset of effect”, says CEO Christer L. Valderhaug.
Arctic Bioscience will continue investigating the data in collaboration with its Contract Research Organization (Smerud Medical Research International) to identify the reasons behind the unexpectedly high placebo rate. Mild-to-moderate psoriasis is a fluctuating disease where patients can experience spontaneous improvements, and the disease is often less severe during the summer, due to sunlight exposure. Thus, endpoints analyzed after 52 weeks of treatment may elucidate how disease fluctuation over a full year may have impacted the 26-week primary endpoint. Of note, there have been no safety concerns, and no unexpected serious events related to the study medication have been reported to date.
“We will investigate deeper into the data from the 6-month read-out, while the study proceeds with 12-months of treatment. Our aim is to provide an oral treatment option for patients, and to that end we have carefully and pro-actively explored alternative regulatory and go-to-market strategies, which we will assess as new insights emerge. The data shows potential, and once we have completed more detailed analyses, we will decide on the course we believe offers the greatest potential moving forward”, says CEO Christer L. Valderhaug.
PASI50 (50% improvement in PASI score) was chosen as primary endpoint to align with regulatory guidelines on clinical studies in psoriasis. The study is still ongoing, thus numeric data are not disclosed at this time.
“The high placebo rate in this trial was surprising and warrants further investigation. Data from our previous study showed a statistically significant improvement over placebo in the same patient population, and we also have cellular studies showing anti-inflammatory effects of HRO350 with relevance in psoriasis. We are grateful to the patients and investigators participating in the HeROPA trial, and hope that 52-week data may provide further answers on effect rate versus placebo and document safety”, says Medical Director Runhild Gammelsæter.
Arctic Bioscience will continue the global market expansion of its nutraceutical pipeline where we see a significant growth potential. The company will also perform a full strategic and organizational assessment to secure a sustainable financial platform. Cash preservation initiatives will be put in place to ensure that available financial resources enable the company to complete the 12-month study and continue product development, regardless of the strategic direction taken.
CEO Christer Valderhaug and Medical Director Runhild Gammelsæter, will present the findings of the study and the next steps during a webcast on Wednesday, October 16th, at 12:00 CET. A separate invitation will be published at Newsweb.
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 in the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This stock exchange announcement was published by Jone R. Slinning, CFO at Arctic Bioscience AS, on the date and time as set out above.
For further information, please contact:
Christer L. Valderhaug
Mobile: +47 920 84 601
Email: christer@arctic-bioscience.com
About Arctic Bioscience
Arctic Bioscience is a biotech company developing and commercializing pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products based on unique bioactive marine compounds.
The company is developing HRO350 – a novel oral drug candidate. HRO350 is being developed for treatment of patients with mild-to-moderate psoriasis. This is a large patient group in need of new effective medicines with beneficial safety profile.
Nutraceuticals from Arctic Bioscience are sold globally as bulk ingredients as well as finished goods under the ROMEGA® brand.
Arctic Bioscience is led by a highly skilled team of talents with diverse and highly relevant background.
14.10.2024 kl 19:42
The study is still ongoing, and the promising effects observed in the treatment arm at the 6-month read-out are encouraging. This is a 52-week trial, and based on prior clinical studies, we know that HRO350 has time to onset of effect”, says CEO Christer L. Valderhaug.
14.10.2024 kl 20:34
I mine øyner er det en melding som de-risker caset og vi vet at pasientene i studien på Haukeland opplevde bedring også etter uke 26. Det taler godt frem mot avslutning av studien på nyåret! Blir å kjøpe om folk selger den ned under 10 kr igjen
14.10.2024 kl 20:44
Jeg må vel innrømme at jeg ble noe skuffet. Hadde håpet og trodd på ett mere overbevisende resultat. Videre finansiering regner jeg med blir en emisjon. Romega selger ikke nok til å ta den regningen.
14.10.2024 kl 21:25
Ja dem håpte vel på å bruke denne 6mndes studien til å sikre seg en avtale. Kan vel bli vanskeligere nå så en emisjon er vel ikke umulig
14.10.2024 kl 22:29
Noe skuffende at eksperimentell ikke er er bedre enn kontrollarm etter 6 mnd., men slettes ikke første gang det skjer; ref. f.eks. Ultimovacs.
Men velge å tro på større effekt de neste 6 mnd. og sitter videre med aksjene til 15. april 2025.
Men velge å tro på større effekt de neste 6 mnd. og sitter videre med aksjene til 15. april 2025.
15.10.2024 kl 07:00
Har lest over børsmeldingen noen ganger nå å har bitt meg litt fast i denne setningen: Mild-to-moderate psoriasis is a fluctuating disease where patients can experience spontaneous improvements, and the disease is often less severe during the summer, due to sunlight exposure . 4 av 6 mnd har jo vært i en varmere periode av året. Vi går mot mørkere tider og blir spennende og se va neste 6 mnd vil bringe. Men det har jo blitt gjort en test før med gode resultater i Norge før og tenkte jeg skulle prøve å finne ut når på året denne studien ble gjort. Noen av dere som veit?
15.10.2024 kl 07:08
Den ble avsluttet i Juni.
Den ble avsluttet i Juni.
15.10.2024 kl 17:06
Det er klart det er surt å tape penger. Men jeg har fortsatt troen på selskapet, sier Halsebakk.
Investeringsdirektør Tore Tønseth i Halsebakks investeringsselskap Ronja Capital, understreker at studien ikke er over og at de fortsatt er optimistiske.
– Vi er skuffet over resultatet, men vi vet fra tidligere at effekten fra HRO350 kommer sent i løpet, så vi håper at effekten etter 12 måneder er god.
Han legger til:
– Jeg ser det spekuleres i at selskapet skal hente penger i neste uke. Det er ikke riktig. Selskapet er ikke så presset finansielt og har penger ut året.
X-43 scramjet
15.10.2024 kl 20:32
Trist den tok en lik nedgang som Ultimovacs tidligere i år. Men vi får håpe dette snur
16.10.2024 kl 11:36
Kl.12.00 om 25 min , kan det være lurt å være inne? Hmmm. fallet er for stort. 2 innside kjøp i går og i dag på 3 tallet = Last opp.
Redigert 16.10.2024 kl 11:38
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16.10.2024 kl 12:16
Klippet fra Shareville.
Dette er tidenes overreaksjon, vi skal høyt opp. Når Hogne Hallaråker, laster så laster jeg.
X-43 scramjet
16.10.2024 kl 12:17
Så webcasten. Lite negativt, de trenger mer tid til å lese ut data. Litt vel overreaksjon å sende denne ned 80% igår
16.10.2024 kl 12:36
potensialet her kan vel ligge opp mot 4 kr i kort perspektiv slik jeg ser det.
X-43 scramjet
16.10.2024 kl 14:09
Gullhaugen skrev Enda et innsidekjøp. Tydeligere kjøpssignal får en ikke.
Løp og kjøp, tidlig julegave nå ABS uten bremser
16.10.2024 kl 15:15
Har kjøpt 2 ganger. Rekyl når US gutta er tom pluss stop loss
Redigert 16.10.2024 kl 15:16
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17.10.2024 kl 09:14
blir ikke emi i 2024, nå har markedet hatt klassisk 3 dager med å ta innover seg hva som skjedde mandag, så da tror jeg det vil justere seg noe opp, da fallet var dramatisk. Kurs 3,50-4,00 er vel innafor snart.
17.10.2024 kl 11:44
Jeg kjøpte meg en pott i dag. Fallet virker helt overdrevet, og jeg forventer en snarlig opptur når markedet skjønner dette.
17.10.2024 kl 14:54
01 RONJA CAPITAL INVESTMENT AS 12.17% 6 917.1k 3 088k
02 CAPRA INVEST AS 6.09% 3 459.6k 1 544k
03 MRFK HOLDING AS 5.18% 2 943.3k 1 314k
04 FJARDE AP-FONDEN 4.73% 2 688k 1 200k
05 ALTITUDE CAPITAL AS 4.18% 2 376k 1 061k
06 VARTDAL HOLDING AS 4.10% 2 330.2k 1 040k
07 HAWK INFINITY AS 3.33% 1 890.6k 844k
09 BRØDRENE VARTDAL AS 3.17% 1 800.1k 803.6k
11 LIFE CAPITOL AS 2.56% 1 456.9k 650.4k
12 STETTE INVEST AS 2.37% 1 349.3k 602.4k
13 KJØLÅS STANSEKNIVER AS 2.27% 1 287.7k 574.9k
14 AJEA INVEST AS 2.19% 1 244k 555.4k
15 EGGESBØ EIENDOM AS 2.05% 1 165.3k 520.2k
16 EROS AS 2.05% 1 165.3k 520.2k
17 STRAND FISKERISELSKAP AS 1.87% 1 060.3k 473.3k
18 GOLD COAST NUTRITION 1.77% 1 008k 450k
19 TRIPLENINE VEDDE AS 1.34% 761.6k 340k
20 MELESIO INVEST AS 1.24% 705.6k 315k
21 EM-KA AS 1.15% 655.81k 292.8k
22 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 1.14% 648.92k 289.7k 460
23 HØGNABBEN AS 1.00% 566.61k 252.9k
24 MARGENTUM AS 0.92% 524.56k 234.2k
25 NORHOLMEN AS 0.91% 518.36k 231.4k
26 GJERDE INVEST AS 0.84% 476.48k 212.7k
27 BFK HOLDING AS 0.81% 459.58k 205.2k
28 HØGENIPA AS 0.81% 458.06k 204.5k
29 LYNGHEIM INVEST AS 0.80% 452.91k 202.2k
30 MEVOLD INVEST AS 0.80% 452.91k 202.2k
31 VOLSTAD AS 0.73% 416.87k 186.1k
32 EBIC AS 0.73% 414.21k 184.9k
33 SOLTUN INVEST AS 0.70% 399.3k 178.3k
35 HISNO INVEST AS 0.68% 387.19k 172.9k
36 NSM AS 0.57% 324.83k 145k
37 TRH AS 0.51% 289.03k 129k
38 BORTEBAKKEN AS 0.51% 288.06k 128.6k
39 JEASIMO AS 0.49% 279.78k 124.9k
40 STOLTEN SEAFOOD AS 0.42% 238.45k 106.5k
42 BOK-HOLDING AS 0.35% 200.1k 89 331
43 KLEPPE YNGVE 0.34% 192.64k 86 000
44 SAXO BANK A/S 0.32% 179.36k 80 071
45 BJÅSTADBAKKEN AS 0.32% 179.2k 80 000
46 FUTURON AS 0.30% 170.64k 76 180
47 ODINJA INVEST AS 0.28% 156.8k 70 000
48 CACADY AS 0.27% 153.7k 68 618
49 ASKO HOLDING AS 0.26% 145.6k 65 000
50 FLAMINGO HOLDING AS 0.25% 144.52k 64 516
51 Other investors 13.15% 7 472.23k 3 335.83k -500
01 RONJA CAPITAL INVESTMENT AS 12.17% 6 917.1k 3 088k
02 CAPRA INVEST AS 6.09% 3 459.6k 1 544k
03 MRFK HOLDING AS 5.18% 2 943.3k 1 314k
04 FJARDE AP-FONDEN 4.73% 2 688k 1 200k
05 ALTITUDE CAPITAL AS 4.18% 2 376k 1 061k
06 VARTDAL HOLDING AS 4.10% 2 330.2k 1 040k
07 HAWK INFINITY AS 3.33% 1 890.6k 844k
09 BRØDRENE VARTDAL AS 3.17% 1 800.1k 803.6k
11 LIFE CAPITOL AS 2.56% 1 456.9k 650.4k
12 STETTE INVEST AS 2.37% 1 349.3k 602.4k
13 KJØLÅS STANSEKNIVER AS 2.27% 1 287.7k 574.9k
14 AJEA INVEST AS 2.19% 1 244k 555.4k
15 EGGESBØ EIENDOM AS 2.05% 1 165.3k 520.2k
16 EROS AS 2.05% 1 165.3k 520.2k
17 STRAND FISKERISELSKAP AS 1.87% 1 060.3k 473.3k
18 GOLD COAST NUTRITION 1.77% 1 008k 450k
19 TRIPLENINE VEDDE AS 1.34% 761.6k 340k
20 MELESIO INVEST AS 1.24% 705.6k 315k
21 EM-KA AS 1.15% 655.81k 292.8k
22 NORDNET LIVSFORSIKRING AS 1.14% 648.92k 289.7k 460
23 HØGNABBEN AS 1.00% 566.61k 252.9k
24 MARGENTUM AS 0.92% 524.56k 234.2k
25 NORHOLMEN AS 0.91% 518.36k 231.4k
26 GJERDE INVEST AS 0.84% 476.48k 212.7k
27 BFK HOLDING AS 0.81% 459.58k 205.2k
28 HØGENIPA AS 0.81% 458.06k 204.5k
29 LYNGHEIM INVEST AS 0.80% 452.91k 202.2k
30 MEVOLD INVEST AS 0.80% 452.91k 202.2k
31 VOLSTAD AS 0.73% 416.87k 186.1k
32 EBIC AS 0.73% 414.21k 184.9k
33 SOLTUN INVEST AS 0.70% 399.3k 178.3k
35 HISNO INVEST AS 0.68% 387.19k 172.9k
36 NSM AS 0.57% 324.83k 145k
37 TRH AS 0.51% 289.03k 129k
38 BORTEBAKKEN AS 0.51% 288.06k 128.6k
39 JEASIMO AS 0.49% 279.78k 124.9k
40 STOLTEN SEAFOOD AS 0.42% 238.45k 106.5k
42 BOK-HOLDING AS 0.35% 200.1k 89 331
43 KLEPPE YNGVE 0.34% 192.64k 86 000
44 SAXO BANK A/S 0.32% 179.36k 80 071
45 BJÅSTADBAKKEN AS 0.32% 179.2k 80 000
46 FUTURON AS 0.30% 170.64k 76 180
47 ODINJA INVEST AS 0.28% 156.8k 70 000
48 CACADY AS 0.27% 153.7k 68 618
49 ASKO HOLDING AS 0.26% 145.6k 65 000
50 FLAMINGO HOLDING AS 0.25% 144.52k 64 516
51 Other investors 13.15% 7 472.23k 3 335.83k -500
Redigert 17.10.2024 kl 15:03
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Rocket hunter
17.10.2024 kl 21:22
Er det ikke 2 dager etterslep, slik den der er fra fredag ? Så mulig i morgen (eller i kveld) vi får fallet på mandag og volum dag?
Redigert 17.10.2024 kl 21:22
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