GIG - (Hard) Rock around the clock
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 00:58
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Hard Rock details plans for integrated Japanese resort
14 January 2019
Hard Rock International has unveiled plans to build an integrated entertainment resort on the Japanese island of Hokkaido as it bids to secure of three casino gambling licences in the country.
The proposal includes Had Rock’s signature guitar-shaped hotel (pictured), a Four Seasons Resort hotel, a Hard Rock Live venue, several theatres and a direct monorail link to nearby Chitose International Airport.
The initial plans do not specifically refer to a casino being built at the site, with only 3% of the total resort size permitted to host gambling, as dictated by a law passed in July 2018.
This law, passed by the Japanese parliament, allows up to three casinos to open in the country as part of integrated resort complexes. The country is yet to confirm when it will start to award the licences, with a number of major international operators preparing to bids for one of the three certificates.
Jim Allen, chairman and CEO of Hard Rock International, said: “We are extremely excited about the prospect of introducing our Hard Rock family to the people of Hokkaido, Japan with this world-class entertainment resort.
“It will not only bring economic benefits to the local community, but also act as a gateway to learn more about the wonderful heritage of Japan and all that it has to offer.”
Hard Rock set out its plans at last week’s Hokkaido IR Showcase, where a host of other leading gambling brands also put forward their own proposals to open a resort on Japan's northernmost island. Caesars Entertainment, Melco Resorts and Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment were among the companies in attendance.
The locations of the three casino sites is yet to be finalised. Hokkaido is just one up for consideration, as are Okinawa, Osaka, Yokohama, Wakayama, Sasebo and the capital of Tokyo.
Two of the notable absentees at last week’s event were MGM Resorts and Las Vegas Sands, both of which have previously declared an interest in opening a casino in Japan. Sands is said to favour a site in Osaka and MGM in Yokohama, while Caesars, which was in attendance, in September revealed plans to open a resort in Okinawa.
Under the new casino laws, operators that secure a licence will pay a 30% tax on gross gaming revenue to central and local governments.
The initial three licences will be valid for 10 years and subject to renewal every five years after launch. The government said it will consider adding more resorts seven years after approving the first batch of three.
Other provisions set out under the law include blocking residents from visiting a casino more than 10 times per week. Foreigners can visit as many times as they like for free, but locals will face a charge of ¥6,000 (£31/€48/$56) for each visit
Redigert 14.01.2019 kl 18:34
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14.01.2019 kl 19:10
Veldig det der N-I-G:)
Om det er noen som lurer på om det evnt måtte bli bra for GIG, så er det bare å fortsette å lure;)
Om det er noen som lurer på om det evnt måtte bli bra for GIG, så er det bare å fortsette å lure;)
14.01.2019 kl 19:29
GIG er kommet med ret mange gode meddelelser de sidste par måneder, men kurser er blot gået ned i den tid der er gået. Virker som om den mulige afnotering på OSE er en del af grunden, men måske er der andre som har informationer om mindre gode ting for GIG?
I 2019 tror jeg på GIG får bedre styr på deres indtjeningsgrad og begynder at tjene penge. Er der andre som har samme holdning eller mener noget andet?
I 2019 tror jeg på GIG får bedre styr på deres indtjeningsgrad og begynder at tjene penge. Er der andre som har samme holdning eller mener noget andet?
Terningmanden - Som du er inne på har GIG levert mange gode og spennende avtaler siste måneder, og faktisk i hele 2018 har det kommet bare positive nyheter.
Intet negativt er kommunisert, det eneste tenkelige med minus tegn er noen kvartals rapporter «on the soft side»
Men fordi som har satt seg inn i caset, så vet man at mesteparten av inntektene går til å re-investere og bygge GIG imperiet større og mer solid.
You need to spend to build :-)
Derfor har GIG ikke levert positiv bunnlinje, noe markedet tydeligvis ikke forstår hvorfor er slik, og vi har fått urettferdig mye juling.
Jeg har forresten nylig mailet med IR ansvarlig i GIG vedrørende Stockholm noteringen, og gitt uttrykk for at vi er i et slags Limbo Mellom to børser, og at dette trolig Ikke er heldig for hverken oss eller selskapet.
Samtidig har jeg gitt uttrykk for at markedet trolig også tørster etter info om det blir en dual listing både på OSE og Stockholm, eller Kun Sverige.
Som Anna Lena sa, så er de veldig klar over dette, og så fort nytt styret er på plass, så vil de ta affære og vi får mer info(markedforhold tatt i betraktning)
Men Q1 er fortsatt target for listingen.
Jeg tror også at GIG nå going forward vil levere bedre og bedre og fortsette med pen vekst, og innen kort tid klare å levere en positiv bunnlinje.
Vi har nå tatt store utviklingskostnader på core plattformen I flere år, jobbet og brukt mye tid og penger på å lande Hard Rock avtalen (casino + sports betting) inntatt flere regulerte markeder blant annet i Sverige, Spania, Tyskland, USA og trolig snart Finland, utviklet GIG games og kjøpt oss opp i et selskap i Japan som utvikler spill.
Sørget for å ISO sertifisere oss som er et kvalitets stempel, og beviser at vi er en aktør å regne med for fremtiden.
Ikke minst var HR avtalen et proof of concept, hvor vi vinner et stort anbud med en Tier1 kunde basert på kvalitet, og ikke på pris.
Og masse positivt som jeg har glemt underveis :-)
SEB mente jo i Mars at GIG Kunne forsvare en Verdi på kr 6,10 pr aksje (61 kr med dagens kurs)
Hva er så forandret siden den analysen Kom............. Kun positive børsmeldinger, men kursen har gått motsatt vei.
Tikk takk, tiden jobber for oss, denne farsen kan ikke vedvare lenge til ?
Redigert skrivefeil fra min slitne ipad :-)
Intet negativt er kommunisert, det eneste tenkelige med minus tegn er noen kvartals rapporter «on the soft side»
Men fordi som har satt seg inn i caset, så vet man at mesteparten av inntektene går til å re-investere og bygge GIG imperiet større og mer solid.
You need to spend to build :-)
Derfor har GIG ikke levert positiv bunnlinje, noe markedet tydeligvis ikke forstår hvorfor er slik, og vi har fått urettferdig mye juling.
Jeg har forresten nylig mailet med IR ansvarlig i GIG vedrørende Stockholm noteringen, og gitt uttrykk for at vi er i et slags Limbo Mellom to børser, og at dette trolig Ikke er heldig for hverken oss eller selskapet.
Samtidig har jeg gitt uttrykk for at markedet trolig også tørster etter info om det blir en dual listing både på OSE og Stockholm, eller Kun Sverige.
Som Anna Lena sa, så er de veldig klar over dette, og så fort nytt styret er på plass, så vil de ta affære og vi får mer info(markedforhold tatt i betraktning)
Men Q1 er fortsatt target for listingen.
Jeg tror også at GIG nå going forward vil levere bedre og bedre og fortsette med pen vekst, og innen kort tid klare å levere en positiv bunnlinje.
Vi har nå tatt store utviklingskostnader på core plattformen I flere år, jobbet og brukt mye tid og penger på å lande Hard Rock avtalen (casino + sports betting) inntatt flere regulerte markeder blant annet i Sverige, Spania, Tyskland, USA og trolig snart Finland, utviklet GIG games og kjøpt oss opp i et selskap i Japan som utvikler spill.
Sørget for å ISO sertifisere oss som er et kvalitets stempel, og beviser at vi er en aktør å regne med for fremtiden.
Ikke minst var HR avtalen et proof of concept, hvor vi vinner et stort anbud med en Tier1 kunde basert på kvalitet, og ikke på pris.
Og masse positivt som jeg har glemt underveis :-)
SEB mente jo i Mars at GIG Kunne forsvare en Verdi på kr 6,10 pr aksje (61 kr med dagens kurs)
Hva er så forandret siden den analysen Kom............. Kun positive børsmeldinger, men kursen har gått motsatt vei.
Tikk takk, tiden jobber for oss, denne farsen kan ikke vedvare lenge til ?
Redigert skrivefeil fra min slitne ipad :-)
Redigert 14.01.2019 kl 23:42
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14.01.2019 kl 21:01
Huff og huff
Selv ikke the Oracle kan trylle frem gode resultater her ...
Ikke bare blir GIG skivst på marginer fra HR, men HR klarer ikke engang forskyne GIG med smuler av "kaka"
Selv ikke the Oracle kan trylle frem gode resultater her ...
Ikke bare blir GIG skivst på marginer fra HR, men HR klarer ikke engang forskyne GIG med smuler av "kaka"
7invest - GIG sine marginer på HR avtalen vet du ikke noe om, det er en lukket avtale mellom HR og GIG, så det blir vel den synsing fra din side ?
Når det gjelder tallene i vedlagt twitter så bør man vektlegge at HR var vel den aktøren som i forrige periode hadde hatt en meget sterk økning, hadde de ikke ?
Når det gjelder tallene i vedlagt twitter så bør man vektlegge at HR var vel den aktøren som i forrige periode hadde hatt en meget sterk økning, hadde de ikke ?
Dr. Goodhead
14.01.2019 kl 21:18
Hvis en ser litt nærmer på tallene så er det de "gamle" online casinoene som har gått frem i desember (Borgata, Caesars, Golden Nugget. etc). HR har hatt nogenlunde samme inntekt i desember som i november, mens den andre nykommern (Ocean Resort) faller tilbake med 35%. Så jeg velger å heller se an utviklingen til HR et par månder til før jeg fullstendig avskriver dem :-)
Atlantic City casino revenue up. Are Hard Rock, Ocean Resort hurting others?
Wayne Parry Associated Press
Published 12:47 PM EST Jan 15, 2019
A dealer pushes a stack of chips toward a gambler at the Ocean Resort Casino in Atlantic City.
AP file
ATLANTIC CITY – Two reopened casinos and half a year of sports betting helped push Atlantic City’s casino revenue up 7.5 percent in 2018 to nearly $2.86 billion, state gambling regulators said Monday.
But the news was bad for most of the casinos that existed before the Hard Rock and Ocean Resort casinos opened in June. Of those seven casinos, six won less in 2018 than they had in 2017, the latest of several recent indications that concerns about whether Atlantic City was re-expanding its market to an unsustainable size were valid.
Sports betting saw the casinos and two racetracks take in $1.24 billion since the first wagers were taken in June. For the less than six months that sports betting was legal last year, it generated just over $94 million in revenue for casinos and tracks. The state got $10.4 million in sports betting taxes.
Ocean Resort is the former Revel, which closed in 2014; Hard Rock is the former Trump Taj Mahal, which closed two years later. Both reopened the same day last year, June 27.
More: Stars align for an eclectic lineup at Atlantic City venues
YOUR TURN: Time for NJ to get serious about Atlantic City Rail Line
After a brutal stretch that saw five casinos shut down between 2014 and 2016, Atlantic City had been doing reasonably well as a slimmed-down market with less competition and a boost from internet gambling. Increased competition from casinos in neighboring states including Pennsylvania and New York cannibalized Atlantic City’s casino revenue, helping lead to the shutdowns.
When plans were announced for Hard Rock and Ocean Resort to open, elation about the restored jobs, tax revenue and additional weekend hotel rooms was tempered by concern that Atlantic City might be making the same mistake twice in having more casinos than the market can support.
James Plousis, chairman of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission, noted that 2018 was the third straight year that Atlantic City’s gambling revenue increased. But he did note the impact on the older casinos from the arrival of the two newcomers.
“While the city had a good year, market adjustments from competition occurred and will continue into 2019,” he said in a news release. “The continuing strength of internet gaming plus a growing sports wagering market will provide the industry with tools to compete.”
Of Atlantic City’s seven casinos that operated before the two new additions last year, only the Golden Nugget showed a revenue increase for the year. It was up 13.7 percent to $327.8 million.
Even the Borgata, Atlantic City’s perennial market leader, saw its casino revenue decline in 2018. It was down 4 percent to $771.1 million.
Tropicana was down 2.5 percent to nearly $381 million, but it remained the city’s No. 2 casino in terms of gambling revenue.
Resorts was down 3.3 percent to $184.2 million; Harrah’s was down 8.4 percent to almost $333 million; Bally’s was down 9.1 percent to nearly $192 million, and Caesars was down 13.5 percent to $281.3 million.
Hard Rock won $166.7 million from late June through the end of the year, while Ocean Resort won $101.1 million during that same period.
Ocean Resort changed hands last week, with an as-yet unannounced company assuming a majority ownership stake in it in return for making a $70 million investment to help keep it running. The ownership change was widely seen as another indication that the market was not ready for the kind of expansion it underwent last summer.
Internet gambling took in nearly $300 million last year, an increase of 21.6 percent over 2017 and one of the true bright spots for New Jersey’s gambling market. Of the two internet-only gambling entities in the state, Resorts Digital was up 76.3 percent to $75.7 million, and Caesars Interactive-NJ was up 5.9 percent to $45.5 million. The Golden Nugget won $104 million online last year, about twice what its nearest competitor, the Borgata, did.
Among racetracks offering sports betting, the Meadowlands earned $31.3 million in sports betting revenue, and Monmouth Park earned $12.4 million
Kilde :
Wayne Parry Associated Press
Published 12:47 PM EST Jan 15, 2019
A dealer pushes a stack of chips toward a gambler at the Ocean Resort Casino in Atlantic City.
AP file
ATLANTIC CITY – Two reopened casinos and half a year of sports betting helped push Atlantic City’s casino revenue up 7.5 percent in 2018 to nearly $2.86 billion, state gambling regulators said Monday.
But the news was bad for most of the casinos that existed before the Hard Rock and Ocean Resort casinos opened in June. Of those seven casinos, six won less in 2018 than they had in 2017, the latest of several recent indications that concerns about whether Atlantic City was re-expanding its market to an unsustainable size were valid.
Sports betting saw the casinos and two racetracks take in $1.24 billion since the first wagers were taken in June. For the less than six months that sports betting was legal last year, it generated just over $94 million in revenue for casinos and tracks. The state got $10.4 million in sports betting taxes.
Ocean Resort is the former Revel, which closed in 2014; Hard Rock is the former Trump Taj Mahal, which closed two years later. Both reopened the same day last year, June 27.
More: Stars align for an eclectic lineup at Atlantic City venues
YOUR TURN: Time for NJ to get serious about Atlantic City Rail Line
After a brutal stretch that saw five casinos shut down between 2014 and 2016, Atlantic City had been doing reasonably well as a slimmed-down market with less competition and a boost from internet gambling. Increased competition from casinos in neighboring states including Pennsylvania and New York cannibalized Atlantic City’s casino revenue, helping lead to the shutdowns.
When plans were announced for Hard Rock and Ocean Resort to open, elation about the restored jobs, tax revenue and additional weekend hotel rooms was tempered by concern that Atlantic City might be making the same mistake twice in having more casinos than the market can support.
James Plousis, chairman of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission, noted that 2018 was the third straight year that Atlantic City’s gambling revenue increased. But he did note the impact on the older casinos from the arrival of the two newcomers.
“While the city had a good year, market adjustments from competition occurred and will continue into 2019,” he said in a news release. “The continuing strength of internet gaming plus a growing sports wagering market will provide the industry with tools to compete.”
Of Atlantic City’s seven casinos that operated before the two new additions last year, only the Golden Nugget showed a revenue increase for the year. It was up 13.7 percent to $327.8 million.
Even the Borgata, Atlantic City’s perennial market leader, saw its casino revenue decline in 2018. It was down 4 percent to $771.1 million.
Tropicana was down 2.5 percent to nearly $381 million, but it remained the city’s No. 2 casino in terms of gambling revenue.
Resorts was down 3.3 percent to $184.2 million; Harrah’s was down 8.4 percent to almost $333 million; Bally’s was down 9.1 percent to nearly $192 million, and Caesars was down 13.5 percent to $281.3 million.
Hard Rock won $166.7 million from late June through the end of the year, while Ocean Resort won $101.1 million during that same period.
Ocean Resort changed hands last week, with an as-yet unannounced company assuming a majority ownership stake in it in return for making a $70 million investment to help keep it running. The ownership change was widely seen as another indication that the market was not ready for the kind of expansion it underwent last summer.
Internet gambling took in nearly $300 million last year, an increase of 21.6 percent over 2017 and one of the true bright spots for New Jersey’s gambling market. Of the two internet-only gambling entities in the state, Resorts Digital was up 76.3 percent to $75.7 million, and Caesars Interactive-NJ was up 5.9 percent to $45.5 million. The Golden Nugget won $104 million online last year, about twice what its nearest competitor, the Borgata, did.
Among racetracks offering sports betting, the Meadowlands earned $31.3 million in sports betting revenue, and Monmouth Park earned $12.4 million
Kilde :
Redigert 15.01.2019 kl 21:01
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New research from the American Gaming Association estimates that half of the 50 states in the U.S. will either legalize or examine legalizing sports betting in 2019.
Dr. Goodhead
13.02.2019 kl 10:05
I kveld får vi vite hvordan inntjeningen for HR var i januar, så da får vi se om det blir videre vekst etter en utflatning i desember. For januar hadde vel HR kun et par dager med soft launch, så regner med inntekter fra sports betting er nærmest ikke-eksisterende. Blir desto mer spennende å se når tallene for februar slippes.
13.02.2019 kl 21:13
Nei. Derfor jeg spurte.
Er det en fast sum, % av omsetting eller overskudd? Gjelder det samme på sportsbok som casino?
Takk for et godt svar Warom. ??
Er det en fast sum, % av omsetting eller overskudd? Gjelder det samme på sportsbok som casino?
Takk for et godt svar Warom. ??
Dr. Goodhead
13.02.2019 kl 21:17
Fra twitter:
Hard rock new Jersey revenue new ATH with 1623 Up 23% from december.
I tillegg kom det 25k på sportsbetting
Hard rock new Jersey revenue new ATH with 1623 Up 23% from december.
I tillegg kom det 25k på sportsbetting
As if you needed any more reason to visit Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City, our sportsbook is now open, meaning you can up the stakes on your favorite sporting events.
Take the excitement of March Madness to the next level with sports betting at Hard Rock Casino Atlantic City. There’s no better place to enjoy the magic of the NCAA tournament — bet on your favorite teams and use your winnings to treat yourself to gourmet dining, world-class entertainment, and celebrated nightlife.
March Madness 2019 schedule and livestream links
Take the excitement of March Madness to the next level with sports betting at Hard Rock Casino Atlantic City. There’s no better place to enjoy the magic of the NCAA tournament — bet on your favorite teams and use your winnings to treat yourself to gourmet dining, world-class entertainment, and celebrated nightlife.
March Madness 2019 schedule and livestream links
Redigert 30.03.2019 kl 08:45
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Da er de tydeligvis ferdig med ombyggingen i NJ.
The Hard Rock Atlantic City sportsbook now has a seating area for customers to enjoy the full NJ sports betting experience.
Phase two of the retail space is fully operational as of today.
The expanded 3,800–square-foot space includes:
50 seats
60 TVs
Full-service bar with video poker slots.
Looking at Hard Rock’s NJ sports betting portfolio, and it seems clear mobile is the focus.
The Hard Rock mobile sportsbook is integrated into its previously existing casino app. It means there is already an established customer base.
The Hard Rock Atlantic City sportsbook now has a seating area for customers to enjoy the full NJ sports betting experience.
Phase two of the retail space is fully operational as of today.
The expanded 3,800–square-foot space includes:
50 seats
60 TVs
Full-service bar with video poker slots.
Looking at Hard Rock’s NJ sports betting portfolio, and it seems clear mobile is the focus.
The Hard Rock mobile sportsbook is integrated into its previously existing casino app. It means there is already an established customer base.