ENSU: Offensive fremtidsutsikter - BoD i årsrapporten
Strategisk, markedsmessig/kommersielt, teknisk - Styret legger ingenting mellom når det gjelder utsikter her. Råsterkt kjøpssignal:
Outlook Summary
Ensurge is now transitioning into a crucial phase of its corporate journey, evolving from a purely research and development entity into initiating commercial operations.
Our focus is to generate profits through direct revenue, licensing agreements and royalties.
In the second quarter, we plan to escalate our operations to meet the growing demands of the fitness ring market and to start deliveries on existing orders.
Moreover, we are poised to strategically capitalize on a unique opportunity crafted by four years of dedicated development and the exploitation of advanced roll-to-roll thin film stainless steel technologies, which culminated in the creation of the world's first SSLB (Solid State Lithium Battery).
Despite industry projections that SSLB technology would not emerge for several years, Ensurge has pioneered and mastered it, positioning ourselves to potentially lead the global market in battery technology for all electronics.
The market for our products is expanding rapidly as the demand for advanced electronics escalates.
Having solved the complex manufacturing challenges associated with SSLB, we are now able to expand our technology roadmap beyond the current generation. While maintaining our focus on immediate goals, we have commenced developing the subsequent phases of our strategy. These advancements promise significant enhancements in energy density and cost reductions, making the broader electronics market a feasible target for our technology.
Outlook Summary
Ensurge is now transitioning into a crucial phase of its corporate journey, evolving from a purely research and development entity into initiating commercial operations.
Our focus is to generate profits through direct revenue, licensing agreements and royalties.
In the second quarter, we plan to escalate our operations to meet the growing demands of the fitness ring market and to start deliveries on existing orders.
Moreover, we are poised to strategically capitalize on a unique opportunity crafted by four years of dedicated development and the exploitation of advanced roll-to-roll thin film stainless steel technologies, which culminated in the creation of the world's first SSLB (Solid State Lithium Battery).
Despite industry projections that SSLB technology would not emerge for several years, Ensurge has pioneered and mastered it, positioning ourselves to potentially lead the global market in battery technology for all electronics.
The market for our products is expanding rapidly as the demand for advanced electronics escalates.
Having solved the complex manufacturing challenges associated with SSLB, we are now able to expand our technology roadmap beyond the current generation. While maintaining our focus on immediate goals, we have commenced developing the subsequent phases of our strategy. These advancements promise significant enhancements in energy density and cost reductions, making the broader electronics market a feasible target for our technology.
03.05.2024 kl 13:01
Ren spekulasjon, men det hadde vært helt overlegent om det kom en saftig melding etter stengetid i dag, da kunne man gledet seg til mandag og helgen ble laaang :-) god helg
(for en oms i dag)
(for en oms i dag)
03.05.2024 kl 11:56
Det snakkes om kurs 2.8----5.35 . Det kan komme. Jeg lånte denne fra Shareville og det stemmer faktisk https://se.tradingview.com/symbols/OSL-ENSU/technicals/
03.05.2024 kl 11:52
Neste bølge kommer snart, da ryker vi over 2 kroner. Spiller ingen rolle for meg, jeg blir sittende til 10 kroner.
03.05.2024 kl 11:02
Blygen skrev Rett over 2nok....?
ser ikke ut som serlig motstand før 2,80 ca og etter det vei opp til 5,366. men herregud, det skal litt mere til da, får satse på nyheter med substans
03.05.2024 kl 10:12
Blygen skrev I løpet av dagen, formoder jeg:)
Gikk fort fobi ja, med den oms så langt er det vel duket for en runde 2 om litt, lurer på hva HOD blir
03.05.2024 kl 10:10
Broker74 skrev kan bli riktig fart på om 1,75 brytes
I løpet av dagen, formoder jeg:)
26.04.2024 kl 04:43
I agree with you.
I find it perplexing that people are willing to put their hard earned money into companies that don't really have a future and yet here we have a company in ENSU who are finally on the fringe of greatness !!
This share use to be called a "lottery" Well, I think we can all move past that and now refer to it as an "advanced technology company" which has in my humble opinion, given a little time, will reach a stratospheric level like all the great names in technology we know of today.
I find it perplexing that people are willing to put their hard earned money into companies that don't really have a future and yet here we have a company in ENSU who are finally on the fringe of greatness !!
This share use to be called a "lottery" Well, I think we can all move past that and now refer to it as an "advanced technology company" which has in my humble opinion, given a little time, will reach a stratospheric level like all the great names in technology we know of today.
26.04.2024 kl 01:48
Hvorfor er jeg ikke overrasket at ingen har kommentert her etter ENSU har oppnådd en slik bragd?
Ser virkelig frem til at denne snøballen skal rulle avgårde i riktig retning nå. Flere detaljerte meldinger om leveranser og kunder ligger nok rett rundt hjørnet, og da er det kun en vei, og det er opp og til høyre.
Ser virkelig frem til at denne snøballen skal rulle avgårde i riktig retning nå. Flere detaljerte meldinger om leveranser og kunder ligger nok rett rundt hjørnet, og da er det kun en vei, og det er opp og til høyre.
Redigert 24.05.2024 kl 17:45
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