Oppkjøp og oppjustert guiding 2024

ABTEC 25.04.2024 kl 22:39 768

Aqua Bio Technology ("ABT" or the "Company" and together with its wholly owned subsidiaries, the "ABT Group") has today, on 25 April 2024, entered into an agreement (the "Agreement") with CoC Invest AS ("CoC Invest") regarding the Company's acquisition of all of the outstanding shares in the 3D Innovation Nordic AS ("3D").
Pursuant to the Agreement, the Company shall further acquire all of the outstanding shares in the companies Printprofil AS and Check Please AS (jointly with 3D, the "Target Group") from CoC Invest in connection with the acquisition of 3D (jointly, the "Acquisitions"). The Target Group represents a major wholesale group in the Nordics.

In 2023, the Target Group had an unaudited turnover of NOK 87.6 million, of which 3D had a turnover of NOK 73 million. The Target Group companies are profitable and EBIDTA for the Target Group in 2023 ended jointly at NOK 5 million.


Considering that Q1 is typically the weakest quarter in this segment, with 60% of annual turnover normally occurring in Q3 and Q4, ABT is on track with its previous guidance for a turnover of NOK 140-150 million in 2024.

With the integration of Ovalen AS(www.pusteromhudpleie.no -http://www.pusteromhudpleie.no/) starting from Q2, and assuming satisfactory due diligence and the completion of the acquisition of 3D Innovation Nordic AS and
its affiliated companies in Q2, ABT anticipates that the turnover for 2024 will reach NOK 200-210 million and that the pro forma turnover for 2024 for the Group will exceed NOK 250 million.

Redigert 26.04.2024 kl 08:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
26.04.2024 kl 09:07 676

Dagens rakett dette.. laster
Fikk kjøpt 16000 til åpning
Redigert 26.04.2024 kl 09:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
26.04.2024 kl 09:10 671

9000 til til 5,7 wtf ok da er jeg happy
10000 til på 5,5💫🚀🚀
På med brillan🥸
Redigert 26.04.2024 kl 09:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
26.04.2024 kl 09:31 645

Eierne av 3D har i går tegnet seg for 6kr per aksje og idag selger små aksjonærer for 5,5...komisk:)
Slettet bruker
26.04.2024 kl 09:34 641

Hysterisk! Trodde ikke jeg skulle få under 6kr.
Angrer på at jeg kun lastet 20.000 igår.
Ble fin fangst. Litt katt og mus og småsparere kaster ut med de store. Plutselig går toget og alle skal hive seg på.

Lockup på aksjene du nevner også
02.05.2024 kl 10:09 523

Her trengs en større aktør som kan komme og ta jafs i aksjene disse tullinger sellger og sellger nedover.
02.05.2024 kl 16:57 459

Ifra Nordnet:

Oslo Børs has taken the decision to place Aqua Bio Technology ASA in the Penalty
Bench, cf. section 2.10.3 (1) of the Oslo Rule Book II. Aqua Bio Technology ASA
is placed in Penalty Bench with immediate effect due to failure to comply with
Oslo Rule Book II section 4.3.1 public disclosure of the annual report. Penalty
Bench is a special compartment where the securities of issuers that do not
comply with the Rules are placed. Oslo Børs will remove securities from the
Penalty Bench and allocate the securities to the normal compartment when the
issuer has corrected the violation of the Rules that was the reason for
allocating the security to the Penalty Bench.