5PG - Stabil lønnsom drift. Solid vekstmodus fokusering.

5PG 21.05.2024 kl 14:37 9785

Upcoming Event
24.05.2024 – Quarterly Report – Q1

God historikk:
Stock exchange announcements
23.05.2024 kl 10:08 8707

Dagen før Q1 og nyheter.
Bamse Moms i sikte 1,65 -> 1,55 eller brudd opp 1,95 -> 2,55 ?
Piggvar 2
23.05.2024 kl 11:26 8688

Det er så og si null interesse for denne aksjen. Det har det vært i en stund.
Det er lite som skjer - stille .

Det er ikke kommet med noe som tilsier at volumet og kursen skal stige heller.
Å være kun notert på Oslo børs er ikke en fordel med gaming selskap/er.

Nei, de må nok komme med noe stort noe som kan få inn noe grunkers i kassen , Det blir for smått det som er nå,

Det er greit med prosent økningen , men å rope hurra hurra er det ikke .

Men for alldel så kan det fort snu for sånne aksjer- når/hvis den riktige melding kommer !!!

Tålmodighet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24.05.2024 kl 10:10 8619

Ti gangen på fem / -ti år i sikte - forventes, fordi det er et globalt dekkende konsept, med Norden også i innfasing.
Bare å akkumulere, samt trade 50` ved anledning.

Blitt fundamentalt solid, med vekstmuligheter i særklasse.
God Q1:

Lykke til!
24.05.2024 kl 11:39 8600

Se det ja, en smak 5PG BamseMoms til helga - kan bli enda bedre!
Mai - juni er krevende for de fleste - vyer, lyster, tradisjoner suger penger, samt restskatt etc, etc..
Piggvar 2
24.05.2024 kl 12:00 8571

He he ..Det går mye poser av BamseMoms!

Har aksjer som ikke selges på langt høyere nivå enn nå.

Selv om det er null interrsse for aksjen - så fatter jeg interesse for sånne aksjer ...
Kjøpe på ca. en bunn og selge på ca. topp ....

Spiller egentlig ikke hvor lang tid det tar ...det tar så lang tid det tar......
27.05.2024 kl 06:16 8471

Morn, -ja Piggvar 3, men i såpass lader at årganger finnes rikelig på lager.
Bølger rettvendt fra d.å..

God uke1
Piggvar 2
27.05.2024 kl 09:46 8398

Forrykende start på en mandag.
28.05.2024 kl 16:15 8315

Ryktebørsen linker mye "kurs-drivende-nytt-til-dette -"CEO letter" -avsnittet:

"As a result of all the above we find ourselves in the enviable position of being presented with
new opportunities that under normal circumstances may not have been presented to us; we
are currently reviewing a number of these opportunities both within and outside of video games
publishing and I look forward to announcing more details in the coming weeks. "
CEO Letter
Given our outstanding performance as shown in our recently published 2023 Annual Report,
I am really pleased to continue the flood of good news in releasing the Q1 report and accounts
for 2024. Our financial performance in the first quarter of the year is summarized here;
Revenue for Q1 has increased by 13% from DKK 2.47m in 2023 to DKK 2.78m in 2024.
EBITDA has increased from DKK 8,000 in 2023 to DKK 1.27m in 2024.
Cash reserves have also increased from DKK 36m in 2023 to DKK 44.6m in 2024.
Our performance over the last two years is even more impressive when set against the
challenges being faced by the video games sector globally; the layoffs announced in recent
weeks by Sony and Electronic Arts, who join the likes of Embracer Group, Microsoft, Take-Two
Interactive, Amazon, Bungie, CD Projekt Red, Ubisoft, Riot Games, and Unity. In just the first two
months of 2024, the games industry saw an estimated 8,100 people laid off as it adjusts to the
new and challenging market conditions.
Against this background and the challenges of the wider industry, we can reflect with pride on
our efforts in recent years to minimize our cost of operations, maintain a strong cash position
and to actively pursue strategic opportunities in related sectors that mitigate the risk of video
games publishing (e.g., our investment in Sagafilm).

As a result of all the above we find ourselves in the enviable position of being presented with
new opportunities that under normal circumstances may not have been presented to us; we
are currently reviewing a number of these opportunities both within and outside of video games
publishing and I look forward to announcing more details in the coming weeks.

In terms of recent announcements, I was especially pleased to reveal details of both of the
initiatives below as they are great examples of our increasingly diverse business interests and
areas of activity.
Our interest in VAKA - a co-production between Skybound Entertainment, Amazon MGM
Studios, Unlimited Stories, and Sagafilm ehf, the entity in which 5th Planet Games is a
significant shareholder. The new series was announced in mid-March.
Our partnership with Nordisk Interactive - under the terms of the agreement, 5th Planet
Games will manage the distribution of Physical Video Games across the Nordic regions with
marketing, logistics, and distribution capability being provided by Nordisk Interactive. This is
a whole new line of business for 5th Planet and will start to contribute later this year.
Today we are a small but growing, stable and well-resourced company operating in markets
that are presenting exciting opportunities for further, dynamic growth and diversification.
Our guidance for the year remains unchanged from that published in the 2023 Annual Report
a few weeks ago.
Wishing you all a happy Spring,
Mark Stanger, CEO
May 2024
Redigert 28.05.2024 kl 16:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.05.2024 kl 09:42 8226

Ble litt snadder fredag BamseMoms etter åpning - beste på "evigheter" !
Siste helga i mai er bra sånn sett i mange borsnoterte selskaper - mange begivenheter etc. etc. suger penger.
God helg!
31.05.2024 kl 18:36 8171

Da tok jeg noen lodd på dagens dupp.
Får se om dette bærer fruktet i kommende uker..
Satser på kr.3 raskt.
31.05.2024 kl 19:11 8153

Har egentlig ikke så stor forventning til sommeren, men det hadde vært kjekt med et løft. Skybound må få ut fingeren hvis de skal sikre seg resten av warrantsene før året er omme, så det kan jo hende det skjer noe snart.
03.06.2024 kl 09:36 8012

Tror man bør kjøpe nå, før gode news kommer.
03.06.2024 kl 13:19 7992

Kommer nytt på nytt, - litt og titt d.å..:

Redigert 03.06.2024 kl 13:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
05.06.2024 kl 11:39 7915

Sesong for stille akkumulering til august - september, med påfølgende trading takter mot - og i adventtida.
10.06.2024 kl 09:13 7749

14-2024 5th Planet Games announces founding member status of Games Denmark
5th Planet joins other leading Danish Video Games Companies in the formation of
the new association.

COPENHAGEN - June 10th, 2024 - 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG), 5th Planet
Games, the video game financier behind hit games like Escape Academy,
WrestleQuest, and Invincible Presents: Atom Eve, is pleased to announce its
founding membership of the newly established Video Games trade body, Games

Games Denmark was inaugurated earlier this month and formally announced, to a
great reaction at the 'CPH Matchup' event. The new association represents all
businesses across the entirety of the Danish games industry; including
independent developers, major companies, investors, publishers, homegrown
heroes, game-relevant tech platforms as well as the service providers who keep
the sector going on a day-to-day basis.

Other founding members of the Association include, Tactile Games, Slipgate / 3D
Realms, IO Interactive, Nordisk Games, Trophy Games, Ghostship Games, Northplay
and Raw Power Games.

Commenting on the initiative, Mark Stanger the CEO of 5th Planet Games said,
"5th Planet is rightly proud of its Danish heritage and the great Danish IP that
we have brought to market over the years; I am fully committed to doing
everything we can to support the long term-growth of the Dames games industry
domestically and to ensure that it continues to punch above its weight

Games Denmark's strategy will hinge upon 3 pillars in elevating the industry in
the coming years; GROWTH, including access to capital and talent, KNOWLEDGE
through the development of formal and informal networks and AWARENESS in
ensuring that the industry voice is heard in all the right places.

Søren Lundgaard from Ghost Ship Games serves as Chair of the new organization
and made the following observation "we welcome 5th Planet Games into Games
Denmark and look forward to working with them, and their partners, in delivering
our vision of positioning Denmark as a small global superpower for commercially
and artistically successful video games."
Click here for more information
Piggvar 2
11.06.2024 kl 10:07 7640

Over 2 time og 0 (null) i omsetning. Det går unna om dagen !!!!!!!!!
Redigert 11.06.2024 kl 11:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.06.2024 kl 10:23 7547

Tornerosesøvn, ferietid, restskatt o.a. påkrevet i lader åpner for svært så gunstige akkumulerings muligheter i ny og ne.

5PG er i bunn og grunn sunn og verd å ta noen lodd i dann og vann opp til KR 2
Det mulige falske bruddet ned vedvarer ikke lenge heretter - det skyldes i hovedsak de nye hobby amatørene på børsen, som utnyttes av noen få rutinerte - i et smalt Mr. Market segment.

Kjøpesignalene like rundt hjørnet.
Piggvar 2
12.06.2024 kl 10:46 7515

Ikke uenig i det - selv om det har vært en nitrist aksje i lang tid.
Grunnmuren begynner å bli veldig sterk (nå tenker jeg ikke på aksjekursen,men selve selskapet)
Folket begynner å bli lei ,- eller er lei av tregheten!
Men sånn er det nå - og det er lite vi får gjort med det.

Når det ser mørkest ut er vel da en skal kjøpe - for det er mye bra de har fått til - og det som er sikkert er at det kommer mere....

Forventningene at ting skulle skje raskere er nok årsaken på kursen pr,dags.dato .

Vi lever i et samfunn der alt skal gå i hu og hast.Folket har dårlig tid :)
Redigert 12.06.2024 kl 11:01 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.06.2024 kl 11:04 7433

Ja, sånn er det - "alt skal gå i hu og hast".

1,5200 - 1,5950 er BamseMoms i gyllen klasse, men ikke så bra for dem som gir seg nå,
20.06.2024 kl 09:10 7236

15-2024 5th Planet Games in Partnership with Skybound Games Announces Nordisk Interactive A/S as Physical Distributor of Funko Fusion Video Game in the Nordics

Piggvar 2
20.06.2024 kl 15:24 7183

Show me the money ! Ok. Men , hvis du vil bli litt rikere enn folk flest - så kjøper en aksjer på salg - denne kommer som en kule - når ? vet ikke , men det kommer....saueflokken kommer ,,, den tid kommer , men når vet jeg dessverre ikke .

Sa du salg , - ok , etter inntektene så ser det grufult ut ...altfor høyt priset ...men , ja det er et stort MEN....kjøp nå -så forstår du hva jeg mener......

Takk meg ..når ? når tiden er inne ....
20.06.2024 kl 22:51 7145

Funko Fusion er ingen liten butikk! Gøy å se at 5PG lander avtaler som dette. Kommer til å ha en helt annen inntjening enn mobilspillene de produserer.


Ser ikke ut til at markedet henger helt med her. Det fundamentet 5PG bygger nå, er bunnsolid!
21.06.2024 kl 13:28 7066

Markedet henger med, men.... "kulissespesialist-traderne" ser muligheter og følger lekent med.
Noen dropper aksjer for påtrengende behov.
Ferie og dvale tid på børsen byr gjerne på snapp opp muligheter med mangfoldig kortsiktig "pay back" mulighet.
God midtsommer helg og ferie til de som er i gang med den,
11.07.2024 kl 08:46 6688

5th Planet Games co-financed Simulator Closer the Distance to Launch on Steam, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S on August 2, 2024

Use your ethereal abilities from the afterlife to lead your loved ones through
an emotional journey.

COPENHAGEN – July 11th 2024 - 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG), in partnership
with Skybound Entertainment and award-winning indie studio Osmotic Games, is
excited to announce that Closer the Distance, the story-driven slice-of-life
simulator, will launch for PC via Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S on
Aug. 2, 2024.

From the team behind the critically acclaimed game Orwell, Closer the Distance
follows the tragic journey of Yesterby, a small, cozy village coping with the
sudden passing of one of its townspeople. Explore themes of loss, grief, and
healing as you play Angela, a young girl watching over her loved ones by using
her ethereal abilities to help the community navigate the grieving process after
a tragic accident. Use your supernatural powers to learn the stories of this
small town, discover long-kept secrets, and help the living embrace the power of
carrying on through an emotionally complex tale of love, grief, and hope.

Key citizens of Yesterby are fully simulated with their own emotions, wishes,
memories, and complex relationships that develop over time with or without
influence from Angela. Embark on a remarkable journey in which you hold the key
to helping your community discover that loss can be the catalyst of
transformational growth toward a hopeful future.
Closer the Distance launches August 2 on Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series
X|S and is available to wishlist on Steam now. For more information, visit
Additional assets can be found here.

About Osmotic Studios
Osmotic Studios is an award-winning independent game development company based
in Hamburg, Germany. Always striving to test out new ways to convey a
convincing narrative, the company focuses on story-centric games with socially
relevant and meaningful topics at their hearts. Best-known is Osmotic Studios’
debut game Orwell, released in 2016, putting players in the shoes of a
government agent in the eponymous surveillance program, tasked with spying on
suspect persons by going through their online documents and files and listening
in on their chats and phone calls. Orwell received widespread critical acclaim
and recognition from The Game Awards, the Independent Games Festival, and SXSW
Redigert 11.07.2024 kl 08:46 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.07.2024 kl 12:15 6499

Ferie Bamse Moms for startere, garva jenter og gutter, - kvinner og menn.
Små poster under 1,50 med dobling mulighet i sikte innen jul - noen andre selskap med samme muligheten på ose?
Alle monne drar.
Fortsatt god sommer!
01.08.2024 kl 12:01 6271

Förste uka etter fellesferien er alltid beste rabatterte og også BamseMoms uka i denne kategorien spillaksjer.
Kan bli bedre tilbud för skolestart og 30.08.2024 – Halt-yearly Report.
06.08.2024 kl 09:28 6093


17-2024 5th Planet Games\, Skybound Games\, and Osmotic Studios' Slice-of-Life Sim Closer the Distance Launches Today on Steam\, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S
Use your ethereal abilities from the afterlife to guide a community through
tragedy in this emotional journey from the award-winning creators of Orwell

COPENHAGEN Aug 2nd, 2024 - 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG) is proud to announce
the launch of its latest video game, Closer the Distance. Closer the Distance is
a story-driven slice-of-life simulator from award-winning indie developer
Osmotic Studios and published by Skybound Games. Use ethereal abilities to
discover the characters at the heart of a community, unearth its long-kept
secrets, and guide your loved ones through unimaginable tragedy in this deeply
emotional tale about loss, grief, and hope. Closer the Distance is available on
PC via Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S for $19.99|EUR19.99|£15.99, with
a bonus 10% discount offered on Steam at launch.

Watch the Closer the Distance Launch Trailer: YouTube
From the talented team behind the critically acclaimed Orwell, Closer the
Distance tells a story about the connections between family and friends in the
face of death. When a young woman named Angela dies suddenly in an unfortunate
accident, it shakes the tight-knit community of Yesterby to its core. Playing as
Angela from beyond the grave, you'll use your ethereal abilities to explore
Yesterby, unearth the many intimate stories and secrets lying beneath its
surface, and help uplift and heal those you've left behind.
Closer the Distance combines engaging sim gameplay with a gripping narrative for
a truly immersive experience. Key residents of Yesterby are fully simulated with
their own complex emotions, memories, and relationships that develop over time
with or without your input. But ultimately, the choices you make will determine
the fate of Yesterby and its people.

Key Features
o Embark on a remarkable journey in which you hold the key to helping your
community deal with their loss, using your ethereal powers as the catalyst for
catharsis, growth, healing, and hope.
o Discover the many different characters, relationships, stories, and secrets at
the heart of a small community grappling with the fallout of an unthinkable
o Experience a deeply compelling, emotionally charged narrative featuring themes
of love, empathy, friendship, family, grief, and closure.
o Engaging gameplay and choice-driven storytelling lets you affect the outcome
of the tale, making each playthrough unique.

Closer the Distance is available today on Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series
X|S. For more information, visit www.ClosertheDistance.com. Additional assets
can be found here.

About Osmotic Studios
Osmotic Studios is an award-winning independent game development company based
in Hamburg, Germany. Always striving to test out new ways to convey a
convincing narrative, the company focuses on story-centric games with socially
relevant and meaningful topics at their hearts. Best-known is Osmotic Studios'
debut game Orwell, released in 2016, putting players in the shoes of a
government agent in the eponymous surveillance program, tasked with spying on
suspect persons by going through their online documents and files and listening
in on their chats and phone calls. Orwell received widespread critical acclaim
and recognition from The Game Awards, the Independent Games Festival, and SXSW
06.08.2024 kl 11:06 6014

Lotto aksjen
06.08.2024 kl 13:14 5932

5PG er trauste, solide og i bilde for bilde vekst.

Jalla ut-inn-ut unge aksjonerer preger kursbilde såpass. at hövdinger kan höstes iblant av de flinke unge m.fl..
09.08.2024 kl 09:08 5592

KR 2 soon.
Aug 07 2024: 18-2024 News update - 5th Planet Games\, Skybound Games\, and Osmotic Studios' Closer the Distance attracts outstanding coverage and media reviews on release.

In total, 18 pieces of coverage have been secured so far on the Closer the
Distance launch, and sentiment is hugely positive with review scores averaging a
score of 88 on Metacritic.

Media praise the game's excellent writing, stylized environments, Sims-like
gameplay and emotionally compelling exploration of grief

COPENHAGEN Aug 7th , 2024 - 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG) confirms that
following its release on Friday 2nd August, Closer The Distance has released to
an exceptionally positive reaction from players and media. See below for
highlights of some of the coverage;

o Xbox Wire (104 million UVM) - Closer the Distance: The Complex Characters of
This Slice-of-Life Sim
o IGN (103 million UVM) - Closer The Distance - Official Launch Trailer
o GamesRadar (37,6 million UVM) - Closer the Distance is an emotional, heartfelt
Sims-like adventure about loss and grief that moved me to tears several times
o "One of my favorite new games of the year"
o "A moving narrative experience with choices that matter"
o TheGamer (27,1 million UVM) - Closer The Distance Review - Grief Management
o Score 4.5/5 - "a deeply moving and compelling story"
o FandomWire (14,6 million UVM) - Closer the Distance Review - Deep, Enriching,
and Incredibly Emotional (PS5)
o Score 8/10 - "certainly one to consider for Best Indie of the Year."
o VG24/7 (11 million UVM) - Closer the Distance review: A bittersweet tale of a
town in mourning that's as sincere as it is refreshing
o Score 5/5 - "as sincere as it is refreshing"
o Try Hard Guides (5.2 million UVM) - Closer The Distance Review - Closure
o Score 9/10 - "Closer The Distance is a game that will make you feel."

Closer the Distance is on Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. For more
information, visit

About Osmotic Studios
Osmotic Studios is an award-winning independent game development company based
in Hamburg, Germany. Always striving to test out new ways to convey a
convincing narrative, the company focuses on story-centric games with socially
relevant and meaningful topics at their hearts. Best-known is Osmotic Studios'
debut game Orwell, released in 2016, putting players in the shoes of a
government agent in the eponymous surveillance program, tasked with spying on
suspect persons by going through their online documents and files and listening
in on their chats and phone calls. Orwell received widespread critical acclaim
and recognition from The Game Awards, the Independent Games Festival, and SXSW
Redigert 09.08.2024 kl 09:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.08.2024 kl 18:50 5304

I morgen bør kursen gruses til under krona. Trist melding for sittende aksjonærer.
23.08.2024 kl 09:26 4393

Er også en BamseMoms fredag for alle ett til fem års investorer.
Spennende vekstmuligheter for rutinert selskap.

19-2024 5th Planet Games downgrades financial outlook for the 2024 financial year
COPENHAGEN - August 22nd, 2024 - 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG) following a
board resolution executed this morning, 5th Planet Games updates its guidance
for financial performance in the current year.

Based on the latest projections, the updated guidance is summarized as follows

Total net revenue 14.23m
EBITDA 2.95m

Commenting on the updated guidance, Mark Stanger CEO of 5th Planet Games
"The Board and I are taking this opportunity to adjust to a more conservative
projection for the current year as we, and the rest of the global games
industry, continue to battle significant headwinds.
The fundamentals of our business remain solid, we are set on delivering another
profitable year and continue to take steps in securing truly exciting growth
opportunities for the longer term"

19-2024 5th Planet Games nedgraderer økonomiske utsikter for regnskapsåret 2024
KØBENHAVN – 22. august 2024 – 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG) etter en
styreresolusjon utført i morges, 5th Planet Games oppdaterer sin veiledning
for økonomiske resultater i inneværende år.

Basert på de siste anslagene er den oppdaterte veiledningen oppsummert som følger

Samlet nettoinntekt 14,23m
EBITDA 2,95m

Mark Stanger, administrerende direktør for 5th Planet Games, kommenterer den oppdaterte veiledningen
"Styret og jeg benytter anledningen til å tilpasse oss en mer konservativ
prognose for inneværende år som vi, og resten av de globale spillene
industrien, fortsetter å kjempe mot betydelig motvind.
Det grunnleggende i virksomheten vår er fortsatt solid, vi er innstilt på å levere
lønnsomt i fortsettelsen, samt ta grep for å sikre virkelig spennende vekst
muligheter på lengre sikt"
Redigert 23.08.2024 kl 09:29 Du må logge inn for å svare
23.08.2024 kl 09:34 4377

Største drittaksjen på Oslo børs.
23.08.2024 kl 09:38 4372

Samt den verste ledelsen. Løgn etter løgn og tror skandinaver er dumme nok til å svelge alt rått!!
23.08.2024 kl 11:19 4275

Hvor langt ned tror dere vi skal?
26.08.2024 kl 13:42 4052

Q3 og Q4 blir spennende, selv med en liten pust i bakken :D

Trette og leie investorer kan gruse kursen videre, men 5th har positive dekningsbidrag, solid og voksende utviklings potensiale gående -bedre og bedre - jevnt og trutt - trauste - sulten og iherdige.
18-2024 News update - 5th Planet Games\, Skybound Games\, and Osmotic Studios' Closer the Distance attracts outstanding coverage and media reviews on release.
In total, 18 pieces of coverage have been secured so far on the Closer the
Distance launch, and sentiment is hugely positive with review scores averaging a
score of 88 on Metacritic.

Media praise the game's excellent writing, stylized environments, Sims-like
gameplay and emotionally compelling exploration of grief

COPENHAGEN Aug 7th , 2024 - 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG) confirms that
following its release on Friday 2nd August, Closer The Distance has released to
an exceptionally positive reaction from players and media. See below for
highlights of some of the coverage;

o Xbox Wire (104 million UVM) - Closer the Distance: The Complex Characters of
This Slice-of-Life Sim
o IGN (103 million UVM) - Closer The Distance - Official Launch Trailer
o GamesRadar (37,6 million UVM) - Closer the Distance is an emotional, heartfelt
Sims-like adventure about loss and grief that moved me to tears several times
o "One of my favorite new games of the year"
o "A moving narrative experience with choices that matter"
o TheGamer (27,1 million UVM) - Closer The Distance Review - Grief Management
o Score 4.5/5 - "a deeply moving and compelling story"
o FandomWire (14,6 million UVM) - Closer the Distance Review - Deep, Enriching,
and Incredibly Emotional (PS5)
o Score 8/10 - "certainly one to consider for Best Indie of the Year."
o VG24/7 (11 million UVM) - Closer the Distance review: A bittersweet tale of a
town in mourning that's as sincere as it is refreshing
o Score 5/5 - "as sincere as it is refreshing"
o Try Hard Guides (5.2 million UVM) - Closer The Distance Review - Closure
o Score 9/10 - "Closer The Distance is a game that will make you feel."

Closer the Distance is on Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S. For more
information, visit

About Osmotic Studios
Osmotic Studios is an award-winning independent game development company based
in Hamburg, Germany. Always striving to test out new ways to convey a
convincing narrative, the company focuses on story-centric games with socially
relevant and meaningful topics at their hearts. Best-known is Osmotic Studios'
debut game Orwell, released in 2016, putting players in the shoes of a
government agent in the eponymous surveillance program, tasked with spying on
suspect persons by going through their online documents and files and listening
in on their chats and phone calls. Orwell received widespread critical acclaim
and recognition from The Game Awards, the Independent Games Festival, and SXSW
Click here for more information

19-2024 5th Planet Games downgrades financial outlook for the 2024 financial year
COPENHAGEN - August 22nd, 2024 - 5th Planet Games A/S (OAX: 5PG) following a
board resolution executed this morning, 5th Planet Games updates its guidance
for financial performance in the current year.

Based on the latest projections, the updated guidance is summarized as follows

Total net revenue 14.23m
EBITDA 2.95m

Commenting on the updated guidance, Mark Stanger CEO of 5th Planet Games
"The Board and I are taking this opportunity to adjust to a more conservative
projection for the current year as we, and the rest of the global games
industry, continue to battle significant headwinds.
The fundamentals of our business remain solid, we are set on delivering another
profitable year and continue to take steps in securing truly exciting growth
opportunities for the longer term"
30.08.2024 – Halt-yearly Report
Redigert 26.08.2024 kl 13:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
Piggvar 2
26.08.2024 kl 15:52 3977

Selskapet er på riktig vei ( kun småpenger inn ennå) , men det går den riktige vei smått og rolig ennå. Noen river seg i håret og gråter av aksjekurs ras - enkelte sitter stille og plukker aksjer og smiler . Den som har trua på denne på sikt må jo synes det er fabelaktiv å se kursen går nedover.
Personlig synes jeg jo bedre pris jo bedre....ville en ha kjøpt samme sykkel (helt ny) for 40 tusen eller 80 tusen ? Hvilken pris går du for !!
Piggvar 2
26.08.2024 kl 15:58 3968

Ikke til deg InnerTier. Du har forstått det - bamsemums i dag også !!
26.08.2024 kl 16:27 3952

Å handle aksjer i dette selskapet er ikke bare høyrisiko, det er galskap!
Piggvar 2
26.08.2024 kl 17:30 3903

HE he ... husker den gang en fyr som var her inne kalte alt galskap,....mulig han har rett.....ler gjør jeg ...mange år tilbake da forumet var THE ONE