QEC - The road to 55 NOK
The other threads are pretty full
Now we will soon get some clarifications that will show the way forward for QEC
Is QEC among the 150 industrial projects on his table???
Lobbyists have been jostling at the gates of Hydro-Québec and Pierre Fitzgibbon's office for a year
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
Lobbyists knock on the door
Energy Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon is due to introduce a major bill on the province's energy framework by June 8. He also had to choose between more than 150 industrial projects on his table. A handful of them have already been chosen. The government will announce the lucky ones in a few weeks.
Pierre Fitzgibbon admitted last April that the government had been "taken aback" by the electricity shortage that Quebec is about to experience. <-------
Now we will soon get some clarifications that will show the way forward for QEC
Is QEC among the 150 industrial projects on his table???
Lobbyists have been jostling at the gates of Hydro-Québec and Pierre Fitzgibbon's office for a year
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
Lobbyists knock on the door
Energy Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon is due to introduce a major bill on the province's energy framework by June 8. He also had to choose between more than 150 industrial projects on his table. A handful of them have already been chosen. The government will announce the lucky ones in a few weeks.
Pierre Fitzgibbon admitted last April that the government had been "taken aback" by the electricity shortage that Quebec is about to experience. <-------
Redigert 28.05.2024 kl 11:39
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I dag kl 08:24
55 kroner, denne engelsk talende ts har jo ikke bakke kontakt, samme luftige vyer på Nel tråd. Han virker å forstå norsk og tror det blir mer pålitelig å skrive engelsk. Kursen her har jo ligget brakk i en mannsalder.
I dag kl 07:39
Ok, takk for informasjon. Håper nevnte statsadvokat og staten Quebec får kjørt seg skikkelig. Så bra at de yter motstand fra flere.. en kun Questerra energy. Ikke verdig en nasjon som Canada.
I dag kl 00:07
De venter som oss på domsavgjørelsen.
Quebec har prøvd og tilrane seg alle rettigheter, til og med forlangt å få utlevert all brøn dokumentasjon. Samt på lagt alle selskaper og rydde opp å stenge brønnene
Myndighetene fra 2006 til i dag hatt en statsadvokat som fører politikere bak lyset, ved å prøve å lage lover som omgår alle dagens lover også grunnloven.
De har akkurat tapt saken mot Inuittene som de hadde anket.
Enkelt sagt "Vis myndigheten vinner anken har de fritt spillerom til å lage lover som omgår lover mot dem"
Canada vil ikke godkjenne en slik avgjørelse.
Quebec har prøvd og tilrane seg alle rettigheter, til og med forlangt å få utlevert all brøn dokumentasjon. Samt på lagt alle selskaper og rydde opp å stenge brønnene
Myndighetene fra 2006 til i dag hatt en statsadvokat som fører politikere bak lyset, ved å prøve å lage lover som omgår alle dagens lover også grunnloven.
De har akkurat tapt saken mot Inuittene som de hadde anket.
Enkelt sagt "Vis myndigheten vinner anken har de fritt spillerom til å lage lover som omgår lover mot dem"
Canada vil ikke godkjenne en slik avgjørelse.
I går kl 22:43
https://energynow.ca/2022/06/quebec-gets-sued-bill-21-utica-resources-sues-the-quebec-government-for-18-billion-for-violating-article-6-of-the-quebec-charter-of-rights-and-freedoms/?amp Noen som lest om hvordan det gekk med søksmålet fra Utica Resources? Eller pågåer det fortsatt? Så beløpet de nevnte da..18 billion dollars..!
I går kl 22:25
3 brønner under borring i Kakwa North, bør det vel stå, der QEC har 50% eierskap, tiltenkt produksjontil Q2 iår.. står nevnt. Nå under Q4-2024 kom 3 brønner ( gas) til produksjon i Kakwa Central , QEC har 25% eierskap i nevnte. Konklusjon er mere inntekter fremover for Questerra energy.
I går kl 22:10
https://investornytt.no/quebec-superior-court-suspenderer-bestemmelser-i-lov-21/ fra 26 januar ifjor. Men er jo hva anken fra Staten Quebec handler om. Så synes det er brennaktuellt uansett nå når dommerpanelet ( 5stk) gransker saken og kommer med en konklusjon/ vedtak, nå om ikke altfor lenge (forhåpentligvis). I mellomtiden venter vi på melding om 3 nye brønner som er under borring.
MC Axel
I går kl 21:28
I wouldn't have sold if we had seen progress. Now we've waited much longer for a pilot than promised and there's been no news regarding the compensation case.
QEC has previously been down to 1.30 NOK and it is possible
If QEC were to receive a pilot permit, the share would go up by several NOK and if QEC were to receive a oil license, it would go up by several tens of NOK. It's not going to happen because this is Quebec, which is like a wild west state.
If the compensation case goes to court, the share could increase significantly in value and if QEC wins in court, we are talking about tens of NOK (55 NOK), and there is a good chance that it could happen. I have said all along that QEC has a good case, but that they must now abandon the dialogue with Quebec and meet in court
Selling the stock does not necessarily mean that you think the stock is a bad apple, but that you are not satisfied with the company's strategy.
and QEC history has shown over the past few years that the Quebec approach has failed
QEC has previously been down to 1.30 NOK and it is possible
If QEC were to receive a pilot permit, the share would go up by several NOK and if QEC were to receive a oil license, it would go up by several tens of NOK. It's not going to happen because this is Quebec, which is like a wild west state.
If the compensation case goes to court, the share could increase significantly in value and if QEC wins in court, we are talking about tens of NOK (55 NOK), and there is a good chance that it could happen. I have said all along that QEC has a good case, but that they must now abandon the dialogue with Quebec and meet in court
Selling the stock does not necessarily mean that you think the stock is a bad apple, but that you are not satisfied with the company's strategy.
and QEC history has shown over the past few years that the Quebec approach has failed
Redigert i går kl 21:30
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I går kl 16:10
Belivers belongs in church
You sold out , and of course you want a nice entry
Nobody knows what will haben
But funny (actually sad) to see how robots can control the share price
You sold out , and of course you want a nice entry
Nobody knows what will haben
But funny (actually sad) to see how robots can control the share price
I går kl 13:04
Hva tenker du skjer med kursen mht ankesaken de neste månedene? Det er to scenarioer der. Enten blir anken forkastet og vi har Status Quo. Eller så blir den tatt til følge, noe som medfører at QEC må stenge alle brønner og rydde opp etter seg.
Scenario 1= Antakelig noe oppgang pga lettelse osv.
Scenario 2= kraftig fall pga mange tror at QEC står og faller med Quebec. Dette vil overstyre utsiktene til høyere inntekter i regnskapet pga flere brønner.
Det er mitt tips for de neste månedene.
Deretter vil naturligvis jobben med å få erstatning kjøres videre, pluss mer overskudd i regnskapet. osv.
Scenario 1= Antakelig noe oppgang pga lettelse osv.
Scenario 2= kraftig fall pga mange tror at QEC står og faller med Quebec. Dette vil overstyre utsiktene til høyere inntekter i regnskapet pga flere brønner.
Det er mitt tips for de neste månedene.
Deretter vil naturligvis jobben med å få erstatning kjøres videre, pluss mer overskudd i regnskapet. osv.
MC Axel
I går kl 12:30
There is a total information drought here!
I believe that QEC should go directly to court with Quebec and drop the pilot, etc., because QEC will not move forward in this case and the stock won't go up in price as long as they mess around with the Quebec issue
I think the stock will most likely go down to test 1.30 NOK as long as the QEC lawsuit is not submitted to court
I have followed the share down to 1.20 - 1.30 NOK several times myself, but this time I am not part of the decline.
If QEC wins the case sometime in 2026, the share price will explode, but not before that
I think the potential is great, but now QEC needs to come up with something concrete to support their credibility.
In short:
Stop fooling around with the Quebec government, which no one can trust
I believe that QEC should go directly to court with Quebec and drop the pilot, etc., because QEC will not move forward in this case and the stock won't go up in price as long as they mess around with the Quebec issue
I think the stock will most likely go down to test 1.30 NOK as long as the QEC lawsuit is not submitted to court
I have followed the share down to 1.20 - 1.30 NOK several times myself, but this time I am not part of the decline.
If QEC wins the case sometime in 2026, the share price will explode, but not before that
I think the potential is great, but now QEC needs to come up with something concrete to support their credibility.
In short:
Stop fooling around with the Quebec government, which no one can trust
Redigert i går kl 12:40
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08.01.2025 kl 23:06
Svar fra ankesaken er ventet i slutten av januar, 3 nye brønner spuddes i januar. god kjøpsmulighet nå skal nok opp endel prosent før 1 feb. tipper det kommer kjøpspress ila 7-10 dg. enn så lenge faller den tilbake på lavt volum.
08.01.2025 kl 16:45
ganske forfærdeligt men vi kan glæde os over ingen bed til bolle på vindparkerne, så var det for alvor blevet dyrt at være dansk
08.01.2025 kl 16:38
Hvor ble det av nyttårs raketten til drømmerne her på HO??? Det ser ut som den har kressja.
08.01.2025 kl 16:19
Viktig å huske, det var herfra den spratt over 2,50 i september 2024.
08.01.2025 kl 15:57
Klart alt er jo baseret på subsidier
Stakkels danmark
Vi har solgt grøn hydrogen til tyskerne . Som co endnu ikke kan producere
Nåh ja det må vel bare skatteyderne betale , som vanligt
Stakkels danmark
Vi har solgt grøn hydrogen til tyskerne . Som co endnu ikke kan producere
Nåh ja det må vel bare skatteyderne betale , som vanligt
08.01.2025 kl 15:46
Ret så interessant, virkeligheden indhenter fantasterne - grøn hydrogen er ikke lønsomt så langt øjet rækker
Redigert 08.01.2025 kl 15:48
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08.01.2025 kl 14:44
Både Danmark og Canada måtte være hjernedød om de gikk med på gal manns påfunn. Tenk hvilke mineraler som må ligge under isen på Grønland, jeg er ikke spesialist på mineraler, og det trenger man heller ikke å være for å gjette seg til at landet må være svært rikt på gull, diamanter osv. Og dette tilbyr kjeltringen en symbolsk sum for, symbolsk, fordi den ikke står i forhold verdiene.
08.01.2025 kl 09:15
13% er for å bli en del av USA. Så noen men langt ifra "alle" nei. Jeg aner ikke, er hverken ekspert på Canada, er politiker, eller bor i Quebec.
08.01.2025 kl 09:15
13% er for å bli en del av USA. Så noen men langt ifra "alle" nei. Jeg aner ikke, er hverken ekspert på Canada, er politiker, eller bor i Quebec.
08.01.2025 kl 08:34
Trump styrer ikke Canada, og vil heller aldri gjøre det. Ikke en canadier med vett i behold vil la seg overta av USA. Det kommer aldri til å skje.
07.01.2025 kl 20:35
Neandertaleren Trudeau tør ikke lenger å sitte når han vet Trump blir president, derfor gir han seg nå.. tøff type 😂
07.01.2025 kl 18:37
Jensi skrev #metoo 👍
Der er lagt i kakkeloven overfor quebec, som snylter på de andre provinser
Bla fra artikelen :
With $13.56 billion, Quebec will take in the most from the program, while Manitoba will get $4.69 billion.
Og mere
What I'm delighted to see is that other provinces have begun to speak up … we cannot continue to be the principal funder of expensive social programs in Quebec. Let's call it what it is," Smith said.
Der er lagt i kakkeloven overfor quebec, som snylter på de andre provinser
Bla fra artikelen :
With $13.56 billion, Quebec will take in the most from the program, while Manitoba will get $4.69 billion.
Og mere
What I'm delighted to see is that other provinces have begun to speak up … we cannot continue to be the principal funder of expensive social programs in Quebec. Let's call it what it is," Smith said.
Redigert 07.01.2025 kl 19:12
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07.01.2025 kl 17:36
Månemannen2 skrev Jeg driver ikke med trading. Jeg er en av binnas tålmodige.
Redigert 07.01.2025 kl 17:38
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07.01.2025 kl 17:21
Takk for deling, MB sa i fjor vinter vi måtte være tolmodige så skulle vi bli belønnet, håper og TROR det skjer i år - 1 år etter hans uttalelse :-)
Yzf R1
07.01.2025 kl 16:31
Da har du ikke følgt me i det hele tatt , her har det jo vært store svingninger så her er d mange som har fullt sin konto .
Er det ikke slikt en er ute etter er fond en go ting .
Er det ikke slikt en er ute etter er fond en go ting .
07.01.2025 kl 16:17
I 20 år har binna vært proud. synd det ikke påvirker kursen i det hele tatt.
Yzf R1
07.01.2025 kl 15:52
Fra Binnioen på x.
As we enter this new year I am proud of what was accomplished in 2024.
At Quester Energy we secured patent for our cutting-edge carbon capture technology to reduce costs b y 50%. Plus High Arctic successfully completed its strategic split to a Canadian and Papua New Guinea company. Additionally Modern Miracle Network decisively won the debate that there are better climate policies than carbon tax.
My commitment to innovation and sustainability has never bee stronger. Here's to pushing boundaries and achieving even greater milestones in 2025!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
As we enter this new year I am proud of what was accomplished in 2024.
At Quester Energy we secured patent for our cutting-edge carbon capture technology to reduce costs b y 50%. Plus High Arctic successfully completed its strategic split to a Canadian and Papua New Guinea company. Additionally Modern Miracle Network decisively won the debate that there are better climate policies than carbon tax.
My commitment to innovation and sustainability has never bee stronger. Here's to pushing boundaries and achieving even greater milestones in 2025!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
07.01.2025 kl 15:03
Enig og høres fornuftig ut, en vinn / vinn det fôr Quebec og QeC. Og mens vi venter på utfallet, er det bare å glede seg til økt produksjon i år som bør løfte kursen alene.
Redigert 07.01.2025 kl 15:05
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07.01.2025 kl 14:14
Ja og mens vi venter på pilot og svar på søknad, venter jeg i spenning på de 3 brønnene som borres nå, og som qec har invester 21 mill usd i, og som spuddes i disse dager. drill baby drill!måtte vi få en økning på minimum 50 prosent i bpd ila våren.
07.01.2025 kl 14:09
Enig med deg, Her tror jeg det forhandles om løsninger gi og ta . Regner med at vi får svar innen våren kommer
07.01.2025 kl 13:06
Ja ting tar tid. Binnon nevnte vel i juli/august på en konferanse at de hadde fått oppfølgings spørsmål fra myndighetene på søknad om karbonfangst som ble sendt i juni, der de måtte oppdatere noen punkter mer detaljert. jeg tror jo lenger tid det går før vi får svar, jo større kjangs er det for at myndigheter gir go! Jeg tror også at dersom myndigheter vurderer å gi klarsignal til pilot prosjekt karbonfangst, så kan det være at det forhandles med qec om at de legger deler av søksmålet til side intill videre..provinsen qubec har ikke ryggrad til å innfri søksmål i størrelsen flere titalls milliarder kanadiske dollar bare fra qec.. så kommer de andre selskapene i tilegg. her forhandles det garantert i en eller annen variant.det har nok godt opp for lokale myndigheter i qubec at de har tabbet seg ut med denne strenge energilovgivningen, og det virker mot sin hensikt, når det importeres enorme mengder olje og gass for å tilfredstille energibehov i provinsen. 50 prosent av energibruken i qubec er fra olje og gass.
07.01.2025 kl 10:30
Ok, lurte bare på om det var ny info/omtale, men da altså ikke noe nytt, fant heller ingen børsmelding så skjønte du la ut gammel info.
La oss håpe på et positivt svar på søknaden snart, men TTT dessverre.
La oss håpe på et positivt svar på søknaden snart, men TTT dessverre.
Redigert 07.01.2025 kl 10:31
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07.01.2025 kl 10:10
Fra hjemmesiden til Qec. Tilgjengelig info for alle. Veldig mange her inne som fornektet muligheten for pilot og karbonfangst. her kan folk lese hva selskapet selv tenker. selv ser jeg pilot som det mest naturlige utfallet og kansje den aller beste løsningen for qec og for myndighetene. snart får vi svaret.
07.01.2025 kl 10:06
Manon: er info over fra i dag eller er det gammel info om karbo pilot du poster?
07.01.2025 kl 09:57
Er det ikke carbon clean solutions som er partneren til questerre i søknaden de sendte om katbonfangst i juni 2024?
07.01.2025 kl 09:52
Karbonfangst blir løsningen uten tvil.
Calgary, Alberta — Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”) (TSX,OSE:QEC) reported today it has recently completed the engineering and work program to test a carbon storage reservoir in Quebec.
The operation includes an injectivity test to estimate the optimal injection rate for carbon dioxide into the storage reservoir. The test will also estimate the volume that can be safely stored in this reservoir situated at a depth of over 1000m below the surface in the Potsdam, a Cambrian age sandstone formation. The Company is finalizing its application to the Government and plans to execute this program once the application is approved and equipment is available.
Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive Officer of Questerre, commented, “The test will prove up the carbon storage potential in Quebec where we hold the exclusive exploration rights for storage reservoirs over one million acres. Carbon storage and recycling are an important part of the circular economy and it is a proven technology today. If we store the emissions from consuming natural gas, it will be an important step to net zero emissions. We think this will greatly help the province meet its emissions reduction goals under its 2030 Plan for a Green Economy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.”
Mr. Binnion added, “A recent report by the International Energy Agency on achieving net zero by 2050 noted momentum for carbon capture, utilization and storage and the critical role it can play in reducing emissions. Several major organizations, including Forbes and BBC, note this could be a trillion-dollar market opportunity. We believe Quebec has enormous potential in this area and must take its place in this market.”
The Company also reported on a news article published today on a recent legal claim by another company in Quebec and the potential future of oil and gas development in the province. A copy of the article can be found online at: https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/environnement/2021-09-15/hydrocarbures/quebec-va-fermer-les-livres.php.
Mr. Binnion commented, “With more than 50% of the energy consumed in Quebec coming from hydrocarbons, we see our focus on carbon technology and net zero as a real and practical solution to reducing emissions in Quebec. In addition to the employment and other economic benefits, it will also help reduce a $7 billion trade deficit due to energy. As they move towards carbon neutrality by 2050, we hope that the Government shares this view.”
He further added, “We appreciate the comments from the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources that it is awaiting a ruling by the Superior Court of Quebec on a matter unrelated to Questerre. We understand all options are on the table for the Government of Quebec and we hope carbon neutral projects like ours will be allowed to proceed. We remain committed to being good corporate citizens as we increase social acceptability in the communities where we plan to operate. We are also committed to maintaining our licenses in good standing and see a clear path to realizing their full commercial value.”
Questerre is an energy technology and innovation company. It is leveraging its expertise gained through early exposure to low permeability reservoirs to acquire significant high-quality resources. We believe we can successfully transition our energy portfolio. With new clean technologies and innovation to responsibly produce and use energy, we can sustain both human progress and our natural environment.
Questerre is a believer that the future success of the oil and gas industry depends on a balance of economics, environment, and society. We are committed to being transparent and are respectful that the public must be part of making the important choices for our energy future.
For further information, please contact:
Questerre Energy Corporation
Jason D’Silva, Chief Financial Officer
(403) 777-1185 | (403) 777-1578 (FAX) |Email: info@questerre.com
Advisory Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Calgary, Alberta — Questerre Energy Corporation (“Questerre” or the “Company”) (TSX,OSE:QEC) reported today it has recently completed the engineering and work program to test a carbon storage reservoir in Quebec.
The operation includes an injectivity test to estimate the optimal injection rate for carbon dioxide into the storage reservoir. The test will also estimate the volume that can be safely stored in this reservoir situated at a depth of over 1000m below the surface in the Potsdam, a Cambrian age sandstone formation. The Company is finalizing its application to the Government and plans to execute this program once the application is approved and equipment is available.
Michael Binnion, President and Chief Executive Officer of Questerre, commented, “The test will prove up the carbon storage potential in Quebec where we hold the exclusive exploration rights for storage reservoirs over one million acres. Carbon storage and recycling are an important part of the circular economy and it is a proven technology today. If we store the emissions from consuming natural gas, it will be an important step to net zero emissions. We think this will greatly help the province meet its emissions reduction goals under its 2030 Plan for a Green Economy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.”
Mr. Binnion added, “A recent report by the International Energy Agency on achieving net zero by 2050 noted momentum for carbon capture, utilization and storage and the critical role it can play in reducing emissions. Several major organizations, including Forbes and BBC, note this could be a trillion-dollar market opportunity. We believe Quebec has enormous potential in this area and must take its place in this market.”
The Company also reported on a news article published today on a recent legal claim by another company in Quebec and the potential future of oil and gas development in the province. A copy of the article can be found online at: https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/environnement/2021-09-15/hydrocarbures/quebec-va-fermer-les-livres.php.
Mr. Binnion commented, “With more than 50% of the energy consumed in Quebec coming from hydrocarbons, we see our focus on carbon technology and net zero as a real and practical solution to reducing emissions in Quebec. In addition to the employment and other economic benefits, it will also help reduce a $7 billion trade deficit due to energy. As they move towards carbon neutrality by 2050, we hope that the Government shares this view.”
He further added, “We appreciate the comments from the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources that it is awaiting a ruling by the Superior Court of Quebec on a matter unrelated to Questerre. We understand all options are on the table for the Government of Quebec and we hope carbon neutral projects like ours will be allowed to proceed. We remain committed to being good corporate citizens as we increase social acceptability in the communities where we plan to operate. We are also committed to maintaining our licenses in good standing and see a clear path to realizing their full commercial value.”
Questerre is an energy technology and innovation company. It is leveraging its expertise gained through early exposure to low permeability reservoirs to acquire significant high-quality resources. We believe we can successfully transition our energy portfolio. With new clean technologies and innovation to responsibly produce and use energy, we can sustain both human progress and our natural environment.
Questerre is a believer that the future success of the oil and gas industry depends on a balance of economics, environment, and society. We are committed to being transparent and are respectful that the public must be part of making the important choices for our energy future.
For further information, please contact:
Questerre Energy Corporation
Jason D’Silva, Chief Financial Officer
(403) 777-1185 | (403) 777-1578 (FAX) |Email: info@questerre.com
Advisory Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
07.01.2025 kl 06:20
Grønland som stat nr52? 😅 Trump'en har hverfall ambisjoner.. Men kan jo ruske opp i tankemønster på noen politikere inte minst. Sånn at staten Quebec begynner å sjå.. annerledes på ting. En har fortsatt lov å håpe..
06.01.2025 kl 23:16
Kommer ikke til å skje, men hadde vært noe, ref. også av økonomiske årsaker for Canada òg Quebeq, der de er avhengig av subsidier og handelsunderskudd for å holde seg flytende. Og produsere egen energi fra enorme gass felter inkl. skatter og arbeidsplasser vs import, nei det er også bannlyst…etter først å ha invitert industrien inn. Bedre da fortsette import og betale milliarder i erstatning…..
Mange i Canada ville elsket å være den 51. amerikanske staten. USA kan ikke lenger tåle de enorme handelsunderskuddene og subsidiene som Canada er avhengig av for å holde seg flytende. Justin Trudeau visste dette, og derfor trakk han seg. Hvis Canada slo seg sammen med USA, ville det ikke være noen toll, skattene ville bli kraftig redusert, og de ville være fullstendig sikre mot trusselen fra russiske og kinesiske skip som stadig omringer dem. For en fantastisk nasjon vi kunne blitt sammen!,» skriver Trump på Truth Social mandag.
Mange i Canada ville elsket å være den 51. amerikanske staten. USA kan ikke lenger tåle de enorme handelsunderskuddene og subsidiene som Canada er avhengig av for å holde seg flytende. Justin Trudeau visste dette, og derfor trakk han seg. Hvis Canada slo seg sammen med USA, ville det ikke være noen toll, skattene ville bli kraftig redusert, og de ville være fullstendig sikre mot trusselen fra russiske og kinesiske skip som stadig omringer dem. For en fantastisk nasjon vi kunne blitt sammen!,» skriver Trump på Truth Social mandag.
Redigert 06.01.2025 kl 23:20
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06.01.2025 kl 18:59
Helt enig i det, har også vært med og fulgt QEC i snart 15 år og skal være med videre både mtp produksjons økning som er meldt, samt bonusen som er erstatningen. Over 7 år siden Quebec innrømmer 100 mill cad i erstatning til aktørene forbudet rammer, og selv om det er peanøtter mtp hva de samme aktørene kommer til å kreve, så vil selv det beløpet som er «Worst case» med renter alle disse årene uansett bli noe.
Redigert 06.01.2025 kl 19:00
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06.01.2025 kl 18:32
Og Qec er ANDET end Quebec
detter er jo nedskrevet til 0 kr og har ingen værdi rent regnskabsmæssigt
Red Leaf er lige om hjørnet og nye brønne i Monteney
kursen hpoldes i roboternes jerngreb og om den er 1.80 , eller 2-80 er Robbi 1 vs Robbi 2¨s kunstige intilligens , som bestemmer
jeg har været med i små 15 år og venter tiden ud !
vi er meget tæt på mange nyheder end vi har været i mange år
detter er jo nedskrevet til 0 kr og har ingen værdi rent regnskabsmæssigt
Red Leaf er lige om hjørnet og nye brønne i Monteney
kursen hpoldes i roboternes jerngreb og om den er 1.80 , eller 2-80 er Robbi 1 vs Robbi 2¨s kunstige intilligens , som bestemmer
jeg har været med i små 15 år og venter tiden ud !
vi er meget tæt på mange nyheder end vi har været i mange år
06.01.2025 kl 17:42
How a change in leadership could affect Questerre in Quebec:
1. Federal vs. Provincial Jurisdiction
• Federal Influence: While the federal government can shape overarching national energy and environmental policies, provinces like Quebec have jurisdiction over their own natural resource management. A federal Conservative government under Pierre Poilievre could potentially create a more favorable investment climate by reducing federal-level regulatory burdens. However, Quebec’s provincial government would still have significant control over resource development policies within its borders.
• Carbon Pricing and Environmental Regulations: Poilievre’s opposition to federal carbon pricing could reduce operational costs for companies like Questerre. However, Quebec has its own cap-and-trade system, and this would remain unless the provincial government also decided to change its approach.
2. Quebec’s Unique Energy Landscape
• Quebec prioritizes renewable energy, particularly hydropower, and has been resistant to expanding oil and gas production. The provincial government’s 2022 Energy Policy aims to ban hydraulic fracturing for natural gas and oil in the province, directly affecting Questerre’s plans for shale gas development in the Utica shale.
• Even if a federal Conservative government provides support for resource development, Questerre’s ability to benefit from this shift would be limited unless the Quebec government relaxes its own restrictions.
3. Possible Scenarios
• Positive Outlook if Quebec Shifts Policy: If federal leadership brings economic or political incentives that encourage Quebec to revisit its restrictions on oil and gas development, Questerre could see significant benefits.
• Status Quo or Negative Impact: If Quebec remains firm on its energy policies, federal-level changes may have limited direct impact on Questerre’s Quebec operations, even if conditions improve for energy companies elsewhere in Canada.
While a change in federal leadership under Poilievre could generally improve the outlook for energy companies, Questerre’s success in Quebec depends heavily on provincial policy shifts. Federal support might reduce financial and regulatory pressures, but Quebec’s distinct stance on energy will remain a critical factor.
1. Federal vs. Provincial Jurisdiction
• Federal Influence: While the federal government can shape overarching national energy and environmental policies, provinces like Quebec have jurisdiction over their own natural resource management. A federal Conservative government under Pierre Poilievre could potentially create a more favorable investment climate by reducing federal-level regulatory burdens. However, Quebec’s provincial government would still have significant control over resource development policies within its borders.
• Carbon Pricing and Environmental Regulations: Poilievre’s opposition to federal carbon pricing could reduce operational costs for companies like Questerre. However, Quebec has its own cap-and-trade system, and this would remain unless the provincial government also decided to change its approach.
2. Quebec’s Unique Energy Landscape
• Quebec prioritizes renewable energy, particularly hydropower, and has been resistant to expanding oil and gas production. The provincial government’s 2022 Energy Policy aims to ban hydraulic fracturing for natural gas and oil in the province, directly affecting Questerre’s plans for shale gas development in the Utica shale.
• Even if a federal Conservative government provides support for resource development, Questerre’s ability to benefit from this shift would be limited unless the Quebec government relaxes its own restrictions.
3. Possible Scenarios
• Positive Outlook if Quebec Shifts Policy: If federal leadership brings economic or political incentives that encourage Quebec to revisit its restrictions on oil and gas development, Questerre could see significant benefits.
• Status Quo or Negative Impact: If Quebec remains firm on its energy policies, federal-level changes may have limited direct impact on Questerre’s Quebec operations, even if conditions improve for energy companies elsewhere in Canada.
While a change in federal leadership under Poilievre could generally improve the outlook for energy companies, Questerre’s success in Quebec depends heavily on provincial policy shifts. Federal support might reduce financial and regulatory pressures, but Quebec’s distinct stance on energy will remain a critical factor.
06.01.2025 kl 15:59
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