NEL - Reliance order Q4! Giant short squeeze!

MC Axel
NEL 28.05.2024 kl 15:23 24154

Updated 19.10.2024

This could potentially become the SHORT SQUEEZE of the times, on the Oslo Stock Exchange!!!

Read this!

Copy paste

for 2 t siden · Endret

Fortsetter fra andre plakater. Situasjonen ser virkelig fristende ut for spekulanter. Clearstream eier noe av 65,7~% av alle aksjer, mens basert på utdannet estimat ( 19,7% av alle aksjer er shortet. Dette tilsvarer omtrent 70 dager å dekke, noe som er helt sinnsykt (329251084,9
shorted aksjer / gjennomsnittlig volum 4661251 (Yahoo)). Gjennomsnittsvolumet er også kraftig forsterket av shortsen selv, så det organiske volumet er langt lavere.

NEL antydet at vi kunne se store ordrer i Q4, selv om ingenting selvfølgelig er sikkert. Bare en kan muligens starte en klem for livet med et så lavt antall aksjer tilgjengelig for handel til å begynne med. Clearstream har økt sin posisjon konsekvent (f.eks. 44~% i 2020), og med en massiv posisjon er de derfor ikke i stand til, og sannsynligvis heller ikke villige, til å selge noe på børs.

Updated 17.10.2024

This is interesting and NEL emphasizes that there will be an order from Reliance now in the fourth quarter of 2024. This is consistent with what Reliance has planned regarding their hydrogen project now in the fourth quarter of 2024

"""""We expect revenues from the Reliance agreement to be recognized in the fourth quarter of 2024."""""

I am convinced that a serious short squeeze could be coming!!!

NEL ASA (NLLSF) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Highlights: Strong Revenue Growth Amidst Financial Challenges

GuruFocus News
Thu, October 17, 2024

Q & A Highlights
Q: Can you provide an update on when we might expect first licensing revenue recognition from Reliance? Is it likely in Q4 2024 or more of a 2025 story? A: We expect revenues from the Reliance agreement to be recognized in the fourth quarter of 2024.

Read it all here:


I am convinced that NEL will soon get some new orders and then the share price will rise a lot.

Possibly the order comes from the Indian company Reliance, with which they recently made an agreement


Jeg er overbevist om, at NEL snart får nogle nye ordrer, og så vil aktiekursen stige meget.

Muligvis kommer ordren fra det indiske firma Reliance, som de for nylig har lavet en aftale med

Oppdatert 28. mai 2024
Redigert 19.10.2024 kl 19:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
11.11.2024 kl 13:40 2783

I sold my NEL shares.

The Trump effect had too much impact, unfortunately

I will buy if it reaches 3 NOK
MC Axel
12.11.2024 kl 07:17 2678

shorts have increased from 6.71% to 7.21%
No doubt the Trump effect is taking hold here

MC Axel
15.11.2024 kl 13:05 2497

It turns out that Reliance Power and Reliance Industries ltd (RIL) is not the same company

This means that the order will come soon and an imminent short squeeze.😁
Redigert 15.11.2024 kl 14:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
15.11.2024 kl 20:58 2427

What did happen here!?

Incredibly high trading volume today!

Can we expect news on Monday?

Omsetning (Volum) 31 811 535 shares

Omsetning (NOK) 113 211 950

MC Axel
17.11.2024 kl 15:23 2296

I am convinced that NEL will get a big contract in India

Climate & Environment

16 November 2024

India's Bold Move To Boost Green Energy Investments
With major acquisitions and projects, India embarks on aggressive green energy initiatives
India is ramping up its commitment to green energy with ambitious investments and acquisitions, reflecting its proactive stance on environmental challenges. The nation's green energy sector is experiencing significant activity, with the government forging partnerships and engaging with various stakeholders to bolster renewable energy capabilities.

Adding to this momentum is the National Green Hydrogen Mission, which aims to promote the production and use of green hydrogen as a clean energy alternative. The government is allocating substantial investments to this sector, recognizing the potential of green hydrogen to play a pivotal role in the global transition to clean energy. The mission is also expected to create thousands of jobs and attract foreign investments, bolstering India’s position on the global energy map.
17.11.2024 kl 15:48 2274

Hvis NEL får en stor kontrakt så taper de desto mer.
17.11.2024 kl 17:24 2229

Årsresultat 2020-2023 (MNOK): −855 −1 171 −1 667 1 262. Say no more. Hvor lenge gidder folk finanisere dette?

Automatisk teknisk analyse. Middels lang sikt, 15. nov 2024
Investorene har over tid godtatt stadig lavere priser for å komme seg ut av NEL og aksjen ligger i en fallende trendkanal på mellomlang sikt. Dette signaliserer økende pessimisme blant investorene og indikerer videre kursnedgang for NEL. Det er ingen støtte i kursdiagrammet og en videre nedgang indikeres. Ved reaksjoner opp har aksjen motstand ved cirka 4.40 kroner.
Redigert 17.11.2024 kl 17:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
17.11.2024 kl 18:33 2170

It's both tragic and stupid.

Yes, it's hard to see any logic in such a statement

As mentioned before, an order is expected to come from Reliance Industries Ltd.
17.11.2024 kl 18:41 2165

Men hva skal ordren generere i dekningsgrad? Pr nå så er de i minus på hver ordre
17.11.2024 kl 18:59 2150

Jeg synes faktisk at din kommentar var meget god og sjov. Du har jo ret. Indtil nu har NEL ikke tjent penge på store ordrer.

Men vi må håbe det bliver bedre ved næste ordre.
cm punk
17.11.2024 kl 19:04 2135

Hvor gikk det med techstep seriøs? Du ble jo borte noen år
17.11.2024 kl 19:08 2131

Kan vel si solid tap. Er lite i markedet nå og har lært på den dyre måten.
17.11.2024 kl 22:13 2065

Det var vanvittig stor short som blr satt på fredag. En stor order kan gi en short skvis? Reliance er store.

Aksjer som har falt mye kan bli julekuler . Ser endel store tradere tar posisjoner blant annet Nel og Cavendish , idex etc.
Redigert 17.11.2024 kl 22:14 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
19.11.2024 kl 22:53 1795

November 19th, 2024 | 07:05 CET


MC Axel
20.11.2024 kl 15:33 1703

Seems to be oversold

Complete hysteria

Kepler talks about a capital need in 2027??? NEL will have received more orders by this time. The green revolution is unstoppable
Redigert 20.11.2024 kl 15:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
20.11.2024 kl 20:31 1605

China believes in a hydrogen future

The World Ahead
| China in 2025

China hopes to dominate the next phase of green innovation
It aims to lead the way on hydrogen, carbon capture and other technologies
20.11.2024 kl 20:50 1584

Sannheten:er at her er det bare tap, og det vil fortsette til de er konk.
Dag ↓-10,48%
Uke ↓-10,64%
Mnd ↓- 27,80%
YTD ↓-55,25%
År ↓-62,98%
3 år ↓-83,86%
5 år ↓-61,51%
Redigert 20.11.2024 kl 21:12 Du må logge inn for å svare
MC Axel
20.11.2024 kl 21:56 1544

You have no idea, the only thing we can stick to is that all countries have green hydrogen on their agenda.

Sometimes you have to learn to be patient

P.S. you did forget "10 år +136,95"
MC Axel
21.11.2024 kl 10:20 1635

I must admit that I am disappointed

Today I dumped all my NEL shares and took the loss
21.11.2024 kl 12:36 1494

På tide. Surt men slik er det og vært der. Nel kan fort bli konkurs og tror innen kort tid De brenner cash daglig og det er ikke lett å hente cash i markedet i dag
MC Axel
09.12.2024 kl 19:33 1062

Incredibly interesting!

November 27th, 2024 | 07:35 CET


Hydrogen could serve as a key technology for the mobility transition in Europe. Nel ASA is driving the industrialization of green hydrogen with its hydrogen infrastructure and innovative electrolysers

Volkswagen is breaking new ground with new fuel cell technologies and sees hydrogen as a strategic complement to battery-electric drives. Together, these players are demonstrating the transformative potential of hydrogen, but economic obstacles and competitive pressure remain long-term challenges. Europe's industry could benefit from consistent implementation.

Read it all here:
Redigert 09.12.2024 kl 19:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.12.2024 kl 19:49 1039

Hvor er de analytiker der snakker konkurs.
Ser ud til NEL OG RECSI bliver nytårsraketter.
MC Axel
10.12.2024 kl 14:12 912

It could be explosive!!!

NEL asa partner Reliance Industries Ltd. offered second round of incentives for green hydrogen!
We'll know in January how it goes!

Reliance, L&T, ReNew, Waaree bid for second round of green hydrogen incentives

As per the government's guidelines, companies can bid twice for green hydrogen production in one mode, but the same cannot be applied for in two different modes.

December 09, 2024

Reliance Industries, L&T Ltd, ReNew and Waaree are among the 14 companies that have bid for incentives under India's National Green Hydrogen Mission (NGHM). This list is for the second round of incentives offered by the Union government for setting up green hydrogen production units in India.

The final list of winners of the incentive under Tranche II for green hydrogen production is expected by January, 2025.

"In January this year, SECI released the first list of winners under Tranche I of Mode 1. The winners in the first tranche were Reliance Green Hydrogen "

Read it all here!
MC Axel
11.12.2024 kl 16:47 822

More of the same!

I expect we will get a big order from RIL soon!

NEL Asa partner in India Reliance Industries!

Reliance Industries Utilizes Over Half of ₹75,000 Crore Investment for New Energy Projects

MM Desk
December 11, 2024

The company is constructing a vast 5,000-acre giga complex in Jamnagar, Gujarat, encompassing five facilities for solar PV manufacturing, energy storage, electrolysers, fuel cells, and power electronics.

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is one of India’s largest and most diversified conglomerates, with a significant presence in energy, petrochemicals, textiles, natural resources, retail, and telecommunications. Founded by Dhirubhai Ambani in 1973, the company has grown to become a global powerhouse under the leadership of Mukesh Ambani.

Read it all here:
MC Axel
12.12.2024 kl 09:05 736

Will NEL make a REC in the short term?

When the Reliance order comes, NEL can easily go up tens or hundreds of percent!
09.01.2025 kl 15:05 467

Reliance - NEL Electrolysers??

NTPC Green Energy has announced plans to develop a $21bn Green Hydrogen complex in Andhra Pradesh with the aim of establishing India as a leader in sustainable energy.

The Indian government announced the development of a $21bn green hydrogen hub in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, which is set to be developed by NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL).

This project is under the National Green Hydrogen Mission and aims to position India as the prime leader in sustainable energy solutions while meeting the global demand for green hydrogen and its derivatives.

As an established leader in the hydrogen sector, India is now taking a giant leap in the global green energy transition through its partnership with NTPC Green Energy Limited (NGEL).

Key Highlights of the NTPC Green Hydrogen Hub
Massive Production Capacity: The hub will produce 1,500 tonnes of green hydrogen daily, along with 7,500 tonnes of derivatives such as green methanol, green urea, and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
Integrated Renewable Energy: The hub will be equipped with a capacity of 20 GW of renewable energy, making this facility one of India’s largest integrated green hydrogen production centres, significantly contributing to India’s renewable energy target of 500 GW by 2030.
Strategic Location and Export Focus: Spread across 1,200 acres in Pudimadaka near Visakhapatnam, the hub will primarily focus on exporting green chemicals, with an annual export target of over 2.5 million tonnes.
Domestic Innovation and Partnerships: In line with the government’s push for domestic manufacturing, the Andhra Pradesh facility will utilise electrolysers developed by Reliance Industries and L&T, further boosting the “Make in India” initiative.
India’s Sustaining Green Energy Goals
The Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, recently visited Andhra Pradesh and spoke on this facility, highlighting how the hub proves India’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions and fulfilling its Paris Agreement commitments.

Modi further emphasised India’s progress: “India is focused on strengthening existing green energy solutions and ensuring sustainable growth for the future.”

Meeting Surging Hydrogen Demand
The country’s latest green hydrogen auction was oversubscribed at 626,500 tonnes annually, proving the companies’ strong interest in the Indian government initiatives.

The auction offered incentives to producers, marked at $0.61/kg in the first year, $0.49/kg in the second, and $0.37/kg in the third.

A Sustainable and Energy-Secure Future
NTPC Green Energy will position India as a global leader in green hydrogen by fostering innovation, partnerships, and renewable resource integration. The development of the Pudimadaka hub is a prominent milestone in reducing dependence on fossil fuels, decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors, and ensuring a cleaner, energy-secure future.

This initiative is not just a project but a commitment to sustainability, innovation, and India’s leadership in the global green energy transition.
09.01.2025 kl 16:04 430

20 GW er jo litt størrelse. Vet ikke om NEL trenger børsmelde samarbeidspartneres ordrer.