TGS - A new era

TGS 01.07.2024 kl 17:43 20858

RIP Hvalross. Aldri glemt.
Hvem er klare for å skrive historie som verdens beste seismikkselskap?

OSLO, Norway (1 July 2024) – TGS, a global leader in energy data and intelligence, today launched a new chapter in its 43-year history. The company is excited to announce the completion of the merger with PGS, a new Executive team and a Capital Markets Day on 29 August 2024. Today’s announcement positions TGS as the foremost data and services company across the energy value chain.

"This is more than a merger of two companies," said Kristian Johansen, CEO at TGS. "It's a blending of strengths, uniting our robust financial performance, exceptional customer service, operational excellence, cutting-edge technology and innovation. Our new executive team is poised to drive forward these advancements with a fresh strategic vision, ensuring that our combined expertise translates into greater value for our customers and shareholders; while our new brand identity captures our commitment to being a strategic partner for energy companies worldwide, providing the insights and solutions needed for today and anticipating the challenges of tomorrow."

Capital Markets Day, 29 August 2024, Oslo:

The merger of TGS and PGS forms a powerhouse in the energy sector, enhancing its capabilities to support energy exploration and production on a global scale. As the industry evolves, TGS is ideally positioned to serve the entire energy market with more comprehensive, advanced solutions. This integration will enable the Company to leverage a wider pool of technological resources and expertise, significantly boosting its operational efficiency, innovation and customer engagement strategies. TGS leadership will present more information on the vision for the new Company at a Capital Markets Day, to be held in Oslo on 29 August 2024.

The New TGS Executive Team:

The newly formed executive team at TGS combines the strengths and expertise of both companies, bringing together a wealth of experience and fresh perspectives to enhance the Company's operations. The team comprises:

Kristian Johansen, Chief Executive Officer (Houston) – Bringing extensive leadership and industry expertise, Kristian continues to drive TGS’ strategic initiatives, steering the company towards new opportunities and enhanced operational excellence within the energy market.
Sven Borre Larsen, Chief Financial Officer (Oslo) – With over 20 years of experience in financial management within the energy sector, Sven will continue to oversee financial strategies that enhance our market leadership and support sustainable growth.
Rob Adams, EVP Operations (Oslo) – With over 25 years of experience in the seismic industry, including leadership roles in PGS new ventures, processing, and operations, Rob will oversee project delivery and operational excellence for the company’s offshore operations and data acquisition technologies.
Whitney Eaton, EVP Sustainability and Communication (Houston) – With over 15 years of legal and leadership experience within compliance, sustainability, HR and IT, Whitney will continue to drive forward TGS’ sustainability and communication strategies and lead the marketing, sustainability and compliance teams.
Wadii El Karkouri, EVP Imaging and Technology (Houston) – With over 25 years of leadership experience in the energy and technology industries, including SLB and AWS, Wadii will drive innovation and technological advancements in seismic processing, data analytics and digitalization across the company.
David Hajovsky, EVP Multi-client (Houston) – Bringing over 15 years of experience in the energy sector, David has held various leadership roles within both TGS and PGS and will continue to oversee and drive TGS’ global multi-client strategies and initiatives.
Carel Hooijkaas, EVP New Energy Solutions (Houston) – With over 25 years of experience in the oilfield services and equipment industry, including as CEO of Magseis Fairfield, Carel will lead TGS’ New Energy Solutions covering wind, solar and CCS, as well as 4C Offshore and Prediktor.
Nathan Oliver, EVP Contract (Houston) – With a career spanning over three decades in the energy sector, including leadership roles in multi-client, contract and imaging across the globe, and most recently leading PGS’ entire Sales and Services organization, Nathan will drive TGS’ contract acquisition strategies and initiatives.
Kristin Omreng, EVP People and Culture (Oslo) – Bringing nearly 20 years of HR and Organizational Development experience, managing and developing global organizations in the energy industry, including at Aker Solutions and PGS, Kristin will lead initiatives that enhance TGS’ people and culture strategies.
Tana Pool, EVP Legal (Houston) – With vast legal experience through her work as General Counsel in both the energy and construction industries and prior to that with several global law firms, Tana will continue to provide strategic legal guidance to support TGS’ operations and growth.
The New TGS Brand Identity:

TGS also unveiled its new brand identity today. The redesigned TGS logo represents a blend of heritage, innovation, and financial strength. It maintains elements from the PGS brand, symbolizing the Company’s ongoing leadership in technology and operational excellence. The new visual identity supports TGS’ mission to deliver a wide variety of energy data and solutions that meet current demands while foreseeing future needs.

"Our refreshed brand identity signifies a strategic evolution in our journey," Johansen added. "It combines our historical strengths with a progressive outlook, ensuring we remain at the forefront of the energy sector. We're excited to launch this new chapter with a clear vision and a strengthened commitment to our stakeholders."
Redigert 01.07.2024 kl 19:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
I går kl 18:48 1401

Noen som vil tippe tallene som kommer den 8 ende?
I går kl 19:06 1326

Tipper PGS Kontrakt:$60 mill, MC Prefounding : $55 Late sales: $60 mill
TGS trolig på linje med Q1
I går kl 19:28 1222

Denne aksjen er fortsatt styrt og kontrollert av aktører som holder kursen nede. Ordrebildet tyder på det. Endeløs flytting på små poster. Noen ganger 1 aksje. Dagens mål var å holde den under 130.
I går kl 19:31 1209

Skulle ikke den arbitrasjeeffekten tas ut ved veksling og overgang fra PGS til TGS mandag over til tirsdag? Sitter vi nå med 11 millioner «ordinært» shortede aksjer? Hva er det jeg ikke har fått med meg nå da?? 😅
I går kl 19:42 1152

Så ut som flere som shortet TGS kjøpte opsjonskontrakter på PGS aksjer. Antar at disse kontraktene vil bli konventert til opsjonskontrakter i TGS.
Short skal rapporteres som netto short, om du har solgt 1 stk aksje på 1 konto og eier 1 stk aksje på annen konto er du or definisjon ikke short men i null.
Spørsmålet blir da hvordan disse opsjonskontraktene blir behandlet . Kan være at her ligger «lægg» på en dag eller to.
Er man short TGS 1 aksje og long opsjon PGS tilsvarende 1 aksje så vil man være netto short per definisjon.
I går kl 20:43 946

Mye positivt mtp oljen om dagen også.

Først melding om store store lagertrekk i USA i går.
Oljelagrene i USA faller mye mer enn ventet
Ferske tall fra det amerikanske energidepartementets statistikkfløy viser at de amerikanske råoljelagrene falt med 12,2 millioner fat til 448,5 millioner fat i forrige uke. Ifølge TDN Direkt var det ventet en nedgang på 0,9 millioner fat.

Bensinlagrene falt med 2,2 millioner fat mens destillatlagrene falt med 1,5 millioner fat. Det var ventet at bensinlagrene skulle falle med 1,0 millioner fat og at destillatlagrene skulle falle med 1,1 millioner fat.

I dag denne:
Kina fyller på oljelager – 60 miljoner fat till mars
I går kl 21:03 870

Hadde 68700 aksjer i PSG. Hva får jeg i utbytte? Er det noen som har peiling??
I går kl 21:06 857

68700*0,20419= 16618kr De kommer Tirsdag 9/7
Redigert i går kl 21:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
I går kl 21:16 816

Takker for svar!👍
I går kl 21:26 758

Har ikke solgt TGS, solgte PGS tidligere og har ikke handlet TGS ;) Jeg er dønn seriøs
I går kl 23:26 292

He he ja jeg har vært sterkt tvilende til dette hele veien. Har ikke forstått at dette har vært mulig med å blant annet kjøpe seg opp i Pgs uten at kursen har gått. Tipper short ligger etter dagens verdi ca 2 milliarder som de må fixe på en eller annen måte.
I går kl 23:30 269

Brukt kompliserte finansielle instrumenter (trs-avtaler). Tar litt tid å få avviklet en så stor short. Følg med så vil du se at den minsker dag for dag. Det har allerede startet.
I dag kl 00:09 128

Langt ifra ekspert på noen måte.

Om jeg har forstått det rett skjedde "Delivery of consideration shares to former PGS shareholders" 4. Juli. Derfor tror jeg ikke de som sitter short kan ha gjort noe med arbitragen sin før 4. Juli, fordi aksjene ikke var offisielt tildelt. Min hypotese er at mye mer av svorten vil være borte i dag (5. juli), fordi short nå offisielt har fått aksjene og kan fullføre arbitragen.

Igjen ingen ekspert, håper på konstruktive svar.

Jeg har også sett at det er mye større kjøpsvolum enn salgsvolum i investorlistene. Ikke vet jeg hva dette betyr, men det er sikkert noen glupinger der ute som har noen tanker.