Rekyl for børsens billigste?
Det kommer en rekyl her. Det gjør det alltid for børsens billigste. Selskapet er verdsatt til 14 mill nå. Det er kun 6,8 mill aksjer i selskapet og dersom denne begynner å stige kan det gå meget fort oppover.
Redigert 19.07.2024 kl 10:17
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MC Axel
16.02.2025 kl 11:14
LV-Invest skrev Hvor lenge har EAM midler til å betale advokatkorpset?
I am sure they will make it until the Supreme Court hearing on March 18, 2025. ;)
EAM has raised money on the market and received subsidies from the Italian state
Take it easy. It's also ok if you have sold.
But it is a fact that the Supreme Court has taken up the case and that matters no matter what people try to claim
I bought 3 million shares in EAM Solar after reading and reviewing the case, and coming to my own conclusion that there were serious errors and omissions in the judgment of July 4, 2024, especially with the fact that the Italian state won its case, where the same people, the same scams, etc. were used to defraud EAM Solar
Just wait and see, I'm convinced that EAM will prevail and win this time
EAM has raised money on the market and received subsidies from the Italian state
Take it easy. It's also ok if you have sold.
But it is a fact that the Supreme Court has taken up the case and that matters no matter what people try to claim
I bought 3 million shares in EAM Solar after reading and reviewing the case, and coming to my own conclusion that there were serious errors and omissions in the judgment of July 4, 2024, especially with the fact that the Italian state won its case, where the same people, the same scams, etc. were used to defraud EAM Solar
Just wait and see, I'm convinced that EAM will prevail and win this time
MC Axel
16.02.2025 kl 11:20
Agree and I am sure that this will be the rocket of the year on the Oslo Stock Exchange, and it will be well deserved
2.5 billion NOK is a lot of money and it is something that has been assessed and calculated
2.5 billion NOK is a lot of money and it is something that has been assessed and calculated
MC Axel
17.02.2025 kl 09:16
As I said, I have 3 million shares in EAM and the stock is one of the most exciting stocks I have bought in a long time.
Recommend that you sit tight, there are not many free shares in EAM and there will be a fight. Big opportunities here!
Recommend that you sit tight, there are not many free shares in EAM and there will be a fight. Big opportunities here!
17.02.2025 kl 09:53
Nå må vi få tatt tak og få EAM over 1 kr.
Husk potten er over 16 kr pr. aksje.
Husk potten er over 16 kr pr. aksje.
17.02.2025 kl 10:05
Det er siste dagen før trolig info kommer i morgen. Sku tro denne blir kjørt vesentlig opp ila dagen. 1-1,5 kr?
17.02.2025 kl 10:09
Gevinstsikring her idag, lite kjøpsvilje over 0,50kr
Tar den tilbake når den er litt billigere
Tar den tilbake når den er litt billigere
MC Axel
17.02.2025 kl 10:23
I agree! 👍
It's cheap at the moment!
The potential is 16.34 NOK per share
It's cheap at the moment!
The potential is 16.34 NOK per share
17.02.2025 kl 10:37
Ser ut som noen har lagt ut en robotsperre på 0,50. Så får en se hvem som vinner kortsiktig. Selv tror jeg en ser en kurs over 0,60 denne uken, men her må enhver gjøre opp sitt eget valg.
17.02.2025 kl 10:42
0,60 forsvinner i dag....:)..dagens kurs er bare smårusk i.f.t hva som kommer
Redigert 17.02.2025 kl 10:49
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17.02.2025 kl 11:47
Kan gå begge veier dette, holder en knapp på en korreksjon ned etter heftig oppgang.
Men EAM kommer sterkt tilbake
Men EAM kommer sterkt tilbake
MC Axel
17.02.2025 kl 11:58
I agree! 👍
The risk is significantly reduced in the share
1. the UBI dialogue (big surprise)
and the Supreme Court hearing on March 18
also that the judgment given by the Italian state has not been overturned. Because of that, I interpret it that EAM Solar will win this time
053 NOK could potentially become full compensation of NOK 16.34 per share!
The risk is significantly reduced in the share
1. the UBI dialogue (big surprise)
and the Supreme Court hearing on March 18
also that the judgment given by the Italian state has not been overturned. Because of that, I interpret it that EAM Solar will win this time
053 NOK could potentially become full compensation of NOK 16.34 per share!
17.02.2025 kl 11:59
Er nok en del som skal inn.....vil ikke gå glipp av videre oppgang:)...lykke til med bet...vil tro at de som absolutt har måttet gevinstsikre nå, har gjort det..
Redigert 17.02.2025 kl 12:01
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17.02.2025 kl 13:23
Det kan jo tikke inn melding når som helst om eventuelt forlik også, spennende.
17.02.2025 kl 13:28
Ikke veldig stor korreksjon ned men fikk iallefall tatt tilbake det jeg solgte på 0,57 her nede på 0,45
MC Axel
18.02.2025 kl 11:17
The stock is being quietly manipulated down. It is now almost 50% down from its peak, which is a lot
People must not forget that fundamental changes have occurred here in the EAM stock.
When I said there was a strong possibility that the Supreme Court would take up the case, almost everyone predicted that it wouldn't happen.
Now it has happened.
But now I believe in the case even more, especially because the case has been assessed and approved for admission and assessment by the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court only does this if there are errors and if something has not gone right; it does not take cases where a court decision has no legal errors
Therefore, EAM has a very solid case. The fact that UBI has also entered into dialogue with EAM underpins the same
You can always trade your way to a few pennies, but you can easily miss out on the big money
Good luck
P.S. I bought even more today
People must not forget that fundamental changes have occurred here in the EAM stock.
When I said there was a strong possibility that the Supreme Court would take up the case, almost everyone predicted that it wouldn't happen.
Now it has happened.
But now I believe in the case even more, especially because the case has been assessed and approved for admission and assessment by the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court only does this if there are errors and if something has not gone right; it does not take cases where a court decision has no legal errors
Therefore, EAM has a very solid case. The fact that UBI has also entered into dialogue with EAM underpins the same
You can always trade your way to a few pennies, but you can easily miss out on the big money
Good luck
P.S. I bought even more today
18.02.2025 kl 11:28
Hvorfor kjøpe i dag når dere kan få den enda billigere utover uka, skal ikke se bort fra at kursen går under 0,2
Aksjen deiser snart under 0,3
Aksjen deiser snart under 0,3
Redigert 18.02.2025 kl 11:31
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18.02.2025 kl 11:39
For oss som sov litt i timen forrige uke er det flott å kunne snappe opp aksjer her fra alle nervevrakene som ikke makter dette mer.
18.02.2025 kl 12:55
Technically price is trading in the lower region of the fibzon 50-62%, where there has been a gap closure today as well. So, if you want an entry, it may be a very good opportunity. Volume is low compared to days with incline of price. So everything looks good.
Think the pull back is at its end now. I bought more today at 0.33nok.
Think the pull back is at its end now. I bought more today at 0.33nok.
Redigert 18.02.2025 kl 12:57
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18.02.2025 kl 13:04
Kjøpte selv godt opp nå på 0,34. Det er omtrent sluttkurs på torsdag og etter der har volumet vært skyhøyt med kurs over 0,50. Tenker vi snart er tilbake over 0,50. Aksjen er jo fortsatt billig på den kursen.
Lord Wincheste
18.02.2025 kl 14:09
Nydelige innganger. Fikk noen lodd extra på 0,35 selv, men har litt høy gav ennå. Historisk har bølge 2 vært betydelig høyere en bølge 1 ser jeg
Lord Wincheste
19.02.2025 kl 09:45
MC Axel skrev Is the day over for you?
Noen som kun jobber fra 09 - 09.30..hehe.
Jeg tenker ikke å kjøre inn store summer her, men villig til å ta en bet på at det vil komme en solid rekyl. Mange som vil ta lodd på 50-100k og ha muligheten på ganske bra ROI. EAM har snudd fra drit og elendighet til å begynne å vinne rettsaker. Så er jeg 100% på at anken hadde blitt avvist om de ikke hadde et sterkt grunnlag.
Jeg tenker ikke å kjøre inn store summer her, men villig til å ta en bet på at det vil komme en solid rekyl. Mange som vil ta lodd på 50-100k og ha muligheten på ganske bra ROI. EAM har snudd fra drit og elendighet til å begynne å vinne rettsaker. Så er jeg 100% på at anken hadde blitt avvist om de ikke hadde et sterkt grunnlag.
19.02.2025 kl 10:21
Nå starter rykk 2.
det blir kraftigere og vi passerer nok. 1 kr.
Last opp og hold!
det blir kraftigere og vi passerer nok. 1 kr.
Last opp og hold!
Peter Sellers
19.02.2025 kl 10:23
@LW, se nå spratt vi opp til 0,41 og 16% opp så får vi håpe det holder utover dagen :))
MC Axel
19.02.2025 kl 10:29
Now it may need to go up to 1 NOK or higher, it has done that before
Now it may need to go up to 1 NOK or higher, it has done that before
Peter Sellers
19.02.2025 kl 10:56
@vikingfan, vi har motstand på 0,49 og neste motstand på 0,648 men for den først en skikkelig rekyl så faller 0,49 lett :))
19.02.2025 kl 11:05
Tony83 skrev and you were right as usual!
Og som vanlig så sitter du på utsiden?
19.02.2025 kl 12:19
Tony83 skrev I am travelling between ZENA and EAM.
I have both shares;) And I do not take the risk to sell neither of them if suddenly news occurs.
19.02.2025 kl 13:15
I understand -- it's unreasonable. I do not know why am I doing this, is it greed or impatience, probably a little bit of both!
MC Axel
19.02.2025 kl 14:04
You were right, and I think it's highly likely that the stock has found the floor
Anything under 0.40 NOK is cheap when you know the potential of this stock
You were right, and I think it's highly likely that the stock has found the floor
Anything under 0.40 NOK is cheap when you know the potential of this stock
19.02.2025 kl 14:06
I'm much more invested in EAM, since the legal outcome regarding the full monty has a much higher probability of success and on a much shorter time scale to decision, less than a month. I advise everyone to carefully read the conclusions by the Supreme Court, 2021, their comments regarding CAMs decision is nothing but humiliating reading for CAM. Mind you that the Supreme Court this time proceeded and granted the appeal by EAM speedy, much faster than expected. That together with everything else tells me something.
Regarding Z: The process to get the full claim in Z is in my opinion more unsure (A1 and A2 ok, but A3 I don't know, the latter one is where the big money is), and also I didn't like the CEOs ambition to reinvest the potential win in new cases.
Enough from me about Z in this post.
Regarding Z: The process to get the full claim in Z is in my opinion more unsure (A1 and A2 ok, but A3 I don't know, the latter one is where the big money is), and also I didn't like the CEOs ambition to reinvest the potential win in new cases.
Enough from me about Z in this post.
Redigert 19.02.2025 kl 14:36
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19.02.2025 kl 14:19
Skyhøy interesse i EAM. Når aksjen begynner å gå så er den plutselig kraftig opp. At noen tar gevinst på veien er helt ok. Høy i dag på 0,47 kroner så langt viser at mange ikke ønsker å miste oppgangen når denne stiger kraftig igjen, enten på nyheter eller forventningsrally. Kan fort se over 0,60 kroner igjen før vi tar helg.
19.02.2025 kl 14:59
Tony83 skrev I am travelling between ZENA and EAM.
Tror du bør holde på begge to.
19.02.2025 kl 15:10
Enig. Jeg sitter forholdsvis godt lastet i begge to. Om bare en av de slår inn så er det gull uansett. Om ingen treffer mål er det noe jeg har råd til å ta tap på.