Rekyl for børsens billigste?
Det kommer en rekyl her. Det gjør det alltid for børsens billigste. Selskapet er verdsatt til 14 mill nå. Det er kun 6,8 mill aksjer i selskapet og dersom denne begynner å stige kan det gå meget fort oppover.
Redigert 19.07.2024 kl 10:17
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03.03.2025 kl 10:26
MC Axel skrev 👍 Tjank you! 🙂
Dear Mr Axel:
One particular scenario that I am afraid of is the application of statute of limitation. As you remember in a number of indictments the District Court has applied statute of limitation (the criminal offences were time-barred by the statute of limitations). What I am most afraid of is that the Supreme Court will apply the statute of limitation to ALL of the indictments. You should agree that this is at least one of the possibilities.
One particular scenario that I am afraid of is the application of statute of limitation. As you remember in a number of indictments the District Court has applied statute of limitation (the criminal offences were time-barred by the statute of limitations). What I am most afraid of is that the Supreme Court will apply the statute of limitation to ALL of the indictments. You should agree that this is at least one of the possibilities.
Redigert 03.03.2025 kl 10:50
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E Desperados
03.03.2025 kl 09:42
Hvis det er samme høyesterett som har laget det skrivet der som tar opp igjen saken så tenker jeg at her er det verdt å ta noen lodd. Virker jo som om det er "saksbehandlingsfeil" fra lavere domstol som høyesterett vil ha omgjort.
02.03.2025 kl 15:48
X-43 scramjet skrev Ikke lenge til 18.mars. Spennende dette for EAM
Fomo vil få en ny betydning i EAM. Mye å gå glipp av. Kurs nå under 50 øre, erstatning tilsvarende over 15 kroner per aksje.
Og argumentene hvorfor EAM står sterkt har er godt og korrekt blitt belyst i denne tråd.
Og argumentene hvorfor EAM står sterkt har er godt og korrekt blitt belyst i denne tråd.
02.03.2025 kl 13:45
Alle bør stille seg dette spørsmålet: Hvorfor overstyrer høgsterett dommen fra ankedomstolen i Milan? Høgsterett leker ikke butikk. Dersom de ikke hadde/har noe å innvende på dommen, ville saken vært avsluttet. Det er sjelden høgsterett tar inn igjen saker, der de ikke ser ett helt annet utfall pga feilaktig domsutmåling.
02.03.2025 kl 12:50
Mener fortsatt at vi skal se over 1 krone innen de neste 2 ukene, tipper vi har vært innom minst 70 øre i løpet av neste uke.
02.03.2025 kl 12:48
Tony83 . . . really, honestly, are you trying to have us believe you are an attorney? . . . . not a chance you are an attorney! Try another argument!
You wrote this question in an other thread "Does the Supreme Court in Italy have authority to decide the case himself . . . ?". And you want us to believe you are an attorney???? Please Tony83!
Also, I think you currently are on the sideline.
You wrote this question in an other thread "Does the Supreme Court in Italy have authority to decide the case himself . . . ?". And you want us to believe you are an attorney???? Please Tony83!
Also, I think you currently are on the sideline.
Redigert 02.03.2025 kl 12:56
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02.03.2025 kl 11:48
Dette har du tydeligvis ikke satt deg så godt inn.
Les fra en annen tråd, gjennomgang fra skriv fra italiensk høyesterett.
Se vedlagt analyse av EAM fra a til å:
Gjennomgang av skriv fra høyesterett med markeringer på de mest essensielle punkter:
Les fra en annen tråd, gjennomgang fra skriv fra italiensk høyesterett.
Se vedlagt analyse av EAM fra a til å:
Gjennomgang av skriv fra høyesterett med markeringer på de mest essensielle punkter:
Redigert 02.03.2025 kl 11:49
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02.03.2025 kl 10:50
I've read both: the Supreme Court and District Court decision from 05.07.2024. I also work as an attorney at law, so I've been practicing law for the whole of my life. In short --> I hope for the best scenario for EAM ... BUT there are also OTHER scenarios of the final outcome, ranging from 100% to 0%. It's a huge risk and I've taken it (but not on an "all in" basis). We have to be realists and talk openly not just with slogans!
01.03.2025 kl 12:45
Spot on, HPMInvest. That the Supreme Court overrule the verdict from the The court of appeal, is in my head 100% positive in favour EAM.
01.03.2025 kl 12:22
I agree MC Axel made a good job pitching EAM. But beside that, I don't agree at all with you, Tony83.
1. By reading the Supreme Courts verdict 2021, it is obvious that Court Appeal Milan didn't do their job properly. The conclusions and comments by the Supreme Court that time around is nothing but humiliating reading for the Court Appeal Milan. So in regards to that, Supreme Court doesn't seem that corrupt.
2. Given the Supreme Courts decisions 2021 I would say that the outcome is predictable with an unusual high probability, in favour of EAM. This is not an ordinary court case, since highest court already in 2021 has been given their thoughts (they don't change foot lightly, unless new laws are implemented), which is extremely rare in any court case (I actually don't know any case, on top of my head). Have you even red Supreme Courts decision 2021? Why do you think that the Supreme Court now wants to process the case once more (also on a very short timeline)? Doesn't that guide you in any direction? For your info, a Supreme Court never grants an appeal if they think the legal issues are properly handled and logic has been followed by an under court. In this particular case it's not about precedent, it's about a major logic flaw by the under court.
3. Ask yourself this: How often do you beforehand get to peek into the arguments by a Supreme Court? I give you a hint, almost never. This time, we already have some of the Supreme Courts argument from 2021. Extremely rare situation from that point of view.
Morover, I believe the Supreme court will give a final decision on the 18th March, and I also believe it will be a win for EAM. I will keep my arguments to my self behind that position for a while. They goes slightly beyond what has been written in any thread so far in fa.
So, in summary, I only agree with you that MC Axel made a very good pitch here, and the rest in your post is rubbish. In my humble opinion :) .
1. By reading the Supreme Courts verdict 2021, it is obvious that Court Appeal Milan didn't do their job properly. The conclusions and comments by the Supreme Court that time around is nothing but humiliating reading for the Court Appeal Milan. So in regards to that, Supreme Court doesn't seem that corrupt.
2. Given the Supreme Courts decisions 2021 I would say that the outcome is predictable with an unusual high probability, in favour of EAM. This is not an ordinary court case, since highest court already in 2021 has been given their thoughts (they don't change foot lightly, unless new laws are implemented), which is extremely rare in any court case (I actually don't know any case, on top of my head). Have you even red Supreme Courts decision 2021? Why do you think that the Supreme Court now wants to process the case once more (also on a very short timeline)? Doesn't that guide you in any direction? For your info, a Supreme Court never grants an appeal if they think the legal issues are properly handled and logic has been followed by an under court. In this particular case it's not about precedent, it's about a major logic flaw by the under court.
3. Ask yourself this: How often do you beforehand get to peek into the arguments by a Supreme Court? I give you a hint, almost never. This time, we already have some of the Supreme Courts argument from 2021. Extremely rare situation from that point of view.
Morover, I believe the Supreme court will give a final decision on the 18th March, and I also believe it will be a win for EAM. I will keep my arguments to my self behind that position for a while. They goes slightly beyond what has been written in any thread so far in fa.
So, in summary, I only agree with you that MC Axel made a very good pitch here, and the rest in your post is rubbish. In my humble opinion :) .
Redigert 01.03.2025 kl 21:25
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01.03.2025 kl 10:11
Dear Mr Axel:
You seem to be the wisest person on the forum, so let me please share some thoughts on the situation. Do you remember the atmosphere before the District Court decision on 05.07.2024? Let me remind you: 1) absolutely everybody was sure in the positive outcome of the District Court decision (District Court should follow the guidelines of the Supreme Court etc.etc.) and 2) the share price fluctuated around 1NOK before the date of the decision.
In my view the situation for EAM was stronger then than it is now. Now the outcome is totally unpredictable. Worst thing is that I do not have faith in Italian judicial system. I think it is corrupt and thus untrustworthy. That's why investors are afraid to hold the shares and periodical gusts (waves) of selling occur. This situation will continue till 18.03. Very volatile conditions and total unpredictability .... AND this all due to the bad reputation of Italia judicial system!
You seem to be the wisest person on the forum, so let me please share some thoughts on the situation. Do you remember the atmosphere before the District Court decision on 05.07.2024? Let me remind you: 1) absolutely everybody was sure in the positive outcome of the District Court decision (District Court should follow the guidelines of the Supreme Court etc.etc.) and 2) the share price fluctuated around 1NOK before the date of the decision.
In my view the situation for EAM was stronger then than it is now. Now the outcome is totally unpredictable. Worst thing is that I do not have faith in Italian judicial system. I think it is corrupt and thus untrustworthy. That's why investors are afraid to hold the shares and periodical gusts (waves) of selling occur. This situation will continue till 18.03. Very volatile conditions and total unpredictability .... AND this all due to the bad reputation of Italia judicial system!
MC Axel
28.02.2025 kl 14:11
I agree with that!
I am convinced that EAM will be the rocket of the year
I said it before the Supreme Court took up the case again and I am more convinced than ever that EAM will win
I am convinced that EAM will be the rocket of the year
I said it before the Supreme Court took up the case again and I am more convinced than ever that EAM will win
28.02.2025 kl 13:40
Spot on. After the weekend, it`s only 14 days left before the supreme court may come with a verdict in favor of EAM. That will skyrocket the value of the stock.
Happy weekend
Happy weekend
28.02.2025 kl 13:36
It's rising because we are approaching 18th Feb, and that's where the big money is.
I think the price pull back recent days are done, and momentum is being built for nxt week. A big move shortly is in the card.
Like I said before, even with a share price of 1-2 NOK, the potential is offensive . . . . potentially 16-20 NOK per share.
I think the price pull back recent days are done, and momentum is being built for nxt week. A big move shortly is in the card.
Like I said before, even with a share price of 1-2 NOK, the potential is offensive . . . . potentially 16-20 NOK per share.
28.02.2025 kl 13:04
weed skrev Får håpe det skjer da jeg er tungt lastet.
why is it rising today --> 16% reduced production due to theft, that was no small amount! or is such a substantive reduction irrelevant?
28.02.2025 kl 12:01
Tja, kjøpersiden vokser, og det minker på aksjer til salgs opp mot 50 øre. Så plutselig tar det av.
28.02.2025 kl 11:46
Må nok over 50 øre før det blir noe volum og vei i vellinga. Usikker på om det skjer i dag.
28.02.2025 kl 11:27
Vinner EAM ( noe som virker enda mere sannsynlig etter utspillet fra høgsterett), blir det årets kursfest på børsen.
28.02.2025 kl 11:08
Velkommen til «black» eller «Green Friday» i EAM.
Det bygger seg opp til en kursfest i EAM og nå er vi snart over i mars måned. Dagene tikker fort mot 18.mars nå og mitparten har fått en krevende sak midt i fleisen på kort varsel når Italiensk høyesterett nå tok saken og med kort behandlingstid. Kan et forlik (for å få saken ut av verden) være beste løsning for motpart?
Dagene frem til 18.mars og behandlingen av Italiensk høyesterett blir spennende. Les dere opp før dere evt investerer så dere kjenner hele saken og forløpet/historien og gjør deretter egen risikovurdering om dere ønsker å være inne eller ute av EAM?
Det bygger seg opp til en kursfest i EAM og nå er vi snart over i mars måned. Dagene tikker fort mot 18.mars nå og mitparten har fått en krevende sak midt i fleisen på kort varsel når Italiensk høyesterett nå tok saken og med kort behandlingstid. Kan et forlik (for å få saken ut av verden) være beste løsning for motpart?
Dagene frem til 18.mars og behandlingen av Italiensk høyesterett blir spennende. Les dere opp før dere evt investerer så dere kjenner hele saken og forløpet/historien og gjør deretter egen risikovurdering om dere ønsker å være inne eller ute av EAM?
28.02.2025 kl 10:16
Do you mean that EAM has already received EUR 3.4 million from Aveleos?
28.02.2025 kl 10:02
I fint driv nå på vei mot 50 øre, vært morsomt å ta helg rundt 60 øre. Men om vi må vente til neste uke med det så er det også helt greit.
MC Axel
28.02.2025 kl 09:48
It was a bit strange that the report came 4 days early, but now everything is clear.
The positive thing about the report is that the money has already been allocated for the lawsuits! That means, no worries!
It is reassuring that financing is in order!
Now March 18th can arrive with big bonuses! 😁
The positive thing about the report is that the money has already been allocated for the lawsuits! That means, no worries!
It is reassuring that financing is in order!
Now March 18th can arrive with big bonuses! 😁
27.02.2025 kl 20:10
Uff, uff. Trist det.
Slik vil nok de folka som solgte i dag på laveste kurs også føle seg etter hvert.
Slik vil nok de folka som solgte i dag på laveste kurs også føle seg etter hvert.
27.02.2025 kl 19:56
I morgen er det fredag igjen. De to siste fredagene har kursen gått bananas før helgen, jeg bare nevner det.
27.02.2025 kl 19:35
skadi skrev Na Tony, fikk du solgt for dagens laveste kurs?
I've sold for 0.10NOK in the morning of the day the Supreme Court announcement came 😞 And I've been waiting for this announcement! And imagine what --> my mum used to call me "my dear Soros" :)
27.02.2025 kl 18:14
Bigdreamer har nok helt rett. Nordnet Livsforsikring er alle dere små. Hvor mange ganger må dette diskuteres? Før forrige avgjørelse av rettsaken ble det så mye diskutert på shareville at Nordnet selv svarte på vertfall 1 tråd at det var samlekonto for alle fjottene.
Peter Sellers
27.02.2025 kl 16:21
@MCA, det er jo et godt tegn at Nordnet Livsforsikring fortsatt sitter rolig, det viser vel antakeligvis at de anser sjansen for relativt stor for en seier og en kjempegevinst!!
27.02.2025 kl 14:56
Redselen er størst dersom man ikke har kjøpt før den 18.mars, tenker jeg....
27.02.2025 kl 14:50
agreed on what you said. as of my perspektiv many people were happy and very positiv, but then the more closer we get to supreme court decision the more people start to frustrate even those who had strong gut felling.
There may be couple of things why many sell now:
1. scared, losing patients cause they can not tolerate the anxiety of the price action and closer to supreme court.
2. somewhere in forums there are people/bots trying to manipulate.
3. if none of those above then i do not know anymore why they leave.
Even i am scared in the middel sometime, but i just need to go outside and wait 19 or more days. just need to relax and wait patiently and yes i do have the trust in Eam favor. no mater what.
There may be couple of things why many sell now:
1. scared, losing patients cause they can not tolerate the anxiety of the price action and closer to supreme court.
2. somewhere in forums there are people/bots trying to manipulate.
3. if none of those above then i do not know anymore why they leave.
Even i am scared in the middel sometime, but i just need to go outside and wait 19 or more days. just need to relax and wait patiently and yes i do have the trust in Eam favor. no mater what.
Redigert 27.02.2025 kl 14:52
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27.02.2025 kl 14:36
MC Axel skrev I agree! 👍
Na Tony, fikk du solgt for dagens laveste kurs?
Redigert 27.02.2025 kl 14:37
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27.02.2025 kl 13:59
If you bought at 0.51 then you should definately be buying now at 0.4 if you can.
If you bought it because you actually think the Supreme Court will rule positively then buy or hold
If you bought it because you actually think the Supreme Court will rule positively then buy or hold
27.02.2025 kl 11:44
I do not understand, why the course is plunging right now! Bought myself in on 25.02 for around 0.51NOK!
MC Axel
27.02.2025 kl 11:44
No, that's the Nordnet Bank Ab - Nominee account
Nordnet Livsforsikring As is a Ordinary account and is therefore subject to reporting requirements for purchases and sales of more than the 5% threshold of all shares in the company
And they haven't sold
This means that the largest shareholder is sitting quietly and waiting 😁
No, that's the Nordnet Bank Ab - Nominee account
Nordnet Livsforsikring As is a Ordinary account and is therefore subject to reporting requirements for purchases and sales of more than the 5% threshold of all shares in the company
And they haven't sold
This means that the largest shareholder is sitting quietly and waiting 😁
Redigert 27.02.2025 kl 11:49
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MC Axel
27.02.2025 kl 11:35
What I hope is that EAM will pay out half of the compensation as dividends, it will be 8 NOK per share
and the rest of the 1.25 billion NOK to further develop the company, which has great potential
What do you think about this?
Do you agree?
What I hope is that EAM will pay out half of the compensation as dividends, it will be 8 NOK per share
and the rest of the 1.25 billion NOK to further develop the company, which has great potential
What do you think about this?
Do you agree?
26.02.2025 kl 15:40
Nordnet Livsforsikring are everyone that have been bying stocks form a ikz account.
MC Axel
26.02.2025 kl 13:34
The month of March is going to be exciting!!
I have not sold a single one of the 3 million EAM shares that we own! 😁
As I said to begin with, I usually do not invest in such stocks, but the EAM case is different and therefore accepted
Good luck
I have not sold a single one of the 3 million EAM shares that we own! 😁
As I said to begin with, I usually do not invest in such stocks, but the EAM case is different and therefore accepted
Good luck
MC Axel
25.02.2025 kl 09:08
Looks like we're going higher now!
Oslo Stock Exchange's most exciting stock in the short term!
Oslo Stock Exchange's most exciting stock in the short term!
MC Axel
24.02.2025 kl 10:57
X-43 scramjet skrev 54 øre skal testes. Spennende tider for EAM fremover
Yes 👍
Remember this stock exchange announcement from 13 February. Nordnet Livsforsikring AS
They haven't sold since
Nordnet Livsforsikring AS, net bought 4,123,909 shares in EAM Solar
The ownership distribution among Nordnet AB (publ) subsidiaries is as follows:
held a total of 11,069,853 shares in the company on a consolidated basis, representing 7.24% of the outstanding shares and votes in the company
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB: 0.70%
Nordnet Livsforsikring AS: 6.54%
Remember this stock exchange announcement from 13 February. Nordnet Livsforsikring AS
They haven't sold since
Nordnet Livsforsikring AS, net bought 4,123,909 shares in EAM Solar
The ownership distribution among Nordnet AB (publ) subsidiaries is as follows:
held a total of 11,069,853 shares in the company on a consolidated basis, representing 7.24% of the outstanding shares and votes in the company
Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB: 0.70%
Nordnet Livsforsikring AS: 6.54%
24.02.2025 kl 10:04
Vekter meg kraftig ned i dag.
Tør ikke sitte til 14 / 18 mars.
Fornøyd med 500% opp.
Lykke til videre.
Tør ikke sitte til 14 / 18 mars.
Fornøyd med 500% opp.
Lykke til videre.