Rekyl for børsens billigste?
Det kommer en rekyl her. Det gjør det alltid for børsens billigste. Selskapet er verdsatt til 14 mill nå. Det er kun 6,8 mill aksjer i selskapet og dersom denne begynner å stige kan det gå meget fort oppover.
Redigert 19.07.2024 kl 10:17
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MC Axel
18.03.2025 kl 10:02
I sit relaxed with my shares!
+1 million shares
I think EAM will win. And that there is a reason why the Supreme Court accepted the EAM appeal
And I also believe that we will get the decision today!
FROM 2021
Copy from Shareville:
Sådan bliver det nok også denne gang. De får medhold af Højesteret. Sagen er nu endnu bedre dokumenteret
""""Norsk solselskap fikk medhold i italiensk høyesterett, aksjekursen til værs
Høyesterett i Italia annullerer dommen der fem personer ble frikjent for svindel mot norske EAM Solar."
Publisert 7. oktober 2021
+1 million shares
I think EAM will win. And that there is a reason why the Supreme Court accepted the EAM appeal
And I also believe that we will get the decision today!
FROM 2021
Copy from Shareville:
Sådan bliver det nok også denne gang. De får medhold af Højesteret. Sagen er nu endnu bedre dokumenteret
""""Norsk solselskap fikk medhold i italiensk høyesterett, aksjekursen til værs
Høyesterett i Italia annullerer dommen der fem personer ble frikjent for svindel mot norske EAM Solar."
Publisert 7. oktober 2021
Redigert 18.03.2025 kl 10:09
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07.03.2025 kl 12:58
can you give a link to this article in Shareville? You probably need a subscription for Shareville?
MC Axel
07.03.2025 kl 12:46
Funny to read all the nonsense about Shareville EAM, the claim is 2.5 billion NOK, EAM itself states this!
= 16.34 NOK a share
= 16.34 NOK a share
MC Axel
06.03.2025 kl 11:35
He is totally unserious!
I hold and take the chance with my +3 million EAM shares! 😁
He is totally unserious!
I hold and take the chance with my +3 million EAM shares! 😁
06.03.2025 kl 11:34
Ser det legges ut sperreposter. Når det kommer kjøpere som nærmer seg, flyttes det opp. Men plutselig kommer det noen og tar hele posten. Tikk-takk, det nærmer seg 18 mars. Kun 7,5 børsdager igjen.
06.03.2025 kl 11:24
If i remeber corectly their assets/earnings have been published in 2023 or 2022
06.03.2025 kl 09:42
Det kan begynne om 1 time eller neste uke...det er nettopp det som er poenget, plutselig smeller det og da kommer en kraftig oppgang i lag med enorme volum. Følg med!
06.03.2025 kl 09:36
IDGAF skrev Få børsdager igjen nå.... 😉 🤑🤑🤑
Ja få dager til 18.Derfor stusser jeg på at kursen ikke går høyere,hvis dere er så sikre på at den skal til himmels.
06.03.2025 kl 09:14
I've red all the reports and I also happen to remember all your shitty comments, one day up 300% claiming you have millions shares and two days later there is nothing but worries and dark sky . . . so gives a break and learn some proper trading using TA instead of your BS.
I'm not analysing your posts, no need. But as long as you keeping posting BS I will now and then comment on them.
I'm not analysing your posts, no need. But as long as you keeping posting BS I will now and then comment on them.
Redigert 06.03.2025 kl 09:31
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06.03.2025 kl 09:08
Tror vi bør ha fokus på å posisjonere oss nå, ca 1 mill aksjer til salgs på 46,90...tipper de slukes raskt.
06.03.2025 kl 09:02
just read the f@cking report instead of analyzing my posts and the whole history from the creation of the world!
06.03.2025 kl 08:50
he has not bought the share, he is looking for cheep entry . . . read his history . . . one day he talks about 2-3 NOK prior to 18 March (I guess that's when he bought, and claim he has more than a millions shares), two days later he's talking about all the risks, and nothing but the risk. I wouldn't pay any attention to this dudes opinions, and he's not an attorney.
06.03.2025 kl 08:33
the report of Aveleos S.A. shows assets for 20.1M € and obligations for 4.3M €. Not so much!
Peter Sellers
06.03.2025 kl 07:18
@Tony, honestly I don't understand why you have bought this share with the big and many worries you have!! Yes, it is a Lotto share with the possibility of a huge profit, but I think you should rather buy Equinor and you will probably sleep well or maybe you should rather consider whether you have anything to do on the stock exchange at all, good luck!!
05.03.2025 kl 22:41
Good point! What do we know about Aveleos and Akhmerov? The latter can flee to Russia any moment but Aveleos should have assets.
Redigert 05.03.2025 kl 22:42
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05.03.2025 kl 21:20
Need answers if someone could share the knowledge if they have, no one knows when it will be officially done with the case, but how long would it take to receive the compensation if supreme court would favor the Eam on the same day?
would appreciate it very much, thanks if you do so.
would appreciate it very much, thanks if you do so.
Redigert 05.03.2025 kl 21:23
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05.03.2025 kl 15:41
Well, not in my country, the Supreme Court very often for the rare granted appeals correct and makes final decisions. And that goes for Supreme Court in Italy as well. They are authorized to correct the verdict by CAM.
What they never do though is to correct a verdict where the appeal is purely based on factual reasoning. The under courts verdict therefore stand on the fraudulent part. Only if significant evidence based on new facts is presented. Which is not the case here. It's all about the decision based on lack of logic and incomplete processing by CAM.
Hence, the verdict of fraud stand, but should be applied in every part of the case. That's why the Supreme Court has granted the appeal a second time - rare, extremely rare.
So, I'm as convinced as one can be that the outcome will be in favour of EAM. Why would the Supreme Court grant the appeal a second time then? This question is rhetorical.
What they never do though is to correct a verdict where the appeal is purely based on factual reasoning. The under courts verdict therefore stand on the fraudulent part. Only if significant evidence based on new facts is presented. Which is not the case here. It's all about the decision based on lack of logic and incomplete processing by CAM.
Hence, the verdict of fraud stand, but should be applied in every part of the case. That's why the Supreme Court has granted the appeal a second time - rare, extremely rare.
So, I'm as convinced as one can be that the outcome will be in favour of EAM. Why would the Supreme Court grant the appeal a second time then? This question is rhetorical.
Redigert 05.03.2025 kl 16:03
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MC Axel
05.03.2025 kl 14:36
I believe that history will repeat itself, and that the Supreme Court will reprimand the lower court this time, just as they did last time!
The strength this time is that the false documents have been used and accepted in a judgment.
Do you remember this one from 2021?
"Domstol slaktes etter EAM Solar-dom
Italiensk høyesterett sender EAM Solars svindelsak tilbake til ankedomstolen i Milano med krav om full gjennomgang av bevisene.
Publisert 2. des. 2021"
Høyesterett sender nå saken tilbake til et annet kammer ved ankedomstolen i Milano for en ny behandling av saken. Videre stiller høyesterett krav om en fullstendig gjennomgang av bevisene i den nye rettsrunden.
EAM Solar gjengir også høyesteretts beslutning om selve svindelsaken, der konklusjonen går ut på at den beviste tilbakeholdelsen av essensiell informasjon i kontraktsforhandlingene i seg selv utgjør en kontraktssvindel.
The strength this time is that the false documents have been used and accepted in a judgment.
Do you remember this one from 2021?
"Domstol slaktes etter EAM Solar-dom
Italiensk høyesterett sender EAM Solars svindelsak tilbake til ankedomstolen i Milano med krav om full gjennomgang av bevisene.
Publisert 2. des. 2021"
Høyesterett sender nå saken tilbake til et annet kammer ved ankedomstolen i Milano for en ny behandling av saken. Videre stiller høyesterett krav om en fullstendig gjennomgang av bevisene i den nye rettsrunden.
EAM Solar gjengir også høyesteretts beslutning om selve svindelsaken, der konklusjonen går ut på at den beviste tilbakeholdelsen av essensiell informasjon i kontraktsforhandlingene i seg selv utgjør en kontraktssvindel.
MC Axel
05.03.2025 kl 11:52
Yes, there should be a limit to how often the Supreme Court should confirm a fraud case, and when it has clearly been committed
I'm definitely not selling my EAM shares!
I'm definitely not selling my EAM shares!
05.03.2025 kl 11:21
Hope you are right! In our jurisdiction the Supreme Court has also a procedural right to make a final decision but the Supreme Court uses this right very seldom. We'll see quite soon already.
04.03.2025 kl 22:48
yes, normally that would be the process, but this time Supreme Court will look into the whole case and make a final decision, that's my take after talking to people who knows law better than I do. The Supreme Court has the power to make that final decision, I've checked that too.
The Supreme will not check facts regarding Akhmerov and his "friends" guilt, it's already scrutinized by both CAM (twice) and the Supreme Court 2021.
The Supreme will not check facts regarding Akhmerov and his "friends" guilt, it's already scrutinized by both CAM (twice) and the Supreme Court 2021.
04.03.2025 kl 22:02
The lower court had his chance to do so! It's time to stop the nonsens.....
04.03.2025 kl 21:43
Still, as a rule, the highest courts send the cases back with their guidelines. The rational behind this is 1) they want the lower court (the one that made a mistake) to rectify these mistakes and 2) they want the lower courts to follow their guidelines!
04.03.2025 kl 19:54
I bet a final decision by the Supreme Court is the most likely outcome. And if so, in favour of EAM. It may get wild.
04.03.2025 kl 14:59
Ja, hvor ofte har man muligheten for en potensiell økning på flere 1000% på få dager. Bare halvparten av erstatningskravet tilsvarer 8 kr pr aksje, uten renter.
04.03.2025 kl 14:44
X-43 scramjet skrev Lurt å ha is i magen fylle på nå mens en venter på 18.mars
Har absolutt ingen behov for å selge på disse kursene....denne sjansen jeg har nå, har jeg aldri hatt før....den skal jeg ta vare på:)....selv om det går åt skogen....
04.03.2025 kl 12:37
Om høgsterett dømmer i favør EAM, men reduserer erstatningen med 75%, og de "kun" blir tilkjent 55-60 mill eur(pluss renter, som er ett betydelig beløp), vil det tilsvare 10-15 ganger høyere mcap/aksjekurs kontra i dag. Noe å tenke på.
04.03.2025 kl 12:30
Jeg har heller fylt på rundt 42 øre i dag...så får vi se om ikke det var smart.
04.03.2025 kl 12:13
I så fall om dette er et bullish set-up med mulig pennant (flagg) formasjon så burde man fylle på ved brudd over 50 øre. Vi får sr hva som skjer.
04.03.2025 kl 11:31
tuja skrev Det kalles trading. Og dagen er ikke over.
yes, bullish technical setup still in play.
03.03.2025 kl 22:02
Thanks! I'll go through it later but want to emphasize that the gang has also appealed the 5.07 decision to the Supreme Court!
03.03.2025 kl 17:47
Technically, price is trading in the tip of a bullish pennant. Expect price to break out shortly. It's a bullish setup, hence most likely up.
03.03.2025 kl 14:57
If you really believe that you should sell all your "1 million" shares immediately!
MC Axel
03.03.2025 kl 14:12
It is highly unlikely
The Supreme Court will not overturn the judgment of the Italian state, I cannot see anywhere that this judgment has been appealed to the Supreme Court.
We have a verdict from 2021 where they (the fraudsters were found guilty) and where it is factual that the documents are false.
The Supreme Court will not overturn the judgment in which the Italian state won. In this judgment, the false documents were not considered to be expired.
The exact same false documents were used to defraud EAM. The Italian case and the EAM case are taking place at the same time, concern the same solar parks and the legal proceedings have been running in parallel.
"Styret mener retten har unnlatt å ta stilling til de faktiske bevisene som ble lagt frem i rettssaken i 2019, hvor det ble bevist at EAM mottok falsifiserte dokumenter under kontraktsforhandlingene med Aveleos. Disse dokumentene er de samme som ankedomstolen la til grunn for å dømme for svindel mot den italienske staten."
"– For det første er de dømt for svindel mot den italienske staten på grunn av de forfalskede dokumentene. De samme dokumentene ble brukt til å bedra oss. Det er en åpenbar logisk feil her, sier Jakobsen"
""""" – De er dømt for svindel på den ene siden, men ikke på den andre. """""
"""""«Dommen i ankesaken er interessant av to årsaker. For første er folkene dømt for svindel av den italienske staten. Det åpner for et sivilt søksmål med en helt annen bevisbyrde. Det andre er at vår kriminaladvokat har sett på argumentasjonen til ankedomstolen, og det er en del konkrete formalfeil og faktafeil som vi vil anke til høyesterett ettersom ankedomstolen ikke fulgte høysteretts retningslinjer»"""""""
I myself was skeptical at first, but was convinced that there was a legal error regarding the EAM judgment from July 4, 2024.
After the Supreme Court took up the matter, I am more certain that the Supreme Court has seen the same thing as the rest of us, that the lower court has not done its job and has made mistakes in the EAM case.
Everyone must make their own assessment of the matter, but I stand by my opinion.
The Supreme Court will not overturn the judgment of the Italian state, I cannot see anywhere that this judgment has been appealed to the Supreme Court.
We have a verdict from 2021 where they (the fraudsters were found guilty) and where it is factual that the documents are false.
The Supreme Court will not overturn the judgment in which the Italian state won. In this judgment, the false documents were not considered to be expired.
The exact same false documents were used to defraud EAM. The Italian case and the EAM case are taking place at the same time, concern the same solar parks and the legal proceedings have been running in parallel.
"Styret mener retten har unnlatt å ta stilling til de faktiske bevisene som ble lagt frem i rettssaken i 2019, hvor det ble bevist at EAM mottok falsifiserte dokumenter under kontraktsforhandlingene med Aveleos. Disse dokumentene er de samme som ankedomstolen la til grunn for å dømme for svindel mot den italienske staten."
"– For det første er de dømt for svindel mot den italienske staten på grunn av de forfalskede dokumentene. De samme dokumentene ble brukt til å bedra oss. Det er en åpenbar logisk feil her, sier Jakobsen"
""""" – De er dømt for svindel på den ene siden, men ikke på den andre. """""
"""""«Dommen i ankesaken er interessant av to årsaker. For første er folkene dømt for svindel av den italienske staten. Det åpner for et sivilt søksmål med en helt annen bevisbyrde. Det andre er at vår kriminaladvokat har sett på argumentasjonen til ankedomstolen, og det er en del konkrete formalfeil og faktafeil som vi vil anke til høyesterett ettersom ankedomstolen ikke fulgte høysteretts retningslinjer»"""""""
I myself was skeptical at first, but was convinced that there was a legal error regarding the EAM judgment from July 4, 2024.
After the Supreme Court took up the matter, I am more certain that the Supreme Court has seen the same thing as the rest of us, that the lower court has not done its job and has made mistakes in the EAM case.
Everyone must make their own assessment of the matter, but I stand by my opinion.
03.03.2025 kl 14:10
Hvorfor tror du høgsterett går videre med den rettslige tvisten, og overstyrer ankedomstolen i Milano?
03.03.2025 kl 13:53
tuja hva tror du kursen blir hvis det ikke går bra 18 mars.Hvorfor tror du kursen er på bare 0,45-0,50 nå
03.03.2025 kl 13:35
The Supreme Court may have taken the case into proceedings in order to apply statute of limitations to all the indictments not only some of them (as district court did). Anyway that's a possibility. I have 1 million shares. don't dare to risk with any more. Soon we'll see.
Redigert 03.03.2025 kl 13:36
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03.03.2025 kl 13:15
Nå selges gull til prisen av gråstein. Etter 18 mars kan EAM lett prises til minimum 10 gangen. Og det er nøkternt.
03.03.2025 kl 13:15
you still don't get that there are no time limit that will affect the process - EAM has plenty of time to process the case. This has been checked!!!!! It's the same post you did several weeks ago!
Give us a break, Tony83.
Give us a break, Tony83.
MC Axel
03.03.2025 kl 12:34
Wrong again
If it were as simple as you are trying to imply, the Supreme Court would have dismissed the case immediately.
It was not time-barred in the judgment, the Italian state against the fraudsters
The same case has been going on all along, so it is not outdated.
Please read this and you know why
I have almost 3.5 million shares in EAM. Yes, you can assume that I have great faith in the matter ;)
If it were as simple as you are trying to imply, the Supreme Court would have dismissed the case immediately.
It was not time-barred in the judgment, the Italian state against the fraudsters
The same case has been going on all along, so it is not outdated.
Please read this and you know why
I have almost 3.5 million shares in EAM. Yes, you can assume that I have great faith in the matter ;)
Redigert 03.03.2025 kl 12:53
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