TOMRA - hvorfor 'gå over bekken etter AI'?

Rect Angel
TOM 07.08.2024 kl 10:36 436

Ja, hvorfor gå 'over bekken etter AI', eller 'over dammen' om man vil, når et norsk selskap er blant de aller ypperste innen anvendt AI og har utviklet løsninger innen feltet i tre tiår.

Sjefen for TOMRA Recycling Dr. Volker Rehrmann redegjør for hvilke enorme muligheter som ligger foran oss når det gjelder anvendt AI innen sirkulær økonomi hvor Tomra er globalt markedsledende. Gjengir her innledningen av artikkelen.

AI as a catalyst for material circularity

Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning are revolutionizing the recycling industry. They not only increase efficiency but also increase sorting granularity. Additionally, these technologies are unlocking completely new applications. Dr. Volker Rehrmann, our EVP and Head of TOMRA Recycling, discusses the potential of AI for our industry. Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning are revolutionizing the recycling industry. They not only increase efficiency but also increase sorting granularity. Additionally, these technologies are unlocking completely new applications. Dr. Volker Rehrmann, our EVP and Head of TOMRA Recycling, discusses the potential of AI for our industry. 

06 Aug 2024 2 min

We are all striving for a genuine circular economy. However, this requires consistently high-quality recovered materials and as many materials as possible to be fed back into the cycle. This is not yet possible with today’s processes, and many recovered materials are downcycled. To avoid downcycling in favor of using high-quality recyclates, sorting must become more granular.  

The good news is that AI is now making this possible. What’s more, AI will become a catalyst for material circularity. Such advanced technologies significantly improve the sorting and classification of recyclable materials and help to meet the increasing demand for more recycled content. 

Before we look at how AI is changing resource recovery, it’s worth clearing up a common misconception. AI is not just the latest buzzword but has always been at the heart of our industry. Our research and development teams have been developing AI-powered sorting solutions for years. Even our first TOMRA machines 30 years ago were able to make decisions about which material to sort into which container. And the ability to make decisions like a human is the very definition of AI.

Redigert 13.08.2024 kl 12:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
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13.08.2024 kl 12:07 317

Er neppe noen overdrivelse å kalle GAINnext en industriell 'game-changer' som f.eks. muliggjør 'closed loop recycling' av plast i en helt annen skala enn hva som har vært mulig til nå.

13th August 2024

TOMRA to showcase its world-class sensor-based sorting solutions at RWM Expo 2024
Visitors to RWM Expo 2024, which takes place on 11-12 September at the NEC in Birmingham, will have the opportunity to find out about TOMRA’s pioneering GAINnext™ applications to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics, as well as other world-class sensor-based sorting solutions.

Representatives from TOMRA will be on hand at Stand ME-E200 to highlight the latest developments in sensor-based sorting technology for waste and metals.

A key focus for TOMRA at this year’s show will be three new revolutionary applications to separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE. GAINnext™ is a deep learning-based sorting add-on for TOMRA’s world-renowned AUTOSORT™ units. By combining sensor-based material identification and deep learning object recognition, TOMRA is the first in the industry to be able to quickly and efficiently separate food-grade from non-food-grade plastics for PET, PP and HDPE on a large scale. GAINnext™ has made food-grade sorting a reality – and has made it possible to achieve higher than 95% purity rPET, rPP and rHDPE – the level EU regulation requires to fulfil food safety standards.

Other waste sorting solutions that TOMRA will be showcasing at this year’s event include the latest version of INNOSORT™ FLAKE which was launched in late 2023 and AUTOSORT™ SPEEDAIR. Capable of simultaneously detecting polymers and colours, INNOSORT™ FLAKE is designed specifically for high-throughput purification of plastic flakes. AUTOSORT™ SPEEDAIR is designed for high-speed, high-purity intelligent sorting of plastic films and lightweight packaging.

Those visitors interested in TOMRA’s metals sorting solutions will be able to learn about AUTOSORT™ PULSE – a dynamic laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) solution for sorting aluminium scrap by alloy; FINDER™ for ultra-flexible sorting of non-ferrous metal and X-TRACT™ for powerful precision x-ray sorting of aluminium from heavy metals.

Representatives from the pioneering start-up PolyPerception which offers AI-based waste flow monitoring will also be on Stand ME-E200, with TOMRA having acquired a 25% stake in PolyPerception earlier this year. TOMRA’s advanced material sorting systems and cloud-based monitoring solution, TOMRA Insight, combined with PolyPerception’s innovative waste analysis solution are enabling PET recyclers and sorting plants to optimise the entire recycling process and material flow.

Terry Keyworth, Sales Manager UK and Ireland at TOMRA Recycling, comments: “We’re looking forward to being back at RWM again this year. It’s always a great networking opportunity which attracts a vast range of professionals from across the waste management industry. The show is an ideal platform for us to highlight our latest product developments and talk to existing and potential customers about the many ways in which we can optimise resource recovery and help close the loop on a vast range of materials.”
Redigert 13.08.2024 kl 12:11 Du må logge inn for å svare
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14.08.2024 kl 12:24 165

Plastics group honors recycling technology pioneers

United Kingdom-based plastics trade group Recoup has named four recycling technology innovators as potential 2024 award winners.

AUGUST 14, 2024

United Kingdom-based Recoup, a trade group focused on plastic recycling, has announced the nominees in the “Best Innovation in Equipment or Technology” category of its 2024 Recoup Awards.

The awards will be presented in Peterborough, U.K., in late September and are sponsored by European waste and recycling firm Remondis.
The nominee with the potentially largest impact for large-volume recycling plant operators is the GAINnext optical sorting device now available from the Tomra Sorting Recycling business unit of Norway-based Tomra Systems ASA.

Tomra has marketed the GAINnext in part for its ability to identify and sort aluminum used beverage cans (UBCs), the highest-value discarded container. However, if polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and other plastic containers can maintain and build their value, GAINnext has clear applications in that sector.

The technology provider says GAINnext uses deep learning technology—a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning—to identify different types of containers on a moving belt.

The firm says it offers what Tomra says is a high-throughput solution for UBC aluminum recovery that delivers 98 percent purity or higher without manual sorting.

“This breakthrough technology further automates the sorting line to improve UBC capture efficiency [at material recovery facilities (MRFs)],” the company adds, potentially increasing revenue and decreasing costs for plant operators.

The technology has been designed to instantly detect and eject non-UBC materials including aluminum bottles, food cans, trays and plastic containers to accomplish high-accuracy, automated sorting of aluminum cans.

“MRFs typically rely on manual sorters at the end of the line to pick UBCs from the metal packaging waste stream,” says Ty Rhoad, vice president of sales for the Americas at Tomra Recycling. “Manual sorting averages approximately 60 picks per minute, but our highly effective GAINnext AI sorting application offers up to 33 times more throughput. Offering high purity, GAINnext is proven to reduce operating costs and increase revenue and productivity, resulting in a quick return on investment (ROI).”

Tomra says GAINnext has been developed as an end-of-line solution for MRFs that can be integrated into existing lines with the object of lowering overall costs and improving sorting line ROI.

“Tomra’s experience with AI spans decades as our optical sorting equipment leverages traditional AI to automate sorting lines,” says Indrajeed Prasad, product manager of deep learning at Tomra Recycling. “GAINnext is trained to see what the human eye can see and detects thousands of objects by visual differences in milliseconds.

“The deep learning subset of AI creates a hierarchical level of artificial neurons to solve the most complex sorting tasks,” continues Prasad. “We are delighted that our new application focuses on the critical recovery of UBC aluminum cans and offers customers above 98 percent purity rates.”

The device uses an RGB (red, blue, green) camera, trained by thousands of images, to recognize UBCs based on shape, size and dimension.

Tomra says GAINnext can make up to 2,000 ejections per minute and the deep learning software identifies overlapping objects and calculates positioning for high precision.

The company says it is deploying deep learning in other sorting applications, having used GAINnext initially in the European market. It has sorted food-grade from nonfood-grade plastics, including PET, polypropylene (PP) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) at high throughput rates with purity levels it says have reached 95 percent.

Globally, Tomra indicates it has approximately 105,000 installations in more than 100 countries.

More information on the September Recoup Awards program and the full-day Recoup Conference in Peterborough that will follow can be found on the Recoup website.