Kan vi stole på Styret og ledelsen?
Kan aksjonærene i IDEX stole på at Styret og ledelsen jobber for alle aksjonærers beste?
Denne eposten ble sendt til Vince og ledelsen nå i dag. Vi får se hva som skjer, men det blir evt fulgt opp med anmeldelser til Økokrim og Oslo Børs.
"Hello Vince,
Thank you for your presentation today, it was great as always. Further to it, I congratulate you with a share price down 24% from All Time Low yesterday. That's quite an achievement. Well done.
Shareholders have understood that the information from the company is not always reliable, and on behalf of a numerous shareholders, I am asking:
Are the Board and Management totally incompetent or have all this been done deliberately? That you have mislead the market and shareholders.
1) in Q4 of last year the company stated that it was fully funded through 2024. Then, only few months later, there was a need to do a share issue in May, and now, again, the cash has run out...
2) In today's report we can read that the company has ran out of cash and that a new short term loan is being negotiated. Why do you wait till last minute in order to secure financing? You must have known the situation long time ago, and you see now what is happening to the share price.
Don't the Board and Management have any kind of control, or again, is this all done deliberately?
If the Board and Management were working on behalf of all shareholders, you could easily have funded the company at let's say 3 NOK per share at an earlier stage, and have had enough money throughout this year and well into next.
In stead the Board has done a very poor job, and at the same time RNK's "robots" have pushed the share price down, putting the company in a very difficult situation.
But I guess this was the wish all along :) As I honestly do not believe you guys are that incompetent.
As we speak the share price is 0.91 NOK.. No more words needed, just the question: When is enough enough? Don't you have any respect for your shareholders' hard earned money?
PS! If you had hired us to be your IR last year as proposed, we would not have been in this situation. But who would want to make money for all their shareholders, except a few?
And I never got any answers from you on my questions below. But I guess you all have been very busy.
And sorry for this harsh email, but I am very mad and disappointed, as I know many people have believed that you were serious, and trusted you with their money. And please, no excuses."
Denne eposten ble sendt til Vince og ledelsen nå i dag. Vi får se hva som skjer, men det blir evt fulgt opp med anmeldelser til Økokrim og Oslo Børs.
"Hello Vince,
Thank you for your presentation today, it was great as always. Further to it, I congratulate you with a share price down 24% from All Time Low yesterday. That's quite an achievement. Well done.
Shareholders have understood that the information from the company is not always reliable, and on behalf of a numerous shareholders, I am asking:
Are the Board and Management totally incompetent or have all this been done deliberately? That you have mislead the market and shareholders.
1) in Q4 of last year the company stated that it was fully funded through 2024. Then, only few months later, there was a need to do a share issue in May, and now, again, the cash has run out...
2) In today's report we can read that the company has ran out of cash and that a new short term loan is being negotiated. Why do you wait till last minute in order to secure financing? You must have known the situation long time ago, and you see now what is happening to the share price.
Don't the Board and Management have any kind of control, or again, is this all done deliberately?
If the Board and Management were working on behalf of all shareholders, you could easily have funded the company at let's say 3 NOK per share at an earlier stage, and have had enough money throughout this year and well into next.
In stead the Board has done a very poor job, and at the same time RNK's "robots" have pushed the share price down, putting the company in a very difficult situation.
But I guess this was the wish all along :) As I honestly do not believe you guys are that incompetent.
As we speak the share price is 0.91 NOK.. No more words needed, just the question: When is enough enough? Don't you have any respect for your shareholders' hard earned money?
PS! If you had hired us to be your IR last year as proposed, we would not have been in this situation. But who would want to make money for all their shareholders, except a few?
And I never got any answers from you on my questions below. But I guess you all have been very busy.
And sorry for this harsh email, but I am very mad and disappointed, as I know many people have believed that you were serious, and trusted you with their money. And please, no excuses."
King Kenny
23.08.2024 kl 07:41
We’ve won it five times, Davidsen. 250505! Du er helt på villspor!
Redigert 23.08.2024 kl 07:42
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23.08.2024 kl 08:12
Nå som stadig mer tyder på at vi har mistet "sjefstrådprodusent" og klipp og lim-mester poki er det beroligende å se at nye står klar for å ta over stafettpinnen!
En personlig favoritt er denne trådtittelen:
*Mass Deployment 2021 :-)*
Gammel nok til å huske ordtaket "å hoppe etter Wirkola" 👍
En personlig favoritt er denne trådtittelen:
*Mass Deployment 2021 :-)*
Gammel nok til å huske ordtaket "å hoppe etter Wirkola" 👍
23.08.2024 kl 08:22
Et lån på 125mill nå som dekker drift ut 2025 nå, hadde kanskje snudd skuta bratt opp, da må de for pokker ha fått litt mer fart på inntektene.
23.08.2024 kl 08:48
Har ikke nervene til det selv, men noen burde kanskje lage en ny tråd da?
🚀 Mass Deployment 2025 :-) 🚀
🚀 Mass Deployment 2025 :-) 🚀
23.08.2024 kl 09:41
Jeg har I alle hele livet FORAN meg, du derimot kan begynne å bestille trefrakken
03.09.2024 kl 10:34
Jeg har sendt inn anmeldelse av ledelse og styret i Idex til stockwatch@oslobors.no og kommer til å følge opp med relevante instanser (Finanstilsynet/Økokrim) for å utføre/bidra/tillate markedsmanipulasjon, innsidehandel, løgn, forskjellsbehandling og misinformasjon ovenfor markedet og aksjonærer, ref Lov om Verdipapirhandel paragraf 3.2, 3.3, 3.8, 5.2, 5.14 etc
03.09.2024 kl 11:59
Vedder på at saken blir henlagt hvis du i d hele tatt hører fra dem 🤭
Hadde disse institusjonene tatt manipulasjon seriøst så hadde ensu, idex, iox, lifecare, eam etc blitt sparket ut av casinobørsen for lengst 😆
Hadde disse institusjonene tatt manipulasjon seriøst så hadde ensu, idex, iox, lifecare, eam etc blitt sparket ut av casinobørsen for lengst 😆
06.09.2024 kl 11:45
Hva mener du om veien videre? Like før det snur nå? Alle som ikke kjøper nå er idioter? Ingen andre enn deg kan noe?
Hva mener du om veien videre? Like før det snur nå? Alle som ikke kjøper nå er idioter? Ingen andre enn deg kan noe?
06.09.2024 kl 20:13
Det er bare å kjøre på med begge hendene. Morten Opstad skulle mistet både advokat lisens og sin rett til å sitte i et styre. Han er den største svindleren på Oslo Børs
Redigert 06.09.2024 kl 20:33
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