EMGS - Gir TGS konkurranse

EMGS 29.09.2024 kl 23:37 505

EMGS gir TGS konkurranse på OBN seismikk. Fordelen er også at EMGS kan lokke med multi physics EM (propritære noder) + OBN.

Etter at de gikk inn i OBN-markedet, dermed også mer «mainstream» teknologi, blir selskapet ekstra interessant.

EMGS to kickstart flagship ocean bottom node seismic survey offshore Norway

Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA has entered into an agreement for a fully pre-funded offshore Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) seismic survey in the Barents Sea. This survey, which will be undertaken in collaboration with Velocitas Geo Solutions, marks EMGS' first venture into seismic node projects.



Even with high quality CSEM data in a well calibrated area,
there are still many challenges in fully integrating this data
set into workflows for estimating reserves and much more
effort is needed to address these challenges. Overall, CSEM
data collected in deep water Trinidad met our expectations
and the results have helped with future well planning and
made a material impact on business decisions.

We would like to thank Woodside, bp and the Ministry of
Energy and Energy Industries of Trinidad and Tobago for
giving permission to share this work. We also thank EMGS
for all their efforts on acquisition, processing, and inversion.
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I dag kl 11:59 111

Det ble forespeilet store muligheter for EMGS da regjeringen åpnet norsk sokkel for mineralvirksomhet på havbunnen.
Siden er det blitt stille.
Noen som har en oppdatering om det har skjedd noen utvikling på dette området?
I dag kl 12:01 108

Lisensrunden starter vel til våren.


Kan bli noen jobber til neste sommer.
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