Jeg vil tippe den vil bounce mellom 11.40-11 kr i en liten stund, til den har tatt nok pust i bakken før eventuelt videre oppgang.
But time will tell
But time will tell
14.11.2024 kl 09:00
Fremgang her nå. Mulig de får pengene de skylder også ca 3 kr aksjen
Iraqi officials discuss resumption of oil exports from northern Iraq
IRAQ Amr Salem November 14, 2024 137 5 min
Iraqi officials discuss resumption of oil exports from northern Iraq
Workers at Tawke oil field in Iraqi Kurdistan. Photo: AFP/Getty Images
Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – The Parliamentary Finance Committee and the Iraqi Oil Minister, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, discussed on Wednesday the resumption of oil exports from Iraqi Kurdistan.
A meeting held in the Oil Ministry’s headquarters addressed the latest developments and agreements to resolve a dispute related to oil exports between the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) as well as the main technical challenges.
This meeting coincided with the government’s submission of a draft amendment to the budget law for parliamentary vote, according to Shafaq News.
According to Atwan Al-Atwani, the head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, the meeting aimed to settle the conflict between Baghdad and Erbil, address unresolved issues in line with the Iraqi constitution, and advance a final agreement to resume oil exports from Iraqi Kurdistan via the Turkish port of Ceyhan.
Al-Atwani suggested that the proposed budget law amendment would be a significant step in resolving the conflict in accordance with a broad national vision.
The Iraqi cabinet decided earlier this month to immediately start delivering oil produced in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to the State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) or to the Oil Ministry in Baghdad.
The Iraqi Ministry of Finance will compensate the KRG for the production and transportation costs of the oil produced in northern Iraq and delivered to SOMO, or the Oil Ministry, according to a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).
Before a final settlement takes place, the federal government’s Finance Ministry will pay $16 per barrel until a specialized technical consulting committee has finished calculating fair expenses.
The Acting Minister of Natural Resources in the KRG, Kamal Mohammed, said in July that Iraqi Kurdistan is waiting for Baghdad to agree with international oil firms to resume its oil exports.
Mohammed explained that the resumption of oil exports is related to the expense of oil production in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Rudaw News reported.
Oil companies operating in the oil sector in Iraqi Kurdistan rejected Baghdad’s allocation of 8,960 dinars (about $6.9).
Talks to resume oil shipments have stumbled, and since March 2023, crude oil flows along the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline, which formerly handled around 0.5 percent of the world’s oil supply, have been suspended due to legal and financial uncertainty.
One of the main sources of conflict between the federal government in Baghdad and the KRG is the distribution of oil revenues.
After the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris decided in March 2023 that Ankara had broken a 1973 treaty by enabling oil exports without the federal government’s approval, flows via the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline stopped.
The Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) refuted earlier media reports that incorrectly attribute the ongoing dispute over the resumption of oil exports via the Iraq-Turkey pipeline to the inflexibility of foreign oil firms.
Media reports said that ongoing negotiations have stopped because international oil companies operating in Iraqi Kurdistan have adopted an inflexible stance. However, since January 2024, there haven’t been any coordinated talks between foreign oil firms, officials from the Iraqi government, and the KRG.
Oil shipments have not yet resumed despite multiple discussions between officials in Iraqi Kurdistan, the federal government in Baghdad, and Turkish authorities.
Read Full Thread
06:43 Iraq’s finance committee and Oil Minister discuss resolving oil disputes with Kurdistan
Kurdistan Region
Atwan Al-Atawani
Abdul Ghani
Ceyhan Pipeline
Iraq’s finance committee and Oil Minister discuss resolving oil disputes with Kurdistan
2024-11-13 15:02
Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, the Iraqi Parliament's Finance Committee, Atwan al-Atawani, discussed with Minister of Oil Hayyan Abdul Ghani ways to resolve outstanding issues with the Kurdistan Region and resume oil exports from the region.
In the ministry headquarters, the discussion covered the latest developments and agreements to end the oil dispute with the Kurdistan Region, highlighting key technical obstacles. This coincided with the arrival of the proposed draft amendment to the budget law, which was sent by the government to parliament for voting, aimed at addressing this issue.
The meeting also covered Iraq's oil policy, the ministry's negotiation efforts with OPEC to secure Iraq’s production share, and plans to develop the domestic oil industry to meet the country’s fuel needs, particularly for electricity generation and gasoline, toward self-sufficiency.
In this context, the Chairman of Finance Committee stated that "the meeting aims to reach a final agreement on resuming oil exports through the Turkish Ceyhan pipeline."
The Head of the Finance Committee also suggested that the proposed amendment to the budget law could be a key step toward resolving the oil dispute with a comprehensive national vision, noting that the halt in oil exports from the region “has caused significant financial losses for Iraq.”
For his part, the Minister of Oil emphasized Iraq's commitment to OPEC unity to ensure stable oil prices.
Read Full Thread
23:39 APIKUR
🔴Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan statement on progress to restore oil exports:
APIKUR member companies welcome the Iraqi Parliament’s proposal to amend Article 12 of the Budget Law and believe that there could be sufficient scope in the current wording to cover our previous requests related to commercial terms and surety of payment for past and future exports via the Iraq-Türkiye Pipeline.
We remain ready to engage in productive discussions with Government of Iraq and Kurdistan Regional Government officials to clarify key details and finalize written agreements prior to resuming oil exports through the ITP.
We agree with Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani
and KRG Prime Minister Barzani
that the resumption of oil exports through the ITP benefits all of the people of Iraq.
Iraqi officials discuss resumption of oil exports from northern Iraq
IRAQ Amr Salem November 14, 2024 137 5 min
Iraqi officials discuss resumption of oil exports from northern Iraq
Workers at Tawke oil field in Iraqi Kurdistan. Photo: AFP/Getty Images
Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) – The Parliamentary Finance Committee and the Iraqi Oil Minister, Hayan Abdul-Ghani, discussed on Wednesday the resumption of oil exports from Iraqi Kurdistan.
A meeting held in the Oil Ministry’s headquarters addressed the latest developments and agreements to resolve a dispute related to oil exports between the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) as well as the main technical challenges.
This meeting coincided with the government’s submission of a draft amendment to the budget law for parliamentary vote, according to Shafaq News.
According to Atwan Al-Atwani, the head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, the meeting aimed to settle the conflict between Baghdad and Erbil, address unresolved issues in line with the Iraqi constitution, and advance a final agreement to resume oil exports from Iraqi Kurdistan via the Turkish port of Ceyhan.
Al-Atwani suggested that the proposed budget law amendment would be a significant step in resolving the conflict in accordance with a broad national vision.
The Iraqi cabinet decided earlier this month to immediately start delivering oil produced in the Kurdistan region of Iraq to the State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) or to the Oil Ministry in Baghdad.
The Iraqi Ministry of Finance will compensate the KRG for the production and transportation costs of the oil produced in northern Iraq and delivered to SOMO, or the Oil Ministry, according to a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).
Before a final settlement takes place, the federal government’s Finance Ministry will pay $16 per barrel until a specialized technical consulting committee has finished calculating fair expenses.
The Acting Minister of Natural Resources in the KRG, Kamal Mohammed, said in July that Iraqi Kurdistan is waiting for Baghdad to agree with international oil firms to resume its oil exports.
Mohammed explained that the resumption of oil exports is related to the expense of oil production in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Rudaw News reported.
Oil companies operating in the oil sector in Iraqi Kurdistan rejected Baghdad’s allocation of 8,960 dinars (about $6.9).
Talks to resume oil shipments have stumbled, and since March 2023, crude oil flows along the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline, which formerly handled around 0.5 percent of the world’s oil supply, have been suspended due to legal and financial uncertainty.
One of the main sources of conflict between the federal government in Baghdad and the KRG is the distribution of oil revenues.
After the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Paris decided in March 2023 that Ankara had broken a 1973 treaty by enabling oil exports without the federal government’s approval, flows via the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline stopped.
The Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) refuted earlier media reports that incorrectly attribute the ongoing dispute over the resumption of oil exports via the Iraq-Turkey pipeline to the inflexibility of foreign oil firms.
Media reports said that ongoing negotiations have stopped because international oil companies operating in Iraqi Kurdistan have adopted an inflexible stance. However, since January 2024, there haven’t been any coordinated talks between foreign oil firms, officials from the Iraqi government, and the KRG.
Oil shipments have not yet resumed despite multiple discussions between officials in Iraqi Kurdistan, the federal government in Baghdad, and Turkish authorities.
Read Full Thread
06:43 Iraq’s finance committee and Oil Minister discuss resolving oil disputes with Kurdistan
Kurdistan Region
Atwan Al-Atawani
Abdul Ghani
Ceyhan Pipeline
Iraq’s finance committee and Oil Minister discuss resolving oil disputes with Kurdistan
2024-11-13 15:02
Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, the Iraqi Parliament's Finance Committee, Atwan al-Atawani, discussed with Minister of Oil Hayyan Abdul Ghani ways to resolve outstanding issues with the Kurdistan Region and resume oil exports from the region.
In the ministry headquarters, the discussion covered the latest developments and agreements to end the oil dispute with the Kurdistan Region, highlighting key technical obstacles. This coincided with the arrival of the proposed draft amendment to the budget law, which was sent by the government to parliament for voting, aimed at addressing this issue.
The meeting also covered Iraq's oil policy, the ministry's negotiation efforts with OPEC to secure Iraq’s production share, and plans to develop the domestic oil industry to meet the country’s fuel needs, particularly for electricity generation and gasoline, toward self-sufficiency.
In this context, the Chairman of Finance Committee stated that "the meeting aims to reach a final agreement on resuming oil exports through the Turkish Ceyhan pipeline."
The Head of the Finance Committee also suggested that the proposed amendment to the budget law could be a key step toward resolving the oil dispute with a comprehensive national vision, noting that the halt in oil exports from the region “has caused significant financial losses for Iraq.”
For his part, the Minister of Oil emphasized Iraq's commitment to OPEC unity to ensure stable oil prices.
Read Full Thread
23:39 APIKUR
🔴Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan statement on progress to restore oil exports:
APIKUR member companies welcome the Iraqi Parliament’s proposal to amend Article 12 of the Budget Law and believe that there could be sufficient scope in the current wording to cover our previous requests related to commercial terms and surety of payment for past and future exports via the Iraq-Türkiye Pipeline.
We remain ready to engage in productive discussions with Government of Iraq and Kurdistan Regional Government officials to clarify key details and finalize written agreements prior to resuming oil exports through the ITP.
We agree with Iraqi Prime Minister Sudani
and KRG Prime Minister Barzani
that the resumption of oil exports through the ITP benefits all of the people of Iraq.
14.11.2024 kl 09:45
Vi kan vel kanskje håpe på årets julegave? Gjenåpning av oljerør og sikring av over 3 år med utbytter i tilbakebetalt gjeld.
Det er nok en gang mulighet for å fintes litt av markedets lunefullhet; ex-dag for aksjen, men likevel er det ikke så sikkert man får den særlig ned tilsvarende i kroneverdi i forhold til gårsdagen....
Det er nok en gang mulighet for å fintes litt av markedets lunefullhet; ex-dag for aksjen, men likevel er det ikke så sikkert man får den særlig ned tilsvarende i kroneverdi i forhold til gårsdagen....
Redigert 14.11.2024 kl 10:02
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14.11.2024 kl 10:06
Ser at den andre tråden er stengt så jeg svarer her.
Jeg solgte 20% av beholdningen i dag. DNO viser svak utvikling. Og blir det oppgang her skal jeg selge mer. Trist aksje
Jeg solgte 20% av beholdningen i dag. DNO viser svak utvikling. Og blir det oppgang her skal jeg selge mer. Trist aksje
14.11.2024 kl 14:15
Deler også Omans oppfatning. Jeg tar med meg utbytte, men aksjen oppleves om ikke på alle bunners mor i dag, så temmelig nær.
Aksjen virker nesten som den har hatt utsalgsroboter som har stått i en posisjon i 1 måned med 30% fall, så har man glemt av at man satte ting på kok, og nå er gryten i ferde med å tørrkoke...Selv om DNO var relativt sterk i utvikling i forhold til de aller fleste det siste året, har det nullet seg ut nå, og nå opplever den relativ svakhet i forhold til de aller fleste.
Volumet har skrumpet en smule, så noen har sett at tørrkokingen er i ferd med å skje....
Aksjen virker nesten som den har hatt utsalgsroboter som har stått i en posisjon i 1 måned med 30% fall, så har man glemt av at man satte ting på kok, og nå er gryten i ferde med å tørrkoke...Selv om DNO var relativt sterk i utvikling i forhold til de aller fleste det siste året, har det nullet seg ut nå, og nå opplever den relativ svakhet i forhold til de aller fleste.
Volumet har skrumpet en smule, så noen har sett at tørrkokingen er i ferd med å skje....
14.11.2024 kl 16:09
Hvorfor er aksjen langt nede på 9tallet, den skal jo ligge mellom 10-12.. i 2005 så var den jo 16,40…mossa har ikke fått til mye for aksjonærene . Det merkelige er at DnB har kursmål 15kr, lurer på hva de baserer dette på..
14.11.2024 kl 16:15
Den julegaven må du se langt etter, jeg har sagt i flere mnd at rørledningen ikke åpner dette året og en løsning er nok langt unna enda. Når det gjelder betingelsene så er det kanskje like greit at de selger lokalt, Bagdad gir ikke ved dørene og betingelsene kan bli dårligere en ved lokalt salg. Det er Nordsjøen nøkkelen ligger for Dno for en høyere aksjekurs men det er nok en stund frem i tid.
14.11.2024 kl 16:22
Ja du kan lure du SPXL men nå bør vel du ta til fornuften å kjøpe men det er vel ikke sånn du opererer.
Nå øker topp 20 og da bunner den vel ut her
Nå øker topp 20 og da bunner den vel ut her
14.11.2024 kl 17:01
$16 per fat i fradrag kost.
Noen som veit skatten eller avtalen de tenker på med salgspriset over det? Finner ikke info, en del lavere skatt dernede enn Nordsjøen vel?
$16 per fat i fradrag kost.
Noen som veit skatten eller avtalen de tenker på med salgspriset over det? Finner ikke info, en del lavere skatt dernede enn Nordsjøen vel?
Redigert 14.11.2024 kl 17:03
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14.11.2024 kl 17:25
SPXL, du har svaret, det er du som mente den skulle ligge mellom 10 og 12. Dette da den lå like under 12, og deretter gikk over 12. Nå er vi under 10, så da har den gått under der også. DU må utvide rangen din.
14.11.2024 kl 17:38
Kan komme noe ganske kjapt nå og da er jo kursmålet på 15 kr bare å høyne til 20 XPXL
Eneste er at ingen tror på noe nå så oppgangen kommer kanskje ikke før avtalen er i box.
Eneste er at ingen tror på noe nå så oppgangen kommer kanskje ikke før avtalen er i box.
14.11.2024 kl 18:37
Betrakter ut ifra at det er ganske solid støtte overkant av 9.30. Evt fall under dette bør således skyldes en ny fundamental negativ hendelse eller større oljeprisfall.
Redigert 14.11.2024 kl 18:38
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15.11.2024 kl 04:35
Ja vi får se men DnB bør vel senke kursmålet yttligere hvis de skal klare å følge med nedover.
15.11.2024 kl 04:37
Ja jeg burde kanskje det men får vel satse på at den går over 10kr igjen snart.
15.11.2024 kl 08:01
Tror dere kan snu fokuset mot oppstart og tilbakebetaling av ute stående beløp på flere kr pr aksje.
APIKUR welcomes Iraqi Parliament’s proposal on oil export amendments, ready to resume exports
In a statement, APIKUR member companies commended the proposal and noted that the suggested changes could address their longstanding requests.
10 hours ago
APIKUR Logo. (Photo: Designed by Kurdistan24)APIKUR Logo. (Photo: Designed by Kurdistan24)
Resumption of KRG's Oil Exports
Iraq-Turkey Pipeline
ERBIL (Kurdistan24) — The Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) on Thursday expressed optimism regarding the recent proposal from the Iraqi Parliament to amend Article 12 of the Budget Law, a step seen as potentially facilitating the resumption of oil exports via the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP).
In a statement, APIKUR member companies commended the proposal and noted that the suggested changes could address their longstanding requests. These requests relate to establishing favorable commercial terms and ensuring secure payment arrangements for both past and future exports. APIKUR emphasized the importance of these guarantees for continued collaboration and economic stability.
"We remain ready to engage in productive discussions with officials from both the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government to finalize necessary agreements," APIKUR stated. The association highlighted the need to clarify certain details in the amended law to solidify the framework for resuming oil exports through the ITP.
APIKUR further aligned with statements from Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani and Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, both of whom have emphasized the mutual benefits of resuming oil exports for the people of Iraq. The association underscored that a timely agreement would enhance revenue flows and strengthen the energy sector's role in Iraq’s economy.
The restoration of oil exports through the ITP remains a significant objective, promising economic gains for both the Kurdistan Region and Iraq as a whole, as stakeholders move closer to resolving key issues in the export framework.
APIKUR welcomes Iraqi Parliament’s proposal on oil export amendments, ready to resume exports
In a statement, APIKUR member companies commended the proposal and noted that the suggested changes could address their longstanding requests.
10 hours ago
APIKUR Logo. (Photo: Designed by Kurdistan24)APIKUR Logo. (Photo: Designed by Kurdistan24)
Resumption of KRG's Oil Exports
Iraq-Turkey Pipeline
ERBIL (Kurdistan24) — The Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) on Thursday expressed optimism regarding the recent proposal from the Iraqi Parliament to amend Article 12 of the Budget Law, a step seen as potentially facilitating the resumption of oil exports via the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP).
In a statement, APIKUR member companies commended the proposal and noted that the suggested changes could address their longstanding requests. These requests relate to establishing favorable commercial terms and ensuring secure payment arrangements for both past and future exports. APIKUR emphasized the importance of these guarantees for continued collaboration and economic stability.
"We remain ready to engage in productive discussions with officials from both the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government to finalize necessary agreements," APIKUR stated. The association highlighted the need to clarify certain details in the amended law to solidify the framework for resuming oil exports through the ITP.
APIKUR further aligned with statements from Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani and Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, both of whom have emphasized the mutual benefits of resuming oil exports for the people of Iraq. The association underscored that a timely agreement would enhance revenue flows and strengthen the energy sector's role in Iraq’s economy.
The restoration of oil exports through the ITP remains a significant objective, promising economic gains for both the Kurdistan Region and Iraq as a whole, as stakeholders move closer to resolving key issues in the export framework.
15.11.2024 kl 10:20
Nok en gang synes det som planer hos enkelte om fisking av billige aksjer etter utbytte slår feil. Aksjen står høyere enn EX-dag, og selvsagt skal man ikke utelukke at det er ørlite glør i bålet på gjenåpning i Kurdistan. Det synes i alle fall som oljeselskapene nå i større grad omfavner de rammer som diskuteres.
Aksjen er nok solgt ned fra kilder som tømmer oljeaksjer i det siste, og da er den trolig gått i ekstrem oversolgt modus.
Kan fort bli en rekyl som er sterk, særlig om det påvirkes av lysning på Kurdistan-eksporten!!
Aksjen er nok solgt ned fra kilder som tømmer oljeaksjer i det siste, og da er den trolig gått i ekstrem oversolgt modus.
Kan fort bli en rekyl som er sterk, særlig om det påvirkes av lysning på Kurdistan-eksporten!!
Redigert 15.11.2024 kl 12:43
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15.11.2024 kl 12:54
Løsningen på oljeeksporten må dokk være god.., så blir det fart på saker. Bæshiqa oljefelt venter vi på fortsatt på resultat etter testing program på 72 dager. Trym restart er forhåpentligvis produksjon igang for jul? Falstaff..ska også rapportere brønnboring.
15.11.2024 kl 14:48
Hvem modtager de 16 dollar pr tønde som er foreslået som midlertidig løsning. Er det til den kurdiske regering eller er det til oliselskabet og ejerne af transportrør?
16.11.2024 kl 08:19
20:55 All looking good. Gla.
Bit if Sunday morning reading.
The changing landscape of Iraq's energy sector: Balancing East and West
Redigert 17.11.2024 kl 09:05
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17.11.2024 kl 06:10
Fint hvis de lange innlegga kunne blitt kortet ned litt, og heller lagt ved link til artikkelen. Men skal ikke være vaktmester.
Lurer også på når kursmålene skal inntreffe. Bra oppside til Clarkson, selv om ned til 16 fra 17.
DNO: Clarksons kutter kursmålet til NOK 16 (17), gjentar kjøp.
Lurer også på når kursmålene skal inntreffe. Bra oppside til Clarkson, selv om ned til 16 fra 17.
DNO: Clarksons kutter kursmålet til NOK 16 (17), gjentar kjøp.
17.11.2024 kl 09:11
Gass er i vinden om dagen, foruten Carmenfeltet så sitter vel ikke DNO på så mye gass. Kva er prodmixen olje/gass?
17.11.2024 kl 11:26
Jeg regner med at det er meg du mener :) nå er det slik at det som ble solgt her gikk rett inn i Var (vår energi) for de meldte om olje og gass funn i Nordsjøen samme dag. Jeg håper at den lille oppgangen DNO opplevde på fredag er mer enn den klassiske justeringen opp etter at markedet «glemmer om utbetalt utbytte».
For min del så sitter jeg relativt tungt i DNO. Og er jeg heldig og opplever 40-50% oppgang sammen med dere flotte karer så trykker jeg gledelig på salgsknappen og takker for meg! For på 15 kroner representerer DNO ikke attraktiv, med skyhøy politisk risiko aksje som man skal holde seg langt unna!!!
PS utbytte yielden vil i hvert fall være altfor lav og tragisk nok nominert i NOK.
For min del så sitter jeg relativt tungt i DNO. Og er jeg heldig og opplever 40-50% oppgang sammen med dere flotte karer så trykker jeg gledelig på salgsknappen og takker for meg! For på 15 kroner representerer DNO ikke attraktiv, med skyhøy politisk risiko aksje som man skal holde seg langt unna!!!
PS utbytte yielden vil i hvert fall være altfor lav og tragisk nok nominert i NOK.
Redigert 17.11.2024 kl 11:36
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18.11.2024 kl 00:33
Deler den, Vaksine20. Er også ut med det meste på 15, var for så vit ute med alt på en annen konto på snitt ca 12,5 tidligere i høst, men det var mer pragmatisk for firgjøring av handel i andre aksjer, og mer som et lykketreff å regne, selv om hovedårsaken til å renske ut DNO var at den hadde utviklet seg særdeles sterkt over kort tid sammenlignet med peers.
Kommer Kurdistan tilbake om ikke så lenge, så får vi se hva det innebærer på inntjening og ditto aksjereaksjon, men i praksis vil nok det besørge utbytte-oppretthold på dagens nivå, og i så måte er aksjen meget attraktiv på 9-tallet.
Kommer Kurdistan tilbake om ikke så lenge, så får vi se hva det innebærer på inntjening og ditto aksjereaksjon, men i praksis vil nok det besørge utbytte-oppretthold på dagens nivå, og i så måte er aksjen meget attraktiv på 9-tallet.
18.11.2024 kl 18:01
18.11.2024 kl 19:15
19.11.2024 kl 04:18
Synes de har pratet over en kopp T i over 1år og akkurat like langt., er bare en av mange i rekken dette
19.11.2024 kl 07:06
Alle samtalene vil være en i rekken, men det er da en rekke...en kan bli den siste...
19.11.2024 kl 09:35
19.11.2024 kl 09:49
XPXL Har du forandret syn nå etter å ha snakket om at den aldri blir åpnet siden de stengte den.
Du burde kjøpe nå før den går over 10. Er jo helt skinnsykt att den er så lav med oppstart av rørledningen og enighet men mangler bare å få dette skriftlig i en avtale.
Du burde kjøpe nå før den går over 10. Er jo helt skinnsykt att den er så lav med oppstart av rørledningen og enighet men mangler bare å få dette skriftlig i en avtale.
19.11.2024 kl 12:57
Utbygging av Bestla godkjent. Olje & Gass, god eksponering for DNO med mer i Norge. Utbyggingskostnad satt til 6 milliarder og feltet vil kobles til Brage.
Okea er operatør med partnere og eier 39,28%, DNO har også 39,28%. Investeringskostnad på sikkert rundt 2.5 milliarder for DNO. Forventet oppstart første kvartal 2027. 24 millioner fat oljeekvivalenter.
Okea er operatør med partnere og eier 39,28%, DNO har også 39,28%. Investeringskostnad på sikkert rundt 2.5 milliarder for DNO. Forventet oppstart første kvartal 2027. 24 millioner fat oljeekvivalenter.
Redigert 19.11.2024 kl 12:59
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19.11.2024 kl 15:23
Bør vel snart vises på kursen
Nov. 19, 2024
"ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Acting Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Dr. Kamal Mohammad Salih, revealed on Tuesday that Kurdistan's oil exports will resume at the beginning of next year, with barrel extraction costs set at $16.
In an interview with Kurdistan24, Dr. Salih disclosed that the suspension of Kurdistan's oil exports through Turkey's Ceyhan port has resulted in a significant $20 billion loss to the Iraqi state treasury.
"Previously, the KRG signed several agreements with the federal government regarding oil exports. However, the Iraqi budget law set oil extraction and transportation costs at $6 per barrel, which became a major obstacle to oil exports," Dr. Salih explained.
According to the Acting Minister, Erbil and Baghdad have now reached an agreement to amend the budget law, increasing oil extraction and transportation costs to approximately $20.6 per barrel. "In the initial phase, companies will receive around $16 per barrel," he stated.
The agreement includes provisions for an independent international consulting firm to audit oil extraction and export costs. "The firm will be given 60 days to determine the actual costs following the budget law amendment," Dr. Salih added.
He expressed confidence that the Iraqi Parliament would not obstruct the approval of the amended oil production and export costs for the Kurdistan Region, citing a political consensus reached between various parties. The Acting Minister anticipates the amendment's approval by the end of this year, with preparations to be completed and oil exports from the Kurdistan Region to resume in early 2025.
Dr. Salih confirmed that exports will continue through the Ceyhan pipeline, noting, "While Iraq has pipeline routes through Jordan and Syria, these are currently non-operational. Therefore, we have agreed to export through Turkey."
This development marks a significant breakthrough in the ongoing negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad over oil export arrangements and revenue sharing."
Looks like the $16 is being uplifted to $20.60 at some point, although if this is the case why is there a need for an external expert to determine actual costs as surely the IOCs would be happy with $20.60?
Nov. 19, 2024
"ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Acting Minister of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Dr. Kamal Mohammad Salih, revealed on Tuesday that Kurdistan's oil exports will resume at the beginning of next year, with barrel extraction costs set at $16.
In an interview with Kurdistan24, Dr. Salih disclosed that the suspension of Kurdistan's oil exports through Turkey's Ceyhan port has resulted in a significant $20 billion loss to the Iraqi state treasury.
"Previously, the KRG signed several agreements with the federal government regarding oil exports. However, the Iraqi budget law set oil extraction and transportation costs at $6 per barrel, which became a major obstacle to oil exports," Dr. Salih explained.
According to the Acting Minister, Erbil and Baghdad have now reached an agreement to amend the budget law, increasing oil extraction and transportation costs to approximately $20.6 per barrel. "In the initial phase, companies will receive around $16 per barrel," he stated.
The agreement includes provisions for an independent international consulting firm to audit oil extraction and export costs. "The firm will be given 60 days to determine the actual costs following the budget law amendment," Dr. Salih added.
He expressed confidence that the Iraqi Parliament would not obstruct the approval of the amended oil production and export costs for the Kurdistan Region, citing a political consensus reached between various parties. The Acting Minister anticipates the amendment's approval by the end of this year, with preparations to be completed and oil exports from the Kurdistan Region to resume in early 2025.
Dr. Salih confirmed that exports will continue through the Ceyhan pipeline, noting, "While Iraq has pipeline routes through Jordan and Syria, these are currently non-operational. Therefore, we have agreed to export through Turkey."
This development marks a significant breakthrough in the ongoing negotiations between Erbil and Baghdad over oil export arrangements and revenue sharing."
Looks like the $16 is being uplifted to $20.60 at some point, although if this is the case why is there a need for an external expert to determine actual costs as surely the IOCs would be happy with $20.60?
19.11.2024 kl 15:26
Oljeeksporten fra Kurdistan-regionen skal gjenopptas tidlig i 2025 : )
19.11.2024 kl 15:31
For lite konkret til at det gjør utslag på kursen. Tidlig 2025 er ikke nok.
19.11.2024 kl 15:51
Ja enig her. Håpefulle nyhetsartikler fungerer sjeldent bra som kursdrivende informasjon. Snakk om eksport og løsninger rundt det har vært et tema veldig lenge nå.
Når selskapet melder en positiv løsning, så skjer det nok noe med kursen. Skal det komme noe kursdrivende fra en nyhetsartikkel, må det være mer konkret enn nevnt over.
Det er positive takter da og jeg føler det er mer konkret rundt løsning enn på en stund, så det er i det minste positivt.
Når selskapet melder en positiv løsning, så skjer det nok noe med kursen. Skal det komme noe kursdrivende fra en nyhetsartikkel, må det være mer konkret enn nevnt over.
Det er positive takter da og jeg føler det er mer konkret rundt løsning enn på en stund, så det er i det minste positivt.
19.11.2024 kl 16:09
Ja høres ut som det nærmer seg noe og det er positivt. Selv om det hadde vært fint å fått det før jul.
19.11.2024 kl 16:11
Alle sier jo at det er enighet men må få dette skriftlig før noen melder noe så kan en jo velge hva en tror på.
Er jo litt sent å kjøpe når alle skal ha ,så får vi håpe vi får flere under 10 når utbytte pengene kommer.
Er jo litt sent å kjøpe når alle skal ha ,så får vi håpe vi får flere under 10 når utbytte pengene kommer.
19.11.2024 kl 17:31
Merkelig med den olja. Slår nesten aldri feil at den faller på ettermiddag kveld.
19.11.2024 kl 17:37
Er ikke lenge siden jeg hørte folk klage på at den alltid stiger etter børsen er stengt ;)
20.11.2024 kl 16:42
Ser ut som funn her, boring avgrensningsbrønn i gang: https://www.upstreamonline.com/exclusive/drilling-continues-on-promising-exploration-well-in-norways-far-south/2-1-1741451