23.11.2024 kl 16:58
Gikk iallefall ikke flere 100% etter 2005, ja det var en splitt etter det og når jeg sier den var i 16,40 så er det etter dagens kurs så utviklingen etter 20år er godt i minus for kursen
23.11.2024 kl 19:02
SPXL tror du alle som sitter i DNO har sittet i 20 år alle går jo ut og inn hele tiden av og til sitter man noen år men er vel et fåtall av de her som sitter lengre.
Dette er jo en topp trading aksje som kan svinge mye, men nå så skal en jo kjøpe sette i et 20 års perspektiv for vi har ikke vært så nær godkjente kontrakter og betaling + åpning av eksport som nå. Men alt kan skje i aksjemarkeder det kan tryne 90% på mandag hvis Putin tar feil valg ,men da er det vel heller ikke behov for aksjer.
Dette er jo en topp trading aksje som kan svinge mye, men nå så skal en jo kjøpe sette i et 20 års perspektiv for vi har ikke vært så nær godkjente kontrakter og betaling + åpning av eksport som nå. Men alt kan skje i aksjemarkeder det kan tryne 90% på mandag hvis Putin tar feil valg ,men da er det vel heller ikke behov for aksjer.
24.11.2024 kl 05:14
Jo men 20 år er snart gått siden de fant olje i Irak og dette skulle være starten på noe stort ble det sagt den gangen og utviklingen etter 20år sier vel sitt. Det var helt hinsides kursmål etter funnet av olje av disse såkalte ekspertene , alle bommet. Omdal var lenge positiv og hadde høye kursmål, mener det var 40 han sa…..nå har han gitt opp Dno.
24.11.2024 kl 10:43
SPXL Man tjener ikke penger ved å se bakover.
Parliament will hold its first session chaired by Mahmoud Mashhadani and the budget amendment is on the agenda.
9 minutes ago.
The Iraqi parliament will meet on Tuesday to discuss the first reading of the budget amendment, which includes Article 12 of the law, which deals with the oil of the Kurdistan Region.
The Iraqi parliament is scheduled to hold its first session on Tuesday at 11:00 pm, chaired by Mahmoud Mashhadani. One is the first reading of the first amendment bill to the three-year federal general budget law (2023-2024-2025).
Rudaw reporter Ranja Jamal asked Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mohammed Mashhadani on Monday whether the amendment to Article 12 of the three-year budget law, which deals with the Kurdistan Region's oil, had reached the Iraqi parliament.
On November 5, the Iraqi Council of Ministers approved an amendment to Article 12 of the three-year budget law on the production, transportation and delivery of oil in the Kurdistan Region, which sets the cost of producing oil at $ 16 per barrel.
The first paragraph states that the Iraqi Ministry of Finance will pay the financial entitlements for oil production and transportation to the Kurdistan Regional Government, provided that it hands over the oil to the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company - SOMO, or to the Federal Ministry of Oil.
entitlements should be determined in a fair manner by a specialized international consulting firm of the choice of the Federal Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kurdistan Region.
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has suspended oil exports to the port of Ceyhan since March 25, 2023. Iraq and Turkey have said they have no objection to resuming oil exports, but oil companies have had problems with the low price.
Other items of the session include: Voted on the bill to approve the air transport service agreement between Iraq and Russia. The first reading of the bill to regulate the rights of the victims of Ibn Sina Hospital, the victims of Naqa Center and the victims of the Hamdani incident. First reading of the Fifth Amendment to the Aviation Act. Second reading of the First Amendment to the Civil Defense Law.
Parliament will hold its first session chaired by Mahmoud Mashhadani and the budget amendment is on the agenda.
9 minutes ago.
The Iraqi parliament will meet on Tuesday to discuss the first reading of the budget amendment, which includes Article 12 of the law, which deals with the oil of the Kurdistan Region.
The Iraqi parliament is scheduled to hold its first session on Tuesday at 11:00 pm, chaired by Mahmoud Mashhadani. One is the first reading of the first amendment bill to the three-year federal general budget law (2023-2024-2025).
Rudaw reporter Ranja Jamal asked Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mohammed Mashhadani on Monday whether the amendment to Article 12 of the three-year budget law, which deals with the Kurdistan Region's oil, had reached the Iraqi parliament.
On November 5, the Iraqi Council of Ministers approved an amendment to Article 12 of the three-year budget law on the production, transportation and delivery of oil in the Kurdistan Region, which sets the cost of producing oil at $ 16 per barrel.
The first paragraph states that the Iraqi Ministry of Finance will pay the financial entitlements for oil production and transportation to the Kurdistan Regional Government, provided that it hands over the oil to the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company - SOMO, or to the Federal Ministry of Oil.
entitlements should be determined in a fair manner by a specialized international consulting firm of the choice of the Federal Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Kurdistan Region.
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has suspended oil exports to the port of Ceyhan since March 25, 2023. Iraq and Turkey have said they have no objection to resuming oil exports, but oil companies have had problems with the low price.
Other items of the session include: Voted on the bill to approve the air transport service agreement between Iraq and Russia. The first reading of the bill to regulate the rights of the victims of Ibn Sina Hospital, the victims of Naqa Center and the victims of the Hamdani incident. First reading of the Fifth Amendment to the Aviation Act. Second reading of the First Amendment to the Civil Defense Law.
25.11.2024 kl 12:57
Melding om dette kan jo komme når som helst. Kan det være Kurder eksport som drar ned olja
Redigert 25.11.2024 kl 18:13
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25.11.2024 kl 16:14
Frågan är vad händer med oljebolagen nu, särskilt om nu Irak oljan kommer igång, Trump har ju lovat lägre oljepriser, står vi inför kraftigt ras i oljebolag som efter covid
25.11.2024 kl 17:01
Trump roper drill baby, drill, men det er usikkert om det blir noen særlig økning i produksjonen. Skifergass tåler generelt ikke priser ned mot 60 dollar pr. fat.
25.11.2024 kl 22:01
Beträffande bolag verksamma i kurdistan vill jag påpeka att shamarans aktie stiger varje dag.Upp 70% sista månaden.3ekvartalets rapport visade en klar förbättring ,trots att dom har samma svårigheter som DNO.Detta är ett bolag som delvis ägs av Lundinfamiljen.
25.11.2024 kl 22:53
Kursutviklingen de siste 20 årene er en vits ! Synd mossa sitter med så mye makt, burde vært sparket for flere år siden, han har gjort mye feil med Dno han ! Skammelig
26.11.2024 kl 04:06
Mossa skulle vært byttet ut men det går vel ikke, han styrer Dno som han vil.
26.11.2024 kl 07:50
Må være sjuk i hode du som gidder å skrive om Dno til alle døgnets tider uten å ha aksjer der.
26.11.2024 kl 13:29
Ingen som tror det er noe positivt som kan komme fra irak i dag når en ser på kursen.
Zoom News
The Iraqi Parliament, under newly-elected Speaker Mahmood al-Mashhadani, has begun its session to review the first reading of the budget amendment for 2023-2025. Key issues on the agenda include adjusting oil production and transportation costs in the Kurdistan Region to pave the way for resuming the Region’s oil exports.
Zoom News
The Iraqi Parliament, under newly-elected Speaker Mahmood al-Mashhadani, has begun its session to review the first reading of the budget amendment for 2023-2025. Key issues on the agenda include adjusting oil production and transportation costs in the Kurdistan Region to pave the way for resuming the Region’s oil exports.
26.11.2024 kl 15:55
Jeg har ikke vært så lenge i selskapet, men har en GAV på 8.635 justert for utbytte så langt i år. Det er jo nokså hyggelig syns jeg så lenge vi vaker her rundt 10kr. Venter på neste utbytte og kanskje kommer det samtidig med løsning på eksport, hvem vet.
Enn så lenge er det grei avkastning.
Enn så lenge er det grei avkastning.
26.11.2024 kl 16:17
Iraqi parliament begins budget amendment process
Shakhawan Abdulla, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, told Kurdistan24 that efforts are underway to resume discussions, with a second reading scheduled for Thursday and a final vote planned for next week, marking the last week of parliamentary work.
Shakhawan Abdulla, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, told Kurdistan24 that efforts are underway to resume discussions, with a second reading scheduled for Thursday and a final vote planned for next week, marking the last week of parliamentary work.
I går kl 09:24
Heilt ufattelig at det er så lite interesse for dno virker som om alle er gått lei 10cm før mål.
I går kl 09:45
Er vi 10 cm fra mål, så er det for så vidt nokså normalt at mange går lei i aksjemarkedet.
Dem som kjøper der blir kanskje en glad aksje-eier gjennom våren 2025?
Dem som kjøper der blir kanskje en glad aksje-eier gjennom våren 2025?
I går kl 10:28
Fra Upstreamonline:
«Early results coming through on exploration wells in Norway
Equinor's Kvernbit, Harbour's Sabina and DNO's Falstaff wells are looking promising»
«Early results coming through on exploration wells in Norway
Equinor's Kvernbit, Harbour's Sabina and DNO's Falstaff wells are looking promising»
I går kl 11:22
Gulf Keystone Petroleum stiger fler % til dage på mulig oppstart snart så hva holder Dno nede? XPXL kan da ikke ha så mye makt
I går kl 12:44
Jo, det er XPXL, men nå har jo han siste døgn sagt at det bare er å glemme hele selskapet, så da er ventelig ikke han hverken her på DNO-tråder eller bryr seg om DNO-aksjen. De siste utbytter har han jo trodd at DNO skulle falle etter utbytte, men det har vært det aller beste å handle før utbytte og dermed få med seg både utbytte og kursstigning, så verden går litt i mot XPXL.
Men vel, siden XPXL da er i ferd med å glemme DNO så kan aksjen få utfolde seg fritt fremover på oppsiden, så det er fortsatt kjøp som gjelder:)
Men vel, siden XPXL da er i ferd med å glemme DNO så kan aksjen få utfolde seg fritt fremover på oppsiden, så det er fortsatt kjøp som gjelder:)
I går kl 15:38
Mulig gjelden til DNO blir betalt skal den være 10 kr da også med 2-3 kr pr aksje tilbakebetalt.
The amendment will address the debt owed to oil companies.
ERBIL — A member of the Iraqi parliament has stated that one of the topics for the next session is the amendment of the budget law, which will include the issue of Kurdistan's oil, specifically the amount of money allocated per barrel extracted.
On Wednesday, Nov. 27, Nahla Effendi, a Kurdish member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, told BasNews that the budget amendment is scheduled to be submitted to the Iraqi parliament on Thursday.
The amendment will address the debt owed to oil companies.
"This point has been politically agreed upon, and we are now waiting for it to pass in parliament. The price of oil is set at $16 per barrel. After the second reading of the law, the prime minister will sign it," added Effendi.
The latest development follows the announcement that Iraq’s Parliamentary Committee on Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources has scheduled a meeting for next week to host officials from the Kurdistan Region’s Oil Ministry.
Later, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Shakhwan Abdullah confirmed that the cost of oil production in the Kurdistan Region, which has been a contentious issue, is addressed in the amendments.
"Once parliament votes on the revised budget, there will be no obstacles to resuming oil exports from the Kurdistan Region," Abdullah stated.
The amendment will address the debt owed to oil companies.
ERBIL — A member of the Iraqi parliament has stated that one of the topics for the next session is the amendment of the budget law, which will include the issue of Kurdistan's oil, specifically the amount of money allocated per barrel extracted.
On Wednesday, Nov. 27, Nahla Effendi, a Kurdish member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, told BasNews that the budget amendment is scheduled to be submitted to the Iraqi parliament on Thursday.
The amendment will address the debt owed to oil companies.
"This point has been politically agreed upon, and we are now waiting for it to pass in parliament. The price of oil is set at $16 per barrel. After the second reading of the law, the prime minister will sign it," added Effendi.
The latest development follows the announcement that Iraq’s Parliamentary Committee on Oil, Gas, and Natural Resources has scheduled a meeting for next week to host officials from the Kurdistan Region’s Oil Ministry.
Later, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Shakhwan Abdullah confirmed that the cost of oil production in the Kurdistan Region, which has been a contentious issue, is addressed in the amendments.
"Once parliament votes on the revised budget, there will be no obstacles to resuming oil exports from the Kurdistan Region," Abdullah stated.
Redigert i går kl 15:40
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