13.01.2025 kl 16:28
Aksjen er ganske potent fortsatt synes, jeg. Reagerte mot 12,10 med en konsolidering i løpet av dagen og støt opp til over 12 i sluttauksjonen. Opp nesten 2,5% på bra volum er solid. Det kan være mer i gjære, og vi kan megt vel se et klart brudd over 12,10 anytime:)
13.01.2025 kl 17:19
Ikke kun idag. Kommer nok et sterk produksjons økning til neste kvartal rapport ( Q4) for DNO på Nordsjøen produksjon. Er vel ikke tilsvarende nedstengning for vedlikehold som Q3. Så Norne oppkjøp og Arran Field kommer til å øke produksjonen. Så Trym restart fra 9 desember, øker jo også produksjon. Var vel 3 brønner I Kurdistan ( Tawke) feltet, som kom i drift også. Så venter vi fortsatt på Bæshiqa oljefelt rapport og den beryktede oljeeksporten.
13.01.2025 kl 18:57
Iraqi Parliament Determines Cost of a Barrel of Kurdistan's OilIraq08:33 PM - 2025-01-13
On Monday, January 13, 2025, the Iraqi Parliament had the second reading of the budget bill, during which the parliament set the price of a barrel of Kurdistan Region oil at $16.
Dr. Baryar Rashid, a member of the Iraqi Parliament from the PUK Bloc, told PUKMEDIA that the budget bill was read for the second time today.
"According to the amendment, the cost of extracting and transporting oil from the Kurdistan Region is fixed at $16 per barrel," he said.
"After determining the price, the relevant consultants will be given 60 days and then the price of oil extraction and transportation for each field will be determined separately," he said.
During its meeting on 5 November 2024, the Iraqi Council of Ministers approved the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region and raised the production fee to $16. Previously, the fee was set at $11 per barrel of oil, while the Kurdistan Regional Government demanded on $20 per barrel.
On Monday, January 13, 2025, the Iraqi Parliament had the second reading of the budget bill, during which the parliament set the price of a barrel of Kurdistan Region oil at $16.
Dr. Baryar Rashid, a member of the Iraqi Parliament from the PUK Bloc, told PUKMEDIA that the budget bill was read for the second time today.
"According to the amendment, the cost of extracting and transporting oil from the Kurdistan Region is fixed at $16 per barrel," he said.
"After determining the price, the relevant consultants will be given 60 days and then the price of oil extraction and transportation for each field will be determined separately," he said.
During its meeting on 5 November 2024, the Iraqi Council of Ministers approved the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region and raised the production fee to $16. Previously, the fee was set at $11 per barrel of oil, while the Kurdistan Regional Government demanded on $20 per barrel.
14.01.2025 kl 11:12
Nye møter følger.
“On the remaining issues, all parties agreed that meetings between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi Federal Government teams should be held in the near future,” Shahab told a press conference.
“On the remaining issues, all parties agreed that meetings between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the Iraqi Federal Government teams should be held in the near future,” Shahab told a press conference.
14.01.2025 kl 11:48
Jeg syns det er litt vrient å forstå hva DNO egentlig ligger ann til å kunne tjene på produksjonen der nede, med alt som diskuteres.
Noen som har noen god forståelse av skatt, avgifter, disse $16 det snakkes om osv. Hva vil totale utgifter og netto fortjeneste kunne bli pr. fat?
Noen som har noen god forståelse av skatt, avgifter, disse $16 det snakkes om osv. Hva vil totale utgifter og netto fortjeneste kunne bli pr. fat?
14.01.2025 kl 13:57
Dno ledelsen kommer garantert å opplyse om det, når eksporten kommer igang. Per idag drøfter de ( myndigheter) jo fortsatt videre med temøter og budsjett forhandlinger.
14.01.2025 kl 14:06
Ja, de gjør nok det.
Enighet om utestående gjeld til DNO på rundt 3 milliarder ligger vel i luften også. Spennende tider fremover for DNO :)
Enighet om utestående gjeld til DNO på rundt 3 milliarder ligger vel i luften også. Spennende tider fremover for DNO :)
14.01.2025 kl 14:21
Iraq Parliament to Vote on Kurdistan Oil Costs Soon: PoliticianToday 12:11
ERBIL — Hadi Al-Amiri, Iraqi politician and head of the Fatah Alliance, said there are no issues between the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and the federal government, adding that the issue of the Region’s oil production costs will soon be voted on in the Iraqi parliament.
14.01.2025 kl 14:30
Grei uttelling i lisensrunden for DNO:
Oslo, 14 January 2025 -- DNO ASA, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary DNO Norge AS has been awarded participation in 13 exploration licenses, of which four are operatorships, under Norway's Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2024 licensing round.
Of the 13 new licenses, 10 are in the North Sea and three in the Norwegian Sea.
Oslo, 14 January 2025 -- DNO ASA, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary DNO Norge AS has been awarded participation in 13 exploration licenses, of which four are operatorships, under Norway's Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2024 licensing round.
Of the 13 new licenses, 10 are in the North Sea and three in the Norwegian Sea.
14.01.2025 kl 15:33
DNO ser ut til å ønske seg nord for 12,10 og er i ferd med å forlate det lille motstandsområdet. Da er det det 12,7-12,8 next.
15.01.2025 kl 15:30
Kun dager
Regarding oil, they agreed on the importance of “resuming the export of Kurdistan’s oil as soon as possible, in the interest of all parties,” particularly given that the halt in exports has caused significant damage to the federal budget.
Regarding oil, they agreed on the importance of “resuming the export of Kurdistan’s oil as soon as possible, in the interest of all parties,” particularly given that the halt in exports has caused significant damage to the federal budget.
15.01.2025 kl 15:45
DNO er vel for så vidt også den aksjen som performer blandt de aller beste av oppstrømsaktørene de siste månedene og siste året?
15.01.2025 kl 15:48
Vet ikke om jeg tror på dager, men at det snart løsner kan se mer sannsynlig ut. Tenker det er lurt å ikke håpe for mye i det korte bildet.
Alle parter har som det nevnes, alt å vinne på løsning. For nå taper vel alle penger? :) Økt oljepris gjør nok også at det er et større driv tenker jeg, for å finne løsning.
Alle parter har som det nevnes, alt å vinne på løsning. For nå taper vel alle penger? :) Økt oljepris gjør nok også at det er et større driv tenker jeg, for å finne løsning.
15.01.2025 kl 16:00
Min drøm er at det blir noe godstoff i Kurdistan innen de neste 3 måneder og at DNO får beveget seg 25% opp fra dagens posisjon. Da har jeg nådd mitt kursmål for aksjen, og tar nok ut det aller meste så sant det fortsatt gjenstår betydelig potensial i andre aksjer som følges. DNO leverer nok fortsatt utbytte fremover, men på kurs 15-16 vil man ha større avkastning løpende på high-yield-obligasjoner om ikke det plutselig drypper 3 milliarder inn på DNOs konto fra utestående og 3 kroner i ekstraordinært utbytte flyter vår vei....
15.01.2025 kl 18:24
På søndag får vi måske godkendt en ny aftale:
The budget amendment law is being voted on this Sunday along with the Fourth Amendment to the Investment of Oil and Gas Resources Law & many other laws 🔥.
Republic of Iraq
Council of Representatives
Fifth Electoral Cycle
Fourth Legislative Year
First Term
Agenda of Session No. (2)
Sunday, January 14, 2025
Recitation from the Holy Quran.
First: Voting on the draft law for the National Intelligence Service.
(Security and Defense Committee – 31 articles)
Second: Voting on the draft law for the First Amendment to the Federal General Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for fiscal years 2023–2024–2025, No. (13) of 2023.
(Finance Committee – 2 articles)
Third: Voting on the draft law for the Fourth Amendment to the Investment of Oil and Gas Resources Law No. (20) of 1989 for the private and mixed sectors.
(Investment and Development Committee, Economy and Trade Committee – 2 articles)
Fourth: Voting on the proposed law for the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate.
(Labor and Civil Society Organizations Committee – 26 articles)
Fifth: Voting on the draft law for the First Amendment to the Equivalence of Arab and Foreign Scientific Degrees Law No. (20) of 2020.
(Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee – 3 articles)
Sixth: First reading of the draft law for organizing service roles and centers funded by the state.
(Services and Construction Committee – 5 articles)
Seventh: Voting on the proposed law for the First Amendment to the Federal General Imports Monitoring Authority Law No. (55) of 2017.
(Finance Committee – 4 articles)
Eighth: First reading of the draft law for the protection of ethnic rights.
(Human Rights Committee – 19 articles)
The budget amendment law is being voted on this Sunday along with the Fourth Amendment to the Investment of Oil and Gas Resources Law & many other laws 🔥.
Republic of Iraq
Council of Representatives
Fifth Electoral Cycle
Fourth Legislative Year
First Term
Agenda of Session No. (2)
Sunday, January 14, 2025
Recitation from the Holy Quran.
First: Voting on the draft law for the National Intelligence Service.
(Security and Defense Committee – 31 articles)
Second: Voting on the draft law for the First Amendment to the Federal General Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for fiscal years 2023–2024–2025, No. (13) of 2023.
(Finance Committee – 2 articles)
Third: Voting on the draft law for the Fourth Amendment to the Investment of Oil and Gas Resources Law No. (20) of 1989 for the private and mixed sectors.
(Investment and Development Committee, Economy and Trade Committee – 2 articles)
Fourth: Voting on the proposed law for the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate.
(Labor and Civil Society Organizations Committee – 26 articles)
Fifth: Voting on the draft law for the First Amendment to the Equivalence of Arab and Foreign Scientific Degrees Law No. (20) of 2020.
(Higher Education and Scientific Research Committee – 3 articles)
Sixth: First reading of the draft law for organizing service roles and centers funded by the state.
(Services and Construction Committee – 5 articles)
Seventh: Voting on the proposed law for the First Amendment to the Federal General Imports Monitoring Authority Law No. (55) of 2017.
(Finance Committee – 4 articles)
Eighth: First reading of the draft law for the protection of ethnic rights.
(Human Rights Committee – 19 articles)
15.01.2025 kl 18:26
BP is investing in Kirkuk:
In a ceremony on Tuesday, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between British Petroleum (BP) company and Iraq to rehabilitate and develop four fields in Kirkuk in order to increase production rates of oil and gas
In a ceremony on Tuesday, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between British Petroleum (BP) company and Iraq to rehabilitate and develop four fields in Kirkuk in order to increase production rates of oil and gas
16.01.2025 kl 00:15
Oil brent over 82 nå, noe som kanskje få hadde sett for seg før jul da den var 10 doll lavere, og det øker DNO momentum ytterligere fremover om det holder seg
16.01.2025 kl 07:09
16.01.2025 kl 07:36
70% økelse av produksjon på Nordsjøen jevnført med Q3, som var nedstengning grunnet vedlikehold. 16,9% økelse jevnført med Q4 år 2023.
16.01.2025 kl 20:30
Jepp de øker produksjonen på rette stedet og er for en gangs skyld i toppen med fin kursutvikling 2025.
Kanskje Trump setter press på gjengen så vi omsider får opnet den forb rørgata.
Kanskje Trump setter press på gjengen så vi omsider får opnet den forb rørgata.
16.01.2025 kl 20:39
1985 Noen som har E24 Energi?, til å gjenfortelle hva som står. Rubrikk forteller en del da uansett. Disse Trym brønner, er hvertfall ikke så dypt til havbunnen. Så pumping/rør felles med Tyra via Danmark.
16.01.2025 kl 20:54
"Nå setter DNO også fart på utbyggingen av Trym Sør, som ble påvist i 2013.
«Utbygging av Trym Sør består av boring av èn ny brønn i eksisterende brønnramme og videre bruk av infrastrukturen tilhørende Trymfeltet», skriver operatøren i en søknad om oppfylt utredningsplikt.
Utvinnbare reserver i Trym Sør er om lag 5 millioner fat oljeekvivalenter. Det jobbes for produksjonsstart i 2027, og utbyggingen vil medføre noe lengre økonomisk drift for Trym, med økt utvinning fra reservoaret."
«Utbygging av Trym Sør består av boring av èn ny brønn i eksisterende brønnramme og videre bruk av infrastrukturen tilhørende Trymfeltet», skriver operatøren i en søknad om oppfylt utredningsplikt.
Utvinnbare reserver i Trym Sør er om lag 5 millioner fat oljeekvivalenter. Det jobbes for produksjonsstart i 2027, og utbyggingen vil medføre noe lengre økonomisk drift for Trym, med økt utvinning fra reservoaret."
I går kl 07:24
Touching on the ongoing challenges between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Hussein noted, “Before we reached Baghdad to convey the message of the KRG, the message was received through media outlets.”
ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein revealed on Thursday that British Petroleum (BP) has expressed interest in exploring opportunities in the Kurdistan Region's oil fields. Speaking to Kurdistan24, Hussein stated, “I have spoken to British Petroleum, and they have promised to come to the Kurdistan Region to discuss working in the oil fields with top officials.”
Things will be coming to a head soon.
Mergers, aquisitions. consolidation.
Touching on the ongoing challenges between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Hussein noted, “Before we reached Baghdad to convey the message of the KRG, the message was received through media outlets.”
ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein revealed on Thursday that British Petroleum (BP) has expressed interest in exploring opportunities in the Kurdistan Region's oil fields. Speaking to Kurdistan24, Hussein stated, “I have spoken to British Petroleum, and they have promised to come to the Kurdistan Region to discuss working in the oil fields with top officials.”
Things will be coming to a head soon.
Mergers, aquisitions. consolidation.
Redigert i går kl 07:28
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I går kl 09:32
17. jan. 2025, 09:03:45 - Arctic höjer DNO till köp (behåll), riktkurs 14 norska kronor - BN
Arctic höjer DNO till köp (behåll), riktkurs 14 norska kronor - BN
Finwire News
Arctic höjer DNO till köp (behåll), riktkurs 14 norska kronor - BN
Finwire News
I går kl 09:58
Prewia skrev Finns det möjlighet de köper upp DNO
Finnes jo gode muligheter for at DNO kan bli del av større konsolidering i regionen i alle fall. DNO er en betydelig aktør her må vi huske!