IDEX Biometrics brings biometric smart cards to market with Cell
IDEX Biometrics brings biometric smart cards to market with Cellfie Global
Oslo, Norway, and Seoul, South Korea 19 November 2024 - IDEX Biometrics has
entered into a commercial development agreement with South Korean smart card
manufacturer Cellfie Global (formerly ICK) to design, manufacture and marke
biometric metal and PVC cards for bank and fintech launches in USA, Europe and
Asia. This gives IDEX Biometrics full coverage across all four card
manufacturers in South Korea, representing a production capacity in excess of
100 million smart cards annually, and with world leading metal card
manufacturing capabilities.
Cellfie Global has a strong customer base in mainly USA and Europe, markets
representing 78% of the 40 million annual metal card shipments. Cellfie Global’s
leading metal cards provide a unique sensory experience that is driven by card
weight, card sound, card technology and a unique design perspective, bringing a
different metal card solution to banks and fintechs globally.
“We are excited to provide state-of-the-art biometric capability to our metal
card and PVC range of card products enabled by IDEX Biometrics. We see a huge
potential for our USA company, ICK International, to accelerate deployment of
the next generation of contactless cards and a means for us to differentiate.”
says Yoo Ki Jong, Chief Executive Officer of Cellfie Global. “Biometric cards
are a must have for leading smart card providers like Cellfie” he continues.
“With Cellfie’s strong customer portfolio in USA and Europe and a CAGR of metal
cards projected at close to 25%, the opportunity for IDEX Biometrics is
substantial. As a world leading metal card manufacturer, Cellfie Global
strengthens our growing portfolio of smart card makers globally and in South
Korea with unique capabilities and an innovative competitive edge”, comments
Catharina Eklof, Chief Executive Officer of IDEX Biometrics."
Oslo, Norway, and Seoul, South Korea 19 November 2024 - IDEX Biometrics has
entered into a commercial development agreement with South Korean smart card
manufacturer Cellfie Global (formerly ICK) to design, manufacture and marke
biometric metal and PVC cards for bank and fintech launches in USA, Europe and
Asia. This gives IDEX Biometrics full coverage across all four card
manufacturers in South Korea, representing a production capacity in excess of
100 million smart cards annually, and with world leading metal card
manufacturing capabilities.
Cellfie Global has a strong customer base in mainly USA and Europe, markets
representing 78% of the 40 million annual metal card shipments. Cellfie Global’s
leading metal cards provide a unique sensory experience that is driven by card
weight, card sound, card technology and a unique design perspective, bringing a
different metal card solution to banks and fintechs globally.
“We are excited to provide state-of-the-art biometric capability to our metal
card and PVC range of card products enabled by IDEX Biometrics. We see a huge
potential for our USA company, ICK International, to accelerate deployment of
the next generation of contactless cards and a means for us to differentiate.”
says Yoo Ki Jong, Chief Executive Officer of Cellfie Global. “Biometric cards
are a must have for leading smart card providers like Cellfie” he continues.
“With Cellfie’s strong customer portfolio in USA and Europe and a CAGR of metal
cards projected at close to 25%, the opportunity for IDEX Biometrics is
substantial. As a world leading metal card manufacturer, Cellfie Global
strengthens our growing portfolio of smart card makers globally and in South
Korea with unique capabilities and an innovative competitive edge”, comments
Catharina Eklof, Chief Executive Officer of IDEX Biometrics."
30.11.2024 kl 18:57
Der kom den. 27.6 millioner aksjer. Så da var interessen laber. Det er vel det enkelte har ønsket ved å holde kursen godt under emi-kurs;) Vi såg det samme i Ensu, der ble emien avblåst.
30.11.2024 kl 20:12
Veldig bra - knappe 20% noe som betyr hele 80% mindre utvanning så er det bare å avvente triggermeldinger fremover som vil skyve kursen opp og tilbake til normale nivåer - først 0,6nok så 0,93nok...;)
30.11.2024 kl 21:45
Ja, frøken CEO Catharina Eklof kjøpte på det nivået for bare kort tid siden..;)
02.12.2024 kl 08:58
IDEX Biometrics ASA: Mandatory notification of subscription by primary insider - 2 Dec 2024
Reference is made to the subsequent offering in IDEX Biometrics ASA (the
“Company”) approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2024.
The Company’s Chair, Morten Opstad, has subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK
0.15 per share. Whereof he subscribed to 250,000 shares for K-Konsult AS, and
750,000 shares for Marc O Polo Norge AS. The final allocation, including the
primary insider registration form, will be notified later today.
Reference is made to the subsequent offering in IDEX Biometrics ASA (the
“Company”) approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2024.
The Company’s Chair, Morten Opstad, has subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK
0.15 per share. Whereof he subscribed to 250,000 shares for K-Konsult AS, and
750,000 shares for Marc O Polo Norge AS. The final allocation, including the
primary insider registration form, will be notified later today.
02.12.2024 kl 09:15
Strålende, styreleder kjøper på 0,. 15
Bare til å avvente kommende avtaler 💣💯
Bare til å avvente kommende avtaler 💣💯
02.12.2024 kl 09:17
Fint at ledelsen har trua, selv om det er småsummer, itråd med verdien på selskapet for øyeblikket..
02.12.2024 kl 09:17
Kjøpt 2mill aksjer pluss opsjon på 2 mill warrants, tilsvarende 600k kroner,om warrants innløses.
02.12.2024 kl 09:24
Legger vi til at Ceo har handlet på 0.6 i tillegg til mange profilerte investorer handlet godt i emisjonen, så er grunnmuren satt. Nå må selskapet skape tillit i markedet, vil nok ta litt tid.
02.12.2024 kl 10:27
Ja, etter en slik kanskje helt nødvendig griseemisjon så er det helt naturlig at folk vil være litt avventende, MEN om man tar ett par steg tilbake og ser på hva eksisterende aksjonærer faktisk har betalt og det i flere omganger den siste tiden og det fra langt til skyhøyt over dagens kurs og topper vi det med status på teknologien i kombinasjon med nylige inngåtte avtaler så ligger det i kortene at vi ikke blir liggende lenge under dette eminivået hvor det ikke skal mer enn 1 riktig melding til før kursen sendes langt på oversiden - og den kommer så alt handler om timing hvor man bør være inne før det skjer for den første doblingen kommer alltid raskest..;)
02.12.2024 kl 12:25
Dagens midlertidige MCap er på knappe 100mnok - mao den har potensiale til å gå nærmere 10x - altså den estimerte oppsiden er nærmere 1000% - ikke mange (om noen) andre case som har en slik mulig oppside i det mellomlange bildet - en oppside på hele 900% gir en aksjekurs på beskjedne 1,3nok - det er ikke lengre siden enn knappe 3mdr at kursen var der og med an betydelig avkortet rep emi på hele 80% (kun beskjedne 20% ble gjennomført) noe som betyr at utvanningen ble tilsvarende liten og noe som igjen og naturligvis vil premieres med at et slikt kursnivå raskt kan nås igjen om de rette meldingene tikker inn - så StayTuned ...;)
Redigert 02.12.2024 kl 12:29
Du må logge inn for å svare
02.12.2024 kl 12:46
Ett par ok meldinger med volumordre, og Idex vil "fly away". Mcap er i rennesteinen, så skal ikke mye positivt til før kursen løfter seg betraktelig. Og nå er også den totale utvanningen minsket med 225 mill aksjer(inkludert warrants). Kunne bli 280mill nye aksjer, men endte opp med 55mill aksjer i rep-emien.
02.12.2024 kl 19:06
Og nå er også den totale utvanningen minsket med 225 mill aksjer(inkludert warrants). Kunne bli 280mill nye aksjer, men endte opp med 55mill aksjer i rep-emien.»
Og da ble det vel tilsvarende mindre kapital tilført når de ikke klarte å fylle mer enn 20% i rep emisjonen?
Og kapital er jo noe IDEX ikke trenger?
Og da ble det vel tilsvarende mindre kapital tilført når de ikke klarte å fylle mer enn 20% i rep emisjonen?
Og kapital er jo noe IDEX ikke trenger?
02.12.2024 kl 20:12
Du skriker og skriker her inne. Når det var mulighet for kraftig utvanning var det noe dritt, og nå er d noe dritt for at det ikke er noe utvanning. Gi nå faen da , du er jo komplett idiot
03.12.2024 kl 08:14
Du må vaske munnen din godt nå hver dag før jul hvis du skal få besøk av aksjejulenissen med gaver i år.
03.12.2024 kl 08:55
IDEX Biometrics ASA: Mandatory notification of trade by primary insiders - 3 Dec 2024
(NewsWeb)Reference is made to the
subsequent offering in IDEX Biometrics ASA (the “Company”) approved by the
Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2024, including notifications with
regards to primary insiders’ subscriptions on 28 November 2024 and 2 December
The Company’s Chair, Morten Opstad, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share, through his associated companies. Opstad was allocated 250,000 shares
for K-Konsult AS and 750,000 shares for Marc O Polo Norge AS. After the
subscription Opstad and related parties hold 2,479,786 shares in IDEX Biometrics
ASA. Opstad and related parties were also allocated 1,000,000 Warrants at NOK
0.15 per share.
The Company’s CEO, Catharina Eklof, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share. Eklof was allocated 1,000,000 shares. After the subscription, Eklof
holds 1,694,403 shares in IDEX Biometrics ASA. Eklof was also allocated
1,000,000 Warrants at NOK 0.15 per share.
(NewsWeb)Reference is made to the
subsequent offering in IDEX Biometrics ASA (the “Company”) approved by the
Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2024, including notifications with
regards to primary insiders’ subscriptions on 28 November 2024 and 2 December
The Company’s Chair, Morten Opstad, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share, through his associated companies. Opstad was allocated 250,000 shares
for K-Konsult AS and 750,000 shares for Marc O Polo Norge AS. After the
subscription Opstad and related parties hold 2,479,786 shares in IDEX Biometrics
ASA. Opstad and related parties were also allocated 1,000,000 Warrants at NOK
0.15 per share.
The Company’s CEO, Catharina Eklof, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share. Eklof was allocated 1,000,000 shares. After the subscription, Eklof
holds 1,694,403 shares in IDEX Biometrics ASA. Eklof was also allocated
1,000,000 Warrants at NOK 0.15 per share.
19.02.2025 kl 12:39
Natig skrev Ser ut til at HITECH landet Sør Korea har troen!
Der kom godnyheten. Ventet i 3 mndr nå. Og nå nærmer vi oss de magiske 15 ørene!