HPUR, 5 års plan og veien videre.
Interessant intervju med Morten Holum om 5 års planen som ble lagt i 2020. De har holdt planen hele veien, nå er de i ferd med siste fase.
God lesning for de som vil bli bedre kjent med HPUR.
God lesning for de som vil bli bedre kjent med HPUR.
Redigert 26.11.2024 kl 17:00
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26.11.2024 kl 17:52
Tusen takk. Meget hyggelig lesing. Det er overraskende hvor mye selskapet har fått på plass de siste 4-5 årene. Ikke tvil om at selskapet står på terskelen til å begynne å høste av det store arbeidet som er nedlagt. 25 og 26 blir gode år.
26.11.2024 kl 18:02
De neste fem blir helt vanvittige. Dette er en perfekt spekulativ månerakett, hvor de fundamentale forholdene, aller mest etterspørsel og økende etterspørsel i overskuelig fremtid, er på plass. Det er aksjen med lav mrktcap, og lovende, relativt trygge fremtidsutsikter. Attpåtil på vei inn i fasen hvor EBITDA er ventet å gå i pluss og herfra skal det bare gå oppover!
26.11.2024 kl 19:53
For spesielt interesserte så anbefaler jeg også å se Q pres til HCOMP. Her blir HPUR nevnt flere ganger, også under Q&A, og informasjonen og svarene har en svært positiv undertone.
26.11.2024 kl 22:40
Rect Angel
26.11.2024 kl 23:22
Glimrende, informativ trådstart aksjeintr.
Med den gir du i praksis interesserte som tar seg tid til å lese artikkelen, muligheten til 'få inn budskapet med sølvskje' på et tidspunkt timing for inngang i aksjen trolig aldri har vært gunstigere. 'Time will show' når det gjelder den påstånden.
Har fulgt Hexagon Group tett noen år nå så var selv godt kjent med det meste i artikkelen. Men særlig en ting fremstod som en nyhet for meg. Og det er at verdens 3.største lastebilprodusent Paccar (bilmerkene Kenworth, Peterbilt, DAFF) allerede har bestemt å gå for Toyotas og Hexagon Purus's 'one stop solution', som Toyota kalte den i børsmeldingen da avtalen med Hexagon Purus ble børsmeldt, når Kenworth og Peterbilt nå skal produsere sine hydrogendrevne tungtransportkjøretøy. Det taler for seg så er vel egentlig helt unødvendig å si at dette er en strålende nyhet! Kenworth og Peterbilt er forøvrig også 'frontrunnere' når det gjelder å produsere gassdrevne (RNG/CNG) tungtransportkjøretøy med Cummins 'game changing' X15N motor og drivstoffsystemer levert av Hexagon Composites's Hexagon Agility.
The company is also supplying hydrogen storage and battery packs to Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) (a subsidiary of Japanese automotive manufacturer, Toyota Motor Corporation) for the series production of its heavy-duty fuel cell electric powertrain kits. The high-voltage battery packs supplied have a 693V max system voltage with a maximum installed capacity of 247 kWh and a typical usable capacity of 218 kWh. These agreements will eventually help decarbonise the American public transport sector.
The fuel cell kit, including the battery and hydrogen storage systems supplied by Hexagon Purus, will be sold to heavy-duty truck OEMs for hydrogen-powered heavy-duty fuel cell electric Class 8 trucks. Paccar, through its subsidiaries Peterbilt and Kenworth, will be using these kits as opposed to developing them in-house.
(link i trådstart)
Med den gir du i praksis interesserte som tar seg tid til å lese artikkelen, muligheten til 'få inn budskapet med sølvskje' på et tidspunkt timing for inngang i aksjen trolig aldri har vært gunstigere. 'Time will show' når det gjelder den påstånden.
Har fulgt Hexagon Group tett noen år nå så var selv godt kjent med det meste i artikkelen. Men særlig en ting fremstod som en nyhet for meg. Og det er at verdens 3.største lastebilprodusent Paccar (bilmerkene Kenworth, Peterbilt, DAFF) allerede har bestemt å gå for Toyotas og Hexagon Purus's 'one stop solution', som Toyota kalte den i børsmeldingen da avtalen med Hexagon Purus ble børsmeldt, når Kenworth og Peterbilt nå skal produsere sine hydrogendrevne tungtransportkjøretøy. Det taler for seg så er vel egentlig helt unødvendig å si at dette er en strålende nyhet! Kenworth og Peterbilt er forøvrig også 'frontrunnere' når det gjelder å produsere gassdrevne (RNG/CNG) tungtransportkjøretøy med Cummins 'game changing' X15N motor og drivstoffsystemer levert av Hexagon Composites's Hexagon Agility.
The company is also supplying hydrogen storage and battery packs to Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) (a subsidiary of Japanese automotive manufacturer, Toyota Motor Corporation) for the series production of its heavy-duty fuel cell electric powertrain kits. The high-voltage battery packs supplied have a 693V max system voltage with a maximum installed capacity of 247 kWh and a typical usable capacity of 218 kWh. These agreements will eventually help decarbonise the American public transport sector.
The fuel cell kit, including the battery and hydrogen storage systems supplied by Hexagon Purus, will be sold to heavy-duty truck OEMs for hydrogen-powered heavy-duty fuel cell electric Class 8 trucks. Paccar, through its subsidiaries Peterbilt and Kenworth, will be using these kits as opposed to developing them in-house.
(link i trådstart)
Redigert 26.11.2024 kl 23:28
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26.11.2024 kl 23:25
God kontrakt på ca 70 NOK millioner i ikveld. (Oslo, Norway, 26 November 2024) Hexagon Purus, a world leading manufacturer of zero-emission mobility and infrastructure solutions, has been selected by New Flyer, North America’s largest mass mobility solutions provider, to supply hydrogen cylinders for the fifth consecutive year. New Flyer, a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc. (“NFI”), is playing a key role in enabling zero-emission transportation in North America, deploying hydrogen buses and infrastructure in cities across the U.S. and Canada.
Hexagon Purus will continue to provide its Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinders for New Flyer’s next generation, zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE FC™, enabling a driving range of 370+ miles/600 km on a single refueling. The total value of this contract is estimated to be approximately USD 6.3 million.
Production of the Type-4 hydrogen storage cylinders will be out of Hexagon Purus’ facility in Westminster, Maryland (U.S.). Since 2020, Hexagon Purus has delivered hydrogen cylinders for more than 200 New Flyer hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit buses.
Driving Energy Transformation
"New Flyer’s next generation zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE FC, is North America’s most advanced hydrogen bus and is built on decades of experience and innovation,” says Brad Barnes, Strategic Sourcing Vice President, NFI. “We are thrilled to continue our longstanding partnership with Hexagon Purus and look forward to supporting our customers by putting more high-performing hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit buses on the road in North America during 2025”.
“We have built a strong relationship with New Flyer over several years, and we are very happy to continue supporting them in 2025”, says Michael Kleschinski, EVP Mobility & Infrastructure. “There is an increasing demand for zero-emission solutions in public transportation, and New Flyer’s hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus offering plays a vital role in decarbonizing public transportation”.
The cylinders will be delivered throughout 2025.
About the market
The mobility sector is accountable for approximately 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in amongst other the mobility sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps. According to the Hydrogen Council, the number of announced hydrogen projects grew in 2023 by about 35% to over 1,400, equaling USD 570 billion investments. Green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information
Eli Turander, Global Communications Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 953 35 795 | eli.turander@hexagonpurus.com
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
Hexagon Purus will continue to provide its Type 4 hydrogen storage cylinders for New Flyer’s next generation, zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE FC™, enabling a driving range of 370+ miles/600 km on a single refueling. The total value of this contract is estimated to be approximately USD 6.3 million.
Production of the Type-4 hydrogen storage cylinders will be out of Hexagon Purus’ facility in Westminster, Maryland (U.S.). Since 2020, Hexagon Purus has delivered hydrogen cylinders for more than 200 New Flyer hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit buses.
Driving Energy Transformation
"New Flyer’s next generation zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus, the Xcelsior CHARGE FC, is North America’s most advanced hydrogen bus and is built on decades of experience and innovation,” says Brad Barnes, Strategic Sourcing Vice President, NFI. “We are thrilled to continue our longstanding partnership with Hexagon Purus and look forward to supporting our customers by putting more high-performing hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit buses on the road in North America during 2025”.
“We have built a strong relationship with New Flyer over several years, and we are very happy to continue supporting them in 2025”, says Michael Kleschinski, EVP Mobility & Infrastructure. “There is an increasing demand for zero-emission solutions in public transportation, and New Flyer’s hydrogen fuel cell-electric transit bus offering plays a vital role in decarbonizing public transportation”.
The cylinders will be delivered throughout 2025.
About the market
The mobility sector is accountable for approximately 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in amongst other the mobility sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.
As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps. According to the Hydrogen Council, the number of announced hydrogen projects grew in 2023 by about 35% to over 1,400, equaling USD 570 billion investments. Green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.
For more information
Eli Turander, Global Communications Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 953 35 795 | eli.turander@hexagonpurus.com
Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com
26.11.2024 kl 23:34
Godt med noen lyspunkt som forhåpentlig kan løfte kursen etter noen tunge uker.
For oss som har vært med en stund er jo dette stort sett kjent informasjon, men det ble her presentert ryddig, oversiktlig og på en veldig troverdig måte.
En ting jeg ble litt betenkt med er, vil leveransen av batteripakker fra Canada rammes av Trump sine kommende tariffer?
For oss som har vært med en stund er jo dette stort sett kjent informasjon, men det ble her presentert ryddig, oversiktlig og på en veldig troverdig måte.
En ting jeg ble litt betenkt med er, vil leveransen av batteripakker fra Canada rammes av Trump sine kommende tariffer?
26.11.2024 kl 23:46
På tide med en børsmelding. Er det terskelverdier regime som gjør at det går vinter og votter mellom hver melding ? I gamle dager kom det støtt og stadig. Men halv milliard i omsetning i Q3 lar seg høre da. Kurs 5 er galskap
Rect Angel
26.11.2024 kl 23:47
"En ting jeg ble litt betenkt med er, vil leveransen av batteripakker fra Canada rammes av Trump sine kommende tariffer?"
Muligens Session88, men kan berolige deg med at eventuell negativ effekt her vil være høyst midlertidig hvis den blir rammet av en slik tariff. Produksjonen er nemlig i prosess til å bli flyttet til Texas og samme sted hvor Tern tungtransporter for USA markedet produseres.
Når det gjelder dagens produksjon av batteripakker i Kelwona, Canada, vil den fortsette. Men vil i fremtiden være rettet mot det canadiske markedet.
Muligens Session88, men kan berolige deg med at eventuell negativ effekt her vil være høyst midlertidig hvis den blir rammet av en slik tariff. Produksjonen er nemlig i prosess til å bli flyttet til Texas og samme sted hvor Tern tungtransporter for USA markedet produseres.
Når det gjelder dagens produksjon av batteripakker i Kelwona, Canada, vil den fortsette. Men vil i fremtiden være rettet mot det canadiske markedet.
Redigert 26.11.2024 kl 23:56
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27.11.2024 kl 14:31
Avansert algoritme som har 20% høyere avkastning enn Oslo Børs i år, setter HPUR som førstevalg på kjøpsanbefaling nå. Teknisk støtte på 5 som har gitt svært gode signaler og gode underliggende forhold i selskapet. En av få sannsynlige doblingskandidater på kort sikt.
28.11.2024 kl 07:46
Strålende kvartalsrapport. Denne aksjen er kraftig underpriset.
Markedet overvurderer Trumps innvirkning. Mannen har sterke meninger på alle kanter, men får bare gjennomslag på enkelte områder. Trump har ikke makt til å stanse det grønne skiftet.
Samtidig treffer HPUR imponerende godt på guiding og målsetting. Når de tjener penger i 2026, så vil denne aksjekursen være mangedoblet (25kr), og en god inngang må komme lenge før den tid (les NÅ).
Markedet overvurderer Trumps innvirkning. Mannen har sterke meninger på alle kanter, men får bare gjennomslag på enkelte områder. Trump har ikke makt til å stanse det grønne skiftet.
Samtidig treffer HPUR imponerende godt på guiding og målsetting. Når de tjener penger i 2026, så vil denne aksjekursen være mangedoblet (25kr), og en god inngang må komme lenge før den tid (les NÅ).
28.11.2024 kl 08:29
For de som ønsker tall på hvor kraftig underpriset aksjen er:
Kursverdi: 2,3 milliarder NOK.
Oppgitt verdi av eiendeler i kvartalsrapporten: 4,6 milliarder NOK.
En dobling av aksjekursen er med andre ord ikke bare sannsynlig, men fornuftig.
Kursverdi: 2,3 milliarder NOK.
Oppgitt verdi av eiendeler i kvartalsrapporten: 4,6 milliarder NOK.
En dobling av aksjekursen er med andre ord ikke bare sannsynlig, men fornuftig.
28.11.2024 kl 21:14
Mange henger seg kanskje opp i det som ble beskrevet av usikkerhet rundt den nye administrasjonen i USA under Trump. For de kan det være greit å lese denne artikkelen.
Dead cat bounc
28.11.2024 kl 21:18
Det gjennomsnittlige ettårige kursmålet for Hexagon Purus ASA er kr 10,49. Kommer sikkert snarlige ny oppdateringer på kursmålet etter kraftig hydrogen vekst for Hpur.
29.11.2024 kl 08:25
Positiv analyse fra Arctic med kursmål NOK 9,00
Hexagon Purus ASA
Recommendation: Buy · Target Price: NOK 9.0 · Current Share Price: NOK 5.41
Attractive entry point
As HPUR’s key Q3 figures were pre-announced, the latest comments around outlook/ guidance were the key focus of yesterday’s report. The company reiterated its previous guidance for 2025, although acknowledged that the uncertainty has increased in the wake of the US election outcome. We take note of comment that the EBITDA margin in Hydrogen infrastructure (i.e. HMI segment ex. mobility) almost reached double-digit territory in Q3. Our updated estimates align with the company guidance, but we have revised our long-term EBITDA margin to 11% (10%), supported by i) the abovementioned data-point and ii) the positive margin development also observed in Hexagon Agility in the quarter (17% EBITDA margin in 3Q24 vs. 11% in 3Q23), serving as a potential reference for where HPUR’s margins may end up with greater scale. This offsets the higher-than-expected dilution (caused by the share price drop this fall) and negative estimate revisions (triggered by the terminated Daimler contract) since our previous update, leaving our fair DCF value unchanged at 11 NOK/sh. Due to increased uncertainty, however, we set our TP at NOK 9. As the share price is close to an all-time low, while the funding cap is resolved, the investment program largely completed and the revenue capacity of the current production facilities represents ~3x upside vs. the current run-rate, we argue today’s share price represents an attractive entry point.
Link to report
Few surprises. Close to double-digit EBITDA margin in Hydrogen infrastructure
There were few surprises in the reported Q3 figures as revenue, EBITDA, the cash position and order backlog were pre-announced last month. Q3 revenue amounted to NOK 544m, up 43% y/y and 3% q/q, while the EBITDA margin on company level improved to -9% (or -15% adjusting for the Daimler termination fee) vs. -30% in 3Q23 and -18% in 2Q24. For the most mature segment, Hydrogen infrastructure (i.e. HMI excluding mobility), the EBITDA margin in Q3 almost reached double-digit territory.
Unchanged guidance, but the uncertainty has increased
The FY’24 revenue guidance should now be safe, as the FY’24 revenue target is more than covered by backlog at end 3Q24 (i.e. only execution risk left). For 2025, demand growth is mainly expected to come from the existing customer base (call-offs under existing framework agreements), which all else equal should translate into less estimate risk. All financial targets for 2025 were reiterated, although the language has softened ("based on preliminary estimates, the company still believe it is achievable to deliver revenue growth of at least 50% y/y”). The company also reiterates the outlook beyond 2025, expecting to turn free cash flow positive during 2026. The company also continues to see a >NOK6.0bn nameplate revenue capacity from its existing production facilities.
Some reflections around the US election outcome
It’s fair to say that Trump’s victory and the Republican sweep is net negative for a company like HPUR, with its main drivers being increased adoption of hydrogen in industries and mobility, as well as electrification of heavy-duty trucks. That said, there are some good arguments as to why HPUR and its customers may be less impacted by Trump’s presidency than some may fear: i) The IRA is ultimately aimed at reshoring/ creating new manufacturing jobs, and ~80% of the IRA tax incentives are allocated towards Republican-dominated states, ii) much of the regulatory framework benefitting HPUR and its customers is anchored at state level and not federal level (e.g. zero emissions vehicle quotas applicable to OEMs in California), and iii) OEMs and fleet operators already have ambitious sustainability targets in place and much capital is already committed.
Valuation and recommendation
A share price correction has been warranted over the last months on the back of the Daimler contract termination and the outcome of the US election, but a 55% drop since its October highs seems exaggerated in our view. At 5.5 NOK/sh, HPUR trades at ~50% discount to our fair DCF valuation, and at ~50% / ~40% discount to its hydrogen equipment peers / more mature infrastructure equipment peers, respectively. We struggle to see HPUR being anything but rewarded by the market should it continue to follow the growth trajectory towards its 2025 target (>50% revenue growth vs. 2024). At 5.5 NOK/sh, HPUR trades at an EV/’25 sales of 1.0x vs. median 2.3x and 1.7x in the mentioned peer groups. As HPUR is growing much faster than both groups, a significant narrowing of the discount should be justified as the 2025 estimates gradually become de-risked.
Hexagon Purus ASA
Recommendation: Buy · Target Price: NOK 9.0 · Current Share Price: NOK 5.41
Attractive entry point
As HPUR’s key Q3 figures were pre-announced, the latest comments around outlook/ guidance were the key focus of yesterday’s report. The company reiterated its previous guidance for 2025, although acknowledged that the uncertainty has increased in the wake of the US election outcome. We take note of comment that the EBITDA margin in Hydrogen infrastructure (i.e. HMI segment ex. mobility) almost reached double-digit territory in Q3. Our updated estimates align with the company guidance, but we have revised our long-term EBITDA margin to 11% (10%), supported by i) the abovementioned data-point and ii) the positive margin development also observed in Hexagon Agility in the quarter (17% EBITDA margin in 3Q24 vs. 11% in 3Q23), serving as a potential reference for where HPUR’s margins may end up with greater scale. This offsets the higher-than-expected dilution (caused by the share price drop this fall) and negative estimate revisions (triggered by the terminated Daimler contract) since our previous update, leaving our fair DCF value unchanged at 11 NOK/sh. Due to increased uncertainty, however, we set our TP at NOK 9. As the share price is close to an all-time low, while the funding cap is resolved, the investment program largely completed and the revenue capacity of the current production facilities represents ~3x upside vs. the current run-rate, we argue today’s share price represents an attractive entry point.
Link to report
Few surprises. Close to double-digit EBITDA margin in Hydrogen infrastructure
There were few surprises in the reported Q3 figures as revenue, EBITDA, the cash position and order backlog were pre-announced last month. Q3 revenue amounted to NOK 544m, up 43% y/y and 3% q/q, while the EBITDA margin on company level improved to -9% (or -15% adjusting for the Daimler termination fee) vs. -30% in 3Q23 and -18% in 2Q24. For the most mature segment, Hydrogen infrastructure (i.e. HMI excluding mobility), the EBITDA margin in Q3 almost reached double-digit territory.
Unchanged guidance, but the uncertainty has increased
The FY’24 revenue guidance should now be safe, as the FY’24 revenue target is more than covered by backlog at end 3Q24 (i.e. only execution risk left). For 2025, demand growth is mainly expected to come from the existing customer base (call-offs under existing framework agreements), which all else equal should translate into less estimate risk. All financial targets for 2025 were reiterated, although the language has softened ("based on preliminary estimates, the company still believe it is achievable to deliver revenue growth of at least 50% y/y”). The company also reiterates the outlook beyond 2025, expecting to turn free cash flow positive during 2026. The company also continues to see a >NOK6.0bn nameplate revenue capacity from its existing production facilities.
Some reflections around the US election outcome
It’s fair to say that Trump’s victory and the Republican sweep is net negative for a company like HPUR, with its main drivers being increased adoption of hydrogen in industries and mobility, as well as electrification of heavy-duty trucks. That said, there are some good arguments as to why HPUR and its customers may be less impacted by Trump’s presidency than some may fear: i) The IRA is ultimately aimed at reshoring/ creating new manufacturing jobs, and ~80% of the IRA tax incentives are allocated towards Republican-dominated states, ii) much of the regulatory framework benefitting HPUR and its customers is anchored at state level and not federal level (e.g. zero emissions vehicle quotas applicable to OEMs in California), and iii) OEMs and fleet operators already have ambitious sustainability targets in place and much capital is already committed.
Valuation and recommendation
A share price correction has been warranted over the last months on the back of the Daimler contract termination and the outcome of the US election, but a 55% drop since its October highs seems exaggerated in our view. At 5.5 NOK/sh, HPUR trades at ~50% discount to our fair DCF valuation, and at ~50% / ~40% discount to its hydrogen equipment peers / more mature infrastructure equipment peers, respectively. We struggle to see HPUR being anything but rewarded by the market should it continue to follow the growth trajectory towards its 2025 target (>50% revenue growth vs. 2024). At 5.5 NOK/sh, HPUR trades at an EV/’25 sales of 1.0x vs. median 2.3x and 1.7x in the mentioned peer groups. As HPUR is growing much faster than both groups, a significant narrowing of the discount should be justified as the 2025 estimates gradually become de-risked.
29.11.2024 kl 09:01
SEB nedjusterer sitt kursmål på Hexagon Purus til 6 kroner fra 9 kroner pr aksje, og gjentar holdanbefaling.
Det fremgår av en oppdatering torsdag.
"Ledelsen ser økt usikkerhet etter Donald Trumps valgseier. Mulige endringer i USAs støtteordninger og lovgivning, samt varslet innføring av tariffer, kan ha negativ innvirkning på etterspørselen på kort til mellomlang sikt. Selv om selskapet er fullfinansiert etter kapitalinnhentingen på 1 milliard kroner i oktober, trenger ordreinntaket å ta seg opp", heter det i oppdateringen.
Det fremgår av en oppdatering torsdag.
"Ledelsen ser økt usikkerhet etter Donald Trumps valgseier. Mulige endringer i USAs støtteordninger og lovgivning, samt varslet innføring av tariffer, kan ha negativ innvirkning på etterspørselen på kort til mellomlang sikt. Selv om selskapet er fullfinansiert etter kapitalinnhentingen på 1 milliard kroner i oktober, trenger ordreinntaket å ta seg opp", heter det i oppdateringen.
Rect Angel
29.11.2024 kl 11:17
Det gjenstår å se om Trump & Co, i praksis, vil rasere arbeidsplasser, hovedsaklig i delstater med republikansk flertall, og samtidig gå i 'clinch' med amerikansk olje- og gassindustri...
Hydrogen holds momentum in the US
Two hydrogen hub projects in the US Midwest, and Texas, secure up to $2.2bn in federal funds, as hydrogen tax credits may face scrutiny from the incoming president
28 November 2024 / Energy transition, United States
While the IRA’s tax credits might prove to be some of the easier targets for the new administration’s proposed clean energy rollbacks, it will face resistance. Much of the tax credits are destined for Republican majority states, and the oil and gas sector, which Trump professes to support, is pursuing hydrogen technology.
For instance, Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil, has said multiple times that the IRA should stay put, and that the US should remain part of the Paris Agreement.
About Environment Analyst
Hydrogen holds momentum in the US
Two hydrogen hub projects in the US Midwest, and Texas, secure up to $2.2bn in federal funds, as hydrogen tax credits may face scrutiny from the incoming president
28 November 2024 / Energy transition, United States
While the IRA’s tax credits might prove to be some of the easier targets for the new administration’s proposed clean energy rollbacks, it will face resistance. Much of the tax credits are destined for Republican majority states, and the oil and gas sector, which Trump professes to support, is pursuing hydrogen technology.
For instance, Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil, has said multiple times that the IRA should stay put, and that the US should remain part of the Paris Agreement.
About Environment Analyst
Redigert 29.11.2024 kl 11:21
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29.11.2024 kl 11:20
Jag är inte så orolig inför Trump, jag är mer orolig över att Nikola går i konkurs de närmsta månaderna, är det någon som vet hur mycket Purus har i försäljning till Nikola?
Rect Angel
29.11.2024 kl 11:38
Mener å huske at man har uttalt at nåværende cashbeholdning rekker ut Q1 2025 samtidig som man jobber med å få på plass ytterligere finansiering.
Det norske 'Oljefondet' er til orientering største aksjonær i Nikola.
Og i Nikola ser man tilsynelatende mye lysere på fremtidsutsiktene enn du gjør DrPepper ;)
Nikola leader talks future of hydrogen-powered trucks in US
What’s coming in zero-emission trucking
Brinley Hineman
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
He hinted at changes coming next year for the company, including “a lot of big names.”
“This isn’t the end,” he said. “This is just the beginning for us.”
(Man kan få denne artikkelen opplest og lytte hvis man følger linken)
Det norske 'Oljefondet' er til orientering største aksjonær i Nikola.
Og i Nikola ser man tilsynelatende mye lysere på fremtidsutsiktene enn du gjør DrPepper ;)
Nikola leader talks future of hydrogen-powered trucks in US
What’s coming in zero-emission trucking
Brinley Hineman
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
He hinted at changes coming next year for the company, including “a lot of big names.”
“This isn’t the end,” he said. “This is just the beginning for us.”
(Man kan få denne artikkelen opplest og lytte hvis man følger linken)
Redigert 29.11.2024 kl 11:42
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29.11.2024 kl 11:46
Självklart ser de positivt för framtiden, vore ju konstigt om de inte gjorde det, men marknaden ser inte att Nikola har en positiv framtid.. Den aktien har ju varit mer katastrof än Hexagon Purus.. Jag köpte lite mer Purus idag och sänkte mitt GAV, så länge Purus inte går i konkurs så kanske jag kan gå i plus på investeringen, men kan dröja några år innan den når uppemot 8 kronor.. Börsvärdet är nu 2,2 miljarder och det är ganska högt för hur osäkert mycket är just nu.
Rect Angel
29.11.2024 kl 11:57
Det er tidvis kort vei mellom 'himmel og helvete' i et kortsiktig børslandskap.
Personlig er jeg som langsiktig i aksjen, veldig oppmuntrert av at Kenworth og Peterbilt allerede skal ha bestemt seg for å gå for Toyotas og Hexagon Purus's 'one stop solution' når disse to Paccar US-gigantene skal produsere sine hydrogendrevne tungtransporter.
Dette kom frem i det omfattende artikkelen/intervjuet med Holum i trådstart. Mer i mitt innlegg 26.11.2024 kl 23:22 her på tråden.
Personlig er jeg som langsiktig i aksjen, veldig oppmuntrert av at Kenworth og Peterbilt allerede skal ha bestemt seg for å gå for Toyotas og Hexagon Purus's 'one stop solution' når disse to Paccar US-gigantene skal produsere sine hydrogendrevne tungtransporter.
Dette kom frem i det omfattende artikkelen/intervjuet med Holum i trådstart. Mer i mitt innlegg 26.11.2024 kl 23:22 her på tråden.
Redigert 29.11.2024 kl 12:06
Du må logge inn for å svare
29.11.2024 kl 13:04
HPUR er kandidat som nyttårsrakett hos Investtech. Jeg jobber med energi i Norge og Europa, og kravene til utslipp blir strengere hvert år. Store økonomiske lettelser til miljøvennlige/fornybare firma er på vei. Økt satsning på hydrogen og fornybare energikilder. Veldig klart for at det skal snu for grønne aksjer snart.
29.11.2024 kl 13:18
"Flere meglerhus venter kraftig kursoppgang"
"Flere meglerhus venter kraftig kursoppgang"