kommersialisering av IDEX-teknologien»
Idex går en svært spennende tid i møte både på kort og lang sikt. Selskapet har nettopp henter penger via en emisjon hvor profilerte investorer ( sjekk aksjonærliste) i tillegg til ceo og styreleder deltok.
Penger fra emisjon skal i hovedsak brukes til kommersialisering av idex teknologien. Legger ut relatert info, bidra gjerne med relevant info.
Penger fra emisjon skal i hovedsak brukes til kommersialisering av idex teknologien. Legger ut relatert info, bidra gjerne med relevant info.
Redigert 05.01.2025 kl 09:24
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08.12.2024 kl 21:51
Biosmart granted Mastercard Letter of Approval for IDEX Pay biometric cards
Oslo, Norway and Seoul, South Korea - 25 November 2024: Global smart card
technology company Biosmart has obtained the Letter of Approval (LoA)
from Mastercard for its biometric payment card built on the IDEX Pay platform.
Biosmart can now move to industrialized production of biometric payment cards.
Biosmart is a Korea based manufacturer with an annual production capacity of
50+ million payment cards. Biosmart is a trusted partner of leading banks in
Asia, Middle East, Europe and USA.
IDEX Biometrics differentiated and optimized fingerprint biometrics platform
enables manufacturing partners to serve banks with biometric payment cards which
are accepted on all EMVCo compliant payment terminals across the globe.
“Making payments easier and more secure for consumers with biometric payment
cards, based on the leading technology from IDEX Biometrics, represents a
massive opportunity. The interest from banks in the region underpins the
commercial opportunity ahead of us” says Henry Kang, Chief Sales Officer at
“Congratulations to Biosmart on this Mastercard approval for biometric payment
cards, this strategic innovation product fits well with Biosmart’s fintech
customers across the world,” comments Catharina Eklof, Chief Executive Officer
at IDEX Biometrics. “Secure and frictionless payments contribute to transaction
and retention increase, critical to banks in today’s competitive payment
Oslo, Norway and Seoul, South Korea - 25 November 2024: Global smart card
technology company Biosmart has obtained the Letter of Approval (LoA)
from Mastercard for its biometric payment card built on the IDEX Pay platform.
Biosmart can now move to industrialized production of biometric payment cards.
Biosmart is a Korea based manufacturer with an annual production capacity of
50+ million payment cards. Biosmart is a trusted partner of leading banks in
Asia, Middle East, Europe and USA.
IDEX Biometrics differentiated and optimized fingerprint biometrics platform
enables manufacturing partners to serve banks with biometric payment cards which
are accepted on all EMVCo compliant payment terminals across the globe.
“Making payments easier and more secure for consumers with biometric payment
cards, based on the leading technology from IDEX Biometrics, represents a
massive opportunity. The interest from banks in the region underpins the
commercial opportunity ahead of us” says Henry Kang, Chief Sales Officer at
“Congratulations to Biosmart on this Mastercard approval for biometric payment
cards, this strategic innovation product fits well with Biosmart’s fintech
customers across the world,” comments Catharina Eklof, Chief Executive Officer
at IDEX Biometrics. “Secure and frictionless payments contribute to transaction
and retention increase, critical to banks in today’s competitive payment
08.12.2024 kl 21:53
The interest from banks in the region underpins the
commercial opportunity ahead of us” says Henry Kang, Chief Sales Officer at
commercial opportunity ahead of us” says Henry Kang, Chief Sales Officer at
08.12.2024 kl 22:06
03.12.2024, 08:50:00
IDEX Biometrics ASA: Mandatory notification of trade by primary insiders - 3 Dec 2024
(https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/633288)Reference is made to the
subsequent offering in IDEX Biometrics ASA (the "Company") approved by the
Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2024, including notifications with
regards to primary insiders' subscriptions on 28 November 2024 and 2 December
The Company's Chair, Morten Opstad, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share, through his associated companies. Opstad was allocated 250,000 shares
for K-Konsult AS and 750,000 shares for Marc O Polo Norge AS. After the
subscription Opstad and related parties hold 2,479,786 shares in IDEX Biometrics
ASA. Opstad and related parties were also allocated 1,000,000 Warrants at NOK
0.15 per share.
The Company's CEO, Catharina Eklof, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share. Eklof was allocated 1,000,000 shares. After the subscription, Eklof
holds 1,694,403 shares in IDEX Biometrics ASA. Eklof was also allocated
1,000,000 Warrants at NOK 0.15 per share.
IDEX Biometrics ASA: Mandatory notification of trade by primary insiders - 3 Dec 2024
(https://newsweb.oslobors.no/message/633288)Reference is made to the
subsequent offering in IDEX Biometrics ASA (the "Company") approved by the
Extraordinary General Meeting on 9 October 2024, including notifications with
regards to primary insiders' subscriptions on 28 November 2024 and 2 December
The Company's Chair, Morten Opstad, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share, through his associated companies. Opstad was allocated 250,000 shares
for K-Konsult AS and 750,000 shares for Marc O Polo Norge AS. After the
subscription Opstad and related parties hold 2,479,786 shares in IDEX Biometrics
ASA. Opstad and related parties were also allocated 1,000,000 Warrants at NOK
0.15 per share.
The Company's CEO, Catharina Eklof, subscribed to 1,000,000 shares, at NOK 0.15
per share. Eklof was allocated 1,000,000 shares. After the subscription, Eklof
holds 1,694,403 shares in IDEX Biometrics ASA. Eklof was also allocated
1,000,000 Warrants at NOK 0.15 per share.
08.12.2024 kl 22:24
Utbombet markedsverdi
136,92 mill, men det blir kortvarig . Blir med stor sannsynlighet posjonering nå i desember og januar i forkant av forventet avtaler..( les dere opp, ingen kjøp eller salg anbefaling fra min side)
136,92 mill, men det blir kortvarig . Blir med stor sannsynlighet posjonering nå i desember og januar i forkant av forventet avtaler..( les dere opp, ingen kjøp eller salg anbefaling fra min side)
09.12.2024 kl 08:33
Test av 0,30 området denne uka. Rått bakteppe I aksjen nå i forkant av oppdateringer fra selskapet.
09.12.2024 kl 11:37
Masseproduksjon i Korea
10.12.2024 kl 08:21
Direkte - Asmaa Al-Sayed: Ramzi Al-Sabouri, daglig leder for Midtøsten- og Afrika-regionen for det norske teknologiselskapet " Zwipe ", avslørte eksistensen av forhandlinger med 4 saudiske banker om å lansere et betalingskortprodukt med biometrisk “fingeravtrykk” teknologi for første gang i kongeriket.
Al-Sabouri forklarte i eksklusive uttalelser til “Mubasher Info” at " Zwipe " er i ferd med å innhente godkjenning fra Central Bank of Saudi Arabia - SAMA, og forklarte at den fikk innledende godkjenning i fjor, forutsatt at endelige godkjenninger vil bli fullført hvis bankene faktisk ber om utstedelsen.
Han uttalte at teknologien til det elektroniske betalingskortproduktet med fingeravtrykk, som Zwipe driver , er lisensiert og godkjent av “MasterCard” og “Visa.”
Al-Sabouri forventet at faktiske kontraktsoperasjoner ville finne sted i løpet av det neste året, 2025, og forklarer at selskapet hadde fått stor interesse fra kongeriket for dette produktet, i lys av dets seriøse bestrebelser på digitalisering i tråd med Vision 2030.
" Zwipe " jobber innen elektronisk betalingsteknologi som er avhengig av biometri. Det begynte sitt arbeid i 2009 og har hovedkontor i Norge. Portugal, Litauen, Singapore og Libanon.
Al-Sabouri påpekte at kongeriket Saudi-Arabia er det første markedet i den arabiske verden, der " Zwipe " har som mål å lansere sitt produkt.
Det er bemerkelsesverdig at oppdraget til " Zwipe " er å lage teknologien for disse kortene, og det samarbeider med et stort antall utstedende selskaper som “Taj System” i Europa og Amerika, Beautiful Card i Øst-Asia og "INKRIPT " i Midtøsten-regionen.
Zwipe lanserte nylig denne typen kort i Kuwait og Jordan som sin første kommersielle lansering i verden .
Al-Sabouri påpekte at Zwipe har pågående forhandlinger med en rekke lokale banker for å lansere dette produktet i Egypt også, og forklarte at det lanseres for spesifikke segmenter av kunder
Exclusive - Norwegian “zwipe” negotiates with 4 Saudi banks to launch fingerprint payment cards - Direct Information
Al-Sabouri forklarte i eksklusive uttalelser til “Mubasher Info” at " Zwipe " er i ferd med å innhente godkjenning fra Central Bank of Saudi Arabia - SAMA, og forklarte at den fikk innledende godkjenning i fjor, forutsatt at endelige godkjenninger vil bli fullført hvis bankene faktisk ber om utstedelsen.
Han uttalte at teknologien til det elektroniske betalingskortproduktet med fingeravtrykk, som Zwipe driver , er lisensiert og godkjent av “MasterCard” og “Visa.”
Al-Sabouri forventet at faktiske kontraktsoperasjoner ville finne sted i løpet av det neste året, 2025, og forklarer at selskapet hadde fått stor interesse fra kongeriket for dette produktet, i lys av dets seriøse bestrebelser på digitalisering i tråd med Vision 2030.
" Zwipe " jobber innen elektronisk betalingsteknologi som er avhengig av biometri. Det begynte sitt arbeid i 2009 og har hovedkontor i Norge. Portugal, Litauen, Singapore og Libanon.
Al-Sabouri påpekte at kongeriket Saudi-Arabia er det første markedet i den arabiske verden, der " Zwipe " har som mål å lansere sitt produkt.
Det er bemerkelsesverdig at oppdraget til " Zwipe " er å lage teknologien for disse kortene, og det samarbeider med et stort antall utstedende selskaper som “Taj System” i Europa og Amerika, Beautiful Card i Øst-Asia og "INKRIPT " i Midtøsten-regionen.
Zwipe lanserte nylig denne typen kort i Kuwait og Jordan som sin første kommersielle lansering i verden .
Al-Sabouri påpekte at Zwipe har pågående forhandlinger med en rekke lokale banker for å lansere dette produktet i Egypt også, og forklarte at det lanseres for spesifikke segmenter av kunder
Exclusive - Norwegian “zwipe” negotiates with 4 Saudi banks to launch fingerprint payment cards - Direct Information
10.12.2024 kl 08:22
Kjenner lukta av kommende signatur
Al-Sabouri påpekte at Zwipe har pågående forhandlinger med en rekke lokale banker for å lansere dette produktet i Egypt også, og forklarte at det lanseres for spesifikke segmenter av kunder
Exclusive - Norwegian “zwipe” negotiates with 4 Saudi banks to launch fingerprint payment cards - Direct Information
Al-Sabouri påpekte at Zwipe har pågående forhandlinger med en rekke lokale banker for å lansere dette produktet i Egypt også, og forklarte at det lanseres for spesifikke segmenter av kunder
Exclusive - Norwegian “zwipe” negotiates with 4 Saudi banks to launch fingerprint payment cards - Direct Information
13.12.2024 kl 09:32
Ut fra listene, har endel privatpersoner solgt for avskrivning av tap. Snur opp fra dette nivået.
God helg
God helg
14.12.2024 kl 09:01
Aksjen ligger mellom støtten ved cirka 0.12 kroner og motstanden ved cirka 0.18 kroner og etablert brudd på et av disse nivåene vil signalisere videre retning. RSI-kurven viser en stigende trend, noe som er et tidlig signal om mulig vending opp også i kursen
15.12.2024 kl 08:45
The expansion into the French logistics sector follows Zwipe’s strategic partnerships in various markets, including a recent distribution agreement in Brazil and collaboration with Schneider Electric’s Security Solutions Group, further establishing the company’s global presence in the biometric access control market.
15.12.2024 kl 11:43
Idex Pay er ferdig med utprøving og testing og er validert og godkjent av Visa og Mastercard..
IDEX Pay is already certified with Mastercard, and several card manufacturers have already received or are in finalizing stages of their Mastercard Letter of Approval process. Visa and Mastercard represent 64% of the 687 billion annual payment transactions(**), ensuring a global coverage for IDEX Pay.
selskapet går nå inn i kommersialiseringsfasen for fult i 2025 og utover. VI vil med stor sannsynlighet se flere ordre utover vinteren. Ceo og styreleder samt profilerte investorer har rigget seg for kommende opptur i selskapet.
IDEX Pay is already certified with Mastercard, and several card manufacturers have already received or are in finalizing stages of their Mastercard Letter of Approval process. Visa and Mastercard represent 64% of the 687 billion annual payment transactions(**), ensuring a global coverage for IDEX Pay.
selskapet går nå inn i kommersialiseringsfasen for fult i 2025 og utover. VI vil med stor sannsynlighet se flere ordre utover vinteren. Ceo og styreleder samt profilerte investorer har rigget seg for kommende opptur i selskapet.
Redigert 15.12.2024 kl 11:51
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29.12.2024 kl 18:13
Da er det bare til å vente til nyåret, er spent på hvilken rekkefølge avtaler kommer på , tror denne kommer først og så den franske kunden.
Al-Sabouri påpekte at Zwipe har pågående forhandlinger med en rekke lokale banker for å lansere dette produktet i Egypt også, og forklarte at det lanseres for spesifikke segmenter av kunder
Exclusive - Norwegian “zwipe” negotiates with 4 Saudi banks to launch fingerprint payment cards - Direct Information
Al-Sabouri påpekte at Zwipe har pågående forhandlinger med en rekke lokale banker for å lansere dette produktet i Egypt også, og forklarte at det lanseres for spesifikke segmenter av kunder
Exclusive - Norwegian “zwipe” negotiates with 4 Saudi banks to launch fingerprint payment cards - Direct Information
04.01.2025 kl 08:21
Med stor sannsynlighet vil vi se en slik type avtale innen kort tid.
IDEX Biometrics mottar produksjonsordre fra Zwipe ettersom utrullingen av biometriske kort akselererer og er i stor vekst.
IDEX Biometrics mottar produksjonsordre fra Zwipe ettersom utrullingen av biometriske kort akselererer og er i stor vekst.
05.01.2025 kl 15:27
Dyktig ceo med kunnskap, gjennomføringsevne og god forståelse for markedet.
26.01.2025 kl 22:05
Hva er markedsveksten for biometriske betalingskort?
b.Det globale markedet for biometriske betalingskort forventes å vokse med en sammensatt årlig vekstrate på 62,3 % fra 2022 til 2030 for å nå USD 4 345,8 millioner innen 2030
Hva er markedsveksten for biometriske betalingskort?
b.Det globale markedet for biometriske betalingskort forventes å vokse med en sammensatt årlig vekstrate på 62,3 % fra 2022 til 2030 for å nå USD 4 345,8 millioner innen 2030
Redigert 26.01.2025 kl 22:32
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26.01.2025 kl 23:37
Det meste som skrives her om markedsvekst, produktet og styret, har vi hørt før. Jeg er en aksjonær som har tapt 99 % i dette selskapet, og jeg har bare vært med et par år. Jeg er heller ikke den første – tilsvarende kollaps skjedde både for 4 og 10 år siden, også da på bunnen trodde man det skulle snu.
Jeg vil gjerne tro på caset, men de samme argumentene har blitt kastet frem og tilbake like lenge som selskapet har vært på børs. Hvorfor er det annerledes denne gangen?
Jeg vil gjerne tro på caset, men de samme argumentene har blitt kastet frem og tilbake like lenge som selskapet har vært på børs. Hvorfor er det annerledes denne gangen?
26.01.2025 kl 23:40
Nå kommer snart iTrader å forteller deg at markedet tar helt feil for der han bor betaler alle med mobil eller i natura. Jeg slenger med denne her så kommer det til å gå for karen
26.01.2025 kl 23:42
Linken er helt trygg så kos deg med herlig lesning om Biometriske betalingskort etc. Gigantisk marked som vil vokse enormt de neste årene
27.01.2025 kl 08:51
Holder det seg oppe det som antydes i linken, blir det "happy days" i årene som kommer. Få på plass ett par volumordre som monner, og vi er i gang.
27.01.2025 kl 09:22
Man kan fort bli sittende å tenke; hvorfor handlet jeg ikke nå aksjen sto i 0,1 kr..
27.01.2025 kl 11:31
LOD 0,0922
7.8% under 10 øre
VWAP 0,0989
Det er vel riktig å si at den faller på relativt høyt volum idag?
Volume: 5.64M
65 Day Avg: 6.91M
82% vs Avg
7.8% under 10 øre
VWAP 0,0989
Det er vel riktig å si at den faller på relativt høyt volum idag?
Volume: 5.64M
65 Day Avg: 6.91M
82% vs Avg
Redigert 27.01.2025 kl 11:48
Du må logge inn for å svare
27.01.2025 kl 13:04
First commercial launch of biometric payment cards in Japan with LIFE CARD and IDEX Biometrics
Oslo, Norway and Tokyo, Japan - 27 January 2025 - IDEX Biometrics enters a new
market, together with LIFE CARD, Japan’s most innovative credit card issuer.
This marks the market introduction of biometric payment cards in Japan. LIFE
CARD is targeting commercial deployment in the first half of 2025.
Japan is one of the largest payment markets in Asia, with a very advanced
acceptance landscape which is ready for biometric smart cards. Credit cards have
emerged to become the most popular alternative to cash in Japan, with 314
million cards issued. Accounting for more than 80% percent of cashless
transactions, credit cards are used far more than any other digital payment
instrument in Japan(1).
As a credit card issuer of Visa and Mastercard, LIFE CARD is commercializing
premium, corporate and student card programs. Biometric payment cards will be a
key differentiator and amplifier as LIFE CARD continues to lead innovation in
the market.
“LIFE CARD provides innovative, secure and frictionless payment solutions to our
growing consumer base. Introducing the latest biometric technology and security
to the Japanese market, will reinforce our market positioning, as we attract new
customers and increase transactions and customer lifetime value” says Keiji
Masui, President at LIFE CARD.
“LIFE CARD and IDEX Biometrics are bringing more seamless and secure payments to
consumers, confirming Japan’s technology and innovation leadership in payments.
IDEX is committed to make card payments easier, more secure and accessible for
Japanese consumers”, shared Catharina Eklof, Chief Executive Officer at IDEX
Oslo, Norway and Tokyo, Japan - 27 January 2025 - IDEX Biometrics enters a new
market, together with LIFE CARD, Japan’s most innovative credit card issuer.
This marks the market introduction of biometric payment cards in Japan. LIFE
CARD is targeting commercial deployment in the first half of 2025.
Japan is one of the largest payment markets in Asia, with a very advanced
acceptance landscape which is ready for biometric smart cards. Credit cards have
emerged to become the most popular alternative to cash in Japan, with 314
million cards issued. Accounting for more than 80% percent of cashless
transactions, credit cards are used far more than any other digital payment
instrument in Japan(1).
As a credit card issuer of Visa and Mastercard, LIFE CARD is commercializing
premium, corporate and student card programs. Biometric payment cards will be a
key differentiator and amplifier as LIFE CARD continues to lead innovation in
the market.
“LIFE CARD provides innovative, secure and frictionless payment solutions to our
growing consumer base. Introducing the latest biometric technology and security
to the Japanese market, will reinforce our market positioning, as we attract new
customers and increase transactions and customer lifetime value” says Keiji
Masui, President at LIFE CARD.
“LIFE CARD and IDEX Biometrics are bringing more seamless and secure payments to
consumers, confirming Japan’s technology and innovation leadership in payments.
IDEX is committed to make card payments easier, more secure and accessible for
Japanese consumers”, shared Catharina Eklof, Chief Executive Officer at IDEX
27.01.2025 kl 13:17
Japan er ett meget stort marked. Nydelig at Idex har fått foten inn i det markedet:
Japan is one of the largest payment markets in Asia, with a very advanced
acceptance landscape which is ready for biometric smart cards. Credit cards have
emerged to become the most popular alternative to cash in Japan, with 314
million cards issued. Accounting for more than 80% percent of cashless
transactions, credit cards are used far more than any other digital payment
instrument in Japan(1).
Japan is one of the largest payment markets in Asia, with a very advanced
acceptance landscape which is ready for biometric smart cards. Credit cards have
emerged to become the most popular alternative to cash in Japan, with 314
million cards issued. Accounting for more than 80% percent of cashless
transactions, credit cards are used far more than any other digital payment
instrument in Japan(1).
27.01.2025 kl 13:37
Vi har foten i de fleste land nå. Håper noen gir oss litt gryn også.
27.01.2025 kl 13:52
IDEX sitter ihvertfall ikke på hendene.
Alt tyder jo på at fingerprintsensorer og biometri er det som kommer nå, det sitter bare litt lenger inne enn forventet.
Alt tyder jo på at fingerprintsensorer og biometri er det som kommer nå, det sitter bare litt lenger inne enn forventet.
27.01.2025 kl 13:53
Allrounder skrev Vi har foten i de fleste land nå. Håper noen gir oss litt gryn også.
Idex skal gå en del 100%’ere framover nå…!
27.01.2025 kl 14:02
Idex har mange avtaler som ligger i løypa for kommersialisering. Tror det kommer flere positive nyheter på løpende bånd.
27.01.2025 kl 14:04
Ser ikke slik ut. Mcap er i rennesteinen. Ett par gode nyheter til, og Idex bør reprises kraftig.
27.01.2025 kl 14:05
Er vi heldige, så finner shorterne nytt beite også.
Kan fort flyttes opp mot emikurs nå, 0,15 nok
Kan fort flyttes opp mot emikurs nå, 0,15 nok
27.01.2025 kl 14:06
Får håpe du har rett. Kjøpte meg inn til 0.114, men er skeptisk. Kjøpt og solgt tidligere men gått ut på stop-loss. Kanskje det snur nå.
27.01.2025 kl 20:45
Forde marked for biometriske betalingskort ikke har vært modent før nå. Vi ser nå et trendskifte i marked hvor sikker hetsbehov blir essensiellt hos de store aktørene verden over. IDEX ligger i førersetet med sin teknologi.
007 James Bond
27.01.2025 kl 20:59
Hva er det som tilsier at markedet er modent nå? FP er i ferd med å synke ned i gjørma, og Idex får ikke en eneste bankkort-ordre. Hva ER det som er så modent?
27.01.2025 kl 21:12
Trendskifte er et faktum , og Idex vil signere en rekke avtaler i løpet av året.
Biometric Cards Global Market Report 2025
Global Biometric Cards Market Report 2024
Biometric Cards Global Market Report 2025
Report Price : $4490.00 | Pages : 175 | Published : January 2025 | Delivery Time: 2-3 business days | Format : pdf
Need assistance or more information before the purchase?
Biometric Cards Global Market Report 2025
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Biometric Cards Market Definition
Biometric cards are advanced smart cards that use biometric technology to verify the cardholder's identity by analyzing unique physiological features such as fingerprints or iris scans. Biometric cards offer a higher level of security, lowering the danger of fraudulent transactions or identity theft.
The main types of biometric cards are contact biometric cards and contactless biometric cards. Contact biometric cards, also known as smart cards, are advanced security devices that combine biometric authentication capabilities to improve security and convenience in a variety of applications. They are applicable for several applications, such as payments, access control, government identification documents (IDs), financial inclusion, and others, and are used by a variety of end-user verticals, including banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), retail, government, healthcare, commercial entities, and others.
Biometric Cards Market Segmentation
The biometric cards market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Contact Biometric Cards, Contactless Biometric Cards
2) By Application: Payments, Access Control, Government Identification Document (ID) And Financial Inclusion, Other Applications
3) By End-User Vertical: Banking, Financial Services, And Insurance (BFSI), Retail, Government, Healthcare, Commercial Entities, Other End-User Verticals
1) By Contact Biometric Cards: Smart Biometric Cards, Fingerprint Recognition Biometric Cards, Multi-Factor Authentication Biometric Cards
2) By Contactless Biometric Cards: RFID-Based Biometric Cards, NFC-Enabled Biometric Cards, Fingerprint Recognition Contactless Biometric Cards
Biometric Cards Market Size and growth rate 2025 to 2029: Graph
Biometric Cards Market Size 2025 And Growth Rate
The biometric cards market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $13.03 billion in 2024 to $15.36 billion in 2025 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.9%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to rising security needs, rising fraud concerns, regulatory compliance, increasing consumer convenience, and an increasing number of smartphone users.
Biometric Cards Market Growth Forecast
The biometric cards market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $29.3 billion in 2029 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to increasing cybersecurity threats, growing contactless payment systems, increasing demand for multifactor authentication, increasing demand for secure and reliable identification solutions, and rising demand for high-security applications. Major trends in the forecast period include the integration of contactless payment technology, the development of efficient biometric enrollment solutions, exploring blockchain technology, advancements in biometric sensors and algorithms, and integration with mobile devices.
Biometric Cards Global Market Report 2025
Global Biometric Cards Market Report 2024
Biometric Cards Global Market Report 2025
Report Price : $4490.00 | Pages : 175 | Published : January 2025 | Delivery Time: 2-3 business days | Format : pdf
Need assistance or more information before the purchase?
Biometric Cards Global Market Report 2025
Share this report
Biometric Cards Market Definition
Biometric cards are advanced smart cards that use biometric technology to verify the cardholder's identity by analyzing unique physiological features such as fingerprints or iris scans. Biometric cards offer a higher level of security, lowering the danger of fraudulent transactions or identity theft.
The main types of biometric cards are contact biometric cards and contactless biometric cards. Contact biometric cards, also known as smart cards, are advanced security devices that combine biometric authentication capabilities to improve security and convenience in a variety of applications. They are applicable for several applications, such as payments, access control, government identification documents (IDs), financial inclusion, and others, and are used by a variety of end-user verticals, including banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), retail, government, healthcare, commercial entities, and others.
Biometric Cards Market Segmentation
The biometric cards market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Contact Biometric Cards, Contactless Biometric Cards
2) By Application: Payments, Access Control, Government Identification Document (ID) And Financial Inclusion, Other Applications
3) By End-User Vertical: Banking, Financial Services, And Insurance (BFSI), Retail, Government, Healthcare, Commercial Entities, Other End-User Verticals
1) By Contact Biometric Cards: Smart Biometric Cards, Fingerprint Recognition Biometric Cards, Multi-Factor Authentication Biometric Cards
2) By Contactless Biometric Cards: RFID-Based Biometric Cards, NFC-Enabled Biometric Cards, Fingerprint Recognition Contactless Biometric Cards
Biometric Cards Market Size and growth rate 2025 to 2029: Graph
Biometric Cards Market Size 2025 And Growth Rate
The biometric cards market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $13.03 billion in 2024 to $15.36 billion in 2025 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.9%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to rising security needs, rising fraud concerns, regulatory compliance, increasing consumer convenience, and an increasing number of smartphone users.
Biometric Cards Market Growth Forecast
The biometric cards market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $29.3 billion in 2029 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.5%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to increasing cybersecurity threats, growing contactless payment systems, increasing demand for multifactor authentication, increasing demand for secure and reliable identification solutions, and rising demand for high-security applications. Major trends in the forecast period include the integration of contactless payment technology, the development of efficient biometric enrollment solutions, exploring blockchain technology, advancements in biometric sensors and algorithms, and integration with mobile devices.
27.01.2025 kl 21:27
Vi venter oss lignende avtaler, og en melding fra IDEX i løpet av noen dager /uker fra denne kunden.
OSLO, Norway, March 15, 2024 – IDEX Biometrics has received a production order from US-based Sentry Enterprises for IDEX Access biometric solutions. The order, which will be delivered over three quarters, will support scaling of Sentry’s industry leading biometric card product line for combined digital and physical access as well as the crypto cold storage.
OSLO, Norway, March 15, 2024 – IDEX Biometrics has received a production order from US-based Sentry Enterprises for IDEX Access biometric solutions. The order, which will be delivered over three quarters, will support scaling of Sentry’s industry leading biometric card product line for combined digital and physical access as well as the crypto cold storage.
27.01.2025 kl 21:43
Eller som Sentry Enterprises skriver selv på sin nylige oppdaterte hjemmeside.
Vårt oppdrag
Å redefinere digitale interaksjoner ved å gjøre dem sikre, desentraliserte og universelt tilgjengelige.
Veiledet av troen på at tillit og innovasjon er hjørnesteinene i et blomstrende digitalt samfunn. Sentry Enterprises planlegger å redefinere digitale interaksjoner, og gi milliarder av enkeltpersoner og bedrifter mulighet til å koble sammen sikkert og autentisk. Vår nådeløse streben etter innovasjon vil etablere en ny standard for tillit til digital identitet og desentralisert finans, og sømløst integrere biometrisk sikkerhet, betalingsteknologi og desentraliserte rammeverk i hverdagen.
Vårt oppdrag
Å redefinere digitale interaksjoner ved å gjøre dem sikre, desentraliserte og universelt tilgjengelige.
Veiledet av troen på at tillit og innovasjon er hjørnesteinene i et blomstrende digitalt samfunn. Sentry Enterprises planlegger å redefinere digitale interaksjoner, og gi milliarder av enkeltpersoner og bedrifter mulighet til å koble sammen sikkert og autentisk. Vår nådeløse streben etter innovasjon vil etablere en ny standard for tillit til digital identitet og desentralisert finans, og sømløst integrere biometrisk sikkerhet, betalingsteknologi og desentraliserte rammeverk i hverdagen.
28.01.2025 kl 02:25
"The biometric cards market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $13.03 billion in 2024 to $15.36 billion in 2025"
Og Idex utgjorde ca $0.0007 billion av det. FPC publiserer ikke tall for fingerkort alene, men kan antas å ha noe tilsvarende som Idex etter et kraftig fall i 2024. Zwipe ligger an til ca $0.0001 billion. Det vil si at samlet utgjorde alle verdens fingerkortselskap ca $0.0015 billion av de $13.03 billion i 2024. Resten har ingen ting med fingerkort å gjøre.
"It will grow to $29.3 billion in 2029"
Det er jo lovende, mer enn dobling før 2029. Om fingerkort-selskapene holder sine markedsandeler kan de omsette for svimlende $0.04 billion i 2029. Men greier de å holde sin markedsandel? Alle 3 har hatt jevnt fallende salg de siste 2 årene.
Og Idex utgjorde ca $0.0007 billion av det. FPC publiserer ikke tall for fingerkort alene, men kan antas å ha noe tilsvarende som Idex etter et kraftig fall i 2024. Zwipe ligger an til ca $0.0001 billion. Det vil si at samlet utgjorde alle verdens fingerkortselskap ca $0.0015 billion av de $13.03 billion i 2024. Resten har ingen ting med fingerkort å gjøre.
"It will grow to $29.3 billion in 2029"
Det er jo lovende, mer enn dobling før 2029. Om fingerkort-selskapene holder sine markedsandeler kan de omsette for svimlende $0.04 billion i 2029. Men greier de å holde sin markedsandel? Alle 3 har hatt jevnt fallende salg de siste 2 årene.
Redigert 28.01.2025 kl 02:27
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28.01.2025 kl 09:34
IDEX Biometrics enters Japan, one of the largest payment markets in Asia
☑️ Credit cards have emerged to become the most popular alternative to cash in Japan, with 314 million cards issued
☑️ LIFE CARD is a credit card issuer of Visa and Mastercard, commercializing premium, corporate and student card programs
☑️ Biometric payment cards will be a key differentiator and amplifier as LIFE CARD continues to lead innovation in the market
☑️ Credit cards have emerged to become the most popular alternative to cash in Japan, with 314 million cards issued
☑️ LIFE CARD is a credit card issuer of Visa and Mastercard, commercializing premium, corporate and student card programs
☑️ Biometric payment cards will be a key differentiator and amplifier as LIFE CARD continues to lead innovation in the market
28.01.2025 kl 10:08
Arbitration decision in favour of IDEX Biometrics
In the Prospectus published by IDEX Biometrics ASA (“IDEX” or the “Company”) on
13 November 2024, IDEX informed that the Company had requested arbitration at
the Oslo Chamber of Commerce concerning a receivable from a customer who had not
yet paid. Zwipe AS (“Zwipe”), the customer in question, disclosed in its
prospectus dated 4 December 2024 that it was in arbitration regarding a warranty
dispute with IDEX related to the delivery of parts communicated in its annual
report 2023 and that the total dispute amount was around NOK 7.1 million.
The Oslo Chamber of Commerce has on 27 January 2025, rendered its decision on
the matter, which is a final resolution of the dispute. Zwipe has been ordered
to pay USD 702,000 excl. VAT to lDEX plus late payment interest. The warranty
counterclaim from Zwipe was dismissed in its entirety. Zwipe was further ordered
to compensate IDEX for its legal costs, and pay for the full arbitration costs.
Zwipe shall pay IDEX the receivable and the award of legal fees within 14 days
from the date of the decision.
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and is subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to MAR article 17 and section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading
Act. This stock exchange release was published by Marianne Bøe, Head of Investor
Relations on 28 January 2025 at 10:05 (CET).
In the Prospectus published by IDEX Biometrics ASA (“IDEX” or the “Company”) on
13 November 2024, IDEX informed that the Company had requested arbitration at
the Oslo Chamber of Commerce concerning a receivable from a customer who had not
yet paid. Zwipe AS (“Zwipe”), the customer in question, disclosed in its
prospectus dated 4 December 2024 that it was in arbitration regarding a warranty
dispute with IDEX related to the delivery of parts communicated in its annual
report 2023 and that the total dispute amount was around NOK 7.1 million.
The Oslo Chamber of Commerce has on 27 January 2025, rendered its decision on
the matter, which is a final resolution of the dispute. Zwipe has been ordered
to pay USD 702,000 excl. VAT to lDEX plus late payment interest. The warranty
counterclaim from Zwipe was dismissed in its entirety. Zwipe was further ordered
to compensate IDEX for its legal costs, and pay for the full arbitration costs.
Zwipe shall pay IDEX the receivable and the award of legal fees within 14 days
from the date of the decision.
This information is considered to be inside information pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and is subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to MAR article 17 and section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading
Act. This stock exchange release was published by Marianne Bøe, Head of Investor
Relations on 28 January 2025 at 10:05 (CET).
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