Unsuccessful qualification test
REC Silicon – Results of Qualification Test
Moses Lake, Washington USA December 17, 2024: REC Silicon ASA (“REC Silicon” or the “Company”) has now received the results from the qualification test for its ultra-high purity polysilicon from the recently restarted silane-based high-purity granular production facility in Moses Lake, Washington.
The Company was notified yesterday by its customer of the results from the qualification test that was completed earlier this month through a third-party testing partner. Unfortunately, due to the impurity issues in the qualification material sent, the customer deemed the test to be unsuccessful. This was due to lower-than-expected levels of crystallization and the ingot yield observed in the testing runs, which the customer deemed not to be acceptable for their production process at this stage. The Company is in discussions with its customer to determine the feasibility of another test which will be contingent upon the Company making improvements in the manufacturing process at Moses Lake. The timing and likelihood of achieving the necessary improvements is uncertain at this point in time.
As a result of the unsuccessful qualification test, REC Silicon is reviewing multiple strategic options. This may include additional operational adjustments, contractual re-negotiations, and other mitigative actions.
REC Silicon continues to work on additional financing to ensure the Company’s financial flexibility. The Company will provide additional operational and financing details when such information becomes available.
Nils O. Kjerstad
IR Contact
Phone: +47 9135 6659
Email: nils.kjerstad@recsilicon.com
About REC Silicon
REC Silicon is a global leader in silane based high purity silicon materials. We combine 40 years of experience and best-in-class proprietary technology to deliver on customer expectations. Our two U.S. based plants have a combined production capacity of more than 30,000 MT of high purity silane gas. Our Signature Silane® based products are used in everyday quality of life technologies, emerging technologies, cutting edge power and memory devices, high-voltage transmission, as well as renewables. REC Silicon is headquartered in Lysaker, Norway and listed on the Oslo stock exchange under the ticker: RECSI.
For more information, go to: www.recsilicon.com
This information has been submitted pursuant to the Securities Trading Act § 5-12 and MAR Article 17. The information was submitted for publication at 2024-12-17 20:10 CET.
Moses Lake, Washington USA December 17, 2024: REC Silicon ASA (“REC Silicon” or the “Company”) has now received the results from the qualification test for its ultra-high purity polysilicon from the recently restarted silane-based high-purity granular production facility in Moses Lake, Washington.
The Company was notified yesterday by its customer of the results from the qualification test that was completed earlier this month through a third-party testing partner. Unfortunately, due to the impurity issues in the qualification material sent, the customer deemed the test to be unsuccessful. This was due to lower-than-expected levels of crystallization and the ingot yield observed in the testing runs, which the customer deemed not to be acceptable for their production process at this stage. The Company is in discussions with its customer to determine the feasibility of another test which will be contingent upon the Company making improvements in the manufacturing process at Moses Lake. The timing and likelihood of achieving the necessary improvements is uncertain at this point in time.
As a result of the unsuccessful qualification test, REC Silicon is reviewing multiple strategic options. This may include additional operational adjustments, contractual re-negotiations, and other mitigative actions.
REC Silicon continues to work on additional financing to ensure the Company’s financial flexibility. The Company will provide additional operational and financing details when such information becomes available.
Nils O. Kjerstad
IR Contact
Phone: +47 9135 6659
Email: nils.kjerstad@recsilicon.com
About REC Silicon
REC Silicon is a global leader in silane based high purity silicon materials. We combine 40 years of experience and best-in-class proprietary technology to deliver on customer expectations. Our two U.S. based plants have a combined production capacity of more than 30,000 MT of high purity silane gas. Our Signature Silane® based products are used in everyday quality of life technologies, emerging technologies, cutting edge power and memory devices, high-voltage transmission, as well as renewables. REC Silicon is headquartered in Lysaker, Norway and listed on the Oslo stock exchange under the ticker: RECSI.
For more information, go to: www.recsilicon.com
This information has been submitted pursuant to the Securities Trading Act § 5-12 and MAR Article 17. The information was submitted for publication at 2024-12-17 20:10 CET.
Redigert 17.12.2024 kl 20:26
Du må logge inn for å svare
17.12.2024 kl 21:03
tilbage til at recsi er for tidligt ude - qcell har ikke fabrikken oppe og gå før i løbet af Q2-2025:
....which the customer deemed not to be acceptable for their production process at this stage....
hvilket må siges at være en maksimal vag afvisning af produktet - "...at this stage.."
de trænger ikke produktet nok endnu.
recsi kan sælge det de har på lager til andre kunder, som beskrevet i FAQ. Dog til reduceret pris.
....which the customer deemed not to be acceptable for their production process at this stage....
hvilket må siges at være en maksimal vag afvisning af produktet - "...at this stage.."
de trænger ikke produktet nok endnu.
recsi kan sælge det de har på lager til andre kunder, som beskrevet i FAQ. Dog til reduceret pris.
17.12.2024 kl 21:34
cm punk skrev FULL KRISE men ikke overraskende med den ledelsen
Dette var nitriste nyheter.
Hvordan er det mulig?
Hvordan er det mulig?
Kåre Grønn
17.12.2024 kl 21:46
Få vekk ledelsen, eneste å si. Lukk skuffen i hvert fall
Redigert 17.12.2024 kl 21:46
Du må logge inn for å svare
17.12.2024 kl 21:48
elnomi skrev Dette var nitriste nyheter. Hvordan er det mulig?
Levens klarte det igjen å mislykkes, nå må en annen overta han har fått sine sjanser. Tipper Røkke er glad han solgte for nå er jeg redd recsi er ferdige ! Nå trenger de penger, mye penger og nå spørs det om de overlever!
Kåre Grønn
17.12.2024 kl 21:59
Og hvem faen visste dette siden aksjen falt som den gjorde i dag??????? Meldingen kom kl. 20.. Til å spy av!! Anmeld selskapet!!
Kåre Grønn
17.12.2024 kl 22:28
Det lukter møkk av dette. Hvorfor skal kinesere godkjenne? Rec må følge opp dette og be om dokumentasjoner.. Retest er svært viktig!
17.12.2024 kl 22:38
Ja hvorfor skal kineserne teste å godkjenne, blir aksjonærene lurt av Herr Levens og hanwah.. lukter møkk av hele selskapet og ledelse, hanwah kjøper vel resterende aksjer på 1-2kr, bare å gi opp dette tullet og trekke ifra på skatten
cm punk
17.12.2024 kl 22:47
Blir som at Frontline skulle sende hele sin vlcc-flåte til russland for typegodkjennelse av utslippkrav
Kåre Grønn
17.12.2024 kl 23:38