what to do with AS shares?

AEGA 22.12.2024 kl 12:11 1047

What is and was the plan with AS shares? I have 66,000 AS shares in my bank account and can do absolutely nothing with them. What was the original plan of the management structuring this dividend in kind in this particular way? and investor wise → what exactly should we wait for.

In fact, I cannot do anything with AS shares! Why was this operation structured so investor-unfriendly? And what's the plan? To sit on them till I die? I do not see any rationale behind this “dividend in kind” scheme!

Can I do something else with these shares besides sitting on them until I die?
22.12.2024 kl 21:54 976

Good question, hope someone has an answer
22.12.2024 kl 23:27 936

Har dere ikke fått aksjene da?
I så fall eier dere en andel av selskapet.
23.12.2024 kl 07:53 886

Joda, aksjene er kommet i forhold til hvor mange Aega asa en hadde. Men hva i alverden kan de brukes til. Er jo Ikke salgbare
23.12.2024 kl 08:36 851

Alle aksjonærer sitter i samme båt!….sammen med de på toppen😉
Her kreves det litt mer tålmodighet tror jeg

23.12.2024 kl 09:06 820

but what could be the solutions? in theory at least? who runs the company? same inner-circle like in ASA? Can the shareholders change the management? why was this restructuring planed in such an unconventional way, without any economic rational?
23.01.2025 kl 15:35 506

AEGA asa med gittutbytte i form av sannsynlig verdiløse aksjer i AEGA as åpner for tvil om lovlighet. Ser ut til at vi har havnet i en båt uten styring og årer.
The Observer
26.02.2025 kl 11:30 220

Skal disse gratisaksjene strykes i VPS?