The Tunisian side is trying to cut their losses and exit on the cheap, currently $180M on the table. Zenith appear determined to hold out for more but the game-changer could be the payment terms. If it become a single lump sum then that could get interesting 🚀 @zenithenergyltd
Hvis dette er sant, vil prisen bevege seg raskt oppover igjen
The Tunisian side is trying to cut their losses and exit on the cheap, currently $180M on the table. Zenith appear determined to hold out for more but the game-changer could be the payment terms. If it become a single lump sum then that could get interesting 🚀 @zenithenergyltd
Hvis dette er sant, vil prisen bevege seg raskt oppover igjen
Redigert 07.01.2025 kl 11:43
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12.01.2025 kl 07:18
Det du skriver stemmer ikke, jeg har selv papir på kjøp over 100000 aksjer ved tidspunktet på siste emi… i tillegg så får de som er med på emisjon mer info angående hva pengene skal brukes til i forkant etc. informasjon som det åpne markedet ikke har hatt tilgang på da vi får vite om emisjonene ETTER de er ferdige.
12.01.2025 kl 08:43
Mange nye her som finner på ting.
Tror ikke jeg har vert borti en som trucker før. Han skal man ta med en klype salt!!
Oljeprisen stiger, ikke feil om det skulle bli en avtale med lisenser og oppstart igjen…….
Tror ikke jeg har vert borti en som trucker før. Han skal man ta med en klype salt!!
Oljeprisen stiger, ikke feil om det skulle bli en avtale med lisenser og oppstart igjen…….
12.01.2025 kl 09:07
Hvis de hadde kommet til eniget med myndighetene (slik Herman* har beskrevet som et scenario) som inkluderer produserende lisenser der zenith har rolle som investor (+ skattefordel) + cash, så hadde det snudd om HELT på selskapet mtp. fremtidig prising og utbytter.
Da tror jeg man vil oppnå en langt høyere kurs ila. 2 år, enn en kortsiktig stor utbetaling.
Ifølge ryktene (i desember) så har jo Tunisia sparket de i myndighetene som hadde med dette å gjøre.. så kan være at de er i dialog rundt dette.
Da tror jeg man vil oppnå en langt høyere kurs ila. 2 år, enn en kortsiktig stor utbetaling.
Ifølge ryktene (i desember) så har jo Tunisia sparket de i myndighetene som hadde med dette å gjøre.. så kan være at de er i dialog rundt dette.
Redigert 12.01.2025 kl 09:21
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12.01.2025 kl 18:14
Hva skal man tro om morgendagen? Er det flere enn meg som fortsatt sitter med 30-40 % i minus, eller er jeg siste idioten som har håpet i det lengste?
Hadde egentlig skrevet av disse pengene etter bortimot 80-90 % tap, så de ble stående siden det ikke kunne bli særlig mer tap.
Sitter med rett over 600 000 aksjer, og håper jo det beste så klart nå, men 17-19 kr må jeg ærlig innrømme at jeg ikke tror mye på.
Plenty fornøyd med 4-5 kr, men da er jo fôrt utfordringen hva zenith har fått i bytte, og om fremtiden ser vesentlig lysere ut.
Er ac ev. til å stole på fremover da, eller rømmer folket skipet som virkelig har blitt løftet godt nå, i hvert fall i muligheter fremover, så får man se om det materialiserer seg etter hvert.
Hadde egentlig skrevet av disse pengene etter bortimot 80-90 % tap, så de ble stående siden det ikke kunne bli særlig mer tap.
Sitter med rett over 600 000 aksjer, og håper jo det beste så klart nå, men 17-19 kr må jeg ærlig innrømme at jeg ikke tror mye på.
Plenty fornøyd med 4-5 kr, men da er jo fôrt utfordringen hva zenith har fått i bytte, og om fremtiden ser vesentlig lysere ut.
Er ac ev. til å stole på fremover da, eller rømmer folket skipet som virkelig har blitt løftet godt nå, i hvert fall i muligheter fremover, så får man se om det materialiserer seg etter hvert.
12.01.2025 kl 18:50
hei, har 42% i pluss takket være 2 års jevnlig kjøp på lavere nivå. Ellers hadde jeg ikke vært i pluss enda. Sitter en god stund til ja.
12.01.2025 kl 19:50
17 - 19 nkr ? Så har jeg solgt lang tid før det. Begynder at sælge lidt ved kurs 2. Håber da at kursen hurtigt kommer op på 4 - 5. men da man kender Zenith tør jeg ikke holde længe da der hurtigt kan komme dårligt nyt. Er gået fra - 85 % til mu . 11 % så ikke lang til at være i +
12.01.2025 kl 20:22
Tror ikke på 19. Kurs 2-3 er jeg tilfreds med. Vil dog kun sælge ca 1/3 til den kues så penge på køb er tjent ind.
Ikke sikkert det blir noe mulighet for å selge på 2kr. Kommer meldingen om forlik så tilsvarer det over 1 milliard kroner. Der er nok mange med denne filosofien som allerede er hoppet av. Tynnslitt tillit hos slitne aksjonærer. Engasjementet for uken er stort!
tsu for all
12.01.2025 kl 20:27
Liverbirds skrev For en uke vi har foran oss, dere
ser vi 1 krone i denne uka, 1,20 før 20 januar
12.01.2025 kl 20:30
Kan bli en fantastisk uke i Europas råeste arbitrasje case!
Blir ikke overrasket om kursen er mellom kr 1.20 eller mer (uten nyheter) innen 20.01.
Blir ikke overrasket om kursen er mellom kr 1.20 eller mer (uten nyheter) innen 20.01.
12.01.2025 kl 20:54
1 milliard ville jo vært et enormt nederlag. Ryktene sier jo at Zenith har avvist et tilbud på ca 2 milliarder. Kravet er på ca 7 milliarder, får de halvparten i et forlik er vel begge parter sånn rimelig fornøyd vil jeg tro. Jeg tror kursen trenger støtte når den passerer 1 krone, og det kan zenith fikse i børsmeldingen hvor de opplyser om tidsskjemaet for sak 3. Hvis de opplyser om at de er i samtaler med motparten, tipper jeg kursen går til 1.50 direkt. Ved et forlik vil jo selvsagt innholdet i forliket legge grunnlag for kursutviklingen, og et foreslått utbytte vil selvsagt hjelpe. Tror heller ikke på 19 kroner, men 3-5 kroner burde være realistisk.
Redigert 12.01.2025 kl 21:56
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12.01.2025 kl 21:39
Hva tilsvarer 2 mrd i kurs? 3 kroner ? Det er jo litt udefinerbart antall aksjer
12.01.2025 kl 21:57
Vi kan jo håpe på at 2 milliarder bare er cash, resten er lisenser og eventuelt skattekreditter. Så kjepphøy som AC har virket, tror jeg definitivt ikke han er fornøyd med en totalpakke på 2 milliarder kroner.
5,45kr ca med dagens antall aksjer
Ser du redigerte og ble litt mer offensiv. Enig med opp til 5kr ved et forlik.
Ser du redigerte og ble litt mer offensiv. Enig med opp til 5kr ved et forlik.
Redigert 12.01.2025 kl 22:12
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12.01.2025 kl 22:13
Kurs 3-5 ved et forlik som dekker de neste to sakene. Så kan det rent teoretisk hende at Tunisia tilbyr en pakkeløsning som er verdt like mye som hele deres krav, hvor mesteparten av beløpet er lisenser og skattekreditter. Som kjent smerter dette mye mindre enn en ren kontantutbetaling. Synes dog det blir feil å anta at et forlik blir like stort som kravet, som regel møtes jo partene et eller annet sted mellom 0 og de fremsatte kravene.
12.01.2025 kl 22:27
Vi takker ja til et forlik +/- 3 milliarder inkludert evt. lisenser. Det er et ok beløp/totalpakke som begge parter kan «leve med».
«oppsiden over 800% om de skulle bli forlikt med den Tunisiske stat og enda høyere ved full tilkjennelse på 7 milliarder»
«oppsiden over 800% om de skulle bli forlikt med den Tunisiske stat og enda høyere ved full tilkjennelse på 7 milliarder»
13.01.2025 kl 08:21
Slettet brukerskrev 👍👍
En svært liten emisjon på £2,3 millioner, markedet vil plukke opp enhver svakhet i dag. Jeg har også penger klare til å kjøpe flere aksjer dersom vi når 0,8.
Disse £2,3 millioner vil fullt ut finansiere oss for voldgiftsprosessen, så det blir ingen ytterligere kapitalinnhenting før vår utbetaling på $650 millioner!
En svært liten emisjon på £2,3 millioner, markedet vil plukke opp enhver svakhet i dag. Jeg har også penger klare til å kjøpe flere aksjer dersom vi når 0,8.
Disse £2,3 millioner vil fullt ut finansiere oss for voldgiftsprosessen, så det blir ingen ytterligere kapitalinnhenting før vår utbetaling på $650 millioner!
Redigert 13.01.2025 kl 08:26
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13.01.2025 kl 08:24
Private Placement in UK and Norway
January 13, 2025
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Private Placement in UK and Norway
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA; PINK MARKET: ZENAF), the listed international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has completed a private placement with an institution in the United Kingdom (the "UK Financing"), a private placement in Norway with institutional investors (the "Norwegian Financing”). The Company has also issued broker shares (the "Broker Shares") (collectively, the "Financings").
The Financings have included the participation of new and existing investors, as well three Directors, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, Mr. Luca Benedetto and Mr. Sergey Borovskiy, respectively the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and a Non-Executive Director of the Company, to raise an aggregate total amount of approximately £2,310,800 (equivalent to approx. NOK 32,611,560 ), resulting in the issuance of a total of 48,538,042 new common shares (“New Common Shares”).
Norwegian Financing
Zenith has issued a total of 31,063,339 common shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company in connection with the Norwegian Financing (the "Norwegian Financing Common Shares") to raise gross proceeds of NOK 21,322,000 (approximately £1,511,000).
An application for the Norwegian Financing Common Shares to be listed on the Equity Shares (Transition) category of the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities (the "Norwegian Financing Admission") will be made within 12 months of the issue of the Norwegian Financing Common Shares.
Issue of Common Shares in respect of Director Loans
As detailed in the interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 September 2024, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo and Mr. Luca Benedetto, both Executive Directors of the Company, each made loans to Zenith in the amount of £400,000 during the month of April 2024 (the "Loan Amounts").
Luca Benedetto has assigned his Loan Amount to Andrea Cattaneo pursuant to a novation agreement dated 12 January 2025.
The Loan Amounts have been satisfied in full by way of an allotment of 16,326,531 new common shares to Mr. Andrea Cattaneo in the capital of the Company ("Debt Settlement Shares").
Application will be made for the Debt Settlement Shares to be listed on the Equity Shares (Transition) category of the Official List the standard segment of the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities which is anticipated to occur on or around 28 January 2025 pursuant to the relevant exemption under the Financial Conduct Authority’s Prospectus Regulation Rules.
UK Financing
A UK institution has agreed to acquire 16,326,531 common shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company at a price of £0.049 for gross proceeds of £800,000 (approximately 11,289,680 NOK) (the "UK Financing Common Shares").
It is expected that the UK Financing Admission will become effective and that unconditional dealings in the UK Financing Common Shares will commence on or around 8.00 a.m. (GMT) on or around January 28, 2025.
As the Company does not presently have sufficient headroom to enable the admission of such shares which are required to be issued without the production of a FCA approved prospectus, the Company is proposing that Mr. Andrea Cattaneo loan the relevant number of Common Shares to the Company by way of a share loan agreement to facilitate the UK Financing by the Company ("Share Loan Agreement").
The Share Loan Agreement, which is conditional on the Debt Settlement Shares being admitted, involves no consideration being paid or security granted to Mr. Andrea Cattaneo or any similar chargeable fee.
This UK Financing is subject to (i) the issue of the Debt Settlement Shares to the directors and (ii) the admission of the Debt Settlement Shares to the Equity Shares (Transition) category of the Official List to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities.
Related Party Transaction
As Mr. Andrea Cattaneo is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, the Share Loan Agreement is a material related party transaction under the Disclosure Transparency & Guidance Rules. The independent Directors of the Company, for the purpose of this arrangement, have approved the arrangement as being fair and reasonable from the perspective of the Company and its shareholders.
Issue Price
The Norwegian Financing was completed at a price of NOK 0.6864 per New Norwegian Financing Common Share, representing a 23% discount in respect of the closing price of the Company's equity securities on the Euronext Growth Oslo on January 10, 2025.
The UK Financing was completed at a price of £0.049 per UK Financing Common Share, representing a 20% discount in respect of the closing price of the Company’s equity securities admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange on January 10, 2025.
Use of Proceeds
The proceeds of the Placements will be used to fund the Company’s publicly announced international arbitrations against the Republic of Tunisia and ETAP, with specific attention being deployed towards enforcement of the recent ICC-1 Arbitration award, as well as for general working capital purposes.
Broker Shares
The Company has allotted 1,148,172 new common shares ("Broker Shares") to OAK Securities in London (www.oak-securities.com) in lieu of cash settlement for services provided to Zenith in connection with the Financings for a total value of 788,105 NOK (equivalent to approx. £55,850).
The Broker Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing common shares of the Company.
An application for the Broker Shares to be listed on the standard segment of the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities will be made within 12 months of the issue of the Broker Shares.
Director Dealing/ PDMR Shareholding
Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer & President of Zenith, has participated in the Norwegian Financing by subscribing for 1,713,299 Norwegian Financing Common Shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company.
Upon Admission, Mr. Cattaneo will be directly beneficially interested in a total of 44,262,047 common shares in the capital of the Company, representing 10.66% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Oslo.
Mr. Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer of Zenith, participated in the Norwegian Financing by subscribing for 856,649 Norwegian Financing Common Shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company.
Upon Admission, Mr. Benedetto will be directly beneficially interested in a total of 11,913,355 common shares in the capital of the Company, representing 2.87% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company.
Mr. Sergey Borovskiy, a Non-Executive Director of Zenith, has participated in the Norwegian Financing by subscribing for 2,188,691 Norwegian Financing Common Shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company.
Upon Admission, Mr. Borovskiy will be directly beneficially interested in a total of 5,404,778 common shares in the capital of the Company, representing 1.30% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company.
Total Voting Rights
The Company wishes to announce, in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and section 3.10 and 3.11.5 (3) of the Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II, the following information resulting from Admission of the Debt Settlement Shares, the Norwegian Financing Common Shares, and the Broker Shares.
Class of share
Total number of shares
Number of voting rights per share
Total number of voting rights per class of share
Common Shares admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on Admission. 249,187,217 1 249,187,217
Common Shares in issue and admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Market of the Oslo Børs, representing the newly enlarged total outstanding share capital of the Company.
415,083,443 1 415,083,443
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
“We are delighted to have secured institutional investment in Zenith at a very significant juncture in our development as we work towards enforcing the ICC-1 arbitration award and preparing for the ICC-2 arbitration, with the final court hearing scheduled to take place next month.
We are conscious of the importance to avoid unnecessary dilution and deliver the greatest possible value to shareholders at a potentially favourable time for the Company in its efforts to obtain compensation for damages caused by the Tunisian authorities.
The participation in the placement by three Directors, including myself, is evidence of our unwavering confidence in the Company and its objectives.”
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 (587) 315 1279
E: info@zenithenergy.ca
OAK Securities
Jerry Keen/Henry Clarke
+44 203 973 3678
Notes to Editors:
Zenith Energy Ltd. is a revenue generating, independent energy company with energy production, exploration and development assets in North Africa, the US and Europe. The Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange Main Market (LSE: ZEN), the Euronext Growth of the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: ZENA) and the Pink Markets of the OTC (OTC PINK: ZENAF).
Zenith's strategic focus is on pursuing development opportunities through the development of proven revenue generating energy production assets, as well as low-risk exploration activities in assets with existing production.
For more information, please visit: www.zenithenergy.ca
Twitter: @zenithenergyltd
LinkedIn: http
January 13, 2025
("Zenith" or the "Company")
Private Placement in UK and Norway
Zenith Energy Ltd. ("Zenith" or the "Company") (LSE: ZEN; OSE: ZENA; PINK MARKET: ZENAF), the listed international energy production and development company, is pleased to announce that it has completed a private placement with an institution in the United Kingdom (the "UK Financing"), a private placement in Norway with institutional investors (the "Norwegian Financing”). The Company has also issued broker shares (the "Broker Shares") (collectively, the "Financings").
The Financings have included the participation of new and existing investors, as well three Directors, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, Mr. Luca Benedetto and Mr. Sergey Borovskiy, respectively the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and a Non-Executive Director of the Company, to raise an aggregate total amount of approximately £2,310,800 (equivalent to approx. NOK 32,611,560 ), resulting in the issuance of a total of 48,538,042 new common shares (“New Common Shares”).
Norwegian Financing
Zenith has issued a total of 31,063,339 common shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company in connection with the Norwegian Financing (the "Norwegian Financing Common Shares") to raise gross proceeds of NOK 21,322,000 (approximately £1,511,000).
An application for the Norwegian Financing Common Shares to be listed on the Equity Shares (Transition) category of the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market for listed securities (the "Norwegian Financing Admission") will be made within 12 months of the issue of the Norwegian Financing Common Shares.
Issue of Common Shares in respect of Director Loans
As detailed in the interim Financial Statements for the six months ended 30 September 2024, Mr. Andrea Cattaneo and Mr. Luca Benedetto, both Executive Directors of the Company, each made loans to Zenith in the amount of £400,000 during the month of April 2024 (the "Loan Amounts").
Luca Benedetto has assigned his Loan Amount to Andrea Cattaneo pursuant to a novation agreement dated 12 January 2025.
The Loan Amounts have been satisfied in full by way of an allotment of 16,326,531 new common shares to Mr. Andrea Cattaneo in the capital of the Company ("Debt Settlement Shares").
Application will be made for the Debt Settlement Shares to be listed on the Equity Shares (Transition) category of the Official List the standard segment of the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities which is anticipated to occur on or around 28 January 2025 pursuant to the relevant exemption under the Financial Conduct Authority’s Prospectus Regulation Rules.
UK Financing
A UK institution has agreed to acquire 16,326,531 common shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company at a price of £0.049 for gross proceeds of £800,000 (approximately 11,289,680 NOK) (the "UK Financing Common Shares").
It is expected that the UK Financing Admission will become effective and that unconditional dealings in the UK Financing Common Shares will commence on or around 8.00 a.m. (GMT) on or around January 28, 2025.
As the Company does not presently have sufficient headroom to enable the admission of such shares which are required to be issued without the production of a FCA approved prospectus, the Company is proposing that Mr. Andrea Cattaneo loan the relevant number of Common Shares to the Company by way of a share loan agreement to facilitate the UK Financing by the Company ("Share Loan Agreement").
The Share Loan Agreement, which is conditional on the Debt Settlement Shares being admitted, involves no consideration being paid or security granted to Mr. Andrea Cattaneo or any similar chargeable fee.
This UK Financing is subject to (i) the issue of the Debt Settlement Shares to the directors and (ii) the admission of the Debt Settlement Shares to the Equity Shares (Transition) category of the Official List to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities.
Related Party Transaction
As Mr. Andrea Cattaneo is the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, the Share Loan Agreement is a material related party transaction under the Disclosure Transparency & Guidance Rules. The independent Directors of the Company, for the purpose of this arrangement, have approved the arrangement as being fair and reasonable from the perspective of the Company and its shareholders.
Issue Price
The Norwegian Financing was completed at a price of NOK 0.6864 per New Norwegian Financing Common Share, representing a 23% discount in respect of the closing price of the Company's equity securities on the Euronext Growth Oslo on January 10, 2025.
The UK Financing was completed at a price of £0.049 per UK Financing Common Share, representing a 20% discount in respect of the closing price of the Company’s equity securities admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange on January 10, 2025.
Use of Proceeds
The proceeds of the Placements will be used to fund the Company’s publicly announced international arbitrations against the Republic of Tunisia and ETAP, with specific attention being deployed towards enforcement of the recent ICC-1 Arbitration award, as well as for general working capital purposes.
Broker Shares
The Company has allotted 1,148,172 new common shares ("Broker Shares") to OAK Securities in London (www.oak-securities.com) in lieu of cash settlement for services provided to Zenith in connection with the Financings for a total value of 788,105 NOK (equivalent to approx. £55,850).
The Broker Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing common shares of the Company.
An application for the Broker Shares to be listed on the standard segment of the FCA Official List and to be admitted for trading on the London Stock Exchange Main Market for listed securities will be made within 12 months of the issue of the Broker Shares.
Director Dealing/ PDMR Shareholding
Mr. Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer & President of Zenith, has participated in the Norwegian Financing by subscribing for 1,713,299 Norwegian Financing Common Shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company.
Upon Admission, Mr. Cattaneo will be directly beneficially interested in a total of 44,262,047 common shares in the capital of the Company, representing 10.66% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Oslo.
Mr. Luca Benedetto, Chief Financial Officer of Zenith, participated in the Norwegian Financing by subscribing for 856,649 Norwegian Financing Common Shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company.
Upon Admission, Mr. Benedetto will be directly beneficially interested in a total of 11,913,355 common shares in the capital of the Company, representing 2.87% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company.
Mr. Sergey Borovskiy, a Non-Executive Director of Zenith, has participated in the Norwegian Financing by subscribing for 2,188,691 Norwegian Financing Common Shares of no-par value in the capital of the Company.
Upon Admission, Mr. Borovskiy will be directly beneficially interested in a total of 5,404,778 common shares in the capital of the Company, representing 1.30% percent of the total issued and outstanding common share capital of the Company.
Total Voting Rights
The Company wishes to announce, in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and section 3.10 and 3.11.5 (3) of the Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II, the following information resulting from Admission of the Debt Settlement Shares, the Norwegian Financing Common Shares, and the Broker Shares.
Class of share
Total number of shares
Number of voting rights per share
Total number of voting rights per class of share
Common Shares admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on Admission. 249,187,217 1 249,187,217
Common Shares in issue and admitted to trading on the Euronext Growth Market of the Oslo Børs, representing the newly enlarged total outstanding share capital of the Company.
415,083,443 1 415,083,443
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
“We are delighted to have secured institutional investment in Zenith at a very significant juncture in our development as we work towards enforcing the ICC-1 arbitration award and preparing for the ICC-2 arbitration, with the final court hearing scheduled to take place next month.
We are conscious of the importance to avoid unnecessary dilution and deliver the greatest possible value to shareholders at a potentially favourable time for the Company in its efforts to obtain compensation for damages caused by the Tunisian authorities.
The participation in the placement by three Directors, including myself, is evidence of our unwavering confidence in the Company and its objectives.”
Further Information:
Zenith Energy Ltd
Andrea Cattaneo, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 (587) 315 1279
E: info@zenithenergy.ca
OAK Securities
Jerry Keen/Henry Clarke
+44 203 973 3678
Notes to Editors:
Zenith Energy Ltd. is a revenue generating, independent energy company with energy production, exploration and development assets in North Africa, the US and Europe. The Company is listed on the London Stock Exchange Main Market (LSE: ZEN), the Euronext Growth of the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: ZENA) and the Pink Markets of the OTC (OTC PINK: ZENAF).
Zenith's strategic focus is on pursuing development opportunities through the development of proven revenue generating energy production assets, as well as low-risk exploration activities in assets with existing production.
For more information, please visit: www.zenithenergy.ca
Twitter: @zenithenergyltd
LinkedIn: http
13.01.2025 kl 08:29
Men denne nyheten vil vel hemme en enorm oppgang i dag? Det er vel sansynnig at kursen i det kortet bildet, i hvert fall i dag, kan gå bittelitt ned?
13.01.2025 kl 08:34
Lenge leve grådigheten, hvor mange av oss tålmodige har fått anledning til å være med i denne private kapitalinnhentingen da. Men AC har vist fått anledning denne gangen også
13.01.2025 kl 08:37
Veldig positivt! Dette setter gulv i aksjen og dermed er det kun oppside. Tar også vekk enhver tvil om finansiering før store utbetalinger kommer. Veldig bra.
13.01.2025 kl 08:43
Jeg derisket litt i Zena med gevinstsikring på fredag.
Flyttet en del av gevinsten over i Lokotech (Loko) som har like stort kortsiktige (januar) potensiale som Zena.
Flyttet en del av gevinsten over i Lokotech (Loko) som har like stort kortsiktige (januar) potensiale som Zena.
13.01.2025 kl 08:47
Kan vel tyde på at et forlik ikke er innen rekkevidde - eller så er det bare for å sikre seg større del av kaka.
13.01.2025 kl 08:51
Sikre seg en større del av kaka før forlik, tenker jeg----Grådige faen!
13.01.2025 kl 08:53
Gullhaugen skrev Ja dette var unødvendig utvanning men AC kunne ikke dy seg.
Med 100 mill «på vei» og et potensielt forlik like rundt hjørnet (om ønsket), måtte AC berike seg selv og sine venner en siste gang. Den mannen eier ikke skam. De kunne lånt penger med pant i erstatningen på 9.7 mill dollar.
13.01.2025 kl 08:56
Nei nei, nå må dere ikke dømme AC, han jobber da tross alt for oss tålmodige aksjonærer.
Åpner børsen slik som det ser ut nå så er zena ned -6%
Åpner børsen slik som det ser ut nå så er zena ned -6%
13.01.2025 kl 09:02
This morning's announcement from Zenith Energy is a big deal and highlights how focused the company is on funding its arbitration efforts. The standout line for me is:
"The proceeds of the Placements will be used to fund the Company's publicly announced international arbitrations against the Republic of Tunisia and ETAP, with specific attention being deployed towards enforcement of the recent ICC-1 Arbitration award."
What this means is that the money raised is specifically going toward enforcing the first arbitration to collect the $10 million they’ve already been awarded. Once that’s done, the money from that enforcement can fund the second arbitration, and so on. It’s like a domino effect: this initial funding ensures they’re fully covered for all arbitration requirements without needing to raise more money in the future.
Another interesting point is that the UK financing was entirely taken up by a single institution, which invested £800k in one go. That’s a huge vote of confidence in Zenith’s future. It shows that this institution believes in what Zenith is doing and where they’re headed.
Overall, this looks like a smart, well-thought-out move. With the funding secured and a clear plan in place, Zenith seems well-positioned to push forward and make serious progress on these arbitrations. It’s a strong step toward turning legal wins into real financial results and sending the share price up with it.
"The proceeds of the Placements will be used to fund the Company's publicly announced international arbitrations against the Republic of Tunisia and ETAP, with specific attention being deployed towards enforcement of the recent ICC-1 Arbitration award."
What this means is that the money raised is specifically going toward enforcing the first arbitration to collect the $10 million they’ve already been awarded. Once that’s done, the money from that enforcement can fund the second arbitration, and so on. It’s like a domino effect: this initial funding ensures they’re fully covered for all arbitration requirements without needing to raise more money in the future.
Another interesting point is that the UK financing was entirely taken up by a single institution, which invested £800k in one go. That’s a huge vote of confidence in Zenith’s future. It shows that this institution believes in what Zenith is doing and where they’re headed.
Overall, this looks like a smart, well-thought-out move. With the funding secured and a clear plan in place, Zenith seems well-positioned to push forward and make serious progress on these arbitrations. It’s a strong step toward turning legal wins into real financial results and sending the share price up with it.
13.01.2025 kl 09:07
Her er det bare å finne roen. Kjøpsmulighet for de som står utenfor. Var vel egentlig ett hint om att dette går veien..
Hadde ikke sitert forumets aller største troll!
Burde vært fra tatt hele tastaturet. Kan våge seg inn i eam tråden og beklage til alle han har forsøkt å lure..
Denne meldingen var ikke et sjokk og der kommer nok en forklaring.
Fair play med rykte i sidespeilet? Kanskje ikke
Burde vært fra tatt hele tastaturet. Kan våge seg inn i eam tråden og beklage til alle han har forsøkt å lure..
Denne meldingen var ikke et sjokk og der kommer nok en forklaring.
Fair play med rykte i sidespeilet? Kanskje ikke
13.01.2025 kl 09:22
Suser opp igjen no. Kan fort ende i grønt når truseskvetterne e ferdig.
13.01.2025 kl 09:38
Gulltrade: Inn 0,75, ut 0,98
Edit: Not so good anymore:)
Edit: Not so good anymore:)
Redigert 13.01.2025 kl 09:49
Du må logge inn for å svare
13.01.2025 kl 09:50
What a huge dilution! Can somebody explain, why is the course going up on this news!?
13.01.2025 kl 09:50
Anywhere skrev Gulltrade: Inn 0,75, ut 0,98 Edit: Not so good anymore:)
Måske du skulle have ventet med at sælge nu er kursen 1kr
13.01.2025 kl 09:50
Anywhere skrev Gulltrade: Inn 0,75, ut 0,98 Edit: Not so good anymore:)
Høydeskrekk fikk jeg etter 15 min og 25 % er jo helt crazy dette.
13.01.2025 kl 10:12
the market saw it as a buy opportunity on a small dip and they lapped up all the stocks which caused an even bigger rebound. The arbitrations are basically a given so investors want to cement their positions for the next year.
13.01.2025 kl 10:17
I have been invested in Zenith for a long time and in my opinion, this is easily the cleverest fundraising that Zenith have ever done, and it is not even close. Whereas in the past they have been raising money in order to cover the basic operational needs of the company or to make the first payment on speculative future acquisitions, this time the money raised is being used incredibly strategically and with a view to achieve maximum value to shareholders.
The important thing to remember is that the enforcement of the arbitration costs money and often small companies like Zenith have to go to external entities to fund the enforcement process on any significant arbitration award. This does not come for free. From memory it is a minimum of 25%-30% of the total award and can often be up to 50% or 60% of it in a bad deal.
Even if we look at the minimum cost of 25% of the award being shared then the fees that would be paid on $639 million would be $160 million. If we were to look at the maximum of 60% then the fees that would be paid would be $383 million.
Instead of going this route, Zenith have chosen to raise $2.8 million at a relatively small 13% dilution to existing shareholders and therefore keep the whole of the award on the table as recoverable by shareholders.
As has already been pointed out on here the pattern of how the enforcement will work is obvious. The company will use the $2.8 million to cover the costs of the next arbitration and to enforce the payment of the first arbitration.
Once the payment of the first arbitration comes in then they $9.7 million will be used to enforce the second arbitration of $130 million (assuming of course that this arbitration is successful) and then some of the funds from the second arbitration will be used to cover the cost of enforcing the third arbitration (again caveated on success).
The logic is obvious. The company has raised money now at a 13% dilution in order to be fully-funded for the costs and the enforcement of the rest of the arbitration process and, in the event of success in both arbitrations, this will put hundreds of millions more dollars into company (and shareholder) hands than would be the case if they went to external financing.
The other very very exciting point of this whole raising is that a single UK institution has taken an investment of $1 million into the placement. These people are not stupid and they do not pump this kind of money into a small-cap oil stock unless they are confident of very significant returns – which means that they are very confident of success in the next two arbitrations.
This is the beginning of a huge re-rating for Zenith and I expect today to mark the beginning of a huge climb in the company share-price over the upcoming months leading to the second arbitration. The Tunisians are going to know that Zenith are fully funded too and if the rumours of them making various settlement offers are true I expect that this may concentrate their minds to offer a single payment to settle the whole affair before the next arbitrations are heard. The only question is how much of a discount would AC be willing to take for a lump-sum payout. For me I think $320 million (50%) would be acceptable,
The important thing to remember is that the enforcement of the arbitration costs money and often small companies like Zenith have to go to external entities to fund the enforcement process on any significant arbitration award. This does not come for free. From memory it is a minimum of 25%-30% of the total award and can often be up to 50% or 60% of it in a bad deal.
Even if we look at the minimum cost of 25% of the award being shared then the fees that would be paid on $639 million would be $160 million. If we were to look at the maximum of 60% then the fees that would be paid would be $383 million.
Instead of going this route, Zenith have chosen to raise $2.8 million at a relatively small 13% dilution to existing shareholders and therefore keep the whole of the award on the table as recoverable by shareholders.
As has already been pointed out on here the pattern of how the enforcement will work is obvious. The company will use the $2.8 million to cover the costs of the next arbitration and to enforce the payment of the first arbitration.
Once the payment of the first arbitration comes in then they $9.7 million will be used to enforce the second arbitration of $130 million (assuming of course that this arbitration is successful) and then some of the funds from the second arbitration will be used to cover the cost of enforcing the third arbitration (again caveated on success).
The logic is obvious. The company has raised money now at a 13% dilution in order to be fully-funded for the costs and the enforcement of the rest of the arbitration process and, in the event of success in both arbitrations, this will put hundreds of millions more dollars into company (and shareholder) hands than would be the case if they went to external financing.
The other very very exciting point of this whole raising is that a single UK institution has taken an investment of $1 million into the placement. These people are not stupid and they do not pump this kind of money into a small-cap oil stock unless they are confident of very significant returns – which means that they are very confident of success in the next two arbitrations.
This is the beginning of a huge re-rating for Zenith and I expect today to mark the beginning of a huge climb in the company share-price over the upcoming months leading to the second arbitration. The Tunisians are going to know that Zenith are fully funded too and if the rumours of them making various settlement offers are true I expect that this may concentrate their minds to offer a single payment to settle the whole affair before the next arbitrations are heard. The only question is how much of a discount would AC be willing to take for a lump-sum payout. For me I think $320 million (50%) would be acceptable,
13.01.2025 kl 10:18
Er jo bare starten dette. Greit med litt trading, men her gjelder det å være inne med en god slant når nyheter kommer. Forlik kan komme, men virker som de vil kjøre hardt mot myndigheten for alle lovbrudd.
13.01.2025 kl 10:21
Ikke noe crazy her, dette er tidenes case, meldingen gir mye oppmerksomhet og det er utelukkende positivt, nå er det bare å holde på det man har fremover. Bunn er satt og meget stort potensialet for ekstrem vinst her.