EAM - A stock that could be the winner of the year! (16,34 NOK)
The EAM case became significantly stronger after the Supreme Court took up the case
It's almost March now and last time, the stock went high on expectations
The previous verdict was a gross error of judgment. I am sure EAM will win this time
One of the arguments from EAM Solar is that the court did not take into account the forged documents that were used to defraud EAM Solar. These same documents were used to defraud the Italian state and there they were used as evidence and ended with a verdict in favor of the Italian state
If the case is dismissed, EAM Solar will be exposed to great injustice.
forged documents = fraud!
As I have said before, this is a high-risk stock, but if EAM Solar is allowed to take its case to court, this will be a Zenith on seroids!
Det er en Ă„penbar logisk feil
«Basert pÄ en juridisk vurdering av dommen fra ankedomstolen i Milano 4. juli, samt mottak av begrunnelsen for dommen den 7. august 2024, som beskrevet i rapporten for andre kvartal 2024, har styret i EAM Solar besluttet Ä anke til Italiensk hÞyesterett,» heter det i bÞrsmeldingen.
Styret mener retten har unnlatt Ă„ ta stilling til de faktiske bevisene som ble lagt frem i rettssaken i 2019, hvor det ble bevist at EAM mottok falsifiserte dokumenter under kontraktsforhandlingene med Aveleos. Disse dokumentene er de samme som ankedomstolen la til grunn for Ă„ dĂžmme for svindel mot den italienske staten.
â For det fĂžrste er de dĂžmt for svindel mot den italienske staten pĂ„ grunn av de forfalskede dokumentene. De samme dokumentene ble brukt til Ă„ bedra oss. Det er en Ă„penbar logisk feil her, sier Jakobsen og legger til:
For you can buy:
5.000 NOK - +66.000 shares
10.000 NOK - +130.000 shares
25.000 NOK - +300.000 shares
50.000 NOK - +650.000 shares
75.000 NOK - 1.000.000 shares
100.000 NOK - +1.300.000 shares
If EAM Solar is successful in continuing its case, these small sums could turn into big money
The odds are 50/50
Of course, you shouldn't bet all your money on this one cause the high risk, but it could be the big bet of the year
Read this:
Lotto coupon no. 1 on Oslo Stock Exchange
Full compensation will give approximately 16 NOK per share
For those who want to know more about the appeal case and the EAM claim of 2.5 billion NOK
Then read this:
I gÄr kl 14:37 241
Det er ikke lenge igjen til EAM fÄr svaret pÄ om anke komme innen 14 dager
11. oktober 2024 leverte EAM inn ny anke til HÞyesterett og ba retten om igjen Ä oppheve dommen fra lagmannsretten. Begrunnelsen for denne anken kan leses i tidligere bÞrsmeldinger.Det er ennÄ ikke tatt noen avgjÞrelser av HÞyesterett med hensyn til tidslinjer eller hÞringsdatoer.
I ventetiden er det verdt Ä trekke frem denne trÄden og Äpningsinnlegget fra TS. Les det nÞye
Se vedlagt analyse av EAM fra a til Ă„: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rjLMRZF1zvR_M-IzGdmY1ihokPxbLrLK/view?usp=sharing
Gjennomgang av skriv fra hÞyesterett med markeringer pÄ de mest essensielle punkter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MSyoarVGtAvcWRrCVZBgwmNzhfJQKt_h/view?usp=sharing
It's almost March now and last time, the stock went high on expectations
The previous verdict was a gross error of judgment. I am sure EAM will win this time
One of the arguments from EAM Solar is that the court did not take into account the forged documents that were used to defraud EAM Solar. These same documents were used to defraud the Italian state and there they were used as evidence and ended with a verdict in favor of the Italian state
If the case is dismissed, EAM Solar will be exposed to great injustice.
forged documents = fraud!
As I have said before, this is a high-risk stock, but if EAM Solar is allowed to take its case to court, this will be a Zenith on seroids!
Det er en Ă„penbar logisk feil
«Basert pÄ en juridisk vurdering av dommen fra ankedomstolen i Milano 4. juli, samt mottak av begrunnelsen for dommen den 7. august 2024, som beskrevet i rapporten for andre kvartal 2024, har styret i EAM Solar besluttet Ä anke til Italiensk hÞyesterett,» heter det i bÞrsmeldingen.
Styret mener retten har unnlatt Ă„ ta stilling til de faktiske bevisene som ble lagt frem i rettssaken i 2019, hvor det ble bevist at EAM mottok falsifiserte dokumenter under kontraktsforhandlingene med Aveleos. Disse dokumentene er de samme som ankedomstolen la til grunn for Ă„ dĂžmme for svindel mot den italienske staten.
â For det fĂžrste er de dĂžmt for svindel mot den italienske staten pĂ„ grunn av de forfalskede dokumentene. De samme dokumentene ble brukt til Ă„ bedra oss. Det er en Ă„penbar logisk feil her, sier Jakobsen og legger til:
For you can buy:
5.000 NOK - +66.000 shares
10.000 NOK - +130.000 shares
25.000 NOK - +300.000 shares
50.000 NOK - +650.000 shares
75.000 NOK - 1.000.000 shares
100.000 NOK - +1.300.000 shares
If EAM Solar is successful in continuing its case, these small sums could turn into big money
The odds are 50/50
Of course, you shouldn't bet all your money on this one cause the high risk, but it could be the big bet of the year
Read this:
Lotto coupon no. 1 on Oslo Stock Exchange
Full compensation will give approximately 16 NOK per share
For those who want to know more about the appeal case and the EAM claim of 2.5 billion NOK
Then read this:
I gÄr kl 14:37 241
Det er ikke lenge igjen til EAM fÄr svaret pÄ om anke komme innen 14 dager
11. oktober 2024 leverte EAM inn ny anke til HÞyesterett og ba retten om igjen Ä oppheve dommen fra lagmannsretten. Begrunnelsen for denne anken kan leses i tidligere bÞrsmeldinger.Det er ennÄ ikke tatt noen avgjÞrelser av HÞyesterett med hensyn til tidslinjer eller hÞringsdatoer.
I ventetiden er det verdt Ä trekke frem denne trÄden og Äpningsinnlegget fra TS. Les det nÞye
Se vedlagt analyse av EAM fra a til Ă„: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rjLMRZF1zvR_M-IzGdmY1ihokPxbLrLK/view?usp=sharing
Gjennomgang av skriv fra hÞyesterett med markeringer pÄ de mest essensielle punkter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MSyoarVGtAvcWRrCVZBgwmNzhfJQKt_h/view?usp=sharing
Redigert 26.02.2025 kl 08:31
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MC Axel
06.03.2025 kl 13:21
No I have my +3 million shares and that's it
and I doubt you have any shares in EAM at all
and I doubt you have any shares in EAM at all
06.03.2025 kl 13:20
The Supreme Court has the options to reinstate what's concluded prior to CAM 2021, which is according to me the most likely outcome after reading the instruction, post 2021, by the Supreme Court. That also means that the claim of 2.5 billion nok will be automatically reinforced.
Should EAM win Supreme Court, Enovos (owns 60-ish% of Aveleos) may likely wants a settlement with EAM. Enovos has a revenue of billions Euro per year.
Should EAM win Supreme Court, Enovos (owns 60-ish% of Aveleos) may likely wants a settlement with EAM. Enovos has a revenue of billions Euro per year.
Redigert 06.03.2025 kl 13:34
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06.03.2025 kl 13:15
Tony83, you are a lizard . . . you claim one day sitting on millions shares, the next day everything is black . . . and you keep on whining and repeating your self. Most of the stuff you're asking is BS and have been answered several times.
So, go and learn yourself some proper TA instead of spreading shit.
So, go and learn yourself some proper TA instead of spreading shit.
Redigert 06.03.2025 kl 20:56
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06.03.2025 kl 12:29
Agree! Have you noticed, how he starts attacking me, when I'am just asking questions? Nothing more. That's what forums are for!
06.03.2025 kl 12:24
Om du utfordrer MacAxel, sÄ er han nok bare en liten smÄsparer som alle oss andre og har allerede satt de sparepengene han hadde pÄ at EAM skulle fyke opp. Virker som han nÄ har fÄtt noe panikk i frykt for Ä kunne tape de sparepengene han hadde, for det er den samme jamringen om 16,34 hver bidige dag. NÄ gikk jo EAM flere hundre prosent fra rundt 0,1 til dagens nivÄ - men det opphetede forventningsrallyet har avtatt de siste ukene. Skjer vel fint lite fÞr den 18/3, sÄ en fÄr enten kjÞpe seg et lodd og vente - eller la vÊre.
06.03.2025 kl 12:13
not that many buyers, I am afraid :(
Redigert 06.03.2025 kl 12:16
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06.03.2025 kl 12:03
If you are so brave, then go and take these 1.5 mln shares for 0.439! Just prove it to us.
06.03.2025 kl 11:50
Takk for informasjonen! Dette var nyttig. Tallet er 16,34 og det har vĂŠrt hakk i platen din i lang tid nĂ„. Vi er nok alle glade det nĂŠrmer seg 18.mars, sĂ„ vi fĂ„r svar pĂ„ om det blir himmel eller helvete for EAM og at du samtidig kan fĂ„ fred i haussersjelen đđ°đđđ
MC Axel
06.03.2025 kl 11:38
In 12 days, it will happen!
It is still possible to buy EAM shares cheaply!
2.5 billion NOK = 16.34 NOK per EAM share đ
It is still possible to buy EAM shares cheaply!
2.5 billion NOK = 16.34 NOK per EAM share đ
05.03.2025 kl 11:58
Veldig lav omsetning til nÄ i dag. FÄr hÄpe omsetningen tar seg opp sÄ vi fÄr et lÞft forbi 50 Þre.
Peter Sellers
05.03.2025 kl 11:18
@tuja, ja han er mye verre pÄ Zena trÄdene, der minner det meg mer om en annen viss person pÄ Qec trÄdene SPXL :))
MC Axel
05.03.2025 kl 09:47
It will be closer to 2.5 billion NOK, that is the figure/loss that has been calculated. Remember that the case has been going on for over ten years and the compensation amount is not based on empty air, but on tangible values
You don't go to court and demand 2.5 billion, whether you know they only have millions in their account or whether you know the other party can't pay. EAM has spent millions on this lawsuit, they're going to pay big time đ
It will be closer to 2.5 billion NOK, that is the figure/loss that has been calculated. Remember that the case has been going on for over ten years and the compensation amount is not based on empty air, but on tangible values
You don't go to court and demand 2.5 billion, whether you know they only have millions in their account or whether you know the other party can't pay. EAM has spent millions on this lawsuit, they're going to pay big time đ
Redigert 05.03.2025 kl 10:34
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05.03.2025 kl 09:40
He he, ja, du har nok rett i det. OppfÞrer seg vel pÄ samme mÄte som i Zena.
Peter Sellers
05.03.2025 kl 09:37
@Trucker-22, og hva sÄ?? Du blir vel oppriktig glad dersom den faller tilbake selvsagt??
05.03.2025 kl 09:30
Viktigste er at vi skal laaaaangt opp 19 mars. Har stÄltro pÄ at det kommer noe positivt for EAM, og de blir tilkjent erstatning. SpÞrsmÄlet er vel hvor mye. Bare 25% av kravet gir 10-15 ganger dagens inngangspris tilbake.
05.03.2025 kl 09:25
Starter som oftest dagen litt opp for sÄ Ä falle tilbake utover dagen, skjer sikkert det samme idag ogsÄ
05.03.2025 kl 09:20
Kraften av at mange nok vil inn med litt smÄpenger skal ikke undervurderes. Kan bli tidenes FOMO dette her, Spennende.
MC Axel
05.03.2025 kl 09:13
It would be fun if we finally broke 0.50 NOK
EAM is cheap and the profit could be astronomical!
EAM is cheap and the profit could be astronomical!
03.03.2025 kl 09:20
Jepp, da er vi over 50 Þre igjen i fint driv oppover. Som forventet for min del, men klarer vi etablere oss over 60 Þre i dag eller gÄr det noen dager til. Spennende!!
MC Axel
03.03.2025 kl 09:07
Now it's only 15 days until March 18
The share should go up to 1 - 2 NOK on expectation
I am convinced that EAM will win, then the verdict will be the same as that of the Italian state, which we all know won it's case đ
The share should go up to 1 - 2 NOK on expectation
I am convinced that EAM will win, then the verdict will be the same as that of the Italian state, which we all know won it's case đ
MC Axel
28.02.2025 kl 09:12
I agree! đ
The upside is extreme here
Tomorrow starts the month of March and we will approach the final decision on March 18 đ
The report was in my opinion, as expected, but positive, that EAM keeps all its financial conditions
The upside is extreme here
Tomorrow starts the month of March and we will approach the final decision on March 18 đ
The report was in my opinion, as expected, but positive, that EAM keeps all its financial conditions
MC Axel
27.02.2025 kl 08:59
I agree! đ
The fact that the Supreme Court took up the case changed everything and the chance of EAM winning is sky high
Just wait and see!
The fact that the Supreme Court took up the case changed everything and the chance of EAM winning is sky high
Just wait and see!
Peter Sellers
26.02.2025 kl 12:36
@vikingfan, sÄ sÄ ro deg litt ned nÄ etter a t du har solgt deg ut og hÄper pÄ billig inngang igjen!! Fikk du dekket inn noe av tapet pÄ IOX som du haussa vilt i tide og utide med litt + fra salget her??
26.02.2025 kl 11:59
Godt Ä se tuja er pÄ banen. Ofte de mest treffsikre kommentarene kommer fra tuja. Har lagt merke til dette i flere Är ;-)
26.02.2025 kl 11:43
don't see any news coming before the 18th March, it's just a report etc. The big event is on the 18th March with Supreme Court.
26.02.2025 kl 11:43
Hadde egentlig bestemt meg for at EAM var historie (for min egen del), men etter at hÞgsterett tar opp igjen anken, mener jeg er sÄpass spennende at jeg mÄtte ta en post. Har mye stÞrre tro pÄ at EAM vinner fram nÄ. Ellers ville ikke anken blitt godtatt. Og det er ikke smÄsummer det er snakk om. Pr i dag er mcap 75 mill kr. Alle vet at ved seier vil kursen gÄ bananas, og sky high.
26.02.2025 kl 11:36
Om det skjer er nok konkurs neste.
SÄ er spÞrsmÄlet om man tÞr sitte til da?
Kommer vel News 04.03 og 14.03 ogsÄ.
Lykke til. Men ikke glem Ă„ handle PCIBđ
SÄ er spÞrsmÄlet om man tÞr sitte til da?
Kommer vel News 04.03 og 14.03 ogsÄ.
Lykke til. Men ikke glem Ă„ handle PCIBđ
26.02.2025 kl 11:18
this negative can be only the negative court decision on 18th of March!
26.02.2025 kl 11:14
MC Axel skrev I agree! đ Falling on steam
Pass deg, sÄ du ikke blir for grÄdig. Kommer det noe negativt vil EAM falle under 10 Þre igjen.
26.02.2025 kl 11:03
why so? facts speak for themselves! The stock will rise to 2-3NOK before 18.03. and indefinitely thereafter!
26.02.2025 kl 10:50
Kommer aksjen over 0,5 kr i dag, skal eg vere veldig snar Ä selge, berre tull med denne aksjen, + alt tullet inne pÄ forumet, nok er nok. lykke til videre til dere som har trua pÄ Eam.
26.02.2025 kl 10:24
So, in my view. EAM is a bargain given tha market cap and the potential of a win, which in my view is the most likely outcome.
I think EAM will win the case in Supreme Court given their conclusion/statements 2021. Read that, it gives a quite good idea of how the Supreme Court will argue now, they don't change legal foot lightly. There is zero risk of any prescription due to time.
I think they will win the Arbitration Appeal as well. They already won the first round.
I think EAM will win the case in Supreme Court given their conclusion/statements 2021. Read that, it gives a quite good idea of how the Supreme Court will argue now, they don't change legal foot lightly. There is zero risk of any prescription due to time.
I think they will win the Arbitration Appeal as well. They already won the first round.
Redigert 26.02.2025 kl 10:27
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26.02.2025 kl 10:04
Yes, Supreme Court always has the authority to make a final decision.
Redigert 26.02.2025 kl 10:07
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26.02.2025 kl 09:52
Yes, EAM has currently 2 independent cases running. The first case is a criminal case and processed by Supreme Court. The second case is a civil case and processed by Arbitration Court of Appeal.
Legally the two cases are not connected. Hence runs independently.
So, in summary:
The criminal case where the stake is approx 2.3 billion NOK is expected to be concluded 18 March 2025, or shortly thereafter.
The civil case is appealed by Aveleos who lost round 1. The case is now in Arbitration Court of Appeal. EAM has hitherto been legally awarded approx 35m NOK. But a final decision is expected 2026.
Hope this helps!
Legally the two cases are not connected. Hence runs independently.
So, in summary:
The criminal case where the stake is approx 2.3 billion NOK is expected to be concluded 18 March 2025, or shortly thereafter.
The civil case is appealed by Aveleos who lost round 1. The case is now in Arbitration Court of Appeal. EAM has hitherto been legally awarded approx 35m NOK. But a final decision is expected 2026.
Hope this helps!
Redigert 26.02.2025 kl 10:16
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26.02.2025 kl 09:06
Does the Supreme Court in Italy have authority to decide the case himself or the only procedural possibility is to send the case back? In jurisdiction I live in (EU, Estonia) the Supreme Court has a right to decide the case himself.
MC Axel
26.02.2025 kl 08:27
I agree!
Hope people wake up soon and realize the opportunity to make a lot of money quickly here in the EAM stock.
The EAM case became significantly stronger after the Supreme Court took up the case
It's almost March now and last time, the stock went high on expectations
The previous verdict was a gross error of judgment. I am sure EAM will win this time
Hope people wake up soon and realize the opportunity to make a lot of money quickly here in the EAM stock.
The EAM case became significantly stronger after the Supreme Court took up the case
It's almost March now and last time, the stock went high on expectations
The previous verdict was a gross error of judgment. I am sure EAM will win this time
25.02.2025 kl 16:01
Hei HMPInvest
SÞker noen svar som jeg hÄper du kan svare pÄ.
Har EAM to sÞksmÄl gÄende parallelt? Ett er returnert fra HÞyesterett etter det jeg forstÄr og ett er anket etter dom i januar.
Hvem er de saksÞkte? Hva er status pÄ disse sakene. leser at ankebehandlingen som er estimert i Mars er dommen avsagt i januar?
Hvis svindel er en av casene hvor troverdig er det med noen form for erstatning der?
SÞker noen svar som jeg hÄper du kan svare pÄ.
Har EAM to sÞksmÄl gÄende parallelt? Ett er returnert fra HÞyesterett etter det jeg forstÄr og ett er anket etter dom i januar.
Hvem er de saksÞkte? Hva er status pÄ disse sakene. leser at ankebehandlingen som er estimert i Mars er dommen avsagt i januar?
Hvis svindel er en av casene hvor troverdig er det med noen form for erstatning der?
25.02.2025 kl 12:38
I think share price will go up the coming weeks in EAM, and would not be surprised if it hits 2 NOK prior to a conclusion on the 18th March.
25.02.2025 kl 12:30
It's hard to say, but one may compare to a company in a similar situation, ZENA, which basically is a court case as well. Market cap for ZENA is approx 400 -500 mNOK. It varies from day to day.
So, at least 1-2 NOK/share for EAM, which would correspond to market cap 150-300 mNOK. In total 2.3 billion NOK at stake. If the Supreme Court goes their way it may be worth 16-20 NOK/share.
I would say the legal chance to get the full monty for EAM is higher compared to ZENA. We already now have an idea how the Supreme Court may argue in the case of EAM, due to their statements 2021. At least imo. Also, the decision for EAM is only weeks away.
Whereas for ZENA decision regarding (A2) which is 20% of the full monty comes after the summer 2025 (August perhaps). The remaining 80% (A3) will likely be concluded at the earliest 2026. Also, the outcome for A3 is more uncertain.
In both cases there may be a settlement.
So, at least 1-2 NOK/share for EAM, which would correspond to market cap 150-300 mNOK. In total 2.3 billion NOK at stake. If the Supreme Court goes their way it may be worth 16-20 NOK/share.
I would say the legal chance to get the full monty for EAM is higher compared to ZENA. We already now have an idea how the Supreme Court may argue in the case of EAM, due to their statements 2021. At least imo. Also, the decision for EAM is only weeks away.
Whereas for ZENA decision regarding (A2) which is 20% of the full monty comes after the summer 2025 (August perhaps). The remaining 80% (A3) will likely be concluded at the earliest 2026. Also, the outcome for A3 is more uncertain.
In both cases there may be a settlement.
Redigert 25.02.2025 kl 12:46
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25.02.2025 kl 12:22
Just as indication and for the sake of comparison --> in anticipation of the District Court decision (spring - beginning of summer 24) the price fluctuated constantly between 1 and 2 NOK!
25.02.2025 kl 12:03
Til dere som kjenner denne godt,har jeg noen spÞrsmÄl.Hva er sjansen for att det kan komme noe fÞr 18mars.Hva med kursen etter 18 Hvidsten det ikke gÄr veien.Har tatt ett lodd,men er ikke sikker pÄ hvor lenge jeg skal sitte.Lit rart at kursen ikke gÄr hÞyere en 0,50 nÄr noen snakker om 16-17,- ved seier.Virker som det er lite hamstring,bare treiding
MC Axel
25.02.2025 kl 11:34
You are right about that HMPInvest!
It has been confirmed by judgment that this gang of criminals have forged documents. Which they have used to defraud the Italian state and for which they were also convicted. The same documents were used to defraud EAM and that is the only reason the Supreme Court has taken up the case. A case must be assessed before the Supreme Court takes up a case. If there is nothing to be done about it, it will be dismissed = there is something to be done about the EAM ruling from July 4, 2024, which was clearly an erroneous ruling and therefore the Supreme Court is taking up the case for consideration.
No court will accept false documents and acquit people who have used them to commit fraud. Now you must move on and stop this baseless slander Tony83
It has been confirmed by judgment that this gang of criminals have forged documents. Which they have used to defraud the Italian state and for which they were also convicted. The same documents were used to defraud EAM and that is the only reason the Supreme Court has taken up the case. A case must be assessed before the Supreme Court takes up a case. If there is nothing to be done about it, it will be dismissed = there is something to be done about the EAM ruling from July 4, 2024, which was clearly an erroneous ruling and therefore the Supreme Court is taking up the case for consideration.
No court will accept false documents and acquit people who have used them to commit fraud. Now you must move on and stop this baseless slander Tony83
25.02.2025 kl 10:57
Question: what can we expect from Q4 on 04.03? will there be any new / interesting information?
25.02.2025 kl 10:43
Tipper du har solgt allerede, om ikke sÄ gjÞr deg selv og alle andre en tjeneste og selg alt du har av aksjer her sÄ du kan fÄ roen tilbake, for den hÞrest det ut som du har mistet.
25.02.2025 kl 10:35
No, you are completely wrong here. There is no risk that "the gang" will be aquited due to prescription or anything else, I've checked that for this specific case. So, EAM have plenty of time to process the case in court.
Redigert 25.02.2025 kl 15:20
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