Argeo snur opp !
Ser nå ut som kursen snur opp etter betydelig fall etter emisjonen på 8 kr, hvor noen investorer hadde vektet seg litt for mye i aksjen, som igjen førte til press på kursen ..
Selskapet venter kortsiktig flere kontrakter ref sist Q presentasjon.
Innkjøp til fireårskontrakt
Midlene som hentes, vil blant annet bli brukt til å finansiere kjøp av utstyr til et fartøy som ligger an til å vinne en fireårskontrakt i Brasil. Kontrakten gjelder inspeksjons-, vedlikeholds- og reparasjonsarbeider.
I tillegg vil de bli brukt til å kjøpe geoteknisk utstyr som skal styrke selskapets tjenestetilbud i lengre rammeavtaler, samt til generelle selskapsformål.
Selskapet venter kortsiktig flere kontrakter ref sist Q presentasjon.
Innkjøp til fireårskontrakt
Midlene som hentes, vil blant annet bli brukt til å finansiere kjøp av utstyr til et fartøy som ligger an til å vinne en fireårskontrakt i Brasil. Kontrakten gjelder inspeksjons-, vedlikeholds- og reparasjonsarbeider.
I tillegg vil de bli brukt til å kjøpe geoteknisk utstyr som skal styrke selskapets tjenestetilbud i lengre rammeavtaler, samt til generelle selskapsformål.
Redigert 02.03.2025 kl 10:50
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07.03.2025 kl 12:49
Er hvertfall stor oppside om kontraktene kommer som guidet🙂Kursen er jo gruset etter emi,og bjellesauene!Har jo gitt gode kjøpsmuligheter
07.03.2025 kl 13:23
Kommer vel en melding på mandag da?? Noen som vet mer enn andre?
07.03.2025 kl 13:30
Er jo flere kontrakter som er guidet nå i mars, så mange muligheter for solid oppgang🙂Spretter vel greit over emikurs 8,uansett hvilken kontrakt som kommer!
07.03.2025 kl 16:03
Argeo ASA - Mandatory notification of trade
Asker, 7 March 2025: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published by Argeo ASA ("Argeo" or the "Company") on 12 February 2025 regarding the successful private placement of new shares in the Company (the "Private Placement") and stock exchange announcement on 6 March 2025 regarding the completion of the extraordinary general meeting. To facilitate DVP settlement in the Private Placement, Kistefos AS ("Kistefos"), a close associate ("PCA") of board member Lars Petter Utseth, has entered into a share lending agreement with Pareto Securities AS and SpareBank 1 Markets AS (the "Managers"). For settlement of tranche 2, Kistefos has today lent 6,118,337 shares to the Managers under the share lending agreement. PCA notification pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation Article 19 is attached. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act, EU Market Abuse Regulation Article 19 and Euronext Oslo Rule Book II. For more information, please contact: Trond Figenschou Crantz, CEO Email: Phone: +47 976 37 273 About Argeo ASA Argeo is a comprehensive subsea service provider, operating across three major sectors: Oil & Gas, Marine Minerals, and Renewables. The Company offers a unique package that integrates robust vessels, state-of-the-art autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), advanced sensors, digital imaging technology, and an intuitive digital platform designed to collect and visualize complex data. With their own vessels and high-performance AUVs, Argeo delivers fast and flexible full-lifecycle services, including survey, inspection, maintenance, and repair, aimed at improving efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint for global, industry-leading clients. Founded in 2020, Argeo has established offices in Asker (Oslo), Edinburgh, Houston, and Rio de Janeiro. The Company is listed on Euronext Oslo Børs under the ticker: ARGEO. Please visit for more information. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Asker, 7 March 2025: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement published by Argeo ASA ("Argeo" or the "Company") on 12 February 2025 regarding the successful private placement of new shares in the Company (the "Private Placement") and stock exchange announcement on 6 March 2025 regarding the completion of the extraordinary general meeting. To facilitate DVP settlement in the Private Placement, Kistefos AS ("Kistefos"), a close associate ("PCA") of board member Lars Petter Utseth, has entered into a share lending agreement with Pareto Securities AS and SpareBank 1 Markets AS (the "Managers"). For settlement of tranche 2, Kistefos has today lent 6,118,337 shares to the Managers under the share lending agreement. PCA notification pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation Article 19 is attached. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act, EU Market Abuse Regulation Article 19 and Euronext Oslo Rule Book II. For more information, please contact: Trond Figenschou Crantz, CEO Email: Phone: +47 976 37 273 About Argeo ASA Argeo is a comprehensive subsea service provider, operating across three major sectors: Oil & Gas, Marine Minerals, and Renewables. The Company offers a unique package that integrates robust vessels, state-of-the-art autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), advanced sensors, digital imaging technology, and an intuitive digital platform designed to collect and visualize complex data. With their own vessels and high-performance AUVs, Argeo delivers fast and flexible full-lifecycle services, including survey, inspection, maintenance, and repair, aimed at improving efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint for global, industry-leading clients. Founded in 2020, Argeo has established offices in Asker (Oslo), Edinburgh, Houston, and Rio de Janeiro. The Company is listed on Euronext Oslo Børs under the ticker: ARGEO. Please visit for more information. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
10.03.2025 kl 08:25
Hvorfor det? Hva om det ikke blir noe av kontrakten?
Redigert 10.03.2025 kl 08:26
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10.03.2025 kl 08:31
Det er sånn markedet fungerer. Uteblir kontrakten vil selvsagt kursen falle, men i mellomtiden vil kursen fortsette å stige.
10.03.2025 kl 08:37
Ja,regner med forventningene drar den videre opp.Kan jo komme flere nå på kort tid,da er det bare å sitte🙂
10.03.2025 kl 09:23
Virker som om du kan dette 😂😂 Nei da 🤦🏻
Redigert 10.03.2025 kl 09:26
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10.03.2025 kl 13:23
Hvordan synes du det går? Synes du kursen stiger? Vil den fortsette å stige tror du? Du ser jo selv at folk ikke vil kjøpe på denne kursen. Her er det bare folk som vil kvitte seg med aksjer. Milevis under emi, og det ser ikke ut til å snu. 🤮🤮
13.03.2025 kl 13:27
Noen som har noen tanker rundt hvorvidt Argeo og dets teknologi kan være aktuelt for andre domener utover olje, gass og energi. Slik som forsvarsindustrien, og dets økte budsjettbevilgninger og ikke minst økt fokus på overvåking av havbunnen (ref kutting av kabler i Østersjøen, og økt fokus på sikkerhet knyttet til oljeplattformen i Nordsjøen)
I går kl 09:05
Fra bulls:
Signal Update
Today's recommendation from our system is to BUY. The BULLISH DOJI STAR pattern has finally received confirmation because the prices crossed above the confirmation level at 6.1200, and our valid average buying price now stands at 6.1700. The previous SHORT signal was issued on 10.03.2025, 3 days ago, when the stock price was 6.1400. Since then, ARGEO.OL has risen by +0.49%.
Market Outlook
We may be at a market bottom or at the beginning of a reaction rally. The bulls have compelling evidence supporting their stance, prompting us to consider placing a bullish bet. Today’s candlestick has a white body and its close is above the confirmation level. The bullish pattern that was previously identified is finally confirmed and a BUY signal is generated. Now may be the opportune moment to join this upswing and capitalize on the bullish market sentiment. The market signals a potential for new profits. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers.
Signal Update
Today's recommendation from our system is to BUY. The BULLISH DOJI STAR pattern has finally received confirmation because the prices crossed above the confirmation level at 6.1200, and our valid average buying price now stands at 6.1700. The previous SHORT signal was issued on 10.03.2025, 3 days ago, when the stock price was 6.1400. Since then, ARGEO.OL has risen by +0.49%.
Market Outlook
We may be at a market bottom or at the beginning of a reaction rally. The bulls have compelling evidence supporting their stance, prompting us to consider placing a bullish bet. Today’s candlestick has a white body and its close is above the confirmation level. The bullish pattern that was previously identified is finally confirmed and a BUY signal is generated. Now may be the opportune moment to join this upswing and capitalize on the bullish market sentiment. The market signals a potential for new profits. Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers.
I går kl 09:29
Avløseren skrevInnlegget er slettet
Analyser her har uansett null betydning. Kun spesifikke selskapshendelser kan redde dette tragiske selskapet.
I går kl 14:23
Jeg har spurt Sparebank1 markets om hvordan de kunne anbefale denne. Hva var rasjonalet? 18kr per aksje i 2021? Hva tilsvarer det i dagens situasjon? etter emisjoner og alt annet?
De svarer meg ikke.
Fredrik Stene i Clarksons svarer heller ikke.
De svarer meg ikke.
Fredrik Stene i Clarksons svarer heller ikke.
Redigert i går kl 14:24
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I går kl 14:41
Kontrakter er guidet innen Q1, tidlig q2.. litt tidlig å sutre.
Nå som vi er i en korreksjon på børsene, er det vel ikke usannsynlig med utsettelse.
Kun en tanke.
Nå som vi er i en korreksjon på børsene, er det vel ikke usannsynlig med utsettelse.
Kun en tanke.
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