Diskusjon omkring Questerres vei framover, sky is in the limit
Vil påstå at vi står foran en gamechanger i Questerre , brikkene faller på plass , i mitt hode vil det kansje bli så stort som oppgangen i april mai 2008.
Pussig nok nærmer vi oss april 2025, kan brikkene plutselig falle på plass samtidig ?
Den fundamentale sammen med det tekniske støtter dette.
Vil understreke at dette er min personlige mening så ikke kjøp på annet enn sine egne meninger.
Pussig nok nærmer vi oss april 2025, kan brikkene plutselig falle på plass samtidig ?
Den fundamentale sammen med det tekniske støtter dette.
Vil understreke at dette er min personlige mening så ikke kjøp på annet enn sine egne meninger.
Redigert 14.03.2025 kl 22:23
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20.03.2025 kl 14:43
Aksjen er opp 21,5 % de siste 3 måneder, er ikke det en fin utvikling, så forstår ikke jeg??
Redigert 20.03.2025 kl 15:00
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20.03.2025 kl 15:09
Man kan med de aller fleste aksjer plukke ut et tidsintervall med en «fin utvikling».
20.03.2025 kl 15:30
Er det ikke nuläget vi aksjeeiere er opptatt av? Eller hvilket perspektiv har du på ditt aksjeliv?
Redigert 20.03.2025 kl 15:45
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20.03.2025 kl 20:22
Når jeg gikk inn for første gang for ca. 4 år siden, var kursen 1,13. Husker han SteveX typen hamret løs flere ganger om dagen i forumet om at emisjonen var nær, Binnon var en svindler, og alt var over for Qec. At den har doblet seg sakte men sikkert over ca. 4 år er en "fin utvikling". Men håper på mer så klart.
20.03.2025 kl 20:57
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre speaks during a news conference in Delta B.C., on Thursday, Jan.16, 2025. Poilievre has indicated that he doesn't mind if public servants work from home, as long as their work gets done. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ethan Cairns
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre wants to revive the GNL Quebec liquefied gas project and “believes he can convince Quebecers” of its relevance, even though it was rejected at the time, notably due to a lack of social acceptability.
“The status quo, where we sell 100 per cent of our natural gas to the United States to benefit Donald Trump, has no social acceptability,” the Conservative leader declared during a press scrum Thursday in Jonquière, in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.
In 2021, Quebec refused to authorize the Saguenay pipeline and GNL terminal project to export Albertan natural gas. Ottawa did the same in 2022.
However, the U.S. tariffs have led to a change of tone on this side of the border. Quebec and Ottawa recently reopened the door to the project.
“GNL Québec could be the cleanest natural gas liquefaction plant in the world. Why? Because it will be powered by zero-emission hydroelectricity,” added the Conservative leader.
In April 2021, the report from the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) clearly stated there was no social acceptability in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region and that the project had not demonstrated its relevance.
The plant’s objective was to export 11 million tonnes of natural gas from Western Canada to Europe and Asia by sea each year for a period of 25 to 50 years. A 780-kilometre-long gas pipeline was also to be built by Gazoduq to transport the gas from Ontario to the Saguenay region.
‘Canadian build-ready zones’
Poilievre was also in the region to announce that if elected premier, he intends to accelerate energy projects like GNL Québec. To do this, he wants to designate areas as “Canadian build-ready zones.”
These would effectively be “pre-approved and pre-authorized zones” for the construction of projects such as mines, data centres, power plants, and GNL liquefaction plants. The goal, among other things, is to speed up the granting of permits to allow companies to build more quickly.
The Conservative leader indicated he intended to work with the Quebec government to grant this designation to Saguenay to accelerate the liquefied natural gas plant project.
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre speaks during a news conference in Delta B.C., on Thursday, Jan.16, 2025. Poilievre has indicated that he doesn't mind if public servants work from home, as long as their work gets done. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ethan Cairns
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre wants to revive the GNL Quebec liquefied gas project and “believes he can convince Quebecers” of its relevance, even though it was rejected at the time, notably due to a lack of social acceptability.
“The status quo, where we sell 100 per cent of our natural gas to the United States to benefit Donald Trump, has no social acceptability,” the Conservative leader declared during a press scrum Thursday in Jonquière, in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.
In 2021, Quebec refused to authorize the Saguenay pipeline and GNL terminal project to export Albertan natural gas. Ottawa did the same in 2022.
However, the U.S. tariffs have led to a change of tone on this side of the border. Quebec and Ottawa recently reopened the door to the project.
“GNL Québec could be the cleanest natural gas liquefaction plant in the world. Why? Because it will be powered by zero-emission hydroelectricity,” added the Conservative leader.
In April 2021, the report from the Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) clearly stated there was no social acceptability in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region and that the project had not demonstrated its relevance.
The plant’s objective was to export 11 million tonnes of natural gas from Western Canada to Europe and Asia by sea each year for a period of 25 to 50 years. A 780-kilometre-long gas pipeline was also to be built by Gazoduq to transport the gas from Ontario to the Saguenay region.
‘Canadian build-ready zones’
Poilievre was also in the region to announce that if elected premier, he intends to accelerate energy projects like GNL Québec. To do this, he wants to designate areas as “Canadian build-ready zones.”
These would effectively be “pre-approved and pre-authorized zones” for the construction of projects such as mines, data centres, power plants, and GNL liquefaction plants. The goal, among other things, is to speed up the granting of permits to allow companies to build more quickly.
The Conservative leader indicated he intended to work with the Quebec government to grant this designation to Saguenay to accelerate the liquefied natural gas plant project.
20.03.2025 kl 20:59
Major projects like GNL Quebec in Saguenay will be fast-tracked by new designation announced by Canada First Conservatives.
Jonquière, QC – Today Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was in Saguenay to announce his plan to accelerate the completion of GNL Quebec by designating it a “Canada Shovel Ready Zone.”
These new zones will be areas pre-approved and pre-permitted for construction of major projects like mines, data centres, power plants and LNG liquefaction facilities. That means the permits will not just take less time, but will already be done without an application, so companies will have certainty to invest and get started.
That speed and certainty will bring back investors to regions like Saguenay following a Lost Liberal Decade of blocking projects like GNL Quebec. Poilievre’s new approach will bring home thousands of jobs for Canadian workers in regions like Saguenay and take back control of our economy from the Americans.
A Canada First Conservative Government will get the Canada Shovel Ready Zones done:
Identify a location that makes sense for a power station, LNG plant, pipeline, or other major project.
Make sure it is safe for Canadians and the environment—with rigorous study.
Work with other levels of government and consult with First Nations to lock down zoning, permits and conditions for construction to go ahead.
Offer pre-permitting before even getting an application so that permits could be published online with a checklist of requirements to protect nature and people. Businesses would still be required to meet health, safety and environmental requirements.
This means businesses could buy the land, hire people and build, knowing they already have the permits. GNL Quebec is a perfect example of how the Canada Shovel Ready Zones will bring home jobs.
“Think of an area that is perfect for liquifying and exporting gas like right here in Saguenay,” said Poilievre. “We would publish a permit online, with normal safety and environment requirements. Then, companies can come in immediately and begin building and hiring Canadians that will earn powerful 6 figure paycheques. This would also allow us to ship Canadian energy off to Europe, breaking European dependence on Russian gas, while turning dollars for dictators into paycheques for our people.”
Canada First Conservatives will work with all levels of government to ensure projects are completed as quickly as they can be built and without needless delays.
Major projects like GNL Quebec in Saguenay will be fast-tracked by new designation announced by Canada First Conservatives.
Jonquière, QC – Today Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was in Saguenay to announce his plan to accelerate the completion of GNL Quebec by designating it a “Canada Shovel Ready Zone.”
These new zones will be areas pre-approved and pre-permitted for construction of major projects like mines, data centres, power plants and LNG liquefaction facilities. That means the permits will not just take less time, but will already be done without an application, so companies will have certainty to invest and get started.
That speed and certainty will bring back investors to regions like Saguenay following a Lost Liberal Decade of blocking projects like GNL Quebec. Poilievre’s new approach will bring home thousands of jobs for Canadian workers in regions like Saguenay and take back control of our economy from the Americans.
A Canada First Conservative Government will get the Canada Shovel Ready Zones done:
Identify a location that makes sense for a power station, LNG plant, pipeline, or other major project.
Make sure it is safe for Canadians and the environment—with rigorous study.
Work with other levels of government and consult with First Nations to lock down zoning, permits and conditions for construction to go ahead.
Offer pre-permitting before even getting an application so that permits could be published online with a checklist of requirements to protect nature and people. Businesses would still be required to meet health, safety and environmental requirements.
This means businesses could buy the land, hire people and build, knowing they already have the permits. GNL Quebec is a perfect example of how the Canada Shovel Ready Zones will bring home jobs.
“Think of an area that is perfect for liquifying and exporting gas like right here in Saguenay,” said Poilievre. “We would publish a permit online, with normal safety and environment requirements. Then, companies can come in immediately and begin building and hiring Canadians that will earn powerful 6 figure paycheques. This would also allow us to ship Canadian energy off to Europe, breaking European dependence on Russian gas, while turning dollars for dictators into paycheques for our people.”
Canada First Conservatives will work with all levels of government to ensure projects are completed as quickly as they can be built and without needless delays.
I går kl 09:40
Helt enig en kjempe kjøps mulighet, stiger sakte men sikkert nå. Tror den reprises snart til 3,5-4 kr. får en gass utvinning går qec i 70-80 kr
I går kl 11:20
Litt interessant lesing syns jeg.
"Call it an opportunity cost on the order of $32 million per day, or $38 billion per year.
That’s how much Ottawa’s — and Quebec’s — footdragging on a pair of oil and natural gas pipelines to the East Coast have cost Canada in its trade war with the US, according to a new study from the Montreal Economic Insitute."
"The cancellation of these projects was largely driven by resistance from Quebec and other parts of Eastern Canada, where provincial governments and environmental activists campaigned against new fossil fuel infrastructure.
Even now, Quebec Premier François Legault has dismissed oil pipelines as “socially unacceptable.”
However, public sentiment has shifted dramatically. A recent poll cited in the MEI report indicates that a majority of Quebecers now support pipeline construction in light of escalating US tariffs.
Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently spoke at the Raisina Dialogue, India’s largest geopolitical conference, calling for Canada to immediately revive an eastern pipeline. “We need to build a pipeline in the east so we can supply our own country with energy,” Harper said."
Litt interessant lesing syns jeg.
"Call it an opportunity cost on the order of $32 million per day, or $38 billion per year.
That’s how much Ottawa’s — and Quebec’s — footdragging on a pair of oil and natural gas pipelines to the East Coast have cost Canada in its trade war with the US, according to a new study from the Montreal Economic Insitute."
"The cancellation of these projects was largely driven by resistance from Quebec and other parts of Eastern Canada, where provincial governments and environmental activists campaigned against new fossil fuel infrastructure.
Even now, Quebec Premier François Legault has dismissed oil pipelines as “socially unacceptable.”
However, public sentiment has shifted dramatically. A recent poll cited in the MEI report indicates that a majority of Quebecers now support pipeline construction in light of escalating US tariffs.
Former Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently spoke at the Raisina Dialogue, India’s largest geopolitical conference, calling for Canada to immediately revive an eastern pipeline. “We need to build a pipeline in the east so we can supply our own country with energy,” Harper said."
I går kl 14:15
Som vi har skjønt lenge, politikerne i Canada og Quebec må pga Trump fremover tenke helt nytt for å sikre arbeidsplasser, skatteinntekter og vekst.
Canada: Verre enn 9/11, Lehman og corona
Det har aldri vært dårligere stemning blant kanadiske små og mellomstore bedrifter, ifølge Bank of America.
Canada: Verre enn 9/11, Lehman og corona
Det har aldri vært dårligere stemning blant kanadiske små og mellomstore bedrifter, ifølge Bank of America.
Redigert i går kl 14:17
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I går kl 16:31
Er det bare meg, eller har kursen holdt seg mistenkelig lenge rundt 2,20 kr. Som om den har vinket farvel til å vake rundt 2,00 kr.
I dag kl 08:35
Endeligt lysner det…
“ Quebec Premier sier at opinionen skifter i provinsen om olje- og gassrørledninger.
Quebec-premier François Legault sier opinionen er i endring i Quebec, hvor det tradisjonelt har vært betydelig motstand mot olje- og gassrørledninger.
Vi er åpne for denne typen prosjekter," sa han til journalister.
Han sa at Quebec alltid har opprettholdt en forutsetning for at nye rørledninger som krysser territoriet må oppnå "sosial aksept fra Quebec-befolkningen."
Imidlertid sa han at han ser akkurat nå, gitt "hva Donald Trump sier, at "oppfatningen endrer seg akkurat nå" i Quebec”
Fra en anden artikel 20 marts.
“ Poilievre fremmer gjenoppliving av LNG-prosjektet i Quebecs Saguenay-region”
“ Quebec Premier sier at opinionen skifter i provinsen om olje- og gassrørledninger.
Quebec-premier François Legault sier opinionen er i endring i Quebec, hvor det tradisjonelt har vært betydelig motstand mot olje- og gassrørledninger.
Vi er åpne for denne typen prosjekter," sa han til journalister.
Han sa at Quebec alltid har opprettholdt en forutsetning for at nye rørledninger som krysser territoriet må oppnå "sosial aksept fra Quebec-befolkningen."
Imidlertid sa han at han ser akkurat nå, gitt "hva Donald Trump sier, at "oppfatningen endrer seg akkurat nå" i Quebec”
Fra en anden artikel 20 marts.
“ Poilievre fremmer gjenoppliving av LNG-prosjektet i Quebecs Saguenay-region”
I dag kl 08:49
“Etter sitt torsdagsmøte med Carney, skisserte Smith en liste med ni krav til den neste statsministeren… Listen inkluderer krav til den føderale regjeringen om å garantere Alberta full tilgang til olje- og gasskorridorer, oppheve Bill C-69 og eliminere olje- og gassutslippsgrensen”
“Ved en boligkunngjøring på torsdag Statsminister Mark Carney at han kan være villig til å gå bort fra utslippstak for olje- og gasselskaper og sa i morgenmøtet med Smith at de to diskuterte «å få ting gjort», inkludert å bygge flere rørledninger over hele Canada.
Han sa at en del av planen vil være å implementere ny lovgivning for å fremskynde leveringen av disse prosjektene”
I dag kl 09:24
Storms - takk for god info, spennende og som forventet mtp. «Trump effekten»👍
I dag kl 09:24
Det bliver int om der kommer et mistillid vota til nuværende regering når parlamentet træder sammen næste uge.
Om mistillid bliver stillet så bliver det nyvalg og så er alt muligt. Men om de politiske partier vil dette i Canada -nu hvor der er uro, er heller ikke sikkert da de i fællesskab har fokus på Canadas fremtid…
Med så meget som sker i denne periode som kan have indvirkning på QEC vil det sansynligvis være et godt sted at have en inv i og have liggende…
Om mistillid bliver stillet så bliver det nyvalg og så er alt muligt. Men om de politiske partier vil dette i Canada -nu hvor der er uro, er heller ikke sikkert da de i fællesskab har fokus på Canadas fremtid…
Med så meget som sker i denne periode som kan have indvirkning på QEC vil det sansynligvis være et godt sted at have en inv i og have liggende…
Redigert i dag kl 09:25
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I dag kl 09:30
Ja igjen takk for god info Storms, spennende dette, ikke minst fra ditt innlegg over mtp Bill 69 «Listen inkluderer krav til den føderale regjeringen om å garantere Alberta full tilgang til olje- og gasskorridorer, oppheve Bill C-69 og eliminere olje- og gassutslippsgrensen”.
«Trump effekten» begynner å gjøre seg gjeldende, så på TV 2 nyhetene i går som hadde tatt turen til Canada og intervjuet forskjellige mennesker der. Som reporter sa, dersom folk i Norge er frustrert og uenige i alt Trump har satt i gang, så kan man gange den frustrasjonen og uenigheten folk i Canada opplever med 10.
«Trump effekten» begynner å gjøre seg gjeldende, så på TV 2 nyhetene i går som hadde tatt turen til Canada og intervjuet forskjellige mennesker der. Som reporter sa, dersom folk i Norge er frustrert og uenige i alt Trump har satt i gang, så kan man gange den frustrasjonen og uenigheten folk i Canada opplever med 10.
Redigert i dag kl 09:31
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I dag kl 09:50
Selv tak Fjellbris. Længe siden vi har været i periode som denne hvor rigtig meget kan ske for QEC…
MB sagde sidst i Norge at Quebec nu skifter holdning. Dette er nu blevet bekræftiget af meningsmåling men også af Quebec-premier François Legault noget som vægter tungt.
Ang mulig nye regler for udledning ved olie og gas udvinding, her ligge QEC i front og giver QEC fordel.
Faktisk kan jeg ikke se negativ ved brug af QEC teknik, selv ved hydraulisk frakturering er rystelser minimeret med over 50% hos QEC.
Dette er mega bra altså…
MB sagde sidst i Norge at Quebec nu skifter holdning. Dette er nu blevet bekræftiget af meningsmåling men også af Quebec-premier François Legault noget som vægter tungt.
Ang mulig nye regler for udledning ved olie og gas udvinding, her ligge QEC i front og giver QEC fordel.
Faktisk kan jeg ikke se negativ ved brug af QEC teknik, selv ved hydraulisk frakturering er rystelser minimeret med over 50% hos QEC.
Dette er mega bra altså…
Redigert i dag kl 09:51
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I dag kl 10:06
Helt enig Storms, QEC’s Clean Tech kan bli gull verdt, en annen viktig ting som QEC har hatt lenge er sosial aksept, samt støtte hos urbefolkningen for utvinningen. QEC har sågar en kvinne i styret som har sin bakgrunn hos urbefolkningen.
Og så blir det veldig spennende mens vi venter å få doblet produksjonen som MB sa i vinter når han var i Oslo f.o.m. Q2.
Og så blir det veldig spennende mens vi venter å få doblet produksjonen som MB sa i vinter når han var i Oslo f.o.m. Q2.
I dag kl 10:18
Rigtig dette … Og undrede mig over MB sagde fordobling i juni da brøndene bliver tilkoblet i april.
Tror dette er den ene test brønd som har længere pad(dybte, større tryk og volume) der gør at MB siger dette. Vi får vel info om dette.
Rigtig int hvor mange nye brønde som skal bores med den nye teknik… Og bliver int hvad denne nye test brønd giver af flow da det får indvirkning for indtjeningen m.fl.
Tror dette er den ene test brønd som har længere pad(dybte, større tryk og volume) der gør at MB siger dette. Vi får vel info om dette.
Rigtig int hvor mange nye brønde som skal bores med den nye teknik… Og bliver int hvad denne nye test brønd giver af flow da det får indvirkning for indtjeningen m.fl.
I dag kl 10:54
Dette med de nye brønnene er kjempespennende. Det er sannsynlig at Qec starter å få god erfaring med å borre brønner, så at de nå tar operasjonene opp på neste nivå viser selvtillit på kompetanse. Vil ikke overraske om det blir den nye oljeboring satsingen som ender med å ta Qec opp til nye høyder. Mente MB nevnte noen ganske høye tall angående produksjonen om den nye brønn-typen blir en suksess. Blir test-brønnen den nye standarden så kan produksjonen antageligvis 10 og 20 dobles, men husker ikke det nøyaktige tallet MB kom med. Så kan endelig såpeoperaen med pilot, rettsaker og "fransk særhet" gå som den vil.
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