EAM Solar (EAM) - gigantisk oppside dersom...
Først litt gammelt nytt:
Ser for meg overskrifter som "Her kunne du ha mangedoblet pengene dine" etter hvert.
Dette er spekulasjonsposten min, ja, men jeg har stor tro på den. Tror sjansene er svært gode for at EAM Solar vinner, og om så skjer vil kursen kunne stå på flere hundre kroner.
Jo mer tid som går, desto nærmere avgjørelse. Tikk-takk... og forhåpentligvis tusen takk...
Dette kan bli den store vinneraksjen på Oslo Axess i 2018!
Ser for meg overskrifter som "Her kunne du ha mangedoblet pengene dine" etter hvert.
Dette er spekulasjonsposten min, ja, men jeg har stor tro på den. Tror sjansene er svært gode for at EAM Solar vinner, og om så skjer vil kursen kunne stå på flere hundre kroner.
Jo mer tid som går, desto nærmere avgjørelse. Tikk-takk... og forhåpentligvis tusen takk...
Dette kan bli den store vinneraksjen på Oslo Axess i 2018!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:29
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Rekk opp hånda den som ikke vil ha påfyll med over 400 kroner per aksje..:)-
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:02
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12.04.2018 kl 23:12
Folk glemmer raskt, og selger unna på lave 30 tallet. Merkelig, når EAM allerede har fått sikkerhet på 33mill Eur, tilsvarende rundt 40kr pr aksje. Det er bare å bukke og takke.
8 June 2017
In a ruling dated 31 May 2017, notified on 7 June 2017, the Court of Milan has ordered the conservative seizure (pursuant to article 316 of the Italian Criminal Procedure Code), in favour of EAM Solar ASA and EAM Solar Italy Holding S.r.l., on all assets connected to Marco Giorgi and Igor Akhmerov, up to the total amount of Euro 33.062.632,62.
The Court's decision was made in order to secure a possible compensation of part of the cash outlay made by of EAM companies in July 2014 in conjunction with the P31 fraud.
The amount identified by the court in this conservative seizure ruling is not to be interpreted as a limitation to the final damages claims that may be awarded EAM Solar ASA in the criminal proceedings in Milan.
The Court's decision was founded on the argument that with respect to the accused Giorgi and Akhmerov, there is good reason to believe that the guarantees for the payment of the civil obligations deriving from the crime of contractual fraud is lacking or will be dispersed.
Although requested by EAM, the Court did not grant conservative seizure against the parties with civil liabilities Aveleos SA, Avelar Energy Ltd and Enovos Luxembourg SA. The Court's argument for not granting the conservative seizure of assets was founded on the fact that;
"there is no doubt that such companies are entities of relevant economic capability. [.] Thus, it is not proven, with respect to these companies, that the guarantees for payment compensation claim to EAM companies' would be lacking" (Ruling from the Court of Milan dated 31 May 2017, page 6).
The ruling can be appealed, pursuant to articles 318 and 324 of the Italian Criminal Procedure Code, within ten days from the date of the seizure's execution.
EAM will initiate the necessary measures to secure assets in accordance with the Court's ruling.
For information, please contact:
Viktor E Jakobsen, CEO, phone +47 9161 1009, viktor@eam.no
Bare sikkerheten i dette tilfellet har EAM fått låst fast 33mill EUR, noe som tilsvarer rundt 40kr pr aksje. EAM har kun 6,85 mill aksjer. Så at noen selger 30kr til en verdi av 40kr er vel en dårlig deal.
Har tatt flere EAM i dag.
8 June 2017
In a ruling dated 31 May 2017, notified on 7 June 2017, the Court of Milan has ordered the conservative seizure (pursuant to article 316 of the Italian Criminal Procedure Code), in favour of EAM Solar ASA and EAM Solar Italy Holding S.r.l., on all assets connected to Marco Giorgi and Igor Akhmerov, up to the total amount of Euro 33.062.632,62.
The Court's decision was made in order to secure a possible compensation of part of the cash outlay made by of EAM companies in July 2014 in conjunction with the P31 fraud.
The amount identified by the court in this conservative seizure ruling is not to be interpreted as a limitation to the final damages claims that may be awarded EAM Solar ASA in the criminal proceedings in Milan.
The Court's decision was founded on the argument that with respect to the accused Giorgi and Akhmerov, there is good reason to believe that the guarantees for the payment of the civil obligations deriving from the crime of contractual fraud is lacking or will be dispersed.
Although requested by EAM, the Court did not grant conservative seizure against the parties with civil liabilities Aveleos SA, Avelar Energy Ltd and Enovos Luxembourg SA. The Court's argument for not granting the conservative seizure of assets was founded on the fact that;
"there is no doubt that such companies are entities of relevant economic capability. [.] Thus, it is not proven, with respect to these companies, that the guarantees for payment compensation claim to EAM companies' would be lacking" (Ruling from the Court of Milan dated 31 May 2017, page 6).
The ruling can be appealed, pursuant to articles 318 and 324 of the Italian Criminal Procedure Code, within ten days from the date of the seizure's execution.
EAM will initiate the necessary measures to secure assets in accordance with the Court's ruling.
For information, please contact:
Viktor E Jakobsen, CEO, phone +47 9161 1009, viktor@eam.no
Bare sikkerheten i dette tilfellet har EAM fått låst fast 33mill EUR, noe som tilsvarer rundt 40kr pr aksje. EAM har kun 6,85 mill aksjer. Så at noen selger 30kr til en verdi av 40kr er vel en dårlig deal.
Har tatt flere EAM i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:02
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Bra tuja..:)-
De signalene EAM har fått fra italienske myndigheter er jo et veldig bra startsignal som gir veldig god grunn til optimisme videre. EAM har altså potensialet til å kunne gå mer enn tigangeren, så å være uten aksjer i EAM, det vil rett og slett være helt feil.
De signalene EAM har fått fra italienske myndigheter er jo et veldig bra startsignal som gir veldig god grunn til optimisme videre. EAM har altså potensialet til å kunne gå mer enn tigangeren, så å være uten aksjer i EAM, det vil rett og slett være helt feil.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:02
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Her kan man transformere 100.000 kr til over 1.000.000 kr, eller 10.000 kr til over 100.000 kr (bra det også). Kan bli en av de mest spektakulære og gigantiske stigningene børsen har sett på lang tid, og i mens får posten bare ligge der i dvalen sin...
Might become a big fountain of capital!
Might become a big fountain of capital!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:02
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