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Vardar AS/Nelja Energia AS - Strategic process - Survey of possible sale
Er det noe NEL skal kjøpe?
Vardar AS/Nelja Energia AS - Strategic process - Survey of possible sale
Er det noe NEL skal kjøpe?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 06:47
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12.01.2018 kl 16:13
Vardar AS/Nelja Energia AS – Strategic process – Survey of possible sale
Tallinn/Oslo, 12 January 2018.
The parent company of Nelja Energia AS (the "Company"), Vardar AS ("Vardar"), which through its subsidiary Vardar Eurus AS holds 77% of the shares in the Company, has initiated a process to survey the interest for a sale of up to 100% of the shares in the Company. Augusta & Co and Superia Corporate Finance have been appointed as financial advisors to this process. The survey is part of Vardar's ongoing review of its structure and exploration of strategic alternatives as referred to in its annual report for 2016 and could lead to some or all of the existing shareholders divesting their shares in the Company.
Any possible transaction will, in addition to the necessary approvals by the owners of Vardar/Vardar Eurus AS, be subject to customary approvals and clearances by relevant public authorities, including any relevant competition authorities.
For further queries, please contact:
Name: Kalle Kiigske
Title: Member of the Management Board of Nelja Energia AS Email: kalle.kiigske@neljaenergia.ee
Tel: +372 639 6610
This information is not subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to the Norwegian or Estonian Securities Trading Act and is made public for information purposes only. No further announcements relating to this process will be made unless and until this is required or appropriate.
About Nelja Energia AS:
Nelja Energia AS is a company devoted to i.a. develop wind power in the Baltics. The Company's bonds are listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with the ticker NELJA NO 001073717.4. More information at www.4energia.ee/en.
About Vardar AS:
Vardar AS is a company devoted to investments in renewable energy production in the Nordic countries and the Baltics. The Company's bonds are listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with the ticker VARD. More information at http://www.vardar.no/.
Tallinn/Oslo, 12 January 2018.
The parent company of Nelja Energia AS (the "Company"), Vardar AS ("Vardar"), which through its subsidiary Vardar Eurus AS holds 77% of the shares in the Company, has initiated a process to survey the interest for a sale of up to 100% of the shares in the Company. Augusta & Co and Superia Corporate Finance have been appointed as financial advisors to this process. The survey is part of Vardar's ongoing review of its structure and exploration of strategic alternatives as referred to in its annual report for 2016 and could lead to some or all of the existing shareholders divesting their shares in the Company.
Any possible transaction will, in addition to the necessary approvals by the owners of Vardar/Vardar Eurus AS, be subject to customary approvals and clearances by relevant public authorities, including any relevant competition authorities.
For further queries, please contact:
Name: Kalle Kiigske
Title: Member of the Management Board of Nelja Energia AS Email: kalle.kiigske@neljaenergia.ee
Tel: +372 639 6610
This information is not subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to the Norwegian or Estonian Securities Trading Act and is made public for information purposes only. No further announcements relating to this process will be made unless and until this is required or appropriate.
About Nelja Energia AS:
Nelja Energia AS is a company devoted to i.a. develop wind power in the Baltics. The Company's bonds are listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with the ticker NELJA NO 001073717.4. More information at www.4energia.ee/en.
About Vardar AS:
Vardar AS is a company devoted to investments in renewable energy production in the Nordic countries and the Baltics. The Company's bonds are listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange with the ticker VARD. More information at http://www.vardar.no/.
Tror ikke dette har noe med NEL å gjøre.
NELJA Energia er ett annet selskap. Kommer av og til under nyheter på NEL.....
Arrester meg om jeg tar feil.
NELJA Energia er ett annet selskap. Kommer av og til under nyheter på NEL.....
Arrester meg om jeg tar feil.
12.01.2018 kl 16:45
Da blander vi nyheter inn fra andre selskap for å hausse aksjen..da er det dårlige tider:-) Snart kommer emisjonen...
Ts, vet ikke. Vardar AS/Nelja Energia AS er vel et annet selskap enn NEL. Ser ut som oppkjøp av utestående aksjer.
Du vet jævlig godt at det nettopp har blitt gjennomført en emisjon så vennligst slutt med slike totalt useriøse og meningsløse ytringer på NEL trådene.
Du vet jævlig godt at det nettopp har blitt gjennomført en emisjon så vennligst slutt med slike totalt useriøse og meningsløse ytringer på NEL trådene.
12.01.2018 kl 20:55
Nelja energi er et estisk energiselskap mener jeg bestemt. Dette er feilplassering på NEL sine sider.
13.01.2018 kl 02:35
Om du enda en gang skal komme med negative innlegg, så prøv å finn på noe overbevisende da. Du argumenterer som et barn :-)
04.05.2019 kl 10:25
Totmose var en dust her inne, for all det.
I denne konkrete tråden, var han/hun det 12. januar 2018.
Hvorfor kommenterer man dette nå?
I denne konkrete tråden, var han/hun det 12. januar 2018.
Hvorfor kommenterer man dette nå?
Stella som dro den frem.
Ser den er gammel.
Nok ett troll der altså....
Stella er blokkert ?
Ser den er gammel.
Nok ett troll der altså....
Stella er blokkert ?
Alle som ikke er enig med deg er troll?