GOGL - Januar #2
Lager en ny tråd da den andre begynner å bli uoversiktlig. Klipper inn en oppsummering etter gårdagens handel, hvor det ser ut til at det kan bli litt mer positive takter kommende uke:
Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market in Thin Trading
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 13/01/2018
Capesize FFA Commentary:
A very thin day for the paper market in terms of volume transacting but rates picked up as Cyclone Joyce was downgraded to a mere gusty breeze. This gave buyers confidence and with the Australian miners back in the market and c5 fixing back up at 6.10 pmt, the FFA market had a welcome adrenalin shot with the curve liftting. However, with sellers as rare as hens teeth there was not much activity with buyers not prepared to chase for offers ahead of the weekend.
Panamax FFA Commentary:
The week closed on a positive note with early gains across the curve as sellers were happy to wait. Q2 and Q3 were the main focus seeing buyers at $12800 and $11400, +250 on Thursdays close before sellers showed their hand. A quiet afternoon led to little change but seeing bid support in the close.
Supramax FFA Commentary:
After a very active week was witnessed on the Supramax paper, we ended with a dull and uneventful Friday. We continued to see the curve supported from the bid side but really lacked any activity.
Handysize FFA Commentary:
Handy paper remained very flat with little interest down the curve. No reported trades.
Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)
Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market in Thin Trading
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 13/01/2018
Capesize FFA Commentary:
A very thin day for the paper market in terms of volume transacting but rates picked up as Cyclone Joyce was downgraded to a mere gusty breeze. This gave buyers confidence and with the Australian miners back in the market and c5 fixing back up at 6.10 pmt, the FFA market had a welcome adrenalin shot with the curve liftting. However, with sellers as rare as hens teeth there was not much activity with buyers not prepared to chase for offers ahead of the weekend.
Panamax FFA Commentary:
The week closed on a positive note with early gains across the curve as sellers were happy to wait. Q2 and Q3 were the main focus seeing buyers at $12800 and $11400, +250 on Thursdays close before sellers showed their hand. A quiet afternoon led to little change but seeing bid support in the close.
Supramax FFA Commentary:
After a very active week was witnessed on the Supramax paper, we ended with a dull and uneventful Friday. We continued to see the curve supported from the bid side but really lacked any activity.
Handysize FFA Commentary:
Handy paper remained very flat with little interest down the curve. No reported trades.
Source: Freight Investor Services (FIS)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 09:26
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22.01.2018 kl 01:51
Er 100% cash.
Avventer hva som skjer i US med tax reform og shut down.
Oslo børs er også noe dyr ser man på PE og PB.
Ved en eventuell resesjon så har ikke FED mye krutt mtp rentejustering. En annen risiko er at renten heves for fort og veksten avtar.
Treffer aldri topp eller bunn og det er ikke intensjonen å fremstå som en krakknisse.
Avventer hva som skjer i US med tax reform og shut down.
Oslo børs er også noe dyr ser man på PE og PB.
Ved en eventuell resesjon så har ikke FED mye krutt mtp rentejustering. En annen risiko er at renten heves for fort og veksten avtar.
Treffer aldri topp eller bunn og det er ikke intensjonen å fremstå som en krakknisse.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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Resesjon? Er meldt 3% vekst i USA i år..
Blir nødvendigvis ikke så mye, men negativ vekst flere kvartaler på rad kan du se langt etter. Shutdown greiene har tidligere vært en marginalt negativ effekt på børsene. Kan bli verre nå såklart, ettersom Trump & Co er langt dummere enn tidligere regjeringer.
Oppe tidlig idag!
Blir nødvendigvis ikke så mye, men negativ vekst flere kvartaler på rad kan du se langt etter. Shutdown greiene har tidligere vært en marginalt negativ effekt på børsene. Kan bli verre nå såklart, ettersom Trump & Co er langt dummere enn tidligere regjeringer.
Oppe tidlig idag!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 11:51
Ser det skal ikke mange kjøperer til nå for å drive kursen oppover. Det kan jo bli positivt for kommende dager. Forstår at mange av skribentene her inne fortsatt venter på bedre inngang.
Kan legge ved gårdagens fra Bulls, så får vi se om de endrer til kjøp senere i dag.
Last Signal:STAY IN CASH
Last Close:70,00 Change:+1,40 Percent change+2,04% Signal Update Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY IN CASH. The previous SELL signal was issued on 05.01.2018, 14 days ago, when the stock price was 71,43. Since then GOGL.OL has fallen by -2,00%.Market Outlook The market is finally giving hints of a bullish resurgence. Today a bullish pattern is detected. more...
Kan legge ved gårdagens fra Bulls, så får vi se om de endrer til kjøp senere i dag.
Last Signal:STAY IN CASH
Last Close:70,00 Change:+1,40 Percent change+2,04% Signal Update Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY IN CASH. The previous SELL signal was issued on 05.01.2018, 14 days ago, when the stock price was 71,43. Since then GOGL.OL has fallen by -2,00%.Market Outlook The market is finally giving hints of a bullish resurgence. Today a bullish pattern is detected. more...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 12:49
I følge min megler er ratene på cape ned med litt over 1% og ligger nå på 11,400.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 13:30
Selskapssskatten senkes fra 35% til 21% men de fleste snitter vel allerede på rundt 25% alt ettersom hvilken sektor det er snakk om med forskjellige spesialavtaler. Et estimat er at dette gir rundt 6% på økt fortjeneste. Markedet er allerede høyt priset så en bør følge med.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 14:09
I så fall er det val 8 dager på rad med fall, må snart være en vending. Mener det ligger ann til en rekyl i GOGL kursen snart. "Alle" vet at ratene normalt stiger etter Kinesisk nyttår og noen aktører vil slå markedet ved å være tidlig inne. Rsi er stigende og kursen bryter snart 75-77 nivået og da er "cup with a handle" fullbyrdet og kursen kan smelle opp mange kroner per dag tror jeg. Et brudd mange har ventet lenge på. Deretter presenteres Q4 resultatet i slutten av februar og bekrefter den gode trenden og som gir mer drivstoff til raketten :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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Sa2ri - der tok megleren din feil :-) Snur ratene alleredr nå?
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 0,4 prosent til 1.129 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News mandag.
Baltic Dry +0,4% Panamax +2,1% Handysize +0,2% Supramax -0,1%
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 0,4 prosent til 1.129 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News mandag.
Baltic Dry +0,4% Panamax +2,1% Handysize +0,2% Supramax -0,1%
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 14:18
Nei megleren til Sa2ri tok ikke feil Cap indeksen faller men BDI stiger 0,4 %
Du må lære deg å se forskjell på cap (T5) indeksen og BDI er egentlig som dag og natt.
Du må lære deg å se forskjell på cap (T5) indeksen og BDI er egentlig som dag og natt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 14:20
Det ser ut til at det kan bli grønne tall igjen allerede i morgen:
FFA: Capes sold off early hitting support at 11250 on Feb and bouncing to 12k post index, deferred still well bid and short of sellers, PMX, SMX both steady with good buying throughout.
FFA: Capes sold off early hitting support at 11250 on Feb and bouncing to 12k post index, deferred still well bid and short of sellers, PMX, SMX both steady with good buying throughout.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 14:26
Ja da snudde det og vi er på til nye høyder både når det gjelder kurs og rater.
Ha en god dag.
Ha en god dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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Ja herlig det etter 8 dager med fall :-) Hvem er det i tillegg av meglerhusene som IKKE anbefaler GOGL, med kursmål 50-100% over dagens?
Alle vet at 2018 og 2019 kommer til å bli fantastisk for GOGL, det er bare årstiden og fall i rater i påvente av kinesisk nyttår / økt aktivitet, som gjør at man fortsatt får kjøpe her nede lavt på 70 tallet.
Alle vet at 2018 og 2019 kommer til å bli fantastisk for GOGL, det er bare årstiden og fall i rater i påvente av kinesisk nyttår / økt aktivitet, som gjør at man fortsatt får kjøpe her nede lavt på 70 tallet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 18:23
FFA: Capes popped post index with Feb trading low of 11250 to high of 12750 before attracting some selling at close PMX index better than expected but levels drifted on more profit taking.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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Blir en fin dag i morgen også, opp nesten 3.5% i USA nå.
Tipper vi runder kr 100,- før påske :-)
Tipper vi runder kr 100,- før påske :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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Slutt opp 4.7% i USA, i morgen tror jeg vi ser kr 75,- her hjemme!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 22:34
Så, så. Omsatt 174.197 aksjer. Synes du det borger for oppgang i Oslo?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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22.01.2018 kl 22:56
På de linkene jeg har så er dagens omsetning på 302,202 aksjer i US, noe som er nesten 50% mer enn gjennomsnittlig omsetning den siste tiden der borte. Hvor henter du dine tall fra Aristarchos?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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23.01.2018 kl 06:43
Aristarchos skrev Så, så. Omsatt 174.197 aksjer. Synes du det borger for oppgang i Oslo?
Eller så kan du jo gå rett til kilden: http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/gogl
Eller så kan du jo gå rett til kilden: http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/gogl
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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23.01.2018 kl 09:14
Hei - var inne på nasdaq et sted og sjekket, men tok ikke vare på linken. Sorry. Men jeg har absolutt ingenting i mot oppgang i GOGL!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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23.01.2018 kl 09:16
Herlig når IMF oppjusterer veksten i verden med 0,2% for både 2018 og 2019 (Også estimatene for Kina ble justert opp)! Dette blir gull for GOGL fremover. Gjentar spådommen min om utbytte de neste 14 kvartalene:-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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Takk igjen Kjepet for mye god info du legger ut! :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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23.01.2018 kl 11:46
Denne trengte vi nå :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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23.01.2018 kl 12:41
Ratene er opp ca. 6% i dag, dette i følge min megler (har ikke de helt eksakte tallene).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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23.01.2018 kl 12:56
FFA: Capes again much firmer back above 13k on nearby Feb with good support through 2019. PMX dipped early but few buyers again at last done as we near index.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 2,0 prosent til 1.157 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News tirsdag.
Baltic Dry +2,5% Panamax +3,1% Handysize +0,3% Supramax -0,3%
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 2,0 prosent til 1.157 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News tirsdag.
Baltic Dry +2,5% Panamax +3,1% Handysize +0,3% Supramax -0,3%
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:28
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23.01.2018 kl 16:35
Hvorfor er Capesize-indeksen blitt så sjelden vare i nyere tid? Ingen rapporterer den; kun Panamax, Supramax og Handysize.
23.01.2018 kl 17:04
Fins hos Reuters:
Jan 23 (Reuters) - The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index marked its strongest daily percentage gain in nearly three weeks on Tuesday as the capesize segment rebounded from its two weeks of declines, and the panamax rates climbed further.
* The overall index, which factors in rates for capesize, panamax, supramax and handysize shipping vessels that ferry dry bulk commodities, climbed 28 points, or 2.48 percent, to 1,157 points.
* The capesize index rose for the first time in 11 sessions and was up 80 points, or 5.54 percent, to 1,525 points.
* “Capesize earnings have ticked up ... driven in part by an increase in activity levels in the Far East,” said analysts at shipbroker Clarksons Platou Securities.
* Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, rose $690 to $12,148.
* The panamax index gained 42 points, or 3.08 percent to 1,404 points.
* Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes, were up $342 to $11,262.
* Among smaller vessels, the supramax index shed 2 points up to 911 points, while the handysize index climbed 1 point to 586 points. (Reporting by Sumita Layek in Bengaluru; Editing by Supriya Kurane)
Jan 23 (Reuters) - The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index marked its strongest daily percentage gain in nearly three weeks on Tuesday as the capesize segment rebounded from its two weeks of declines, and the panamax rates climbed further.
* The overall index, which factors in rates for capesize, panamax, supramax and handysize shipping vessels that ferry dry bulk commodities, climbed 28 points, or 2.48 percent, to 1,157 points.
* The capesize index rose for the first time in 11 sessions and was up 80 points, or 5.54 percent, to 1,525 points.
* “Capesize earnings have ticked up ... driven in part by an increase in activity levels in the Far East,” said analysts at shipbroker Clarksons Platou Securities.
* Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, rose $690 to $12,148.
* The panamax index gained 42 points, or 3.08 percent to 1,404 points.
* Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes, were up $342 to $11,262.
* Among smaller vessels, the supramax index shed 2 points up to 911 points, while the handysize index climbed 1 point to 586 points. (Reporting by Sumita Layek in Bengaluru; Editing by Supriya Kurane)
23.01.2018 kl 18:43
Artig at en farmer drar til sjøs også :) Flott info der.
Er den Reuterlinken noe du kan dele?
Nå må vi bare ikke få høydeskrekk, så tror jeg det går oss vel i 2018. Opp og ned vil det gå, men jeg er blitt dårlig til å forutse topper og bunner.
Legger til Bullsen fra i går, som ventet gikk de over til KJØP!
Last Signal:BUY
Last Close:72,55 Change:+2,55 Percent change+3,64% Signal Update Our system’s recommendation today is to BUY. The pattern finally received a confirmation because the prices crossed above the confirmation level which was at 70,00, and our valid average buying price stands now at 70,10. The previous SELL signal was issued on 05.01.2018, 17 days ago, when the stock price was 71,43. Since then GOGL.OL has fallen by -1,86%.Market Outlook Let’s jump on our white horses and go for a bullish ride. The bullish pattern that was previously identified is finally confirmed and a BUY signal is generated. The market is telling you about a new profit. Do not miss this bullish opportunity. more...
Er den Reuterlinken noe du kan dele?
Nå må vi bare ikke få høydeskrekk, så tror jeg det går oss vel i 2018. Opp og ned vil det gå, men jeg er blitt dårlig til å forutse topper og bunner.
Legger til Bullsen fra i går, som ventet gikk de over til KJØP!
Last Signal:BUY
Last Close:72,55 Change:+2,55 Percent change+3,64% Signal Update Our system’s recommendation today is to BUY. The pattern finally received a confirmation because the prices crossed above the confirmation level which was at 70,00, and our valid average buying price stands now at 70,10. The previous SELL signal was issued on 05.01.2018, 17 days ago, when the stock price was 71,43. Since then GOGL.OL has fallen by -1,86%.Market Outlook Let’s jump on our white horses and go for a bullish ride. The bullish pattern that was previously identified is finally confirmed and a BUY signal is generated. The market is telling you about a new profit. Do not miss this bullish opportunity. more...
23.01.2018 kl 21:21
FFA: Cape buyers returned last hour hour before close with highs printing across the curve on good volume, PMX similar to capes with good buying at the close.
Forventer vekst i verdensøkonomien med 3.9% 2018 og 2019 er godt nytt for GOGL (og oljeprisen).
Oljeprisen over 70 dollar fatet
Oljeprisen fortsatte å klatre tirsdag ettermiddag.
Ved 22-tiden kostet et fat Brent 1. posisjon 70,17 dollar, opp 1,12 prosent.
Prisoppgangen kom etter at IMF-rapporten ble offentliggjort - en positiv rapport som viser vekst i verdensøkonomien med 3,9 prosent både i 2018 og 2019. Dette er bedre enn ventet.
Oljeprisen over 70 dollar fatet
Oljeprisen fortsatte å klatre tirsdag ettermiddag.
Ved 22-tiden kostet et fat Brent 1. posisjon 70,17 dollar, opp 1,12 prosent.
Prisoppgangen kom etter at IMF-rapporten ble offentliggjort - en positiv rapport som viser vekst i verdensøkonomien med 3,9 prosent både i 2018 og 2019. Dette er bedre enn ventet.
Redigert 23.01.2018 kl 22:22
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23.01.2018 kl 23:06
24.01.2018 kl 12:08
Capesize FFA Commentary:
Cape paper continued to push up whilst the physical appears to be improving in both basins. There was talk of more Waussie cargoes but there was very little fresh business concluded. The Atlantic, on the other hand, saw $14.95 fixing although the index failed to make the jump yesterday. We closed the day at the highs leaving the outlook bullish for the rest of the week.
24.01.2018 kl 12:11
Takk farmer, trivelig kursutvikling i dag også.
legger til gårdagens fra Bulls.
Last Signal:STAY LONG
Last Close:71,55 Change:-1,0000 Percent change-1,38% Signal Update Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY LONG. The previous BUY signal was issued on 22.01.2018, 1 day ago, when the stock price was 70,10. Since then GOGL.OL has risen by +2,07%.Market Outlook You may relax since our STAY LONG position is secure. The market action does not cast a serious doubt on the wisdom of going long. more...
legger til gårdagens fra Bulls.
Last Signal:STAY LONG
Last Close:71,55 Change:-1,0000 Percent change-1,38% Signal Update Our system’s recommendation today is to STAY LONG. The previous BUY signal was issued on 22.01.2018, 1 day ago, when the stock price was 70,10. Since then GOGL.OL has risen by +2,07%.Market Outlook You may relax since our STAY LONG position is secure. The market action does not cast a serious doubt on the wisdom of going long. more...
24.01.2018 kl 12:14
Tipper ratene vil vake litt opp og ned 3-4 uker til. Etter det blir det virkelig morsomt å være i bulk fremover. Kjøpersiden bygger seg sakte men sikkert opp i aksjen og volumbalansen er helt perfekt :-). Jeg forventer at kursen vil gå i forkant av Q4, men alltid vanskelig å tippe kursen i et så kort bilde.
EDIT: Denne på Twitter underbygger også slik jeg tror utviklingen går nå.
#Atlantic Capesize market weak for 1H February, while deals for more forward dates negotiated at higher rates https://goo.gl/HxNrDD #drybulk
EDIT: Denne på Twitter underbygger også slik jeg tror utviklingen går nå.
#Atlantic Capesize market weak for 1H February, while deals for more forward dates negotiated at higher rates https://goo.gl/HxNrDD #drybulk
Redigert 24.01.2018 kl 12:29
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24.01.2018 kl 12:58
Fra Twitter akkurat nå:
FFA: Capes hitting new highs across the curve with fair amount of buying early Asian time and continued very firm European open PMX and SMX both showing good support at current levels.
FFA: Capes hitting new highs across the curve with fair amount of buying early Asian time and continued very firm European open PMX and SMX both showing good support at current levels.
24.01.2018 kl 13:34
Dry Bulk FFA: Capesize Market Improves
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 24/01/2018
Capesize FFA Commentary:
Cape paper continued to push up whilst the physical appears to be improving in both basins. There was talk of more Waussie cargoes but there was very little fresh business concluded. The Atlantic, on the other hand, saw $14.95 fixing although the index failed to make the jump yesterday. We closed the day at the highs leaving the outlook bullish for the rest of the week.
Panamax FFA Commentary:
We opened supported on prompt periods with feb and march the main focus trading up to $12100 and $13250 respectively. With q2 running into some resistance around 13250 the spread tightened yet again yesterday between march and q2 trading from -100 to flat in some size. We witnessed a slight dip in rates pre index as buying ran out of steam but after another positive index (+342) we closed well bid with buyers looking to repeat the highs and Feb pushing up to $12250.
Supramax FFA Commentary:
Supramax paper opened the day on a slightly softer note particularly in the prompt months with Feb trading $10400-$10300 and the March $11400-$11300. However in the afternoon session we saw bid support back in with Q3 trading $11,000 and the Q234 trading $11300.
Handysize FFA Commentary:
Another quiet day for the handysize paper, rates ticked up slightly but with minimal activity.
Source: Freight Investor Services
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 24/01/2018
Capesize FFA Commentary:
Cape paper continued to push up whilst the physical appears to be improving in both basins. There was talk of more Waussie cargoes but there was very little fresh business concluded. The Atlantic, on the other hand, saw $14.95 fixing although the index failed to make the jump yesterday. We closed the day at the highs leaving the outlook bullish for the rest of the week.
Panamax FFA Commentary:
We opened supported on prompt periods with feb and march the main focus trading up to $12100 and $13250 respectively. With q2 running into some resistance around 13250 the spread tightened yet again yesterday between march and q2 trading from -100 to flat in some size. We witnessed a slight dip in rates pre index as buying ran out of steam but after another positive index (+342) we closed well bid with buyers looking to repeat the highs and Feb pushing up to $12250.
Supramax FFA Commentary:
Supramax paper opened the day on a slightly softer note particularly in the prompt months with Feb trading $10400-$10300 and the March $11400-$11300. However in the afternoon session we saw bid support back in with Q3 trading $11,000 and the Q234 trading $11300.
Handysize FFA Commentary:
Another quiet day for the handysize paper, rates ticked up slightly but with minimal activity.
Source: Freight Investor Services
24.01.2018 kl 14:11
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 3,7 prosent til 1.200 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News onsdag.
Baltic Dry +3,7%
Panamax +3,6%
Handysize -0,2%
Supramax -0,7%
Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar.
Dato BDI Panamax Handysize Supramax
24.01.18 1.200 11.669 8.523 10.333
23.01.18 1.157 11.262 8.544 10.404
22.01.18 1.129 10.920 8.517 10.437
19.01.18 1.125 10.693 8.504 10.447
18.01.18 1.139 10.517 8.459 10.475
17.01.18 1.164 10.565 8.475 10.473
16.01.18 1.221 10.658 8.502 10.439
15.01.18 1.264 10.747 8.521 10.380
12.01.18 1.279 10.813 8.555 10.344
11.01.18 1.303 10.994 8.562 10.270
10.01.18 1.366 11.260 8.588 10.220
09.01.18 1.395 11.451 8.637 10.111
08.01.18 1.385 11.417 8.668 10.121
05.01.18 1.371 11.223 8.748 10.123
04.01.18 1.341 10.944 8.803 10.153
03.01.18 1.262 10.683 8.847 10.250
02.01.18 1.230 10.748 8.924 10.312
HH, finans@tdn.no
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Baltic Dry-indeksen er opp 3,7 prosent til 1.200 poeng, ifølge Bloomberg News onsdag.
Baltic Dry +3,7%
Panamax +3,6%
Handysize -0,2%
Supramax -0,7%
Baltic Dry-indeksen angis i poeng. Resterende segmenter er snittrater i dollar.
Dato BDI Panamax Handysize Supramax
24.01.18 1.200 11.669 8.523 10.333
23.01.18 1.157 11.262 8.544 10.404
22.01.18 1.129 10.920 8.517 10.437
19.01.18 1.125 10.693 8.504 10.447
18.01.18 1.139 10.517 8.459 10.475
17.01.18 1.164 10.565 8.475 10.473
16.01.18 1.221 10.658 8.502 10.439
15.01.18 1.264 10.747 8.521 10.380
12.01.18 1.279 10.813 8.555 10.344
11.01.18 1.303 10.994 8.562 10.270
10.01.18 1.366 11.260 8.588 10.220
09.01.18 1.395 11.451 8.637 10.111
08.01.18 1.385 11.417 8.668 10.121
05.01.18 1.371 11.223 8.748 10.123
04.01.18 1.341 10.944 8.803 10.153
03.01.18 1.262 10.683 8.847 10.250
02.01.18 1.230 10.748 8.924 10.312
HH, finans@tdn.no
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
24.01.2018 kl 18:06
FFA: Up up and away... big index on Capes & Pmx helping to keep levels very well supported. SMX/Handy are fairly steady so far.
24.01.2018 kl 18:22
FFA: Sharp Cape sell-off at close despite much better than expected index seeing Feb trading from a high of 14250 to close at 13k. PMX saw same aggressive selling and weaker into close - SMX solid as a rock.
24.01.2018 kl 18:40
hvorfor er GOGL ned i disse dage, hvor Capesize er op,op, op ???
24.01.2018 kl 19:36
Synes det har vært en fin oppgang siste uken. Skulle Gogl fulgt BCI slavisk skulle vi hatt en mye større nedgang den siste måneden. Gogl kommer men i aksjemarkedet må man være langsiktig og tålmodig:-)
Hittil i år har BCI sunket 34% (til og med 23. januar). I samme periode har GOGL steget 7,4%. Så i det korte bildet er det ikke ikke direkte korrelasjon mellom rater og kurser. Det samme tilfellet hadde vi før jul, når ratene steg til himmels, men kursen nærmest sto stille. Hadde kursen beveget seg i takt med BCI hadde nervene våre for meget tynnslitte tror jeg:-)
Hittil i år har BCI sunket 34% (til og med 23. januar). I samme periode har GOGL steget 7,4%. Så i det korte bildet er det ikke ikke direkte korrelasjon mellom rater og kurser. Det samme tilfellet hadde vi før jul, når ratene steg til himmels, men kursen nærmest sto stille. Hadde kursen beveget seg i takt med BCI hadde nervene våre for meget tynnslitte tror jeg:-)
Redigert 24.01.2018 kl 21:30
Du må logge inn for å svare
24.01.2018 kl 20:41
Fytterakker'n, du har virkelig fingeren på shippingpulsen Sa2ri! Takk skal du ha for dine oppdateringer:)
25.01.2018 kl 08:17
Strong capesize, panamax rates push Baltic index higher
in Dry Bulk Market 25/01/2018
The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index rose on Wednesday for the third straight session, supported by firmer rates for capesize and panamax vessels.
The overall index, which factors in rates for capesize, panamax, supramax and handysize shipping vessels, gained 43 points, or 3.72 percent, at 1,200 points.
The capesize index climbed 151 points, or 9.9 percent, at 1,676 points.
Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, were up $1,273 to $13,421.
The panamax index rose 52 points, or 3.7 percent, at 1,456 points.
Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes, increased $407 to $11,669.
Among smaller vessels, the supramax index was down 3 points to 908 points, while the handysize index also fell 2 points to 584 points.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Karen Rodrigues in Bengaluru; Editing by Anil D‘Silva)
in Dry Bulk Market 25/01/2018
The Baltic Exchange’s main sea freight index rose on Wednesday for the third straight session, supported by firmer rates for capesize and panamax vessels.
The overall index, which factors in rates for capesize, panamax, supramax and handysize shipping vessels, gained 43 points, or 3.72 percent, at 1,200 points.
The capesize index climbed 151 points, or 9.9 percent, at 1,676 points.
Average daily earnings for capesizes, which typically transport 150,000-tonne cargoes such as iron ore and coal, were up $1,273 to $13,421.
The panamax index rose 52 points, or 3.7 percent, at 1,456 points.
Average daily earnings for panamaxes, which usually carry coal or grain cargoes of about 60,000 to 70,000 tonnes, increased $407 to $11,669.
Among smaller vessels, the supramax index was down 3 points to 908 points, while the handysize index also fell 2 points to 584 points.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Karen Rodrigues in Bengaluru; Editing by Anil D‘Silva)
25.01.2018 kl 08:52
Fra PAS sin Shipping Daily:
"Capesize rates increased again yesterday, with good movement for panamaxes as well. Too early to tell whether the market has turned, but at least brokers are seeing good activity."
"Capesize rates increased again yesterday, with good movement for panamaxes as well. Too early to tell whether the market has turned, but at least brokers are seeing good activity."