SoluM’s 'Keyco Air' sensor-based monitor employs nRF52832 SoC

Kurt Asje
NOD 21.01.2019 kl 10:10 517

"21 Jan 2019 Oslo, Norway대한민국
Customer nRF52832 Bluetooth LE Bluetooth 5 Connected Home

SoluM’s 'Keyco Air' sensor-based monitor employs Nordic nRF52832 SoC wireless connectivity to send indoor air, humidity, and temperature data to user's smartphone or tablet

Nordic Semiconductor today announces that Yongin, Korea-based technology company, SoluM, has selected Nordic’s nRF52832 System-on-Chip (SoC) to provide the Bluetooth® Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) wireless connectivity for ‘Keyco Air’, a Bluetooth LE and Wi-Fi smart air-quality monitor.

In operation, Keyco Air is plugged into an existing AC wall socket and employs a total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) sensor to monitor the air, humidity, and temperature parameters in the home, in turn detecting unhealthy or potentially harmful levels of household air pollution, as well as rapid temperature changes caused by, for example, fire or heater defects. Significant household air-quality alerts are then sent to a user’s smartphone—using Bluetooth LE wireless connectivity provided by the Nordic SoC—detailing the specific category, condition, and severity grading of the air pollution alert. The device itself also displays indoor air quality updates using colour LEDs - blinking red for ‘very poor’, red for ‘poor’, purple for ‘moderate’, and blue for ‘fresh’.


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