Tomra Q4 21. februar

TOM 11.02.2019 kl 18:17 2650

Tenkte det var på tide å lage en liten tråd om kvartalsrapporten som legges fram om litt over en uke. Jeg tror og håper vi kan forvente fantastiske tall denne gangen også.

Forrige Q4 viste Tomra til et inntektsbonanza på 7,4 mrd og ville øke utbytte kraftig (10%). Det samme vil skje nå.

Vil tippe et utbytte i sjiktet 2,60 og samlet inntekt på 8,2 mrd
Redigert 19.01.2021 kl 23:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.02.2019 kl 07:24 2541

Drister meg faktisk til å tro at Tomra vil overraske og øke utbyttet til 3.-. Samlede inntekter vil jeg anta blir rundt 8,5 mrd. Tomra vil forsvare det høye utbyttet med et veldig bra EOY 2018 resultat samt MEGET gode utsikter for fremtiden!!!

Redigert 12.02.2019 kl 07:32 Du må logge inn for å svare
12.02.2019 kl 10:32 2436

Ja dette ser jo meget bra ut
12.02.2019 kl 14:55 2350

Blir spennende å se hvem som er nærmest, kanonbra. Håper det er deg, men mulig du er noe for optimistisk. Uansett er vi skjønt enige om at kursen skal høyt. Jeg gjentar gjerne at kursen tangerer lett 250,- nå i februar. Det er enda ikke for sent å få med seg en god slump for kortsiktige investorer, men det er langsiktighet som lønner seg i denne aksjen. Det finnes ikke en mer stabil aksje på hele børsen, merk mine ord.
12.02.2019 kl 18:59 2249

ATH med 234 kr i dag. Blir veldig spennende å se hva de presenterer om en ukes tid.
13.02.2019 kl 07:18 2113

Vi må heller ikke glemme at offentliggjøringen av Scotland sitt valg av pantesystem er rett rundt hjørnet (antageligvis denne uken). Sannsynligheten for at dette blir et “scandinavisk system” er meget stor. Dette vil ha stor betydning for Tomra som da vil få store leveranser til systemet landet rundt. Systemet vil også legge en føring for hvilket system som vil velges i resten av UK!!! Så dette er meget spennende!!!!

Offentliggjøringen vil være en stor trigger for kursen som tallene fra EOY/Q4 neste uke også vil være!!!

Redigert 13.02.2019 kl 07:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
13.02.2019 kl 08:13 2062

Anbefaler alle som ikke har tatt et lodd å kjøpe nå før offentliggjøring av pantesystem i Skottland og Q4 : )
21.02.2019 kl 00:04 1848

Om noen timer vil kvartalsrapporten offentliggjøres. Det store spørsmålet er hvor mye Tomra har klart å vokse det siste året. Rundt 10% vekst skal man ikke se bort i fra. Jeg tror uansett på en rimelig heftig oppsving i kursen ved børsåpning.
21.02.2019 kl 07:06 1727

For en sinnsykt bra rapport! Utbytte skulle vært på 2,5 men i tillegg kommer et ekstraordinært utbytte på 2,-- og det blir hele 4,5,- I utbytte per aksje! Veksten fra forrige r formidabel med 20% økning!

Fantastiske tall!

TOMRA: 4Q Interim Results 2018 - Strong performance in both Collection and Sorting
Revenues in the fourth quarter 2018 ended at 2,467 MNOK, up 21% from 2,041 MNOK
in fourth quarter last year. Organic, currency adjusted revenues were up 15% for
the group, 14% for Tomra Collection Solutions and 17% for Tomra Sorting

Gross margin was 43% in the quarter, unchanged compared to fourth quarter 2017,
reflecting stable margins in both Tomra Collection Solutions and Tomra Sorting

Operating expenses amounted to 653 MNOK in the quarter, an increase from 574
MNOK in fourth quarter last year. The increase was due to high business
activity, ramp-up costs in new deposit markets and acquisition of BBC (BBC
consolidated into group financials from 1 March 2018).

EBITA reached 396 MNOK in fourth quarter 2018, up 32% from same period last

Cash flow from operations in fourth quarter 2018 were 346 MNOK, compared to 356
MNOK in fourth quarter 2017.

Due to strong cashflow and a solid balance sheet, the Board proposes an ordinary
dividend of NOK 2.50 plus an extraordinary dividend of NOK 2.00, in total NOK
4.50 per share for 2018, up from NOK 2.35 per share last year.

"There has been a major shift in public attitude to waste and recycling
recently, and policymakers have been implementing ambitious targets and
regulations all over the world. Circular Economy has been high on the agenda as
nations and businesses seek to manage their resources more effectively and
deliver a more sustainable model from production to consumption. TOMRA is
committed to both reducing material waste and enhancing material value by making
use of our knowledge in both Collection and Sorting and through collaboration
with partners. We see good results of the work today, yet significant untapped
potentials remains", says Stefan Ranstrand, TOMRA President and CEO.

Collection Solutions: High business activity in both new and existing markets

Revenues amounted to 1,141 MNOK in the fourth quarter 2018, up from 995 MNOK in
fourth quarter last year. After adjustment for currency changes, revenues were
up 14%.

Gross margin was 40%, unchanged from last year. Operating expenses amounted to
273 MNOK, up from 266 MNOK last year, mainly due to cost related to the
preparation for new deposit markets. EBITA was 179 MNOK, an increase from 135
MNOK fourth quarter last year.

In November 2018, the Queensland container deposit system went live, with all
TOMRA's 10 Collection Refund Points operational, each equipped with approx. 10

On 19th of December, a joint agreement with the EU Parliament and EU Council was
reached on the EU Single-use Plastics Directive, introducing amongst others
separate collection targets on plastic bottles and requirements for recycled
content in new plastic bottles.

Sorting Solutions: Good momentum across all business streams

Revenues equaled 1,326 MNOK in fourth quarter 2018, up 17% in local currencies,
adjusted for acquisitions (BBC). Gross margin was 45%, unchanged from same
period last year.

Operating expenses were up from 292 MNOK to 360 MNOK, due to higher activity,
the acquisition of BBC and currency effects.

EBITA increased from 182 MNOK in fourth quarter 2017 to 237 MNOK in fourth
quarter 2018, positively influenced by strong topline growth.

Despite all time high revenues in the quarter, continued strong order intake
lead to a healthy order backlog of 1,399 MNOK at the end of fourth quarter 2018,
up from 1,147 MNOK at the end of fourth quarter 2017.

Both revenues and order intake in the Food business stream improved year-over
-year. Recycling had stable revenue and order intake compared to fourth quarter
last year, while order backlog was significantly up. Mining also had improvement
in revenue, order intake and backlog.

Asker, 21 February 2019


For questions, please contact:

Espen Gundersen, Deputy CEO/CFO: +47 66 79 92 42 / +47 97 68 73 01

Bing Zhao, Director Investor Relations & Strategy: +47 40 21 08 19

Webcast link:
-2018 (

There will be a Q&A after the presentation and the recorded webcast will be made
available on TOMRA's webpage
TOMRA was founded on an innovation in 1972 that began with design, manufacturing
and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used
beverage containers. Today, TOMRA has ~100,000 installations in over 80 markets
worldwide and had total revenues of ~8.6 billion NOK in 2018. The Group employs
~4,000 globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. (OSE:
TOM). The TOMRA Group continues to innovate and provide cutting-edge solutions
for optimal resource productivity within two main business areas: Collection
Solutions (reverse vending and material recovery) and Sorting Solutions
(recycling, mining and food sorting). For further information about TOMRA,
please see
Redigert 21.02.2019 kl 07:07 Du må logge inn for å svare