OCY - Enters into option agreement for Dirhubhai-1 with Aker E.

OCY 12.02.2019 kl 20:14 9991

Ocean Yield ASA enters into option agreement with Aker Energy AS for a long-term bareboat charter of the FPSO Dhirubhai-1

Ocean Yield ASA (“Ocean Yield” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company today has entered into an agreement with Aker Energy AS (“Aker Energy”), where Aker Energy has an option to bareboat charter the FPSO Dhirubhai-1 for a period of 15 years. If the option is exercised, the FPSO is intended to be used ¬¬¬¬for an early-production project offshore Ghana.
Aker Energy will pay USD 3 million for the option, that can be exercised before 1st May 2019. In addition, Aker Energy can extend the initial option-period by another 30 days against additional compensation. If the option is exercised, Ocean Yield will finance the modification of the FPSO against a competitive charter rate that reflects the book value of the unit and the cost of the modification. Ocean Yield will not be exposed to risks related to the modification or be involved in the operation of the vessel.

Furthermore, the majority of the personnel in Aker Floating Production AS will be hired by Aker Energy until 1st May 2019. Aker Energy has an option to offer employment to the personnel upon expiry of the option period.
Ocean Yield’s Chief Executive Officer Lars Solbakken said in a comment: ”We are pleased to announce that we have entered into an option agreement with Aker Energy for a 15-year bareboat charter for the FPSO Dhirubhai-1 for their planned early oil production offshore Ghana. If the option is exercised, we expect some revenues from the FPSO already this year and increased revenue contribution from first oil, which is targeted in 2021.”
Aker Energy is, through its subsidiary in Ghana, the operator of the Deepwater Tano Cape Three Points (DWT/CTP) block offshore Ghana with a 50% participating interest.
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04.03.2019 kl 09:58 2377

Hysj ikke si det til flere.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:48 Du må logge inn for å svare
04.03.2019 kl 10:00 2372

Fjerner du en null så er vi enige
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18.07.2019 kl 08:18 1461

I følge Akers kvartalsrapport har Aker Energy levert den oppdaterte planen for utbygging og drift til myndighetene i Ghana. Da ble den nok levert som planlagt innen fristen 28. juni. Etter ghanesisk lov skal de da få tilbakemelding innen utgangen av juli. Aker skriver at endelig investeringsbeslutning skjer etter det, i 2. halvår. Da ser jeg ikke bort fra at Aker Energy benytter seg av opsjonen for FPSO'en til OCY innen 1. september. Dersom de skal bruke den er de tjent med å ta den raskt, slik at de kan få bygget den om og få feltet i produksjon uten unødvendige forsinkelser.


In the second quarter, Aker Energy submitted an updated PDO application to Ghanaian authorities.
Approval of the PDO and a subsequent FID is targeted to the second half of 2019.
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