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HEX 13.02.2019 kl 16:14 4175

Oslo (TDN Direkt): Hexagon Composites vil ikke gi konkrete vekstanslag, men tosifret vekst ligger i sakens natur også for Agility Fuel Solutions, ifølge konsernsjef Jon Erik Engeset.

-Vi vil nødig gi konkrete vekstanslag, men at vi totalt sett skal oppnå double digit growth i mange år fremover ligger i sakens natur, og det forventer vi også fra Agility Fuel Solutions-området, sier han til TDN Direkt onsdag.

Hexagon Composites sluttførte i fjerde kvartal kjøpet av Agility Fuel Solutions.

Konsernsjefen sier Hexagon ser sterke vekstimpulser innen Agility Fuel Solutions i USA, men selskapet ser også på andre områder.

-Vi har prosjekter i India blant annet. Det vil ta tid men det kan hende at det kommer. I det østlige Europa tror vi også at det vil være muligheter. Geografisk vekst vil komme, men først og fremst er det i Nord-Amerika og i det europeiske markedet veksten vil komme på kort sikt, sier han.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.02.2019 kl 16:52 4129

Dette CNG-markedet [CNG = compressed natural gas] som Agility Fuel Solutions er/var verdensleder i, er meget interessant, også sett fra en grønn/miljømessig vinkel.

..."There’s good reason for growth in CNG adoption. Natural gas can cost up to 60% less than gasoline and diesel fuel and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30-90%, so the market for these alternative fuel vehicles is significant."

Her er en meget informativ artikkel om dette selskapet og det markedet som det leverer til + også noe om Hexagon. Absolutt interessant lesning for alle HEX-aksjonærer:

Plant Tour: Agility Fuel Solutions, Salisbury, NC, US

This systems integrator enables CFRP pressure vessel growth in commercial vehicles by combining composites and alternative fuel systems expertise.

Article Post: 8/1/2018
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.02.2019 kl 14:49 3875

Fant denne nyheten fra aug. 2018 vedr. Agility/Hexagon som er meget interessant. En ny lavutslipp "grønn" heavy duty 6-liter naturgass-motor fra General Motors/Agility til middelstore lastebiler, busser o.l. for CNG-gass er godkjent av miljømyndighetene i California m.h.t. CO2 og NOx-utslipp. Miljøgodkjennelsen i California betyr at motoren også er godkjent i resten av USA.

Uten tvil med stort potensial for Agility/Hexagon fordi CNG [compressed natural gas] både er en markant billigere (over 50%) og 50+ % grønnere drivstoffløsning enn diesel. Det vil undre meg mye om dette markedet ikke vil stige kraftig i de kommende årene - og ikke bare i USA.

Agility Fuel Solutions Receives CARB Approval for Low-NOx 6.0L Natural Gas Engine with Heavy-Duty On-Board Diagnostics (HD-OBD)

August 17, 2018

Costa Mesa, CA, Aug. 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Agility Fuel Solutions, a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, announced today that it has received California Air Resources Board (CARB) certifications for its first natural gas-powered engine.
The Agility 366NGTM, a General Motors 6.0L engine with an Agility natural gas fuel system, is certified to meet the CARB Optional Low NOx Emissions Standards and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards.
In addition, Agility also received CARB Heavy-Duty On-Board Diagnostics (HD-OBD) certification with full compliance.

The certified engine is suited for school bus, walk-in van, cutaway chassis, cabover, terminal tractor, and medium-duty work truck applications in all 50 states. It is available to vehicle OEMs as a standalone engine or as a fuel system only and can be combined with Agility’s compressed natural gas [CNG] storage solutions resulting in a complete end-to-end natural gas solution for Class 4-6 medium-duty vehicles.

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Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.02.2019 kl 11:42 3674

Denne CNG-markedsrapporten forutser en pen tosifret global vekst på 17% innenfor CNG-markedet i perioden 2019-2023, drevet fram av rikelig og billig naturgass fra Russland og USA . Så Engeset i Hexagon har nok rett i sin antakelse om god vekst framover i USA og Europa for Agility Fuel Solution.

December 14, 2018

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The global compressed natural gas market is expected to post a CAGR of close to 17% during the period 2019-2023, according to the latest market research report by Technavio.

A key factor driving the growth of the market is the increase in the number of CNG vehicles. CNG for automobiles has proven to be an eco-friendly technology, thereby providing better air quality and sustainability. This makes CNG vehicles ideal for the urban environment. Favorable government regulations combined with CNG infrastructure development has increased consumer acceptance and cost competitiveness of CNG vehicles.

....“In countries such as the US and Russia, the increase in the natural gas production will boost the supply of natural gas, thereby enabling to fulfill the growing demand for CNG as a transportation fuel across the world. Hence, this will augment the growth of the global CNG market during the forecast period,” says a senior analyst at Technavio for research on oil and gas.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.02.2019 kl 20:48 3571

I guess you have already seen this in NEL discussion:

''We’ll start hand-building fleet test trucks as the plant goes up; 25 next year, 100 in 2021, then limited production of commercial models in 2022 and full production in 2023. We’ll be able to build 35,000 units a year at full production now and we have the ability to go to 50,000 a year in the same plant.''

Tens of thousands of hydrogen trucks per year from Nikola only would be a huge business for HEX/Agility. On top of that mobile H2 pipelines and H2 stations use lots of tanks as illustrated in Nikolas home page (on-site storage):

It's not officially stated that HEX would deliver all these tanks but I believe it's quite clear that it will happen. Who else could it be?

And yes, that CNG area is another growth engine. Looks really good.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.02.2019 kl 22:35 3503

Yes. I saw it. And Yes, agree. Who else? NEL & Nikola = Hexagon= Quality and partnerships.

Hexagon/Agility FS has in 2017 entered this Nikola/ Class 8 truck H2-market at the Port of Los Angeles in a demonstation prosject. Good to see that they are preparing well for the future and what's under way.

...."However, Agility Fuel Solutions is adding to its portfolio. Although it has manufactured H2 fuel systems for buses and trucks since 2002, it is now expanding this product line to include fuel systems based on larger-diameter Type IV cylinders for longer-range regional Class 8 trucking applications. One example is Toyota Motor North America’s (TMNA, Plano, TX, US) Project Portal initiative, begun in 2017, which is designed to extend zero-emission H2-powered fuel cell technology into heavy-duty trucks by demonstrating their use at the Port of Los Angeles." (from

And yes, on top of that also mobile H2 (and CNG) pipelines and H2 stations. Also with huge potential. The future looks bright for Hexagon/Agility.

PS.: I have noticed that over 80% of the shares in Hexagon are owned by the top 20 share owners. Not very much "free float" ....and my own XY thousands shares are not for sale either ;). At least not for the foreseeable future. Probably creating some volatility. And probably a matter of concern for "wannabe" new (big) investors.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.03.2019 kl 21:15 2923

2 interessante nyheter fra Hexagon og datterselskapet Agility Fuel Solutions i USA:



Agility Fuel Solutions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, has received 2019 California Air Resources Board (CARB) certifications for a natural gas fuel system for installation on Ford 6.8L V-10 gasoline engines with gaseous engine prep package.

CARB approvals are renewed annually and are required to meet vehicle emissions standards in the State of California. Agility Fuel Solutions currently holds CARB approvals for two natural gas fuel systems.



Sam Gabbita, Chairman of the Board of Agility Fuel Solutions, has been added to NGVAmerica's Board of Directors to leverage his insights as the leading global provider of highly-engineered and cost-effective clean fuel solutions for medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles.

Chet Dawes, Senior Vice President of Agility Fuel Solutions, has been appointed co-chair of the Technology Committee vacated by Past Chair Ron Eickleman, Founding Executive of Agility Fuel Solutions. This appointment further reflects Hexagon's commitment to NGVAmerica's mission to drive safety as a key value to natural gas vehicle adoption.

Hexagon supports NGVAmerica's stance "If we want cleaner air, we need cleaner vehicles" and has been an active member on safety councils and technology committees, as well as a strong promoter of favorable policy at the state and national level.

In addition to increasing commercialization of CNG, LNG and RNG as economic, clean, domestic, safe and abundant fuels for on-road vehicles, Hexagon has championed growing opportunities to build on the benefits of natural gas fueling with off-road applications. Hexagon and NGVAmerica are at the forefront of natural gas fuel solutions with economic and environmental benefits for mobile pipeline, rail, marine, mining and other energy intensive industries.

"NGVAmerica primes collaboration among member companies, environmental groups, and government organizations interested in the promotion and use of natural gas and biomethane as transportation fuels. I look forward to continued success in moving the markets," shared Mr. Schimenti.

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Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.03.2019 kl 22:04 2837

Sluttkurs 33,20 på tradegate.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.03.2019 kl 23:14 2734

"Vekst caset" fremover!!!!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.03.2019 kl 10:55 2523

Helt utrolig at truseskvetterne selger i et så fundamentalt solid vekstselskap som Hex hver gang OB indeksen faller litt. Er jo dømt til å tape hver gang man igjen må løpe etter for å komme seg inn igjen.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:09 Du må logge inn for å svare