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NHY 15.02.2019 kl 16:20 7697

Da jeg hadde en stor posisjon aksjer (1 million aksjer) leide jeg inn en advokat for å være med på høringen der borte. Nå er alle aksjene solgt.

Kommunikasjon på Whatsapp er da som følger (les hele om du vil, viktigst er kanskje på bunn. Men totalen gir mening for meg. Så er det opp til deg hva du gjør med det. Jeg solgte alt !

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Hello Mr., my name is Victor, im an associate with Rodolfo Roessing
Ill be attending the public hearing in Barcarena tomorrow, about the conduct agreements between Norsk Hydro and the MPPA and MPF
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Hi. Thank you very much. In grocery shopping now but got your message
Great, ill keep in touch early in the morning, as soon as i get in the hearing
Just got home now. Im very glad ypu can go there tomorrow. My investment position is based on earning money when Alunorte reopens and the embargo is completely lifted. So tomorrow is all about what information is given there about this. Will they oppose an opening, is it ok, but they want more moeny from Norsk Hydro, do they want it still closed, due to uncertainty about technology or safety. I understand that you wont be able to give 100 % answer about this, due to the fact that the court is the one deciding what happens next. I will be available during the entire day tomorrow, so just message me here. Also if you at any time could give me your opinion based on what ypu have read and hear so far in media and other, what is your best guess and gut feeling about reopening Alunorte in the near future.
Got it
As far as o understood, reading in the call notice, the public hearing has a purpose of transparency about the actions taken so far by the state attorneys. It will focus on responses to the locals and, therefore, Will have a more social and midiatic content (in my opinion)
In addition, it wil deal with the registration and formation of a committee that will follow the measures imposed by the MPF in the agreement with Hydro
Thus been said, there is still no evidence about any intention of lifting the embargo, manifested by the prosecutors, but i Will follow the info reported by then to give you a position with more certainty tomorrow
Tank you very much. I suppose it will be quite much about responses from the local people and such. But I also hope some workers without job now also will ask what actions will be taken about reopening it. It might not come much info on it, but hopefully someone will aske for it. There is of course several points for the agenda. And some want moeny for lost water and all the problems they have experienced, as well as someone also want money and their jobs back. Hopefully there will be som comments on the future. If there is a lot of people feeling badly treated by Norsk Hydro, that might also be important. If everyone is happy with the way Norsk Hydro has acted upon the TAC deal, that might be positive to. Really looking forward to your reports tomorrow
Exactly, you had a good view on the situation
Ill check and report, dont worry. Greetings, Victor

Good morning,. Im here at the hearing, waiting for the beginning
A lot of angry locals
Great. Looking forward to it
Ah. Many angry at Norsk Hydro ?
Im talking with some people at the line

Ah. Many angry at Norsk Hydro ?
Yes, um checking up the reason, but nothing official yet
Very good.
Do you think the anger is about money or are they serious about Norsk Hydro ruining their environment ?
More about the money. they’re complaining about lack of resources provided and information by the task force and the company. Some of then think that the registration of the families os been made in a very desorganized fashion

But also ive heard some complaining about the environment, but again, nothing official. Just free talking
The task force representatives até here now. As soon as the start the hearing, ill let you know
If they don’t inform on the embargo feel free to ask about it if possible to ask questions
Ill try to talk to then after the hearing too
Very good

Let me know if this guy is around. He is the judge
Judge at the federal court I think. Wouldn’t expect him to be there. But never know
I know him, federal judge
Environmental coite

He could be around just to listen as well. But not a big deal
Is there anyone to contact or ask informal about when a ruling might come ?
I just talked with a federal prosecutor
She told me that i may talk to her, after the hearing, in case of any doubts
Very good
About the embargo, and the TAC
She told me that they have meetings with the company managers every week
But she will talk about that in the hearing
Very good
She’s nice, very proactive
Ill wait until the end, if you have any doubts
And speak with her
Did she in anyway seem satisfied with the company ?
Yes, i think the company is collaborating
Thanks. Given how you know the political climate and the incident at vale, how controversial would you say an reopening of the Alunorte would be now ? Best to wait or wouldn’t be to much problems lifting it now ?
It depends entirely in how the MP is seeing the company efforts. If the MP decides in favor of the lifting, the court usually accepts. The media may use the Vale incident to criticizes the lifting, but thats not so important, if the autorities are convinced about the company compliance
Thanks. MP, is that the public defender ?
No, MP is “Ministério Público”, portuguese for State Attorneys. Sorry
Ah, thanks. And the MP is there today ?
The MPE are the State attorneys, the MPF members are the federal prosecutors
Yes, both are here
Great. Would you also say that if the MP doesnt approve of the lifting, normally that would be the ruling as well ?
Yes, the prosecutors in Brazil have a lot of influence in court decisions about environmental issues
Great. Has it started now ?
They also have investigation and fiscalization powers, thats why their acts means so much in this type of case
Great. Has it started now ?
Nope, locals are still been accommodated
A lot of people
In Norway the stock exchange closes in 3 hours and 15 minutes. I guess thats about 12.25 your local time. After this time, you can summarize and dont have to message so often.
And if there is something important to listen to, just dont answer me, just text when its best for you
Do you think its possible that the MP will decide today about what to do next ? If people are happy with the threatment, and just ask for more money, they can lift the embargo ? Based on if the feel the company has cooperated well ? Sort of to figure out if its ok to lift embargo and work on compensation further ?
Well, i dont think they will anounce the intention of lifting the embargo today. Mostly because the people are not happy with the treatment and desorganization in registration
Ok, so far you judgmentcall would be that its still to early to reopen Alunorte, because once they open it, they dont have the same leverage, and ot would be wrong to open it if they havent complied in a good way ?
Things normally work in a very slow pace, cause the majority of locals are very poor and uneducated
And there’s a lot of political bias evolving the investigation, thats why i think its too early for the lift
Ok, so far you judgmentcall would be that its still to early to reopen Alunorte, because once they open it, they dont have the same leverage, and ot would be wrong to open it if they havent complied in a good way ?
Yes, but this is based in how the people are seeing the company efforts. There are a lot of people who reside in the area near the industry, so its hard to procede with a registration and fair distribuition of the money
Also, i think that, as you said, is a question of leverage, they dont want to lose the right hand in the negociation
But i will heard the Mp today, and report.
But its important for you to know the context. Social and environmental issues here brings a lot of political manipulation
Thanks. As I have understood it, it is up to the court to decide lifting or not now. Do the court have to come with a ruling, or can they simply just wait and see. A ruling could be to uphoald th embargo, lift it, or embargo 100 %. Is there any timeframe that they have to make a ruling, or can they wait as long as they want.
I'm very glad for the context for this. The company has of course not guided the norwegian stocck holders about this.
Thats why i think they will be reluctant in lifting or at least anounces its intention public
The public hearing is most for give information about the money distribution and organize the registration. But, ill talk to then and ask about the embargo
Those that have been registrered, do they feel fairly threated by the company ? If the also feel badly treated its worse than only those not registrated felling bad about the company
Yes, thats a good question. There are some local leaders here. They will né the ones making the first demands and asking questiona
I will heard their toughts and report

+55 91 8895-7756Victor Meira
Yes, thats a good question. There are some local leaders here. They will né the ones making the first demands and asking questiona
They will be*
Thanks. As I have understood it, it is up to the court to decide lifting
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.02.2019 kl 22:33 2848

Jeg vil tilføye;Hydro bør fremlegge et forslag til løsning før domstolen kommer med avgjørelsen.Risikoen for en negativ domstolsavgjørelse er for stor.Hydro kommer i en betydeligere vanskeligere situasjon hvis saken tapes.Nå er hydro på offensiven og tidspunktet må være inne for å gjøre et definitivt gjennombrudd.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
17.02.2019 kl 12:57 2695

Det var ett godt forslag. Tror også Hydro har mye å tjene på litt ydmykhet og å kjøpe seg ut, kontra en dom som sier at embargoen skal forlenges. Da er veien plutselig ganske lang for å heve den.

Ett tegn på ydmykhet er neppe at Hydro mener at det er bevist at det ikke har vært noen utslipp overhodet. Jeg tror det må gis ved døren for å få en løsning. Påtalemyndigheten besitter to rapporter som sier at det har vært utslipp. Å bevise at det overhode ikke har vært noe utslipp (none so what ever) er en veldig steil tilnærming til dette. MPF og MPPA mener at det ikke er forsvarlig med en oppstart.

Jeg kan absolutt skjønne moduset til selskapet, og sett gjennom norske øyne er dette helt håpløst. Men sett fra begge sider, ser det ikke så oversiktiglig ut, og NHY har neppe inntatt en holdning som lokalbefolkningen og MPF og MPPA anser som litt ydmyk. Satt på spissen, blir dritten igjen der, og pengene går til Norge (sett fra lokalbefolkningens ståsted).

NHY vet sikkert best, men i etterpåklokskapens lys er det vanskelig å se at de har løst dette på en god måte. Med mindre selskapet og styret mener at enhver annen tilnærming ville vært mye dyrere, så er det vanskelig å se at dagens løsning og tilnærming er rett.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
17.02.2019 kl 13:17 2673

Har forresten en varsling på SEMAS og Alunorte på Google. Samt overvåker Federal Court Belem for alle dokument med Alunorte. I den forbindelse fant jeg akkurat ut at SEMAS har selv den 13. februar bekreftet at de har gitt en miljøtillatelse til Agropalma på forfalsket informasjon fra selskapet.

Uten at dette direkte har betydning for Norsk Hydro, så stiller ikke den ene parten som har opphevet sin embargo seg noe bedre, ved at de nettopp har gitt en tillatelse til drift basert på forfalsket informasjon. Jeg sier ikke at Hydro har gjort dette, det tror jeg ikke heller. Men i målingen i troverdighet så falt nok SEMAS betraktelig etter at de selv bekrefter at dette har skjedd. Det er naturlig å tenke at det ikke er første gangen det har skjedd heller. Man kan bare spekulere i at de forholder seg til dokumentasjon uten å ta stilling til selve stedet og teknologien som brukes der, og baseres ikke på inspeksjoner. Dette er ikke så svart hvitt som Hydro ønsker. Ei heller formidler de noe av dette til aksjonærene.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2019 kl 13:21 2667

Hva har du som mål å oppnå i årlig avkastning for dine investering?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
17.02.2019 kl 13:32 2646

Målet er mest mulig.

Men gambler aldri med den kapitalen jeg har som gjør at jeg er så heldig at jeg aldri må jobbe igjen. Alt overskudd handler vel egentlig bare om finere biler og sånt. Taper jeg toppen gir jeg meg.så lenge jeg er over Limiten holder jeg på.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
17.02.2019 kl 19:50 2471

Ikke samfunnsøkonomisk å holde HydroAlunorte på 50%, det politiske presse på dommer A.C antar jeg begynner å bli stort, Semas var de som kom med anmodning om å stenge ned, nå er har det sagt det er det er ok med 100%. Hydro har oppfylt den tekniske delen av avtalen. Alt peker i mine øyne mot at vi snart får melding. Vil sikker komme noe støy inetterkant vedrørende TAC, men det går seg til. Hydro aksjonærene kan lene seg tilbake og nyte strømmen av økende aluminium i industrien, det kommer til å dra seg til noe hinsides. Og som sagt, handelssamtaler, alu og dollar samt generelt forbruk av alu er mye viktigere en Brasil, alle sjønner at Alunorte skal tilbake til 100%
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
17.02.2019 kl 19:54 2465

Husk 10% dollar styrkning tilfører Hydro 3,5-4 mrd ved normal drift.(årlig)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2019 kl 21:17 2369

Venter på utbytte, om kurs er ditt eller datt betyr lite.

Sterkere energitall for Hydro
Norsk Hydro er en stor kraftprodusent i tillegg til å produsere aluminium. Selskapets energivirksomhet leverte et justert driftsresultat (ebit) på 500 millioner kroner i fjerde kvartal, en økning på ni prosent fra samme periode året før.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:10 Du må logge inn for å svare