TOM 16.02.2019 kl 20:49 2782

Allerede neste uke vil Englands miljøvernminister redegjøre for planene rundt et nasjonalt pantesytem!!

Neste uke blir kanon spennende. Klarer nesten ikke å vente ;-)

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
16.02.2019 kl 23:00 2692

Kanon Kanon! ?

Skottene har kommet langt i planleggingen av sitt pantesystem som skal være oppe og gå i 2020. Det er helt sikkert åpne kanaler mellom den skotske regjeringen og sentralmakten i Westminister om denne problematikken. Vi ser vel nå en tegning her av hvordan Skottlands pantesystem i praksis vil fungere som en slags pilot for pantesystemet i hele Storbritannia. Mitt tips er at pantesystem i Wales etterfølger skottenes, og så kommer England og Nord-Irland. Får Tomra hovedrollen i Skottland, tipper jeg videre at systemet raskt blir så vellykket og populært at tidsplanen for innføring av pantesystem i hele Storbritannia forseres.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.02.2019 kl 23:27 2416

Aldeles nydelig. Pantesystemer er hot over hele verden - velkommen i klubben England, Tomra har alt dere kan drømme om.
Kommende uke blir fantastisk, mulig vi runder allerede 250,- denne uken grunnet dette i tillegg til Q4. 250,- rundes uansett iløpet av februar. Jeg gleder meg til fortsettelsen av dette industrieventyret.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 07:19 2275

Nå starter showet :-) Antar at Scotland (Zero Waste Scotland) vil annonsere sin beslutning i dag eller i morgen. Som sagt tidligere vil dette sannsynligvis bli et «scandinavisk» system. Noe som er MEGET positivt for Tomra!! Englands miljøvernminister vil da sannsynligvis etter dette orientere om hvilken retning UK går i denne saken. Slår man to og to sammen blir nok planene ganske like :-). Dette er det nok en god plan rundt.

For en uke vi har foran oss!!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 09:29 2066

Spennende ja! The Guardian bekrefter nå at vi får høre mer allerede i dag


Gove urged not to limit bottle deposit scheme to small containers

Environment secretary may target drinks of under 750ml in deposit return scheme

Michael Gove has been urged not to water down plans to give people money back for recycling plastic bottles and cans, after consulting on whether to target small drink containers only.

The environment secretary will confirm on Monday that he is pressing ahead with the new “deposit return” scheme for cans and bottles made of plastic and glass, as well as a tax on some plastic packaging.

However, the consultation revealed the scheme may only target drinks of less than 750ml, intended to be consumed on the go.

This would include single soft drink cans and small mineral water bottles that people tend to buy while out of the home, but not larger bulky containers purchased as part of a bigger supermarket shop.

The other option – preferred by environmental groups – would be to include all plastic and glass bottles as well as cans, irrespective of their size, which has hugely increased recycling in some European countries.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 09:45 2029

Mer kjøtt på beinet fra, og det er mer enn pantesystem på gang i "Michael Goves ressurs- og resirkuleringsrevolusjon". Minner i den forbindelse om at Tomra har 60% global 'markedsandel innen sortering for resirkuling.

Government unveils deposit return scheme blueprints as part of waste management revamp

18 February 2019, source edie newsroom

The UK Government has launched a 12-week consultation to explore how a "world-leading" tax on plastic packaging, standardised waste collections across the country and varying deposit return schemes for single-use items could overhaul and modernise the national waste management system.

The UK Government has announced plans to drastically modify waste management systems through a new consultation launched today (18 February). The consultation outlines details on plans to address existing collection and manufacturing incentives to improve recycling rates for plastics packaging.

The 12-week consultation will invite insight on a plethora of new recommendations that will feature in the Government’s upcoming Environment Bill, set to be issued early in the second session of Parliament.

A notable aspect of the consultation is that of a national deposit return system, which sees consumers pay an up-front deposit between 8-22p when purchasing cans or bottles, which is redeemed on the return of the empty drink container.

The government is exploring two variants of the system, which will operate for cans and plastic and glass bottles. An “all-in” model would focus on all beverages placed on the market, irrespective of size, while the second, “on-the-go” model would restrict drinks containers that could operate in the system to less than 750ml and sold in a single format.

It is hoped that implementation of a deposit return system will help boost beverage container recycling from 57% in the UK to upwards of 95% - mirroring successful systems found in Germany and the Netherlands.

Already in the UK, numerous supermarkets have embarked on deposit return trials, with Iceland having captured more than 300,000 bottles in under 12 months.

Standardised waste collection

Another key focus of the consultation is the introduction of a consistent set of materials collected across England from households for recycling. While waste collection varies from council to council, the Government hopes to standardise what materials can be collected from households for recycling.

The consultation outlines steps for what materials should be included for collection, including plastic bottles, pot, tubs and trays, glass bottles and jars, paper, card and metal packaging. Free garden waste collections have also been mooted as part of the 12-week process.

Household recycling rates in England skyrocketed from 11% in 2000 to around 45% in 2013. However, the following five years have seen recycling rates plateau, with England lagging behind other home nations.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 09:50 2005

Flott!! Har du funnet ut når Mr Gove slipper nyhetene i dag?

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 09:57 1983

Nei, har ikke noe klokkeslett. Vi får nok høre mye om dette fremover. Miljøorganisasjonene krever et system som virkelig "tar for seg" så Gove er under press for å levere!

Stores accused of 'watering down' bottle deposit scheme

By Roger Harrabin
BBC environment analyst
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 11:25 1872

Pen oppgang i dag p.g.a. gode nyheter, dette ser lovende ut..!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 15:48 1736

Tomra hilser innledningen av konsultasjonsperioden i Storbritannia velkommen og skryter av godt forarbeid signert DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs). Videre er Tomra klar på at man støtter "all in" modellen som innebærer pant på alle typer flasker og bokser.

Home Industry News

18 February 2019 14:31

TOMRA welcomes launch of consultation on the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

by Grace Nolan

TOMRA, the global leader in reverse vending, has welcomed today’s launch of a consultation on the introduction of a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The company is involved in deposit return schemes in more than 60 markets and says it looks forward to sharing its knowledge on how to ensure the scheme is as effective as possible.

“We are encouraged to see the launch of this consultation from Defra which is extremely thorough and carefully considered,” said Truls Haug, Managing Director for TOMRA Collection Solutions UK and Ireland says.

“Of the two options presented within the consultation, we support the ‘all in’ model as opposed to an ‘on-the-go’ model as we believe this would have maximum impact on increasing recycling rates."


TOMRA is seeing growing demand across the world for countries to increase their recycling rates for bottles and cans as a means to fight litter and ocean plastic and to conserve scarce resources.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.02.2019 kl 16:42 1678

Spillere innen Storbritannias grønne økonomi er som Tomra klare på at "all in" modellen er hva britene bør gå for.

All in or on-the-go?: Green economy reacts to Defra's deposit return scheme vision

18 February 2019, source edie newsroom

The consultation on the UK's waste management process has sparked new debates on standardised waste collections and the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regime. But the green economy wants to go "all in" on deposit return systems.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:19 Du må logge inn for å svare