BWO - Kjøper Brasiliansk oljefelt

BWO 04.03.2019 kl 08:00 11690

Børsmelding kom i dag om at BWO kjøper 100% sv Maromba-feltet utenfor kysten av Brasil.


BW Offshore is contemplating to enter into agreements to acquire 100% of the Maromba field offshore Brazil from the present owners Petrobras (70%) and Chevron (30%).
Closing of the acquisition is subject to board approvals and fulfilment or waiver of conditions precedents, including approval by The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) to close the transaction and deem BW Offshore an approved operator in Brazil.
The Maromba field is located off the Brazilian coast in the Campos Basin in 160 metres of water depth, where BW Offshore has extensive operating experience.
The company will provide further information upon signing
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09.03.2019 kl 13:17 4642

Spørsmålet er hvilken av BWO’s FPSO-er som er enklest og mest hensiktsmessig å bygge om til Maromba-feltet.
Men uansett så har de 3 FPSO-er som kan brukes.
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6 Mack
09.03.2019 kl 15:09 4520

riskypick skrev "Dette ser jo bra ut! Finansiering klarer de vel når de får litt slakk som nå. Virker som de ønsker å gi enda mer gass og kjøpe ytterligere felt. Jeg liker det."

Maromba-feltet trur jeg er til tegnet FPSO POLVO siden det er litt frem i tid.

BWO sier
"E&P strategy is founded on; proven resources, high upside potential, located in a country where we currently operate, phased development and the use of one of our own FPSOs"

Kansje det er her Berge Helene kommer inn i bildet som ligger ved Keppel verftet nå.

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09.03.2019 kl 18:04 4365

Mitt tips er Berge helene. Athena er også ledig. De andre båtene er jo i drift på felter hvor man håper på forlengelse. Mateus er det jo heller ikke en avklart situasjon rundt.

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09.03.2019 kl 20:11 4254

Nå er det ca. 1 år siden BWO fikk forlenget kontrakten på Cidado Sao Mateus, kan vi vente ny melding til uka? Og hvilken lengde blir det denne gang?
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Slettet bruker
09.03.2019 kl 22:21 4146

Kjøp og hold ?
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10.03.2019 kl 11:12 3925

Spennende hvordan markedet tar imot denne meldingen.
Det ser ut at BWO satser på vertikal integrering med mer ekspoering mot produksjon. Slekapet har funnet en spennende mulighet som de har både kompetanse og visse fortrinn.
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Slettet bruker
10.03.2019 kl 12:58 3836

Enig. Spennede hvordan markedet tar imot dette. Var endel usikkerhet/uavklart rundt meldingen som kom. Dette har nok bidratt til å dra kursen enda lavere, fra et allerede utbombet nivå. Med dette er usikkerheten redusert, samt at betingelsene handelen er gjort på virker svært fordelaktige for BWO. Forventninger til utbytte (innen 1 års tid) lever videre, redusert emisjonsrisiko, handlekraftig god strategi fra management osv gjør at dette skaper visse forventninger.
Tenker vel at kursen fortjener å stige 10-20 kr innen ganske kort tid. At vi får 2-3 kr opp på mandag synes jeg i det minste det må være lov å håpe på..
Bare et par enkle betraktninger fra en sliten BWO-aksjonær:)

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.03.2019 kl 07:57 3511

CEO i BWO kjøper 1 % av BW Energy (selskapet som eier Dussafu). BW Energy er BW-gruppen sitt E&P selskap. Arnet blar opp over 16 MNOK for investeringen.
Bra innsidehandel!! Arnet har tydeligvis tro på dette.

Carl Arnet ("CA"), CEO of BW Offshore Limited ("BWO" or the "Company"), has today become the holder of 1% shares in BW Energy Holdings Pte. Ltd. ("BWEH"), the joint venture company formed in 2016 by the Company and BW Group Limited ("BW Group") for the purpose of pursuing oil and gas interests. The new shares in BWEH were allotted to CA for a total consideration of USD 1.85 million, including a pro rata share of shareholder loans. Following this transaction, the shareholders of BWEH are: the Company (66%), BW Group (33%) and CA (1%). Similar to the other shareholders in BWEH, CA will be obliged to provide continued funding in respect of BWEH's business and development costs for its projects, whether through equity or shareholder loans. BW Energy holds the license to the Dussafu field offshore Gabon. "Carl Arnet was instrumental in generating this strategy shift for BWO and we are pleased that he will be directly financially committed and aligned with the shareholders for the profitable development of this entity", said BWO Chairman Andreas Sohmen-Pao.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 20:03 3203

Ny melding!

14/03-2019 20:00:04: (BWO) BW Offshore: Acquisition of 30% stake in the Maromba field offshore Brazil

With reference to the stock exchange release dated 8 March 2019.

BW Offshore has entered into an agreement to acquire the remaining 30% of the Maromba field offshore Brazil for a total acquisition cost of USD 25 million from Chevron. Closing of the acquisition is subject to fulfilment or waiver of conditions precedents, including approval by The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) to close the transaction and deem BW Offshore an approved operator in Brazil.
The acquisition price will be paid over three milestones. The first milestone of USD 10 million is due on receipt of ANP approval as operator and formal sanction of the transaction, expected in the second half of 2019. The second milestone of USD 5 million is due at start of drilling activities and the third part-payment, representing the remaining USD 10 million, after achieving cumulative production of 250,000 barrels of oil from the area.
The Company will proceed to finalise the Plan of Development (PoD) for approval by The Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
For further information, please contact:

Knut R. Sæthre, CFO, +47 911 17 876
About BW Offshore:
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14.03.2019 kl 20:04 3197

For 30% betaler BWO 25 mill US dollar, enda mindre enn de betaler til Petrobras.
10 av disse skal betales når produksjon har nådd 250 k fat.
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Slettet bruker
14.03.2019 kl 20:31 2670

Hvem Kan! BWO Kan!

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14.03.2019 kl 21:18 2595

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Slettet bruker
14.03.2019 kl 21:21 2589

BW Offshore: Acquisition of the last 30% stake in the Maromba field offshore Brazil

Unmatched EMINENTLY!

* Congratulations to all stakeholders *

Well well well we got a situation here…..
We got one mill stocks short!
Back in business, its all about money. Fuck the rest.

Its a clean bet against Thrump’s and BWO!
Thrump is in charge of the oilprice, he demands and the world follows.
Thrump is the tiger, he attachs from behind always; When you are relaxed, enjoying life; He attachs;
Knock you down and makes his day!
I’ll hope Melania or his mistresses makes him happy and relaxed, otherwise we’re all f…..

BWO Fleet:
* Improving market outlook driven by increased offshore spending.
* The higher oil price will continue to give extensions.
* BW Catcher: Agreed with Client to increase plateau production level to 66kbopd.

Today the oilflow from Dussafu is above 12kbbl/d
You don’t get the oil cheeper than at Dussafu. Well maybe in Saudi, but thats it!
Dussafu beats the rest, with a break even of $25/bbl.

Today Dussafu expected working % interest:
BWO: 47.67
BWO energy: 23.83.
The one and only his majesty mr. Carl K. Arnet : 1 (bows me in the dust)
Tullow: 10
Gabon oil: 10
Panoro: 7.5

After Tortue fase-2, finalized in Q4 2019, BWO (conservatively) expects an oil flow of 20kbbl/d in Q1 2020. BWO then slash down break even to fantastic $15/bbl.

Cashflow Dussafu Today and close to double up from Q1 2020 kicking ass big time!

Maromba Brasil:
The biggest Joker in play on OSE!
What do we have here! What is the calculations of profits!

* BWO says Capex of $3-$7/bbl + FPSO
- 2P reserver 140Mbbl + further upside =>1Gbbl(OIP ;))
- Opex ?, Today we don’t know; BWO knows and soon we all knows! Cheap? Yes, no questions about that.

The winning stock of 2019 has been found, it is undisputed BWO (or very close to ;)).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 21:28 2570

Opp til 54 gaanske så fort nå, stakkars de som økte shorten i går. Håper de dekket i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 08:33 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 21:49 2518

Nei, håper de må dekke i morgen på en mye høyere kurs. Shortere unnes ikke noe godt.
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