Philly shipyard - nye oppdrag

PHILLY 14.03.2019 kl 20:56 1193

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Tviler på at Philly blir lagt ned. Skipsverftet har lang tradisjon og betydning i byen det ligger i.
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Her er et eksempel på hva som politisk foregår rundt skipsverftet:

Senators ask DOT Secretary to consider Philly Shipyard for MARAD shipbuilding project
U.S. Sens. Bob Casey (D-PA), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Tom Carper (D-DE) and Chris Coons (D-DE) recently asked the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to consider the Philly Shipyard for a national shipbuilding industrial base.

© Office of Sen. Bob Casey
In the Consolidated Appropriation Act, Congress appropriated $300 million to the U.S. Maritime Administration (MARAD) for construction of the first ship in a fleet of six National Security Multi-Mission Vessels. These ships will replace the training vessels currently used by state maritime academies and serve other national security functions.

The senators sent a letter to DOT Secretary Elaine Chao, outlining the importance of the ships program and highlighting the regional workforce.

“Since this is a critical project for our national shipbuilding industrial base, it is imperative that MARAD select the right yard for this important work, the senators wrote. “We firmly believe that Philly Shipyard is an ideal candidate to receive this contract.”

The senators highlighted the shipyard’s record of timely, on-budget deliveries. The yard has delivered 29 vessels since 2003, which is nearly half of all U.S. large commercial vessels built in that time. They also noted that $350 million has been invested in the shipyard’s physical infrastructure since 1997.

The letter also highlighted the shipyard’s partnership with the Philadelphia Metal Trades Council and the more than $300 million invested in workforce training programs since 1997. The senators noted that the Philly Shipyard has never experienced a strike or work stoppage.

“Awarding the construction of these National Security Multi-Mission Vessels to Philly Shipyard will ensure the continued vitality of this important shipbuilding asset and preserve a critical component of our defense industrial base,” the senators wrote.
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Slettet bruker
15.03.2019 kl 07:22 1026

Det er også interessant om Myrseth med sin inntreden i denne vanligvis lite likvide aksjen nærmest kan ha styrt avsetningen av årets foreløpige bunner i grafen, som jo har gitt inntrykk av styrke i det tekniske bildet. Sjekk grafen...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.03.2019 kl 22:31 1120

Myrseth kan jo tvile så mye han vil om verftet blir lagt ned eller ikke, han har vel kjøpt seg inn før sin egen anbefaling og nå selger han seg sakte ut samtidig som han er forsiktig optimist, når han er helt ute tar han Philly ut av porteføljen, med fortjeneste.

Det interesante er vel hvor mange verft i USA som kan bygge disse skipene og hvor mange som har ledig kapasitet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare