Gröna obligationer er svaret

Slettet bruker
GRöN 26.03.2019 kl 09:31 1878

Hvis du trenger penger så kan du emmitere gröna obligationer. Tex 500 miljoner kronor. Kravet er att du driver med miljöteknik.
Slettet bruker
26.03.2019 kl 10:42 1863

Ok? Midsummer ska ta in 500 miljoner. Kursen stiger förstås.
Slettet bruker
26.03.2019 kl 12:18 1844

Kan dere hjelpe? Hvad sker?

aced with increasing demand from mainly the US market, fast-growing Swedish solar energy technology leader Midsummer AB (publ) (“Midsummer”) contemplates the issue of up to SEK 500m [USD 53.8m; EUR 47.6m] green senior unsecured bond and announces its Green Bond Framework. The funds will be used to facilitate investments in DUO production capacity, increase R&D and strengthen the company’s sales channels to end consumers.

Swedish solar energy technology leader Midsummer reported sales for 2018 of SEK 244m with an EBITDA of SEK 57m. The sales growth (CAGR) during 2014-2018 amounted to 97 percent. During 2018, Midsummer received orders totaling SEK 265m. The strong business momentum during 2018 was mainly driven by the increasing demand for Midsummer’s innovative products in the US market.

In order to capitalize on the strong momentum, Midsummer has mandated DNB Markets and Nordea as joint arrangers for a potential four year, SEK denominated, senior unsecured green bond issue. The green bond will have a framework of SEK 500m. The net bond proceeds from the issue will be used in line with the green bond framework dated 22 March 2019 and will include (i) production and distribution of solar panels and solar cells; (ii) production of solar panel manufacturing equipment; and (iii) research and development of solar panels, solar cells and solar panel manufacturing equipment. To confirm that the framework is aligned with the 2018 version of the ICMA Green Bond Guidelines Midsummer has engaged Sustainalytics to provide a Second Party Opinion. DNB Markets and Nordea have acted as structurers of the framework

Huge global potential for building integrated photovoltaics

“Midsummer is firmly established as the leader in the development and supply of energy-efficient thin film solar cells, ideal for the booming urban BIPV (building integrated photovoltaics) market,” said Sven Lindström, CEO, Midsummer. “Considering the strongly increasing demand for our solutions and the still huge global potential for BIPV, we wish to accelerate production capacity, sales channels and growth in order to faster and on a grander scale being able to install large volumes of flexible solar panels on all the markets that we target.”

“This includes evolving our business model from mainly selling manufacturing equipment to also include considerably increased in-house production of solar panels for the end market, and the establishment of a network of contract manufacturers.”

Midsummer’s DUO system has taken the position as the most widespread manufacturing tool for flexible thin film solar cells in the world. Midsummer is today the world leader in being able to produce light, flexible, robust thin film solar panels with high-energy efficiency.

For photos of thin film CIGS solar cells and the Midsummer manufacturing equipment, please go to contact Mr Lindström.

For additional information please contact:

Sven Lindström

CEO, Midsummer AB


Phone: +46 (0) 8 525 09 610

About Midsummer

Midsummer is a leading developer and supplier of advanced solar energy technology solutions for the production and installation of thin film solar panels. Its business offering includes equipment for cost-effective manufacturing of thin film solar cells as well as building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) solutions for the application of thin film solar cells on buildings (facades, roofs etc.). Midsummer’s thin film solar modules are light, flexible, durable and highly efficient and therefore ideal for distributed renewable energy projects. Midsummer’s proprietary technology is based on a rapid process for the production of flexible thin film solar cells using sputtering of all layers of the solar cell. The Company’s share (MIDS) is traded on Nasdaq First North Stockholm with G & W Fondkommission as Certified Adviser, phone: +46 (0)8-503 000 50, email: more information, please visit:

IMPORTANT INFORMATIONThis information is information that Midsummer AB (publ) is obliged to disclose under the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided, through the contact of the above contact person, for publication at 08:30 CET on March 26 2019.

Midsummer contemplates Green Bond to accelerate growth and sales of its innovative solar energy productsDownload
Midsummer undersöker möjligheterna att emittera gröna obligationer i syfte att accelerera tillväxten och försäljningen av sina innovativa solenergiprodukterDownload
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175 43 Järfälla

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© Copyright Midsummer, 2018

26.03.2019 kl 13:22 1829

Så nå kan en investor i NEL utstede grønne obligasjoner for å finansiere investeringen?
26.03.2019 kl 13:41 1821

Grønne obligasjoner fra svensk hold minner om en kjent pyramidebygger i "Svensk tändstiksfabrik AB" fra 1920-tallet.
Slettet bruker
26.03.2019 kl 17:31 1789

Tydligen har det ställts ut 27 miljarder i gröna obligationer i år. Tycker det är en klok idé. Kanske kunde varit nåt för nel också.

Men jag er försiktigt avvaktande. Har sett så mycket skumt i Green tech.

Lurer på hur det påverkar mig som ägare i midsummer. Kurs stiger 7 ,% idag. Men verkar som vem som helst ska köpa de her obligationer.

Redigert 26.03.2019 kl 17:37 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
26.03.2019 kl 17:37 1785

Jag har försökt förstå idag vad gröna obligationer er men jag saknar tyngden jag behöver.

Det verkar som det er obligationer, men man lovar att det ska användas till miljövänliga saker. Därför kan fonder med etisk eller miljöprofil köpa dessa utan att tveka.
Och andra med antar jag.
Finns väl en norsk fond som ska investera i liknande.

Tror ikke det finns norska gröna obligationer.

Jeg liker ikke opplegget egentligen att ger ska man ta billiga poäng og få pengar på att man sier sig vara grön. Skummelt,!!!
Slettet bruker
26.03.2019 kl 17:41 1782

Tror inte gröna obligationer er nåt för nel!
I en match så vinner midsummer enkelt mot nel på miljö og ekonomi!
Slettet bruker
28.03.2019 kl 10:24 1718

Som jag tänkte så förstår vi inte det här. Kursen stiger idag 4 % på midsummer Medan nel faller kraftigt.

Är en grön obligation så mycket bättre än en emisjon? Det verkar då!

Hjälper väl lite att VD vann tech-pris också.

Påminner mig om han dansken william Knudsen som kom till USA som 20 årig utan utbildning och som sluta som VD på general motors och tre stjärnor general! Han vann själv andra världskriget!