Tomra - allerede prisbelønnet i Kina, før global lansering!!! :)

TOM 02.04.2019 kl 23:19 1309

Her er jeg faktisk litt stolt av mitt eget "gravearbeid"! Tomra "eier" jo på en måte alle de fire forretningsområdene sine (pant, sortering mat, sortering resirkulering og sortering gruvedrift). At Tomra lanserer banebrytende "state of the art" teknoologi, er ikke noe nytt, og under PRSE (Plastic Recycling Show Europe) i Amsterdam 10. - 11.april er det klart for en ny global lansering. Der presenterer Tomra INNOSORT FLAKE - sorteringsteknologi som finsorterer plastflak av blandede typer.


TOMRA Sorting Recycling offers a full range of options to recycle plastics. Its flake sorting technologies upgrade throughput using a single machine while ensuring constant and high-quality output.

22 March 2019

TOMRA Sorting Recycling will be present at PRSE (Plastic Recycling Show Europe) to showcase its expertise and state of the art technology in the flake sorting industry, including applications such as: PET Flakes, PO Flakes, PE/PP flakes, PVC and PVC Window Frames.

TOMRA’s AUTOSORT FLAKE is the first to successfully and simultaneously combine detection of color, enhanced material information and metal objects. Regardless of grain size, this model sorts all types of polymers with the highest purity.

Under the slogan “Materially different with exceptional results”, TOMRA Sorting Recycling will take the opportunity to launch the new INNOSORT FLAKE. The new model combines both color and material sorting through NIR technology. The innovative PET flake sorting sensor solution is equipped with the unique combination of RGB cameras and NIR sensors from the market leader TOMRA - at attractive conditions.

Both extremely effective systems optimize flake sorting applications and minimal downtime.

Ingenting i veien med selvtilliten hos Tomra før denne verdenslanseringen altså, som dere kan lese (pressemeldingen er litt lenger så følg linken for å lese resten), og det er faktisk ikke så rart, for nå er jeg fremme ved BREAKING NEWS som virkelig smeller og som jeg altså er litt stolt over å kunne presentere for dere. Tomra har nemlig blitt prisbelønnet i Kina nylig. For hva? Jo, for nettopp INNOSORT FLAKE som altså lanseres for verdensmarkedet i Amsterdam om en uke! Tomra har altså allerede prøvd ut INNOSORT FLAKE i det kinesiske markedet med en slik suksess at selskapet har vunnet en høythengende teknologipris for den nye teknologien. Jeg mener å ha lest for noen år siden at CEO i Samsung et eller annet sted ble sitert på at "den som lykkes i Kina, vinner verden" (har søkt etter sitatet på nettet, uten hell). Vel, vel, Tomra er jo allerede global markedsleder innen alle sine fire forretningsområder så med bakgrunn i det vi får vite her, er det kanskje ikke så dristing å tippe at mer braksuksess er i vente for Tomra når selskapet presenterer sin INNOSORT FLAKE for verdensmarkedet i Amsterdam, om en uke. :)

(NB! Taurang == Tomra)

Taurang's first domestically produced equipment won the 2019 Ringier Technology Innovation Award
2019-03-27 10:31:01

TOMRA Sorting Recycling (Tao Lang) announced that the INNOSORT FLAKE sorting equipment specially launched for the Chinese market won the "2019 Plastics Industry Ringier Technology Innovation Award".

Recently, the annual "Jinge Technology Innovation Award" in the plastics industry was grandly held in Shanghai. Xie Xiaohan, the general manager of the China Region of Taurang Sorting Resource Recycling Division, attended the awards ceremony and accepted the award.

INNOSORT FLAKE is a localized product designed by the Taurang Group in the second half of 2018 specifically for the domestic market. This new sorting device inherits the key of Taurang's popular AUTOSORT FLAKE equipment in the international market. Detection technology that simultaneously detects the material and color of the incoming material and removes impurities and variegated debris. It not only improves the purity of recycled PET flakes, but also has a higher cost performance, which can help customers achieve faster return on investment.

With the increasingly strict environmental protection requirements and the limited import of waste plastics, domestic waste plastics processing enterprises have turned from processing and processing imported materials to processing domestically recycled waste materials. This change has brought a series of new challenges to the enterprises.

Taurang has conducted extensive research on China's domestic waste plastics recycling and processing market, especially visiting a large number of customers in the recycled PET industry, understanding their needs and listening to their suggestions for existing products. The Taurang R&D team carefully analyzes the feedback and combines the long-term experience in the global waste plastics recycling and sorting market to make technical adjustments and innovations, and introduces INNOSORT FLAKE bottle sorting equipment that is more suitable for the domestic market.

For example, because the PVC material is relatively brittle, after the plastic bottle is broken, the impurities such as PVC contained in the bottle of 4 mm or less are more concentrated. Therefore, it is very important to improve the purity of the PET flakes after sorting and to reduce the impurities contained in the flakes below 4 mm. INNOSORT FLAKE bottle sorting equipment has a recognition accuracy of 2mm, so it can effectively remove impurities in the bottle below 4mm, helping customers to significantly improve the purity of PET flakes. In addition, INNOSORT FLAKE can meet customers' comprehensive requirements for sorting capacity, stability, ease of operation and compliance with environmental regulations.

Ms. Xie Xiaohan, General Manager of Taurang Sorting Resource Recycling China, said: “We are very pleased to be able to win the Ringier Technology Innovation Award again. This honor is both an affirmation of the company and a spur to us. Taurang has always been committed to utilizing Our own leading technology and rich industry experience to help customers solve the practical problems faced in production. INNOSORT FLAKE is tailor-made for the unique needs of domestic customers, and its performance has been promoted and used by customers in the early stage. Certainly, we look forward to working closely with more new and existing customers in the plastics recycling industry to use innovative technology to help our customers achieve greater profitability and promote industry upgrades."

The Ringier Technology Innovation Award was established in 2006 and is now one of the most influential and authoritative industrial awards in China. It currently covers multiple industries, and the Jung Technology Innovation Award in the Plastics Industry is one of the major awards. The selection committee first selects the list of short-listed products for each innovation award category, and then, after public voting, the selection committee experts finalize the winners based on the finalist product review, evaluation and public voting results.

For more information on Taurang sorting, please visit the official website.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 14:07 1184

Sammenhold gjerne informasjonen i trådstart med nyheten fra før helga om at Tomra har vært i samtaler med kinesiske myndigheter om innføring av pant...

Tomra - i samtaler med myndighetene Kina og India om pant
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 19:20 1081

Internasjonalt pågår det nå et stort arbeid for å finne bedre innsamlingsløsninger, og det siste året har vi hatt besøk av en rekke delegasjoner som ønsker å lære av Norge og det norske pantesystemet, sier Hynne og legger til:

- Infinitum, som driver det norske pantesystemet, skal nå bygge et nytt gjenvinningsanlegg i tillegg til dagens innsamlings- og sorteringanlegg, slik at vi får kontroll over mer av verdikjeden for resirkulering. På sikt er målet en sirkulær modell der vi bruker egen innsamlet plast til å lage nye flasker.

Fra dagens artikkel i dagbladet

Har Tomra å.gjøre?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 21:44 1004

Det høres ut som du må lese deg litt opp på pant og pantesystemer Sydney :-). I Norge er det Infinitum som står for pantesytemet. Men det er Tomra som har levert mer en 90% av automatene!! Det er selvfølgelig en close link mellom Infinitum og Tomra. Vet Tomra også har vært sterkt delaktige i all utenlandsk besøk som har vært for kikke på vårt fantastiske pantesystem.

Som artikkelen i Dagbladet sier er det en enorm global interresse rundt pantesystemer for tiden. Det er ingen vei utenom dette!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
03.04.2019 kl 22:55 925

Jeg orker ikke lese meg opp på enda ett selskap.

Har lest side opp og side ned om de andre selskapene. Jeg tenkte at jeg burde ha 20% i ett sikkert selskap med utbytte og vekstpotensiale. Stod mellom Aker nå og tomra.

Dvs at vil kopiere Norge så er det jo bare å.gi jobben til Tomra og kopiere alt som er i Norge..

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 06:39 Du må logge inn for å svare