PGS - 50% oppside?
PGS er inne i ein meget sterk trendkanal, der tunge triggerer som sterkt økende rater, skip sendes ut av opplag og i arbeid, stor MC-aktivitet samt økende oljepris er drivende i den stadig økende aksjekursen. Spørsmålet blir om kursen kan komme opp mot nivåene me hadde i fjord sommer, isåfall er oppsiden meget stor!?
Alle meglerhus roper kjøp og det ser ut som om dette rådet nå blir tatt til følge av investorene.
Meget stort potensialet og eit særs spennende case etter mitt begrep. Har følgt aksjen tett i mange år og trur raskt dette kan blir eit par gull mnd'er og år fremover. Spennende!
Alle meglerhus roper kjøp og det ser ut som om dette rådet nå blir tatt til følge av investorene.
Meget stort potensialet og eit særs spennende case etter mitt begrep. Har følgt aksjen tett i mange år og trur raskt dette kan blir eit par gull mnd'er og år fremover. Spennende!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Oppgangen fortsetter. Men det er fortsatt langt til gammle høyder, oppsiden er meget stor i eit sterkt marked. Her bør ein følge med om ein ønsker å tjene seg nokon kroner inn mot høsten.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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12.04.2019 kl 16:26
PGS kommer til å gå på tryne igjen. Det er tross alt seismikk vi snakker om her (og ikke mat eller medisin).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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PGS har de aksjonærene som kan minst om seismikk, derfor er kursen over 5kr
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Oljeprisen fosser opp nå, og eismikkbransjen vil etter flere tunge år snu opp i 2019.Oljeselskapene vil øke investeringene for og kunne opptattholde etterslepet fra 2014.Nedsiden er betydelig lavere og selskapene er mere restrukturert for og tjene gode penger for aksjonærene.
Sage haven med utbytter er Tgs og Spectrum.
Plcs er spennende med høy oppside,Pgs det samme,småelskaper som Emgs og Sbx er på litt lengre sikt kandidater til og gå mye om markedet stabiliserers og gir høy oppside når de begynner og tjene penger.
Mseiis er usikker mht dårlige kontrakter men er en av favorittene til mange.
Kommer markedet blir alle vinnere.
Sage haven med utbytter er Tgs og Spectrum.
Plcs er spennende med høy oppside,Pgs det samme,småelskaper som Emgs og Sbx er på litt lengre sikt kandidater til og gå mye om markedet stabiliserers og gir høy oppside når de begynner og tjene penger.
Mseiis er usikker mht dårlige kontrakter men er en av favorittene til mange.
Kommer markedet blir alle vinnere.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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12.04.2019 kl 21:50
Så av en artikkel i Smp for et par dager siden at daglig leder i Uksnøy & co ( et selskap som har drevet
offshore siden åtti tallet) hadde sterk tro på seismikk. Han spådde at det snart ble mangel på ledige
skip. Da må da Pgs være midt i smørøyet.
offshore siden åtti tallet) hadde sterk tro på seismikk. Han spådde at det snart ble mangel på ledige
skip. Da må da Pgs være midt i smørøyet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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14.04.2019 kl 13:53
Men hvorfor gikk PGS og også andre seismikkselskaper så på trynet fredag? Oljeprisen gikk ganske kraftig opp, og hovedindeksen steg. Var det noen nyheter/ analyser som jeg ikke har fått med meg, eller var det nyhetene fra mandag som dro den ned? Markedet reagerte jo først kraftig ned, før den begynte å stige bratt oppover. var det bare et suckers rally? Det var ganske lik utvikling for TGS. Synspunkter?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Det er bare et suckers rally i streamer. Man må virkelig være blind, døv og dum for å ikke se hva som skjer. Oljeselskapene vil ha havbunnseismikk (noder), ikke highend streamer, som er PGS sitt spesialfelt. Svake inntekter og synkende backlog over tid for PGS. Det mangler ikke akkurat på signaler. Det er for tiden ingenting rasjonelt rundt kursøkning i PGS. Oliasen i ABG satte kursmål 1kr på PGS i 2017 ( Så nedsiden er potensielt enorm.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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14.04.2019 kl 15:42
Strategic Talk from Rune Olav Pedersen
March 27, 2019
As most seismic suppliers are limiting their range, PGS stands out with a broad, integrated offering from seismic vessel owner to MultiClient provider and Imaging expert. Why does President and CEO Rune Olav Pedersen feel that integrated seismic services offer better solutions for oil and gas companies?
PGS President and CEO Rune Olav Pedersen
It has a lot to do with our client base and where we are in the seismic cycle. Our MultiClient business is among the best in the industry. PGS survived this downturn because of its strong MultiClient business, of which our advanced acquisition technology and the reliability of our vessel operations are key strengths. However, for the past 3-5 years, the finances for vessel owners have been horrible. One went bankrupt, two others restructured their balance sheets up to several times and another sold their fleet.
Now, there are signs that the seismic market is normalizing and that we are entering a period where there will be a better balance between vessel supply and demand. In an improving market, the security of owning the means of production will further benefit our MultiClient business.
Benefits of Integration
Reliable delivery quality with consistent acquisition technology and crew competence
Shorter delivery timescales from integrated planning of acquisition and imaging
Turnkey government licensing support
Reliable, consistently high-quality data library products
Holistic R&D that improves the seismic value chain
Better for Customers
We believe the strategy we have chosen is the best for PGS because it is better for our customers. Offering a wider range of products and services allows us maximum scope for innovation and flexibility. By offering it all, 2D, 3D, and 4D, plus flexibility about whether the seismic is acquired under a MultiClient or a contract business model, we allow our customers to choose what best meets their project objectives. Sometimes exclusive access to the data is important. Other times the MultiClient model has advantages because immediate access to data or efficient acquisition and cost sharing is more important. In the middle, if there is no strong preference, we can present an opportunity to assess both models.
As an integrated provider, PGS is in all client dialogs, discussing imaging, data library coverage, contract acquisition and everything in the middle. That should provide greater insight, for example, to predict upcoming exploration hotspots. That is an advantage for our MultiClient business, an area where we intend to continue to invest. Our ambition is to become the preferred MultiClient provider, with a targeted sales-to-investment ratio of at least 2.5 times. To succeed, we must continue to listen carefully to our clients and serve them better than our competition does.
Cycling Forward
Seismic will remain a cycle play, with periods of too many or too few vessels. I believe the cycle is turning in the vessel market and vessel owners are likely to be busier in coming seasons. In such a market, PGS can offer better project security for partners and prefunders in MultiClient projects, and consistent technical quality in our data library. We have direct access to the best acquisition technology, we know we can rely on the safety and competence of the operation, and we can plan new acquisition with the imaging in mind. Our tight-knit teams work together to build solutions and workflows that minimize turnaround and drive down cycle-time.
The upswing may challenge asset-light companies, as it becomes more expensive and potentially challenging to access acquisition capacity. When you are planning a new MultiClient program, you need access to a vessel, but you don’t want to hire it before you have the project. Playing a spot market adds risk.
Our government clients tell us that our integrated offering provides them with more security. PGS often assists governments in planning and supporting the development of new acreage offshore. Those partnerships are built on trust that we can deliver a turnkey service of data products and imaging services to support planned licensing rounds. By being fully integrated, PGS offers a dedicated supply chain that is tested, reliable and flexible to meet the timeline and requirements of governments.
Reducing Cycle Time
Time is a hot topic in our industry just now. Our customers are asking us to shorten the turnaround time from planning a survey to delivering the data. That will require close cooperation between the client and the seismic company and an integrated process for acquisition and imaging. By planning both together, we can achieve more overlap of these phases.
When you split acquisition and imaging, you have to decide how much money goes in each pot, who drives, and which parameters are prioritized. I believe PGS’ integrated model is the best set up for addressing the industry challenge of cycle time.
Growing Appetite for 4D
Nowhere is that time to market imperative more prevalent than in the growing market for 4D seismic for reservoir monitoring, where our clients have hard deadlines that directly affect their production and revenues.
Our solutions combine acquisition and imaging efforts to deliver quality data quicker. GeoStreamer 4D is about more than the multisensor cable, it combines pioneering technology, a high capacity seismic fleet, operational excellence, and geophysical competence. Our specialized processing workflows offer significant advantages for 4D imaging.
5 Essential Truths About 4D Processing
Increasing Detectability and Repeatability in 4D Acquisition
PGS Marks 25th GeoStreamer 4D Milestone
Our research and development focus on both acquisition and imaging to create better quality data. The results, like our GeoStreamer technology platform and Ultra-HD3D for the Barents Sea, speak for themselves. Our R&D teams improve our processing algorithms, our fleet of vessels, cables and towing equipment. True step change requires a holistic approach. R&D that is based on an understanding of the full value chain from planning to delivery of final data offers clear advantages.
Customers First
Our strategy is financial discipline and the integrated model wins. Maybe that will change in the future, but we believe this will be the winning formula for the near term: good for customers and good business.
March 27, 2019
As most seismic suppliers are limiting their range, PGS stands out with a broad, integrated offering from seismic vessel owner to MultiClient provider and Imaging expert. Why does President and CEO Rune Olav Pedersen feel that integrated seismic services offer better solutions for oil and gas companies?
PGS President and CEO Rune Olav Pedersen
It has a lot to do with our client base and where we are in the seismic cycle. Our MultiClient business is among the best in the industry. PGS survived this downturn because of its strong MultiClient business, of which our advanced acquisition technology and the reliability of our vessel operations are key strengths. However, for the past 3-5 years, the finances for vessel owners have been horrible. One went bankrupt, two others restructured their balance sheets up to several times and another sold their fleet.
Now, there are signs that the seismic market is normalizing and that we are entering a period where there will be a better balance between vessel supply and demand. In an improving market, the security of owning the means of production will further benefit our MultiClient business.
Benefits of Integration
Reliable delivery quality with consistent acquisition technology and crew competence
Shorter delivery timescales from integrated planning of acquisition and imaging
Turnkey government licensing support
Reliable, consistently high-quality data library products
Holistic R&D that improves the seismic value chain
Better for Customers
We believe the strategy we have chosen is the best for PGS because it is better for our customers. Offering a wider range of products and services allows us maximum scope for innovation and flexibility. By offering it all, 2D, 3D, and 4D, plus flexibility about whether the seismic is acquired under a MultiClient or a contract business model, we allow our customers to choose what best meets their project objectives. Sometimes exclusive access to the data is important. Other times the MultiClient model has advantages because immediate access to data or efficient acquisition and cost sharing is more important. In the middle, if there is no strong preference, we can present an opportunity to assess both models.
As an integrated provider, PGS is in all client dialogs, discussing imaging, data library coverage, contract acquisition and everything in the middle. That should provide greater insight, for example, to predict upcoming exploration hotspots. That is an advantage for our MultiClient business, an area where we intend to continue to invest. Our ambition is to become the preferred MultiClient provider, with a targeted sales-to-investment ratio of at least 2.5 times. To succeed, we must continue to listen carefully to our clients and serve them better than our competition does.
Cycling Forward
Seismic will remain a cycle play, with periods of too many or too few vessels. I believe the cycle is turning in the vessel market and vessel owners are likely to be busier in coming seasons. In such a market, PGS can offer better project security for partners and prefunders in MultiClient projects, and consistent technical quality in our data library. We have direct access to the best acquisition technology, we know we can rely on the safety and competence of the operation, and we can plan new acquisition with the imaging in mind. Our tight-knit teams work together to build solutions and workflows that minimize turnaround and drive down cycle-time.
The upswing may challenge asset-light companies, as it becomes more expensive and potentially challenging to access acquisition capacity. When you are planning a new MultiClient program, you need access to a vessel, but you don’t want to hire it before you have the project. Playing a spot market adds risk.
Our government clients tell us that our integrated offering provides them with more security. PGS often assists governments in planning and supporting the development of new acreage offshore. Those partnerships are built on trust that we can deliver a turnkey service of data products and imaging services to support planned licensing rounds. By being fully integrated, PGS offers a dedicated supply chain that is tested, reliable and flexible to meet the timeline and requirements of governments.
Reducing Cycle Time
Time is a hot topic in our industry just now. Our customers are asking us to shorten the turnaround time from planning a survey to delivering the data. That will require close cooperation between the client and the seismic company and an integrated process for acquisition and imaging. By planning both together, we can achieve more overlap of these phases.
When you split acquisition and imaging, you have to decide how much money goes in each pot, who drives, and which parameters are prioritized. I believe PGS’ integrated model is the best set up for addressing the industry challenge of cycle time.
Growing Appetite for 4D
Nowhere is that time to market imperative more prevalent than in the growing market for 4D seismic for reservoir monitoring, where our clients have hard deadlines that directly affect their production and revenues.
Our solutions combine acquisition and imaging efforts to deliver quality data quicker. GeoStreamer 4D is about more than the multisensor cable, it combines pioneering technology, a high capacity seismic fleet, operational excellence, and geophysical competence. Our specialized processing workflows offer significant advantages for 4D imaging.
5 Essential Truths About 4D Processing
Increasing Detectability and Repeatability in 4D Acquisition
PGS Marks 25th GeoStreamer 4D Milestone
Our research and development focus on both acquisition and imaging to create better quality data. The results, like our GeoStreamer technology platform and Ultra-HD3D for the Barents Sea, speak for themselves. Our R&D teams improve our processing algorithms, our fleet of vessels, cables and towing equipment. True step change requires a holistic approach. R&D that is based on an understanding of the full value chain from planning to delivery of final data offers clear advantages.
Customers First
Our strategy is financial discipline and the integrated model wins. Maybe that will change in the future, but we believe this will be the winning formula for the near term: good for customers and good business.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Hva PGS sjefen mener, er klinkende likegyldig. De har feilet på guidingen hvert eneste år. PGS har malt seg opp i et hjørne. De har valgt å ignorere havbunnseismikk. Mye av årsaken til det, er at ramform skipene, er så ekstremt overdimensjonerte for den type arbeid at det blir helt bak mål. Ledelsen virker helt handlingslammet og tvholder på streamer, som aldri vil gi like bra bilder som havbunnseismikk med noder. PGS er seismikkens svar på KODAK
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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14.04.2019 kl 20:37
Jeg har også hatt aksjer i Mseis og tapt så det suser. Ikke akkurat noen rakettaksje det heller.
Gidder forøvrig ikke, som deg, å diskutere deg dag ut og dag inn, hva som er best av havbunnsseismikk
og streamer. De passer sikkert til hvert sitt formål. Tror de fleste har fått med seg hva du mener.
Foreslår derfor at du holder deg til Emgs og Mseis med dine innlegg. Dersom du der kan komme med synspunkter
som underbygger din preferanse for havbunnsseismikk, istedetfor kun å rakke ned på de som satser på
streamere, hadde nok mange satt pris på det. Kanskje vi til og med investerer i dine favoritter også!
Gidder forøvrig ikke, som deg, å diskutere deg dag ut og dag inn, hva som er best av havbunnsseismikk
og streamer. De passer sikkert til hvert sitt formål. Tror de fleste har fått med seg hva du mener.
Foreslår derfor at du holder deg til Emgs og Mseis med dine innlegg. Dersom du der kan komme med synspunkter
som underbygger din preferanse for havbunnsseismikk, istedetfor kun å rakke ned på de som satser på
streamere, hadde nok mange satt pris på det. Kanskje vi til og med investerer i dine favoritter også!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Våre første tall representerer sesongmessig distribusjon av 2019 MultiClient investeringsaktiviteter som vi hadde og overvekt av lave forhåndsfinansierte MultiClient-prosjekter i første kvartal. Dette vil reversere i de kommende kvartalene og prefundingsnivået for hele året 2019 forventes å være i den øvre halvdelen av det målte området på 80-120%. Det seismiske markedet er i ferd med å gjenopprette og i løpet av første kvartal har vi betydelig forbedret synligheten av fartøyets utnyttelse, MultiClient forhåndsfinansiering og kontraktsinntekter med en økning i bestillingsboken på nesten 50 %, sier konsernsjef Rune Olav Pedersen.
Vanskelig og tolke signalene dine Matseren,men et svakere uferdig q1 er riktig.Men de guider jo i øverste del for året videre.
Tolker dette Bullish med tanke på PGS fremover.Inntekter for salg av Fartøy er medregnet.
At de guider flere 10% opp er den sterkeste guidingen de har ytret og flåteutnyttelsen ventes også høy.
Vanskelig og tolke signalene dine Matseren,men et svakere uferdig q1 er riktig.Men de guider jo i øverste del for året videre.
Tolker dette Bullish med tanke på PGS fremover.Inntekter for salg av Fartøy er medregnet.
At de guider flere 10% opp er den sterkeste guidingen de har ytret og flåteutnyttelsen ventes også høy.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Bibloteksalget vil økes,og Pgs er posisjonert med bokført 550-650 mill usd ferdig skutt biblotek 3s/4d.Verdien ehr kan være høyere enn bokført,og i et dårligere marked under pari,men en sterk verdi for de som vet at dette er som penger cash fremover i flere prosjekter les hjemmesiden(brazil,libanon,nordsjøen,afrika,østen mfl.
Dette er prosjelter for 2019/2020 som er under lisenseringsrunder.
Dette er prosjelter for 2019/2020 som er under lisenseringsrunder.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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15.04.2019 kl 17:35
Pgs er vell en tradingaksje mer enn noen andre,mye pga det fine betatallet? Har utallige ganger kjøpt under 20 og solgt over 20,blir penger av sånt:)Har også prøvd meg på magseis men det søppelet der har aldri gitt meg noe særlig profitt:)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Nytt data biblotek ferdigstilt 11 april.
Play types, confirmed by recent exploration activity along the Ivorian basin margin, include derisked syn-rift and syn-transform structures and Late Cretaceous channel and fan systems, from shallow shelf to slope and deep water.
Success offshore Côte d'Ivoire has motivated explorers to look further afield, extrapolating known play trends and hunting new opportunities. The Morue-1X well (Anadarko and Total) and Saphir-1X well (Total) have proven a working hydrocarbon system in the previously underexplored western portion of the basin.
Meanwhile, the Capitaine East-1X (Lukoil) and Paon (Anadarko) discoveries have proven the prospectivity of Upper Cretaceous oil-bearing stratigraphic plays in the deeper waters. Updip stratigraphic pinch-outs of post-transform channel and fan systems are imaged and a regional overview will improve understanding of the critical relationship between tectonic events and hydrocarbon migration.
PGS and CDI Licensing
The new CDI MegaSurvey is the latest in a series of additions to the PGS data library for Côte d’Ivoire since the launch of the licensing round in 2017. In 2018, PGS also added 8 000 sq. km of GeoStreamer data in the deepwater and shallow shelf areas.
Investeringene er gjort i regnskapet for oppgradering databilblotek men dette bokføres først i q2.
Pgs egne oppdateringer i databibloteker blir altså ikke synlige regnskap før de er ferdigstilte.
Dette påvirker negativt q1 men gir desto sterkere q2,spesielt får en si,penger i løse luften.
Dette sees på flåteutnyrrelsen som er sterkere enn på lang tid q1 og nå er cold stake nede på 27% fra 43%.
De skyter inn q2 allerede da det bokføres først da ptosjektene er ferdigstilt da.
De melder om et 35% sterkere multiklientarbeide,og med sikkert bedre priser om en skal tro markedet.
Hvor bullish skal et selskap melde før investorene får opp øynene?
Play types, confirmed by recent exploration activity along the Ivorian basin margin, include derisked syn-rift and syn-transform structures and Late Cretaceous channel and fan systems, from shallow shelf to slope and deep water.
Success offshore Côte d'Ivoire has motivated explorers to look further afield, extrapolating known play trends and hunting new opportunities. The Morue-1X well (Anadarko and Total) and Saphir-1X well (Total) have proven a working hydrocarbon system in the previously underexplored western portion of the basin.
Meanwhile, the Capitaine East-1X (Lukoil) and Paon (Anadarko) discoveries have proven the prospectivity of Upper Cretaceous oil-bearing stratigraphic plays in the deeper waters. Updip stratigraphic pinch-outs of post-transform channel and fan systems are imaged and a regional overview will improve understanding of the critical relationship between tectonic events and hydrocarbon migration.
PGS and CDI Licensing
The new CDI MegaSurvey is the latest in a series of additions to the PGS data library for Côte d’Ivoire since the launch of the licensing round in 2017. In 2018, PGS also added 8 000 sq. km of GeoStreamer data in the deepwater and shallow shelf areas.
Investeringene er gjort i regnskapet for oppgradering databilblotek men dette bokføres først i q2.
Pgs egne oppdateringer i databibloteker blir altså ikke synlige regnskap før de er ferdigstilte.
Dette påvirker negativt q1 men gir desto sterkere q2,spesielt får en si,penger i løse luften.
Dette sees på flåteutnyrrelsen som er sterkere enn på lang tid q1 og nå er cold stake nede på 27% fra 43%.
De skyter inn q2 allerede da det bokføres først da ptosjektene er ferdigstilt da.
De melder om et 35% sterkere multiklientarbeide,og med sikkert bedre priser om en skal tro markedet.
Hvor bullish skal et selskap melde før investorene får opp øynene?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Lebanon’s Council of Ministers has approved the launch of the Second Offshore Licensing Round (SOLR). PGS is an official data provider for the round. Acreage comes with the reassurance of proven hydrocarbon plays and recent discoveries in the vicinity.
Libanons ministerråd har godkjent lanseringen av Second Offshore Licensing Round (SOLR). PGS er en offisiell dataleverandør for runden. Areal kommer med trygghet for bevist hydrokarbon spiller og nyere funn i nærheten.
Den 4. april 2019 godkjente Libanons ministerråd lanseringen av Second Offshore Licensing Round (SOLR).
Lebanon’s Council of Ministers has approved the launch of the Second Offshore Licensing Round (SOLR). PGS is an official data provider for the round. Acreage comes with the reassurance of proven hydrocarbon plays and recent discoveries in the vicinity.
Libanons ministerråd har godkjent lanseringen av Second Offshore Licensing Round (SOLR). PGS er en offisiell dataleverandør for runden. Areal kommer med trygghet for bevist hydrokarbon spiller og nyere funn i nærheten.
Den 4. april 2019 godkjente Libanons ministerråd lanseringen av Second Offshore Licensing Round (SOLR).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Our Q1 numbers reflect the seasonal distribution of 2019 MultiClient investment activities, as we had and overweight of low prefunded MultiClient projects in the first quarter. This will reverse in the coming quarters and the prefunding level for the full year 2019 is expected to be in the upper half of the targeted range of 80-120%. The seismic market is recovering and during the first quarter we have significantly improved the visibility of vessel utilization, MultiClient pre-funding and contract revenues with an increase in the order book of almost 50%," says President & CEO Rune O
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Prising for 2019-kontrakter inngått hittil i år holder seg sterk og er nå over 35 prosent høyere enn gjennomsnittet for 2018», heter det.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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Med en sånn utsikt priser og marked vil jeg tippe at pgs er en av vinnerne mot sommeren.Det vil vise seg men det kan se ut som de vil tjene sterkt og cash vil styrke seg kraftig i kvartalene fremover,q1 med salg av skip på 100 mill usd.
Det og eie innen multiklient er pgs største fordel.forutsigbarhet.
Det og eie innen multiklient er pgs største fordel.forutsigbarhet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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PGS løfter seg med oljeprisen nå. Kan gå på et kraftig rykk opp og slutte i pluss før stengetid, kurs 20,50 - 21. Kursen var over 21,50 sist torsdag på resultatfremleggelsen. Neste store løft kommer om kort tid, ifm igangsetting av samarbeidskontraktene med TGS. 30 kroner før 1. juni.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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29.04.2019 kl 13:52
Hva er resonnementet bak at denne samarbeidskontrakten skal løfte kursen @aksjer9?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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02.05.2019 kl 14:04
På det meste ned 16% ich i dag no om lag 15%. Trur me skrapar bunnen for denne gang. Berre å venta på gode kontrakter som vil løfte kursen over 30 i løpet av kort tid. All inn etter gode dagar i Nel, der er nok festen over for ei stund. Reknar med det også er meir pengar som vil gå derifrå til Pgs som også er ei artig trading aksje.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 04:45
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