EMGS - hvor kommer neste kontrakt?

EMGS 19.04.2019 kl 10:51 2378

Er det her EMGS har lagt inn anbud på pluss USD 30 mill. kontrakt? Atlantic Guardian gjorde som kjent en jobb i området i høst/vinter. Området egner seg godt for CSEM undersøkelser (se EMGS Q4 2018 presentasjon side 12). Ekstremt spennende.

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Slettet bruker
19.04.2019 kl 11:33 2344

Ja, jeg lurte på hva skipet gjorde utenfor Guynea. Nå ble det oppklart. EMGS har tidligere samarbeidet mye med ExxonMobil. Mulig de høster av dette nå
23.04.2019 kl 09:30 2067

Reference is made to the stock exchange notification published by Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA ("EMGS" or the "Company") on 28 March 2019, wherein the Company announced that it is participating in a sole-sourced tender process for a multi-year acquisition contract.

EMGS is pleased to announce that the Company has now received a letter of award for the contract. The multi-year call-off acquisition contract, awarded by one of the world’s largest national oil companies, has a minimum value of approx. USD 29.3 million, and a maximum value of approx. USD 73.3 million, over a two-year period. Based on current acquisition estimates, the Company expects that all or a substantial part of the minimum contract value will be recognised in 2019.

The Company expects that final contract execution will take place within approx. three weeks. The Company will mobilise the Atlantic Guardian for the project.

CEO of EMGS, Bjørn Petter Lindhom, comments:

“This letter of award from a repeat customer, together with the on-going proprietary acquisition in south-east Asia, has secured backlog for both of the Company’s vessels, providing a sound basis for two-vessel operation for the Company in 2019.

It also gives us confidence that our strategy of integrating CSEM into oil companies’ exploration workflow is on the right track. More and more oil companies’ realise that CSEM is an important tool for reducing exploration risk and cost, with an attractive ROI when used correctly.”
23.04.2019 kl 09:40 1985

Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA ("EMGS" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has secured a second guarantee facility, to supplement the Company’s existing USD 10 million guarantee facility. The new guarantee facility (the “New Facility”) has a maximum limit of USD 7.5 million and is limited in scope to providing certain performance and warranty guarantees required under the multi-year acquisition contract which the Company, as announced in the stock exchange notification published 23 April 2019, has received a letter of award for.

The New Facility is provided by the Company’s existing bank. At the time of establishment, the New Facility will be fully guaranteed by the Company’s three largest shareholders (the “Shareholder Guarantors”). The shareholder guarantees will over time be replaced by a pledged cash depot (the “Pledged Depot”) to be built up by the Company, which will serve as security for the New Guarantee.

A counter guarantee agreement entered into between EMGS and the Shareholder Guarantors regulates the Company’s obligations towards the Shareholder Guarantors in connection with the New facility. The Company will pay the Shareholder Guarantors a guarantee commission of 8% p.a. of the guaranteed amount. As the Pledged Depot is built up, the guarantee commission will be reduced to 1.5% p.a. for such parts of the New Guarantee which are covered by the Pledged Depot, and to 0% as the Shareholder Guarantors are released form their obligations towards the bank. A cash sweep mechanism has been agreed with the Shareholder Guarantors to ensure swift build-up of the Pledged Depot. Under current estimates, the Company expects that the Pledged Depot will reach the full USD 7.5 million during the course of the first quarter 2020.

Under certain change of control events, including a sale by a Shareholder Guarantor of its shares in the Company, EMGS will be obligated to, within 30 days, replace the relevant Shareholder Guarantor with a new guarantor (or otherwise ensure the release of such Shareholder Guarantor’s obligations towards the bank).

CEO of EMGS, Bjørn Petter Lindhom, comments:

“The New Facility is a prerequisite for the Company to be able to move forward with the multi-year acquisition contract for which we have received a letter of award from the customer. As such, this is a pivotal part of the puzzle in EMGS’ efforts to secure a material addition to the Company’s backlog.

EMGS is very grateful towards the Shareholder Guarantors who have made this possible, and highly committed to building up the required Pledged Depot as soon as practicable possible to ensure that the bank will release the Shareholder Guarantors from their obligations.”
Slettet bruker
23.04.2019 kl 09:56 1876

Da er det bare å vente på at meglerhusene på rekke og rad oppgraderer aksjen!
23.04.2019 kl 10:10 1750

EMGS skal mot både 5 og 6 kr fremover. Oppgangen i dag er bare starten.
23.04.2019 kl 10:11 1737

ja men nå planlegges en ny emisjon, melding kommer senre i dag
Slettet bruker
23.04.2019 kl 10:11 1731

It also gives us confidence that our strategy of integrating CSEM into oil
companies' exploration workflow is on the right track. More and more oil
companies' realise that CSEM is an important tool for reducing exploration risk
and cost, with an attractive ROI when used correctly."

Sier vel egentlig her at han forventer flere kontrakter fremover
Slettet bruker
23.04.2019 kl 10:14 1704

EMGS kommer til å skaffe ATH inntekter i løpet av 2019. VI SKAL HØYT. 12kr er innen rekkevidde
Slettet bruker
23.04.2019 kl 11:02 1512

Også garanti på 7.5 mill. Da blir det ikke emisjon.
23.04.2019 kl 11:12 1468

Ja her er det bare til å lene seg tilbake og finne frem popcornen.
23.04.2019 kl 11:14 1456

Solgte i dag. Tror EMGS igjen dupper ned under 3 på sikt.
Slettet bruker
23.04.2019 kl 11:15 1448

Tror heller ikke emisjon er noe å frykte. Ikke så voldsom omsetning egentlig. Tenker den blir lett å presse ned i dag.