26.04.2019 kl 17:02 7031

Norsk Hydro vil holde en drifts- og markedsoppdatering 30. april, ifølge en melding fra selskapet fredag.
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03.05.2019 kl 06:56 6718

Side 2
Det er jo godt å se at også underlevrandørene ser ut til å regne med at Alunorte kommer til å kjøre for fullt igjen snart....
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06.05.2019 kl 17:27 6481

Mens vi venter.....

06/05 klokka 11:35
Hydro og Sowitec har godkjennelse for joint venture som tar sikte på solprosjekt i Tucuruísjøen
+ A - Den print
Sowitec og Hydro Energi Invest av Norwegian Hydro har godkjent det brasilianske antitrustorganet for etablering av et joint venture som tar sikte på å utvikle et solvarmeprosjekt innsjø av vannkraftverket i Tucuruí, i Pará.

Ifølge en ordre utstedt av Administrasjonsrådet for økonomisk forsvar (Cade) i den offisielle tidskriften på mandag ble etableringen av partnerskapet mellom selskapene godkjent uten restriksjoner.

Joint venture vil "for å i fellesskap utvikle og få rettigheter til bruk av vannoverflaten for solcelleanlegget utforming stor skala for å bli installert i innsjøen dannet av Tucurui kraftverk", som antitrust byrået.

Cade påpekte at Sowitec, som har virksomhet i flere brasilianske delstater, mener at driften følger sin standard forretningsmodell, mens for Hydro Energi er en mulighet til å øke fornybare energikilder tilgjengelig for forbrukeren lokalene til Hydro-konsernet i Pará , som Alunorte, erstatter bruken av energi fra olje og kull.

"Søkerne har informert om at transaksjonen vil bli presentert for godkjenning av konkurranse bare i Brasil, og vil ikke bli gjenstand for andre regulatoriske godkjenninger i Brasil eller i utlandet," la Cade.

Etter dens mening sa byrået at "denne operasjonen ikke fører til konkurransedyktige bekymringer og kan godkjennes under resuméet".

Installasjon av solcellepaneler på hydro innsjøer har blitt prosjekt rettet rundt om i verden, og i Brasil teknologien har blitt testet av staten Chesf, Eletrobras, som installerte en photovoltaic plattform i sjøen fra Sobradinho anlegget i Bahia .

Chesfs venture ble imidlertid muliggjort gjennom et FoU-prosjekt med midler som selskapet har regulert til å søke i forskning og innovasjon.

I sin oppfatning avslørte Cade ikke ytterligere detaljer om Hydro- og Sowitec-prosjektet som den planlagte investeringsverdien.

(Av José Roberto Gomes)
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15.05.2019 kl 14:54 6004

Siste punkt er jo noe vi alle har ventet på...
6. Isto posto rejeitam-se os presentes embargos de
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15.05.2019 kl 15:02 5986

Takk for info, ser at aksjen er i ferd med å ta av...
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15.05.2019 kl 15:04 5977

Har ikke hatt tid til å sette meg inn, kun skumlest...
Men nå begynner ting å skje i en fart vil jeg tro...
Melding kommer vel snart... Og når alle får infoen da blir det spennendes...
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.05.2019 kl 15:04 5974

Hehe, panikken sprer seg hos shortselgere...
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.05.2019 kl 15:06 5971

Lskov ! Får du oversette teksten..?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.05.2019 kl 15:13 5952

6. This dismisses the present embargo declaration.
Min portugisisk er ikke flytendes....
Oppfordrer folk til å finlese selv.... :)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.05.2019 kl 15:20 5938

Sperrer til å kopiere teksten til Google oversetter.., der en kan få det fra portugisisk til norsk..
Så takknemlig for hjelp ..!
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Slettet bruker
15.05.2019 kl 15:28 5922

Vis du åpner linken i Chrome så spør Chrome automatisk om du ønsker å endre språk på siden
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15.05.2019 kl 15:37 5905

Siste krampetrekning fra skal de ikke sende ut børsmeldingen snart?
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15.05.2019 kl 16:28 5817

Kan du lime inn? har ikke chrome
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
15.05.2019 kl 16:45 5778

Portugisisk - norsk gir omtrent det samme:

«Dette avviser de nåværende embargoene»
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15.05.2019 kl 18:25 5682

Hydro is still awaiting approval from the federal court in Brazil to restart full operations at the Alunorte alumina refinery — the largest in the world — following last year's embargo on 50pc of its production after Hydro admitted to unlicensed emissions of untreated water during heavy rains. State authorities lifted the embargo in January, but the federal court is yet to clear the refinery for a full restart.

32.79 over dammen nå.
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15.05.2019 kl 20:35 5542

Noen som har fått til å oversette dette som kan legge det ut?
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16.05.2019 kl 06:40 5322

Litt rart at børsmeldingen sier det ble avgjort 15. mai.....
Linken jeg la ut lå ute den 14. mai og er et referat fra møte som var den 6. mai. (Som jeg og sa det skulle være)
Men uansett, veldig spennendes tider fremover...
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17.06.2019 kl 07:36 4969

19. juni skal det være et møte om DRS...
Punkt 3.4.4
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17.06.2019 kl 11:08 4810

3.4.4. Prosess nr. 001114-921 / 2018

Saksøker (er): Åklagers kontor i staten Pará

Påkrevd: Hydro Alunorte - Alumina do Norte Brasil SA

Opprinnelse: 4. PJ av Abaetetuba

Subject: Undersøk miljøødeleggelser, på den påståtte lekkasje av avløpsvann og ubehandlet avfall fra deponeringseservanter Solid Waste (DRS) av oppredningsprosess av bauxitt, selskapet HYDRO Alunorte - Alumina do Norte SA Brasil
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17.06.2019 kl 14:53 4694

Norsk Hydro to Webcast Live at June 20ᵗʰ
PR Newswire PR NewswireJune 17, 2019
Company invites individual and institutional investors, as well as advisors and analysts, to attend real-time, interactive presentations on

OSLO, Norway, June 17, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Aluminium company Norsk Hydro (NHYDY/NHY), based in Oslo, today announced that Stian Hasle, Head of Investor Relations, will present live at on June 20th.

DATE: Thursday, June 20th
TIME: 9:30 AM ET

This will be a live, interactive online event where investors are invited to ask the company questions in real-time. If attendees are not able to join the event live on the day of the conference, an archived webcast will also be made available after the event.

It is recommended that investors pre-register and run the online system check to expedite participation and receive event updates.

Learn more about the event at

Recent Company Highlights

Released Q1 numbers on June 5, 2019
Production embargos on Alunorte lifted mid-May, in process of ramping up production at Alunorte, Paragominas and Albras
New CEO as of May 8, 2019
About Norsk Hydro

Hydro is a fully integrated aluminium company with 35,000 employees in 40 countries on all continents, combining local expertise, worldwide reach and unmatched capabilities in R&D.

Headquartered in Norway, Hydro is rooted in more than a century of expertise in hydropower, development of technology and product innovation. We are present within all market segments for aluminium, from production of the primary metal to recycling and repurposing it. Our sales and trading activities throughout the value chain serve more than 30,000 customers.

From extracting the bauxite and refining the alumina to producing primary metal and offering specialized products to a wide range of industries, our commitment remains the same: To strengthen the viability of our customers and communities through innovative and sustainable aluminium solutions.

About Virtual Investor ConferencesSM
Virtual Investor Conferences is the leading proprietary investor conference series that provides an interactive forum for publicly-traded companies to meet and present directly with investors.

A real-time solution for investor engagement, Virtual Investor Conferences is part of OTC Market Group's suite of investor relations services specifically designed for more efficient Investor Access. Replicating the look and feel of on-site investor conferences, Virtual Investor Conferences combine leading-edge conferencing and investor communications capabilities with a comprehensive global investor audience network.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.06.2019 kl 15:23 4657

Mafia som styrer Nhy kursen nå.
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19.06.2019 kl 10:14 4394

The Peace Bench is commissioned by the Nobel Peace Center, designed by Snøhetta and constructed by Vestre. Hydro has provided the aluminum. It is supported by the Norwegian government.
The Peace Bench will initially be placed in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York City, where it will be unveiled on Nelson Mandela Day, July 18, 2019.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare
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19.06.2019 kl 23:26 4172

Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) today announced that Hydro’s bauxite and alumina operations in Brazil have been successfully certified against its Performance Standard and Chain of Custody Standard.

The certification means that Hydro’s Paragominas bauxite mine and Alunorte alumina refinery have been certified. The certification covers both the production sites as such, and the alumina from Alunorte originating from Paragominas (or other ASI certified plants).

This means that Hydro’s certifications are now in principal extended to cover the entire aluminium value chain, from mine to casthouse and onward to its extrusion and rolling business areas.

Important milestone
“The ASI certification of Paragominas bauxite mine and Alunorte alumina refinery is an important milestone in our commitment and efforts to produce aluminium raw materials according to the highest industry standards for responsibility and sustainability, and to deliver certified products to our customers and the rest of the aluminium value-chain,” says John Thuestad, Executive Vice-President of Bauxite & Alumina in Hydro.

To achieve ASI certification an independent third-party audit must verify that the plant operates according to defined standards related to governance, policy and management, transparency and reporting, environment and biodiversity, social issues and labor rights, to mention some – and the requirements are extensive. DNV GL carried out the audits of the bauxite and alumina operations.

“We are prepared to be held accountable for the way we operate, and these certifications add obligations to our ambition to not only maximize the benefits of aluminium in use, but also to minimize the impact of producing it. We are now one notable step closer toward our goal of going to market with products and solutions that are ASI certified throughout the entire value-chain,” says John Thuestad.

Strong commitment
“We congratulate Hydro on their strong commitment to ASI, demonstrated by the achievement of their 6th Performance Standard Certification and 2nd Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification covering a range of business units,” says Fiona Solomon, who is Chief Executive Officer at ASI, underlining that it contributes to making certified metal available in the market.

“Hydro has achieved yet another milestone by extending their Performance and CoC Standard certifications to the start of its value chain at the bauxite mine, becoming only the second vertically integrated ASI Member to do so. ASI’s Chain of Custody Standard is designed to drive implementation of responsible practices from end to end in the aluminium value chain. Certification against both ASI Standards creates a connection to metal production and sourcing, supporting market choice for responsibly produced aluminium,” Fiona Solomon says.

Certified metal
While the Performance Standard put demands on the operational standard at the plants, the ASI CoC Standard sets out requirements for the creation of a Chain of Custody for material that is produced and processed through the value chain into diverse downstream sectors.

The implementation of ASI’s CoC Standard links verified practices at successive steps of the supply chain – certified under the ASI Performance Standard – to the products produced by ASI Certified Entities.

Hydro’s CoC Certifications already include scrap re-melting and casthouse operations, and this new certification now enables Hydro to produce ASI certified aluminium from new material as well.

The ASI Certification program was developed through an extensive multi-stakeholder consultation process and is the only comprehensive voluntary sustainability standard initiative for the aluminium value chain.

: June 19, 2019
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20.06.2019 kl 06:43 4077

Norsk Hydro sertifiseres i Brasil: - En viktig milepæl
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:27 Du må logge inn for å svare