
NOFI 25.04.2019 kl 15:10 1352

Interessant oppdatering fra Sparebank 1 markets. Dette kan bety øket interesse fra utenlandske fond, PE selskap osv.

SB1M - Nordic challenger banks - ESA says Norwegian ownership rules violate EEA agreement
• Norwegian Ministry of Finance has two months to reply to the ESA agency
• A continuation of the Norwegian ownership rules less likely after this ESA conclusion
• Hence, increased M&A speculations ahead in the Norwegian financial sector – particularly in the challenger segment

What's new?
In a letter to the Ministry of Finance ESA (EFTA surveillance authority) concludes that the current ownership rules in Norway is a violation of the EEA agreement

Our analysis
Norwegian rules on ownership of financial institutions:
• Initially the commercial banks act (Lov om finansforetak og finanskonsern) stated that no party could own more than 10% of the share capital of a financial institution. However, after the EFTA Court in 2003 concluded that the rule constituted an unlawful restriction on the free movement of capital according to the EEA Agreement (EØS) an administrative practice was established in Norway whereby individuals or enterprises cannot own more than 20% to 25% of the shares in financial institutions, except where the financial institution engages only in a niche activity.
The district court in Oslo’s 2018 decision:
• Netfonds argued that the current Norwegian rules is a violation to the EEA agreement and won in the district court. However, both parties (Netfonds and the Norwegian government) appealed and we are currently awaiting the Borgarting (county court) trial.
EFTA/ESA – april 2019:
• In a letter to the Ministry of Finance in Norway ESA which is EFTA’s surveillance authority concludes that the current ownership rules in Norway is a violation of the EEA agreement. According to legal firm Schjodt the Norwegian ownership practice in the financial sector is unlikely to continue.
25.04.2019 kl 15:43 1328

Såvidt jeg vet har ingen aksjonærer mer enn 20% i NOFI eller andre norske forbruksbanker idag.
Myndighetene har vært strenge der.
Så dette endrer vel ingenting for dem.
Dette gjelder nok andre finansforetak.

Netfonds var feks eiet 100% av en aksjonær, så det var en annen sak.
Det er uansett historie nå siden Netfonds er kjøpt opp av Nordnet.
Slettet bruker
30.04.2019 kl 16:57 1126

Kraftig fall rett før tallene slippes
Ikke bra dette
Slettet bruker
30.04.2019 kl 17:11 1115

alle banker falt tungt idag ikke spes NOFI

30.04.2019 kl 20:34 1052

Sagt det før og sier det igjen; Både NAS og NOFI lekker som ei sil før resultater. Fatter og begriper ikke at de ikke får mer innsyn fra Finanstilsynet. Åpenbart at det alltid er noen som vet mer enn andre dager før tall. Bare følg med nå, tipper tallene skuffer og da bekrefter dette det jeg alltid har sagt.