Hex bryter 40 kr grensen

HEX 29.04.2019 kl 10:20 2871

Hex nå i kr 40,50. Nå er det virkelig klart for take off!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.04.2019 kl 17:27 2739

HEX/NEL siger "rette veien", "portisen" jubler i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
29.04.2019 kl 17:28 2735

HEX/NEL siger "rette veien", "portisen" jubler i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.04.2019 kl 08:54 2501

HEX/NEL se "pretrade"!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.04.2019 kl 09:50 2426

Hex går sakte men sikkert oppover under radaren til de fleste:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
06.05.2019 kl 10:21 2226

Håper på dobbeltopp nå..:)-
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.05.2019 kl 11:48 2123

At ikke flere får øynene opp for hex er for meg uforståelig. Det grønne skiftet er kommet for å bli, utviklingen lar seg ikke reversere. Hex har produkter som betjener alle aktuelle alternative energibærere: "Hydrogen tip Hexagon Composites flying high: That's why the rally continues!

Michel Doepke | editor
04.05.2019 - 11:29 clock

Hexagon Composites 4,19 € -1,26%

Whether hydrogen, natural gas (CNG) or LPG (LPG): All energy sources have one thing in common - they can only be transported or stored in high-pressure vessels from A to B. In the top position is the SHAREHOLDER tip Hexagon Composites. The Norwegians bring everything to become an absolute high flyer on the stock market from the unknown player. DER AKTIONÄR already reported on the prospects here in October last year. Since then, the share price has risen by a good 44 percent. But that's not the end of the flagpole yet reached - on the contrary.

Alone on the floor

Hexagon Composites has recognized the signs of the times and has grown stronger at the end of 2018 with promising takeovers - on the one hand with the Digital Wave Corporation and on the other with the remaining 50 percent of Agility Fuel Solutions. But Hexagon does not rest on it. With a bond and a capital increase, the company recently collected around 1.6 billion Norwegian kroner (about 165 million euros).

THE SHAREHOLDER has asked the managing director of Hexagon Purus (subsidiary), Michael Kleschinski, what the financial resources are for . "The new capital will be invested in all Hexagon growth areas, but especially in hydrogen. We continue to see a growing number of opportunities in all business areas, "says Kleschinski. "We want to make targeted investments to strengthen and expand our leading position, especially in the area of ​​hydrogen."

In doing so, Norwegians are focusing more on the mobility of the future. "Gaseous fuels and energy sources such as natural gas, but especially biogas and hydrogen will make a decisive contribution to the decarbonisation of society," says the Hexagon Purus boss. "To be able to use these clean energy sources, they must be stored and transported in gaseous form under high pressure. There is considerable potential in particular for on-board storage in all possible mobility applications, such as cars, buses and trucks. "

The fact that the Norwegians are among the top addresses in the industry is shown by the well-known customers who rely on the Hexagon product range. "We count the leading OEMs to our customers. In the area of ​​automotive passenger cars, Daimler and the Volkswagen Group with the brands VW, Skoda, Seat, and Audi are examples. In the gas industry, we include customers such as Air Liquide, Linde, Air Products among our customer base. In the area of ​​buses and trucks, we deliver to well-known customers such as Daimler, MAN, New Flyer and others, "Kleschinski points out.

What makes Hexagon Composites so strong that almost all major players rely on the technology of the Norwegians? It is the leading position and unique selling propositions that the manufacturer of high-pressure vessels and systems has built up. "Hexagon has developed a leading position in the field of lightweight high-pressure containers (Type 4) over the past decades. Continuous investment in our technology is the foundation of our leading position. Unique selling propositions are the product design of our systems and solutions, which we have developed not only for but also together with our customers in order to meet their requirements for safety, weight, packaging and ultimately cost-effectiveness, "explains Kleschinski.

"Another unique selling proposition is our tried-and-tested mass-production technology, which contributes significantly to the cost-effectiveness of the products. Here we are leading with the largest series production for Type 4 containers worldwide. This will also be the basis for further upscaling to meet future hydrogen needs. "

The business is buzzing

In the fourth quarter of 2018, Hexagon Composites received 426.8 million kroner (about 43.7 million euros), analysts expected only 377.7 million kroner. With an EBITDA of 55.2 million crowns (5.65 million euros), the Norwegians even exceeded the highest estimates. With full control over Agility Fuel Solutions, Hexagon Composites aims to enter a new league in 2019 (see chart on page 12) and increase margins.

However, the Norwegians do not want to miss the next wave of growth: hydrogen high-pressure vessels. The segment is still playing a subordinate role in the Hexagon Group, even operating in deficit.

But Hexhes Purus Managing Director Kleschinski is in the black: "In particular, we continue to invest significantly in the field of hydrogen. As a result, our hydrogen activities are currently having a dilutive effect on the Group's earnings. We expect break-even at the beginning of the 2020s, when, among other things, series production for two large automotive customers will start in the hydrogen sector. We were able to secure corresponding series orders last year. "

Collect in case of weakness

The story surrounding Hexagon Composites is becoming more and more popular on the stock exchange, meanwhile the stock has awakened from its slumber. In view of the outlook, the hot-stick from the SHAREHOLDER issue 43/2018 remains worth buying in case of weakness.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 17:31 1893

Dagens omsettning i HEX var meget høy, ca. 1,67 mill. stk. aksjer = ca. 68 mill. kr.
675.000 aksjer omsatt omkring kl. 13.30 til kurs ca. 40.80
Hvem som kjøpte og solgte her dagen før Q1-rapporten, kan vi kanskje se på lista på mandag...

Tror og håper på en bra rapport i morgen, for en sjelden gangs skyld har jeg ikke redusert opp til en rapport i en aksje som jeg har en forholdsvis stor eksponering i.
Uansett hva, så kan den jo kortsikta falle noe tilbake selv om rapporten er god, men på den lange banen er jeg overbevist om at den skal videre mot nord.
Time will tell.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 18:59 1799

Enig nanoq. Den ser så sykt sterk ut,, har hatt dobling nu i Hex, men klarer ikke å trykke på salgsknappen. Med litt tålmodighet tror jeg 50-60 ktr er mulig allerede i år. Enkelte aksjer orker jeg ikke å trade, Hex og Nel. Så fårvi se i morra, når begge har q1. Lykke til
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 19:50 1742

Handelen på nærmere 27mil, er selvfølgelig handlet i den "tro at dette blir knall"!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 19:50 1741

Handelen på nærmere 27mil, er selvfølgelig handlet i den "tro at dette blir knall"!!!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:23 Du må logge inn for å svare