AXA, fra Dnb analysen, have cut 2018e EPS by 9%
11.02.2018 kl 17:10
Ja,.. leverer de goda tall, noe jeg tror de kommer til å gjøre, og mest sannsynlig bedre enn estimatene, da kan den fort bryte betydelig opp. US børsene endte godt i pluss på fredag, så min magefølelse sier at mye av nedgangen de siste dagene blir hentet inn i løpet mandag og tirsdag. Trenden frem mot sommeren ser meget lovende ut, men at det kommer til å bli litt humpete på veien er det nok mye fornuft i.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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De kommer nok til å levere godt.
Ikke mange prosentene opp til 3 i kurs, men i AXA teller nok en god del aksjonærer ører mye mer enn prosenter, både på tur opp og ned.
Ikke mange prosentene opp til 3 i kurs, men i AXA teller nok en god del aksjonærer ører mye mer enn prosenter, både på tur opp og ned.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Har tidligere tippet på 2,95 I kurs før Q4 resultat fremleggelse. Da må AXA få litt fart på seg I løpet av dagen.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Der begynner flere små og store å våkne, og det er jaggu på tide når klokka er over 11...
Kursen går opp.
Kursen går opp.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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12.02.2018 kl 11:44
Minner dere på hva som ble sagt etter Q3
Oslo (TDN Finans): Axactor venter et sterkt fjerde kvartal, med betydelig bedre innkreving og ebitda, etter en sesongmessig nedgang i tredje kvartal.
Det sa konsernsjef Endre Rangnes i Axactor på selskapets kvartalspresentasjon onsdag.
Oslo (TDN Finans): Axactor venter et sterkt fjerde kvartal, med betydelig bedre innkreving og ebitda, etter en sesongmessig nedgang i tredje kvartal.
Det sa konsernsjef Endre Rangnes i Axactor på selskapets kvartalspresentasjon onsdag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Jeg har tippet 32 mill euro i q4;)
Key Figures Axactor AB (group) Snitt estimates
EUR million Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 TOT EUR 2017 NOK/MILL Tot 2017
Gross Revenue 19.7 26.9 23.6 32 102.2 996.45 88
Net Revenue 17.4 23.6 20.1 24 85.1 829.725 79
EBITDA 1 6.1 2 7 16.1 156.975 15
Cash EBITDA 1) 3.6 9.4 6.2 12 31.2 304.2 31
Normalized EBITDA 2) 1 6.1 1 2.7 10.8 105.3
Depreciation and Amort -1.4 -1.1 -1.3 -1.3 -5.1
Net Financial Items -1.1 0.2 -1 -1 -2.9
Tax -0.1 -0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 5.85
Net result -1.7 4.6 0.3 5.4 8.6 83.85
Key Figures Axactor AB (group) Snitt estimates
EUR million Q1 2017 Q2 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 TOT EUR 2017 NOK/MILL Tot 2017
Gross Revenue 19.7 26.9 23.6 32 102.2 996.45 88
Net Revenue 17.4 23.6 20.1 24 85.1 829.725 79
EBITDA 1 6.1 2 7 16.1 156.975 15
Cash EBITDA 1) 3.6 9.4 6.2 12 31.2 304.2 31
Normalized EBITDA 2) 1 6.1 1 2.7 10.8 105.3
Depreciation and Amort -1.4 -1.1 -1.3 -1.3 -5.1
Net Financial Items -1.1 0.2 -1 -1 -2.9
Tax -0.1 -0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 5.85
Net result -1.7 4.6 0.3 5.4 8.6 83.85
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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AXA... (Stock-Holm bare dirrer og dirrer på innpust)...
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Ja, den er sterk. så da ble det ikke flere på meg, kun mindre - men det er ok. Vi får se senere hva vi gjør da. bikker den 2,85 så ryker alt.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Vi sitter helt i ro;)
Beholdning Siste kurs Avkastning
Selskap Antall Snitt- Inngangs- Kurs Endring Endring% Lav Høy Verdi Kurtasje Urealisert Prosentvis
pris* verdi
AXA 3 200 000 2.61 8 350 000.46 2.79 0.17 6.64 2.63 2.81 8 928 000 3 364.14 576 429.54 7.29
Total 8 350 000.46 8 928 000 3 364.14 576 429.54 7.29
Beholdning Siste kurs Avkastning
Selskap Antall Snitt- Inngangs- Kurs Endring Endring% Lav Høy Verdi Kurtasje Urealisert Prosentvis
pris* verdi
AXA 3 200 000 2.61 8 350 000.46 2.79 0.17 6.64 2.63 2.81 8 928 000 3 364.14 576 429.54 7.29
Total 8 350 000.46 8 928 000 3 364.14 576 429.54 7.29
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Meget bra Mcd.
Jeg ser igjen at jeg var helt urettmessig stygg med deg i høst, og det er ingen grunn til å tvile på det du legger ut!
Jeg sitter i ro også, og er nær null punktet. Med nesten 5 siffret,- pr øre opp/ned, så håper jeg vi ser 3 tallet snart jeg og. Da blir det noe godt i glasset for å si det sånn!
Jeg ser igjen at jeg var helt urettmessig stygg med deg i høst, og det er ingen grunn til å tvile på det du legger ut!
Jeg sitter i ro også, og er nær null punktet. Med nesten 5 siffret,- pr øre opp/ned, så håper jeg vi ser 3 tallet snart jeg og. Da blir det noe godt i glasset for å si det sånn!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Jeg sitter også i ro med mine aksjer. En god dag i dag, som blir forhåpentligvis bedre i morgen. Lykke til, det blir spennende.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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12.02.2018 kl 17:39
Er de sjans for at Fredriksen knaller til å kjøper mer?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Om ikke, så har mannen til Fredrisken ikke kjøpt enda, han som sitter i styret.
På tide kanskje.
På tide kanskje.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Stock-Holm spår kurs opp i 3,30 denne uka på glade comeback-børser, sterke tall, samt melding om innsidekjøp og nytt strategisk grep. Guiding/estimater kan også bli høynet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 07:28
McDreamy traff godt vil jeg si.
13/02-2018 07:00:01: (AXA) Axactor Q4 2017 - The growth of Axactor continues
Highlights from the fourth quarter of 2017:
- Significant entry into the Spanish REO (Real Estate Owned) market, taking
control of REOs valued at EUR 147 million in two transactions in partnership
with Geveran..
- EUR 20 million deployed in NPL-portfolios in Italy, which represent Axactors
largest quarterly portfolio investment in Italy.
- Concluded the refinancing of current facility with DNB and Nordea which
increased the facility by nearly EUR 200 million to EUR 350 million, including
EUR 150 million in accordion options.
- Gross Revenue of EUR 34.5 million (18.5)
- EBITDA of EUR 5.6 million (-1.2)
- Cash EBITDA at EUR 13.5 million (0.3)
- CAPEX deployment of EUR 234 million for the quarter
Axactor continues to grow the business and the financial results, in line with
the stated ambitions. In the fourth quarter of 2017, Axactor achieved an EBITDA
of EUR 5.6 million and Cash EBITDA of EUR 13.5 million. Gross revenue for the
quarter ended record high at EUR 34.5 million, which is 87 % above the
corresponding number for the same period in 2016, and represent a growth of 46 %
compared to the third quarter of 2017.
During the quarter, Axactor made record high portfolio investments of EUR 234
million, bringing the total portfolio investments in 2017 to EUR 362 million.
Axactor is already seeing results from the major portfolio purchases made in the
second half of 2017.
The most important event in the fourth quarter was Axactor's entry in to the
Spanish Real Estate Owned (REOs) segment, where EUR 147 million was invested in
two transactions which also represents the first transactions in the partnership
with Geveran Trading Co. The largest of the two transactions gave Axactor
control of 75 % in two property companies owned by a large Spanish bank. In
total, these two companies own more than 4.000 properties in Spain. The above
amount includes the sellers 25% ownership of the SPVs.The REO investments
already gives a positive contribution to AxactorŽs financial results, and
Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment opportunities in the REO
segment, together with Geveran.
As promised in the third quarter report, Axactor continued to pursue unsecured
and secured NPL portfolios in the fourth quarter of 2017. In total, Axactor
deployed more than EUR 100 million all five countries where the company is
present. EUR 20 million of this was invested in NPLs in Italy - which represent
Axactor's largest portfolio investment in Italy to date.
Rapid growth requires sound financial capacity. In the fourth quarter, Axactor
concluded the refinancing process of the current RCF (Revolving Credit Facility)
with DNB Bank og Nordea, bringing the size of the facility to EUR 350 million,
of which EUR 15o million is in the form of accordion options. In addition to
this facility comes the EUR 80+40 loan million facility the company has
available in the co-investment vehicle between Axactor and Geveran Trading Co.
Axactor is in a strong financial position, which opens up for higher gearing and
more operational flexibility going forward.
In Axactor we are very ambitious and we have promised our shareholders
significant growth from the start in 2015. The fourth quarter numbers show our
ability to deliver in line with our high ambitions, carrying out several large
transactions in a short period of time and thereby maintain a high rate of
growth. After refinancing our RCF in December, we have an even stronger
financial position which will ensure that we will continue to make portfolio
investments and continue the growth story of Axactor, says CEO Endre Rangnes.
The REO market in Spain is remaining buoyant, particularly in Spain, where
Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment opportunities together
with partner Geveran Trading Co. Axactor has initiated discussions with several
global banks with the purpose of increasing the investment capacity in this
segment. The banks have experience and appetite for financing such transactions
due to the portfolios high cash flow generation and short payback time.
The market for purchase of NPL portfolios also remains strong. Axactor see
interesting opportunities in Spain, Italy and in the Nordics. The competition
for NPLs remains robust and some of the price pressure we experienced in the
fourth quarter of 2017 seems to continue in the first quarter of 2018.
For additional information, please contact:
Endre Rangnes, CEO Axactor
Mobile phone: +47 4822 1111
13/02-2018 07:00:01: (AXA) Axactor Q4 2017 - The growth of Axactor continues
Highlights from the fourth quarter of 2017:
- Significant entry into the Spanish REO (Real Estate Owned) market, taking
control of REOs valued at EUR 147 million in two transactions in partnership
with Geveran..
- EUR 20 million deployed in NPL-portfolios in Italy, which represent Axactors
largest quarterly portfolio investment in Italy.
- Concluded the refinancing of current facility with DNB and Nordea which
increased the facility by nearly EUR 200 million to EUR 350 million, including
EUR 150 million in accordion options.
- Gross Revenue of EUR 34.5 million (18.5)
- EBITDA of EUR 5.6 million (-1.2)
- Cash EBITDA at EUR 13.5 million (0.3)
- CAPEX deployment of EUR 234 million for the quarter
Axactor continues to grow the business and the financial results, in line with
the stated ambitions. In the fourth quarter of 2017, Axactor achieved an EBITDA
of EUR 5.6 million and Cash EBITDA of EUR 13.5 million. Gross revenue for the
quarter ended record high at EUR 34.5 million, which is 87 % above the
corresponding number for the same period in 2016, and represent a growth of 46 %
compared to the third quarter of 2017.
During the quarter, Axactor made record high portfolio investments of EUR 234
million, bringing the total portfolio investments in 2017 to EUR 362 million.
Axactor is already seeing results from the major portfolio purchases made in the
second half of 2017.
The most important event in the fourth quarter was Axactor's entry in to the
Spanish Real Estate Owned (REOs) segment, where EUR 147 million was invested in
two transactions which also represents the first transactions in the partnership
with Geveran Trading Co. The largest of the two transactions gave Axactor
control of 75 % in two property companies owned by a large Spanish bank. In
total, these two companies own more than 4.000 properties in Spain. The above
amount includes the sellers 25% ownership of the SPVs.The REO investments
already gives a positive contribution to AxactorŽs financial results, and
Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment opportunities in the REO
segment, together with Geveran.
As promised in the third quarter report, Axactor continued to pursue unsecured
and secured NPL portfolios in the fourth quarter of 2017. In total, Axactor
deployed more than EUR 100 million all five countries where the company is
present. EUR 20 million of this was invested in NPLs in Italy - which represent
Axactor's largest portfolio investment in Italy to date.
Rapid growth requires sound financial capacity. In the fourth quarter, Axactor
concluded the refinancing process of the current RCF (Revolving Credit Facility)
with DNB Bank og Nordea, bringing the size of the facility to EUR 350 million,
of which EUR 15o million is in the form of accordion options. In addition to
this facility comes the EUR 80+40 loan million facility the company has
available in the co-investment vehicle between Axactor and Geveran Trading Co.
Axactor is in a strong financial position, which opens up for higher gearing and
more operational flexibility going forward.
In Axactor we are very ambitious and we have promised our shareholders
significant growth from the start in 2015. The fourth quarter numbers show our
ability to deliver in line with our high ambitions, carrying out several large
transactions in a short period of time and thereby maintain a high rate of
growth. After refinancing our RCF in December, we have an even stronger
financial position which will ensure that we will continue to make portfolio
investments and continue the growth story of Axactor, says CEO Endre Rangnes.
The REO market in Spain is remaining buoyant, particularly in Spain, where
Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment opportunities together
with partner Geveran Trading Co. Axactor has initiated discussions with several
global banks with the purpose of increasing the investment capacity in this
segment. The banks have experience and appetite for financing such transactions
due to the portfolios high cash flow generation and short payback time.
The market for purchase of NPL portfolios also remains strong. Axactor see
interesting opportunities in Spain, Italy and in the Nordics. The competition
for NPLs remains robust and some of the price pressure we experienced in the
fourth quarter of 2017 seems to continue in the first quarter of 2018.
For additional information, please contact:
Endre Rangnes, CEO Axactor
Mobile phone: +47 4822 1111
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 07:33
Knalloppgang for Axactor
Gjeldsinvesteringsselskapet Axactor fikk et driftsresultat før avskrivninger (ebitda) på 5,6 millioner euro i fjerde kvartal, opp fra minus 1,2 millioner euro i samme periode året før.
Selskapets inntekter kom inn på 34,5 millioner euro, opp fra 18,5 millioner euro.
Nettoresultatet endte fortsatt i minus med 0,7 millioner euro, men en betydelig bedring fra 2016 da Axactor i fjerde kvartal fikk et nettoresultat på minus 4,7 millioner euro.
I løpet av fjerde kvartal kjøpte Axactor gjeldsporteføljer for 234 millioner euro. Det står for mesteparten av kjøpene i 2017, da de totale investeringene i gjeldsporteføljer var på 362 millioner euro.!/Oversikt/Direkte/26583
Gjeldsinvesteringsselskapet Axactor fikk et driftsresultat før avskrivninger (ebitda) på 5,6 millioner euro i fjerde kvartal, opp fra minus 1,2 millioner euro i samme periode året før.
Selskapets inntekter kom inn på 34,5 millioner euro, opp fra 18,5 millioner euro.
Nettoresultatet endte fortsatt i minus med 0,7 millioner euro, men en betydelig bedring fra 2016 da Axactor i fjerde kvartal fikk et nettoresultat på minus 4,7 millioner euro.
I løpet av fjerde kvartal kjøpte Axactor gjeldsporteføljer for 234 millioner euro. Det står for mesteparten av kjøpene i 2017, da de totale investeringene i gjeldsporteføljer var på 362 millioner euro.!/Oversikt/Direkte/26583
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 07:36
Rødt for axactor!! Det var skuffende..
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Nå må du gi deg toffen:
Revenue 34,5 MEUR (forventet 24,5)
EBITDA 5,6 MEUR (forventet 6,3), Cash EBITDA 13,5 MEUR.
Bedre enn forventet med andre ord.
Revenue 34,5 MEUR (forventet 24,5)
EBITDA 5,6 MEUR (forventet 6,3), Cash EBITDA 13,5 MEUR.
Bedre enn forventet med andre ord.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 08:00
Gitt at dette er et vekstcase så ønsker i alle fall jeg vekst. Merk at EBIT er over konsensus justert for oppsettet av SPVet med Geveran, i tillegg ville vi sett en svart bunnlinje om vi justerer for tap på valuta (som vil svinge). Bedre vekst og over konsensus. Solid imo.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 08:02
toffen4 skrev Rødt for axactor!! Det var skuffende..
Det er et par poster alle bør få med seg her:
ca 1,2 MEUR i kostnader til oppstart av SPV med Geveran
ca 3 MEUR i valutatap, hvorav 2 MEUR er en engangseffekt
ca 1,2 MEUR i kostnader til oppstart av SPV med Geveran
ca 3 MEUR i valutatap, hvorav 2 MEUR er en engangseffekt
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Ja, fokus på driftsinntekter nå i denne tidlige fasen. Man skal ikke regne med store plussresultater og utbytte i AXA nå. Jeg er godt fornøyd.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 08:12
Inntektene er veldig bra, helt enig! Hadde bare forventet + på bunn.. Forhåpentligvis får vi se det utover året.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 08:28
Husk at konsensus estimat for inntekter var 24,5, dette er net revenue.
AXA klarte 28,7 altså langt høyere, men ikke sammenlign brutto 34,5 med konsensus som er netto.
DNB hadde Net revenue på 27,1 i sin siste oppdatering, de har 37 i Q1 - 18 :-)
AXA klarte 28,7 altså langt høyere, men ikke sammenlign brutto 34,5 med konsensus som er netto.
DNB hadde Net revenue på 27,1 i sin siste oppdatering, de har 37 i Q1 - 18 :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Knalloppgang for Axactor
Gjeldsinvesteringsselskapet Axactor fikk et driftsresultat før avskrivninger (ebitda) på 5,6 millioner euro i fjerde kvartal, opp fra minus 1,2 millioner euro i samme periode året før.
Selskapets inntekter kom inn på 34,5 millioner euro, opp fra 18,5 millioner euro.
Nettoresultatet endte fortsatt i minus med 0,7 millioner euro, men en betydelig bedring fra 2016 da Axactor i fjerde kvartal fikk et nettoresultat på minus 4,7 millioner euro.
I løpet av fjerde kvartal kjøpte Axactor gjeldsporteføljer for 234 millioner euro. Det står for mesteparten av kjøpene i 2017, da de totale investeringene i gjeldsporteføljer var på 362 millioner euro.
Gjeldsinvesteringsselskapet Axactor fikk et driftsresultat før avskrivninger (ebitda) på 5,6 millioner euro i fjerde kvartal, opp fra minus 1,2 millioner euro i samme periode året før.
Selskapets inntekter kom inn på 34,5 millioner euro, opp fra 18,5 millioner euro.
Nettoresultatet endte fortsatt i minus med 0,7 millioner euro, men en betydelig bedring fra 2016 da Axactor i fjerde kvartal fikk et nettoresultat på minus 4,7 millioner euro.
I løpet av fjerde kvartal kjøpte Axactor gjeldsporteføljer for 234 millioner euro. Det står for mesteparten av kjøpene i 2017, da de totale investeringene i gjeldsporteføljer var på 362 millioner euro.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 08:40
Dere som følger denne aksjen litt tettere enn meg, mener dere at veksten og bedring av resultatet allerede er priset inn i kursen, eller tilsier siste kvartal resultat og forventet videre økning en markant kursøkning den nærmeste tiden?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Axactor Q4 2017 - The growth of Axactor continues AXAC.OL
Innkommet 13.02.2018 08:42
Axactor AB
Highlights from the fourth quarter of 2017:
- Significant entry into the Spanish REO (Real Estate Owned) market, taking
control of REOs valued at EUR 147 million in two transactions in partnership
with Geveran.
- EUR 20 million deployed in NPL-portfolios in Italy, which represent Axactors
largest quarterly portfolio investment in Italy.
- Concluded the refinancing of current facility with DNB and Nordea which
increased the facility by nearly EUR 200 million to EUR 350 million, including
EUR 150 million in accordion options.
- Gross Revenue of EUR 34.5 million (18.5)
- EBITDA of EUR 5.6 million (-1.2)
- Cash EBITDA at EUR 13.5 million (0.3)
- CAPEX deployment of EUR 234 million for the quarter
Axactor continues to grow the business and the financial results, in line with
the stated ambitions. In the fourth quarter of 2017, Axactor achieved an
EBITDA of EUR 5.6 million and Cash EBITDA of EUR 13.5 million. Gross revenue
for the quarter ended record high at EUR 34.5 million, which is 87 % above the
corresponding number for the same period in 2016, and represent a growth of 46
% compared to the third quarter of 2017.
During the quarter, Axactor made record high portfolio investments of EUR 234
million, bringing the total portfolio investments in 2017 to EUR 362 million.
Axactor is already seeing results from the major portfolio purchases made in
the second half of 2017.
The most important event in the fourth quarter was Axactor's entry in to the
Spanish Real Estate Owned (REOs) segment, where EUR 147 million was invested
in two transactions which also represents the first transactions in the
partnership with Geveran Trading Co. The largest of the two transactions gave
Axactor control of 75 % in two property companies owned by a large Spanish
bank. In total, these two companies own more than 4.000 properties in Spain.
The above amount includes the sellers 25% ownership of the SPVs.The REO
investments already gives a positive contribution to Axactor´s financial
results, and Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment
opportunities in the REO segment, together with Geveran.
As promised in the third quarter report, Axactor continued to pursue unsecured
and secured NPL portfolios in the fourth quarter of 2017. In total, Axactor
deployed more than EUR 100 million all five countries where the company is
present. EUR 20 million of this was invested in NPLs in Italy - which
represent Axactor's largest portfolio investment in Italy to date.
Rapid growth requires sound financial capacity. In the fourth quarter, Axactor
concluded the refinancing process of the current RCF (Revolving Credit
Facility) with DNB Bank og Nordea, bringing the size of the facility to EUR
350 million, of which EUR 15o million is in the form of accordion options. In
addition to this facility comes the EUR 80+40 loan million facility the
company has available in the co-investment vehicle between Axactor and Geveran
Trading Co.
Axactor is in a strong financial position, which opens up for higher gearing
and more operational flexibility going forward.
In Axactor we are very ambitious and we have promised our shareholders
significant growth from the start in 2015. The fourth quarter numbers show our
ability to deliver in line with our high ambitions, carrying out several large
transactions in a short period of time and thereby maintain a high rate of
growth. After refinancing our RCF in December, we have an even stronger
financial position which will ensure that we will continue to make portfolio
investments and continue the growth story of Axactor, says CEO Endre Rangnes.
The REO market in Spain is remaining buoyant, particularly in Spain, where
Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment opportunities together
with partner Geveran Trading Co. Axactor has initiated discussions with
several global banks with the purpose of increasing the investment capacity in
this segment. The banks have experience and appetite for financing such
transactions due to the portfolios high cash flow generation and short payback
The market for purchase of NPL portfolios also remains strong. Axactor see
interesting opportunities in Spain, Italy and in the Nordics. The competition
for NPLs remains robust and some of the price pressure we experienced in the
fourth quarter of 2017 seems to continue in the first quarter of 2018.
Innkommet 13.02.2018 08:42
Axactor AB
Highlights from the fourth quarter of 2017:
- Significant entry into the Spanish REO (Real Estate Owned) market, taking
control of REOs valued at EUR 147 million in two transactions in partnership
with Geveran.
- EUR 20 million deployed in NPL-portfolios in Italy, which represent Axactors
largest quarterly portfolio investment in Italy.
- Concluded the refinancing of current facility with DNB and Nordea which
increased the facility by nearly EUR 200 million to EUR 350 million, including
EUR 150 million in accordion options.
- Gross Revenue of EUR 34.5 million (18.5)
- EBITDA of EUR 5.6 million (-1.2)
- Cash EBITDA at EUR 13.5 million (0.3)
- CAPEX deployment of EUR 234 million for the quarter
Axactor continues to grow the business and the financial results, in line with
the stated ambitions. In the fourth quarter of 2017, Axactor achieved an
EBITDA of EUR 5.6 million and Cash EBITDA of EUR 13.5 million. Gross revenue
for the quarter ended record high at EUR 34.5 million, which is 87 % above the
corresponding number for the same period in 2016, and represent a growth of 46
% compared to the third quarter of 2017.
During the quarter, Axactor made record high portfolio investments of EUR 234
million, bringing the total portfolio investments in 2017 to EUR 362 million.
Axactor is already seeing results from the major portfolio purchases made in
the second half of 2017.
The most important event in the fourth quarter was Axactor's entry in to the
Spanish Real Estate Owned (REOs) segment, where EUR 147 million was invested
in two transactions which also represents the first transactions in the
partnership with Geveran Trading Co. The largest of the two transactions gave
Axactor control of 75 % in two property companies owned by a large Spanish
bank. In total, these two companies own more than 4.000 properties in Spain.
The above amount includes the sellers 25% ownership of the SPVs.The REO
investments already gives a positive contribution to Axactor´s financial
results, and Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment
opportunities in the REO segment, together with Geveran.
As promised in the third quarter report, Axactor continued to pursue unsecured
and secured NPL portfolios in the fourth quarter of 2017. In total, Axactor
deployed more than EUR 100 million all five countries where the company is
present. EUR 20 million of this was invested in NPLs in Italy - which
represent Axactor's largest portfolio investment in Italy to date.
Rapid growth requires sound financial capacity. In the fourth quarter, Axactor
concluded the refinancing process of the current RCF (Revolving Credit
Facility) with DNB Bank og Nordea, bringing the size of the facility to EUR
350 million, of which EUR 15o million is in the form of accordion options. In
addition to this facility comes the EUR 80+40 loan million facility the
company has available in the co-investment vehicle between Axactor and Geveran
Trading Co.
Axactor is in a strong financial position, which opens up for higher gearing
and more operational flexibility going forward.
In Axactor we are very ambitious and we have promised our shareholders
significant growth from the start in 2015. The fourth quarter numbers show our
ability to deliver in line with our high ambitions, carrying out several large
transactions in a short period of time and thereby maintain a high rate of
growth. After refinancing our RCF in December, we have an even stronger
financial position which will ensure that we will continue to make portfolio
investments and continue the growth story of Axactor, says CEO Endre Rangnes.
The REO market in Spain is remaining buoyant, particularly in Spain, where
Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment opportunities together
with partner Geveran Trading Co. Axactor has initiated discussions with
several global banks with the purpose of increasing the investment capacity in
this segment. The banks have experience and appetite for financing such
transactions due to the portfolios high cash flow generation and short payback
The market for purchase of NPL portfolios also remains strong. Axactor see
interesting opportunities in Spain, Italy and in the Nordics. The competition
for NPLs remains robust and some of the price pressure we experienced in the
fourth quarter of 2017 seems to continue in the first quarter of 2018.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Nordea mente vel om jeg husker rett fra i går at fair value er 3,40 pr 12.02.18
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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2,748 - markedet synes ikke noe om tallene tydligvis ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 09:01
Var det jeg tenkte, folk liker ikke minus/tom kasse=kursen synker
Dette blir en tung dag
Dette blir en tung dag
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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pilene peker riktig vei, ser vi 3.50 i ettermiddag !
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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SS ....denne kommer, småjentene skal bare ut først;) Ellers blir Q1 gross revenue på over 40 mill euro og vi er midt i q1 allerede;) overrasker meg ikke om den går videre når tallknuserne har virkelig sett på casen
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Denne delen her kommer til å bli steike bra :)
The most important event in the fourth quarter was Axactor's entry in to the
Spanish Real Estate Owned (REOs) segment, where EUR 147 million was invested
in two transactions which also represents the first transactions in the
partnership with Geveran Trading Co. The largest of the two transactions gave
Axactor control of 75 % in two property companies owned by a large Spanish
bank. In total, these two companies own more than 4.000 properties in Spain.
The above amount includes the sellers 25% ownership of the SPVs.The REO
investments already gives a positive contribution to Axactor´s financial
results, and Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment
opportunities in the REO segment, together with Geveran.
The most important event in the fourth quarter was Axactor's entry in to the
Spanish Real Estate Owned (REOs) segment, where EUR 147 million was invested
in two transactions which also represents the first transactions in the
partnership with Geveran Trading Co. The largest of the two transactions gave
Axactor control of 75 % in two property companies owned by a large Spanish
bank. In total, these two companies own more than 4.000 properties in Spain.
The above amount includes the sellers 25% ownership of the SPVs.The REO
investments already gives a positive contribution to Axactor´s financial
results, and Axactor will continue to look for attractive investment
opportunities in the REO segment, together with Geveran.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 09:20
Synes dette var bra, for et slikt selskap, i den fasen selskapet befinner seg er VEKST og atter VEKST det som kreves og der leverer de som det holder. Året under et med + 2.1 MEUR må ref ovennevnte være bra. Det å bygge et selskap koster, slik sett kan 2018 bli et spennende år.
Selskapet har vesentlig sterkere muskler, samarbeidet med Gevan gir allerede resultater......ser bra ut.
Lykke til.
Selskapet har vesentlig sterkere muskler, samarbeidet med Gevan gir allerede resultater......ser bra ut.
Lykke til.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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13.02.2018 kl 09:47
Meget god tall... Her er det bare å ta seg en kaffe og slappe av, og eventuelt benytte anledningen til å shoppe litt billige aksjer... oppgangen kommer:)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Jeg syns det er bra prestert av AXA, men har benyttet menneskerettigheten min til å søke om asyl hos B2H som framlegger tallene sine i slutten av februar. Liker ikke reaksjonen fra markedet på dagens tall, så det er bare det. Enhver får ta sine grep, og jeg sier ikke unnskyld for mine. Kommer tilbake.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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ja, det går fremover.
Men venter med innkjøp, tror en får kjøpt billigere før neste q.
Men venter med innkjøp, tror en får kjøpt billigere før neste q.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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Jeg følger S-H og tåka. Det kan bli mer vinglete fremover. Kommer tilbake om en mnd. :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:16
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