Oncology Venture

Slettet bruker
OV 06.05.2019 kl 14:25 4016

Halløj på berget! allintex er tilbage!

Oncology Venture er et Dansk IT medico selskab notert på First North Sverige.

Nogle har sikkert ondt i bagdelen over Danske og Svenske aktier på HO, men så kan man spørge, hvordan går de lige på OSE...Thin...ELE....APCL jeg kunne blive ved.
Tag dette indlæg som inspiration til nye investeringer.

OV har en unik teknologi DRP Drug Response Predictor.
Dette kan forudsige hvilke patienter der har gavn af behandlinge, således at man kun behandler de patienter der responderer på behandlingen.

7 præparater i pipelinen.
OV har i April måned hyret konsulenthuset Destum til at skabe udlicencering eller større deal med BP.

OV er midt i en NE som er garanteret til 80%. Deraf den lave MCAP netop nu.

Som altid er der en slange i paradis nemlig ABO.
Til forskel til andre firmaer der har aftale med ABO har OV fuld kontrol over transje træk.
NE gør det i min optik overflødigt med ABO og jeg forventer ABO aftalen bliver annuleret ofter NE.


På Avanza forum finder man OV under MPI

FB gruppe
Oncology Venture A/S shareholders

Redigert 06.05.2019 kl 14:28 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
06.05.2019 kl 21:24 3990

På Medwatch.dk ligger der mange artikler om Oncology Venture.

Det er gratis at registrere sig og giver 14 dages adgang

06.05.2019 kl 22:59 3969

OV eier vel fremdeles ikke DRP teknologien? De bruker den kun på lisens?

Og de 7 preparatene, er det OV sine preparat, eller andre legeselskap sine preparater som OV hjelper til med å få godkjent?
Slettet bruker
07.05.2019 kl 07:30 3923

OV har opfundet DRP, så selvfølgelig eier de teknologien.
Tidligere bestod OV af MPI (Medical Prognosis Institute) og Oncology Venture Sweden.
De blev fusioneret sidste år.

DRP forklares og beskrives i videoklippet. Der ligger mange præsentationer på nettet, bl a fra sedermera fondskommision

De 7 præparater er indlicenceret. Dog er ejerforholdet i nogle ikke 100%.
Slettet bruker
08.05.2019 kl 12:53 3877

Sidste dag for handel i unit retter er i dag. Der skal 2 retter til 1 unit.

1 unit består af 1 ordinær aktie og 1 warrant.

Strike price på warrant er 7,5 SEK senes i Maj 2020.
Slettet bruker
11.05.2019 kl 19:32 3817

Er man i Malmø den 20 Maj er der mulighed for at se en 30 minutters præsentation af Oncology Venture


Slettet bruker
16.05.2019 kl 16:40 3746

Resultat af NE:

Press release

Hørsholm, Denmark and Cambridge, MA, US, May 16, 2019 – Oncology Venture A/S today confirms that its capital increase consisting of shares with attached investor warrants has been successfully executed raising a gross amount in excess of SEK 80 million. None of the commitments from guarantors were utilized. The capital increase is a result of SEK 70m paid in cash and SEK 11m as a debt conversion (due payments for financial services rendered in connection to the rights issue), totaling to SEK 80.8m. This will enable the company to proceed with the development of its prioritized precision medicine projects. In the event that the investor warrants are exercised in full during the 12-month exercise period, the company expects to receive additional net proceeds from the offering of approximately SEK 151 million.


bemærk kursen i linket er til stamaktien, køber man OV nu er BTU at foretrække
Slettet bruker
17.05.2019 kl 21:40 3693

Præsentationen på mandag kl 19:40 kan følges live her:

Slettet bruker
29.05.2019 kl 21:30 3573

Det kræver tålmodighed at investere i Oncology Venture.

Her er lidt læsestof til helligdagen i morgen

Slettet bruker
04.06.2019 kl 19:59 3493

Der er sket en del på det sidste, både positivt og negativt.

Er er interesse i at jeg poster her? ingen svarer men mange læser.

Svar fra FDA på IND. Som sådan ikke negativt, men kursen blev sendt ned alligevel.
Ingen forsinkelse, det er vist mere regelen end undtagelsen at FDA kræver mere.
Dettte kan nørderne i Facebook gruppen bedre end jeg.


Præsentation i Stockholm 3 Juni
"vi får henvendelser fra BP i USA Europa og Asien"

PBJ til ASCO i Chicago....

Handel i BTU burde være sidste dag i dag
Slettet bruker
25.07.2019 kl 16:13 3010

Den 24 Juli startede handel i TO1

Oncology Venture – First day of trading in investor warrants (GlobeNewswire)
2019-07-21 12:01
Press release

Hørsholm, Denmark and Cambridge, MA, US, July 21, 2019 – Oncology Venture A/S today announces that investor warrants will be traded on Nasdaq First North starting on July 24, 2019, under the short name OV TO 1 and ISIN code DK0061139581.

One (1) investor warrant received when participating in the rights issue in OV this spring gives the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in Oncology Venture A/S at an issue price of 7,50 SEK.

Investor warrants can be executed in the following periods;

September 1, 2019 – September 6, 2019
December 1, 2019 – December 6, 2019
April 1, 2020 – April 10, 2020
May 1, 2020 – May 31, 2020

For further information, please contact:
For investor inquiries
Ulla Hald Buhl, COO
IR & Communications
E-mail: uhb@oncologyventure.com
Telephone +45 21 70 10
Slettet bruker
15.08.2019 kl 19:08 2780

FDA grants IDE approval to use Oncology Venture’s LiPlaCis DRP for patient selection in a pivotal Phase 3 study (GlobeNewswire)
2019-08-15 18:41
Press release

Hoersholm, Denmark, August 15, 2019 – Oncology Venture A/S (Nasdaq First North Stockholm: OV.ST) today informs that the US Food & Drug administration (FDA) has approved an IDE (Investigational Device Exemption) application for use of the company’s drug response predictor LiPlaCis DRP® in a planned pivotal Phase 3 study. In parallel, the FDA is evaluating Oncology Venture’s IND (Investigational New Drug) application for the drug substance LiPlaCis®, which is primarily being developed as a potential new treatment of metastatic breast cancer in heavily pre-treated patients.

Oncology Venture’s drug candidate LiPlaCis® is a third-generation intelligent liposomal formulation of cisplatin, enabling direct delivery to the tumour site. LiPlaCis® is being developed in combination with a specific drug response predictor, LiPlaCis DRP®, which includes 205 genes and predicts the treatment response in individual patients based on a pre-treatment biopsy. Treatment of patients with LiPlaCis® selected by the DRP® continues to deliver encouraging results in an ongoing Phase 2 study.

The FDA is currently evaluating Oncology Venture’s IND (Investigational New Drug) application for the drug substance LiPlaCis®. Oncology Venture has recently provided the authority with supplementary information on the characteristics of LiPlaCis® and has an ongoing dialogue with the authority on the details of the pivotal Phase 3 study design.

“The FDA approval to use Oncology Venture’s drug response prediction technology, DRP, in a pivotal Phase 3 study of LiPlaCis in the US is a major step forward in establishing our unique concept of precision medicine”, says Peter Buhl Jensen, M.D., CEO of Oncology Venture.

Slettet bruker
16.08.2019 kl 09:45 2753

oppe ca 25% dette er kun begyndelsen

Slettet bruker
16.08.2019 kl 10:25 2747

nu 41% oppe, TO1 61% oppe
Slettet bruker
16.08.2019 kl 16:15 2723

Så er nyheden også ude på MedWatch

Det er gratis at registrere sig på MedWatch og giver 14 dages adgang.

Aktien oppe 58% nu og TO1 oppe 68%
Slettet bruker
16.08.2019 kl 16:37 2713

En smagsprøve fra artiklen:

”Set i et kommercielt perspektiv, er der adskillige virksomheder, hvis eneste aktivitet er at opnå IDE-godkendelse til deres kunders ledsagende diagnosticering,” siger Peter Buhl Jensen med henvisning til blandt andre Genomic Health, som blev solgt for 2,8 mia. dollars til Exact Sciences.

Oncology Ventures MCAP er nu på 338 mio SEK, på trods af dagens stigning
Slettet bruker
28.08.2019 kl 21:53 2594

Gårsdagens Biostock præsentation

Slettet bruker
31.08.2019 kl 12:10 2527

H1 rapport


Oncology Venture is developing a range of carefully selected cancer drug
candidates by applying its drug-specific DRP® (Drug Response Prediction) tools in
the recruitment of patients to clinical studies. This makes it possible to identify
those patients that are most likely to benefit from a specific cancer treatment.
During the last quarter, we have made further substantial progress of our AI
powered precision medicine late stage pipeline. We have 3 products with Break
Through potential and 2 post phase 3 projects in our most mature projects:
• Following feedback on our IND application from the US FDA, we are now
preparing a pivotal Phase 3 study of LiPlaCis® – an improved formulation of
cisplatin that enables delivery directly to the tumor site. LiPlaCis®, combined with its drug-specific DRP®,
is primarily being developed for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, but the product could have a
place also in early breast cancer treatment.
• We are evaluating the possibilities to develop the most recent drug added to our pipeline ixabepilone
most efficiently for a European marketing approval. This drug is already approved in the US for the
treatment of breast cancer. By combining it with a drug-specific DRP®, we see a good opportunity to
make an improved treatment available for patients in Europe.
• Preparations are on-going for a marketing approval application of dovitinib in the US, based on our inhouse drug-specific DRP® and existing data from clinical studies that have previously been performed by
Novartis. This exemplifies the ability of DRP® to be utilized also for post-hoc analyses of patient biopsies
from historical clinical trials. Further, we have completed the development of a new combination
biomarker (PD1 / PD-L1 and dovitinib) and increased our holding in the project to 63 %, with an option
to acquire the remaining share at a pre-defined price. Out-licensing activities have been initiated in
collaboration with the US based advisor Destum Partners.
We have a rich pipeline of seven mature drug candidates, and data now show us which projects are closest
to a value creation infliction point. Our priorities now are to continue planning the pivotal study of LiPlaCis to
compile the marketing application for dovitinib and its DRP® and to prepare a pivotal study that can be the
base for marketing authorization of ixabepilone. With upcoming submissions for approval of two projects,
we are eagerly looking forward to seeing our first product reach the market after partnering. Primarily
because of the potential to improve and prolong the lives of patients living with cancer, but also as it would
ultimately prove that our DRP® technology can make a true difference in the development and clinical use of
new cancer drugs. In the future, physicians should not need to play blindfold when choosing a cancer therapy
for the individual patient.
Peter Buhl Jensen, MD, PhD, CEO of Oncology Venture

Liker specielt denne:

We have a rich pipeline of seven mature drug candidates, and data now show us which projects are closest
to a value creation infliction point