Tomra - da kan vi juble for "all-in" pantesystem i Skottland!

TOM 06.05.2019 kl 18:10 9393

Ja, for etter å ha lest det jeg videreformidler her, tror jeg trygt vi kan slippe jublen løs, og vedtar skottene et "ALL-IN" PANTESYSTEM med HØYE PANTESATSER, kommer resten av Storbrtitannia (England, Nord-Irland og Wales) til å gjøre det samme. Det er for lengst uttrykt fra øverste politiske hold at hele Storbritannia vil få et samkjørt pantesystem. Det har den britiske miljøvernministeren Michael Gove sagt i klartektst. Jo større og jo mer omfattende og komplekst pantesystem, jo større blir Tomras hovedrolle. Det sier seg selv når Tomra har nær 80% global markedsandel innen pantesystemer og dette er et prestisjeprosjekt av de sjeldne for skotske og britiske myndigheter.

Zero Waste Scotland er finansiert av skotske myndigheter og oppevnt til å utforme Skottlands pantesystem. Som dere kan lese nedefor, uttaler nå Zero Waste Scotland at skotske myndigheter ønsker et "all-in" pantesystem.

3 MAY 2019 by Will Date

Local authorities ‘will benefit’ from DRS

Local authorities will overall get a net benefit from the introduction of a Deposits Return Scheme for drinks containers, according to Zero Waste Scotland which is helping plan for the introduction of the scheme north of the border.

And, plans for a deposit return scheme for drinks containers in Scotland look likely to favour a higher deposit level, and are being drawn up on an ‘all-in’ basis to encompass a wide set of materials and container sizes.

Details of the possible format of the Scottish DRS, which will be introduced ahead of similar schemes in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, were discussed at the annual conference of the Scottish branch of the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee in Glasgow yesterday (2 May).

The measure sees consumers pay a deposit on the purchase of a soft drink, which is recouped if the packaging is returned for recycling.


Zero Waste Scotland, the Scottish government funded resources body, is currently drawing up the final designs for how a Scottish DRS will function ahead of the introduction of legislation for the scheme later this year.

David Barnes, programme manager for Zero Waste Scotland, told the conference that the measure in Scotland is primarily aimed at reducing litter, whilst also capturing a higher volume of drinks containers and at a higher quality than those collected at the kerbside.

Questions were raised from delegates about the cost of the measure, as well as the impact on local authority kerbside collections, and whether it would incentivise ‘picking’ from recycling bins to create an income.

Up to 20p

Mr Barnes indicated that plans are being considered for the DRS rate to be set at a level that would incentivise the purchaser to return the packaging, with a potential deposit of up to 20p per item on the table.

“From our perspective, what we are keen to do is set the deposit rate at a level that motivates the person who purchased the container to return it for recycling, not just to create an opportunity for those who are less well off to do that.”

On the materials that this is likely to cover, he suggested that an ‘all-in’ approach is favoured by the Scottish Government, meaning that it will target all container sizes and materials.

“We are looking at an all in DRS,” he said. “Scottish Government has determined that it [an on the go DRS] doesn’t deliver the step change we are looking for, it targets that narrow a proportion of the containers that it doesn’t deliver against the objectives I have described.

Income streams

On the likely impact on income streams for local authorities, he said that the loss of revenue for recyclable materials would be offset by an increase in the diversion of material away from the residual waste stream, and a reduction in the cost of managing the proportion of that waste as litter.

“In terms of the impact for local authorities, we are aware that some of the material is an income stream but there is a huge amount going to residual waste that is being treated at cost to local authorities, and actually what our modelling shows that local authorities are net beneficiaries in terms of financial savings.”

Earlier in the day the conference also heard from the Scottish Government’s head of zero waste unit Janet McVea, who also highlighted the ongoing consultation on extended producer responsibility being undertaken alongside Defra.

She said: “The aim is to incentivise and steer manufacturing choices. But, I can’t emphasise enough how much of a game changer this reform could be and the opportunities that could present for local authorities and the opportunities to support more consistent collection of materials.”

On the impact of a DRS on local authorities, Ms Vea added: “There will continue to be a need for effective kerbside collections alongside a DRS and we will continue to work with local government as implementation plans progress.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.05.2019 kl 07:12 6722

TOMRA Q1: Good start of the year positioning for further growth
Revenues in the first quarter 2019 ended at 2,081 MNOK, up 19% from 1,754 MNOK
in first quarter last year. Organic, currency adjusted revenues were up 14% for
the group, 8% for TOMRA Collection Solutions and 20% for TOMRA Sorting

Gross margin was 42% in the quarter compared to 41% in first quarter 2018,
reflecting stable margins in TOMRA Collection Solutions and improved margins in
TOMRA Sorting Solutions.

Operating expenses amounted to 667 MNOK in the quarter, an increase from 580
MNOK in first quarter last year due to higher business activity, currencies and
acquisition of BBC (BBC consolidated into group financials from 1 March 2018).

EBITA reached 207 MNOK in first quarter 2019, up 46% from same period last

Cash flow from operations in first quarter 2019 were 229 MNOK, compared to 120
MNOK in first quarter 2018.

IFRS 16 was introduced in first quarter 2019 and had a positive effect of 64
MNOK on cash flow from operations and 7 MNOK on EBITA respectively.

On 27th of March, the EU Single-use Plastics Directive was formally approved by
the European Parliament. "With the new regulation, EU has proven its leadership
role on environment by setting ambitious targets on collection rates and amount
of recycled content in new products. We see great potentials to benefit from the
legislative framework by pursuing our strategy on the circular economy and
developing a sustainable business model.", says Stefan Ranstrand, President and

Collection Solutions: Good growth in Australia and stable elsewhere

Revenues equaled 1,042 MNOK in the first quarter 2019, up from 934 MNOK in first
quarter last year. After adjustment for currency changes, revenues were up 8%.

Gross margin was 40%, unchanged from last year. Operating expenses amounted to
278 MNOK, up from 253 MNOK last year, mainly due to currencies and cost related
to the preparation for new deposit markets. EBITA was 139 MNOK, an increase from
121 MNOK first quarter last year.

The ramp-up in New South Wales was completed in 2018 with an installed base of
1,200 RVMs, in addition to approx. 100 RVMs in Queensland operational from
November 2018. Both markets have enjoyed good throughput volumes through the
summer season, contributing to the year-over-year growth in Collection

Sorting Solutions: Continued strong momentum in Recycling

Revenues equaled 1,039 MNOK in first quarter 2019, up 20% in local currencies,
adjusted for acquisitions (BBC). Gross margin was 44%, up 42% from same period
last year.

Operating expenses were up from 307 MNOK to 365 MNOK, due to higher activity,
the acquisition of BBC and currency effects.

EBITA increased from 41 MNOK in first quarter 2018 to 92 MNOK in first quarter
2019, positively influenced by topline growth and gross margin improvements.

Order intake was 1,104 MNOK in first quarter 2019, compared to 1,188 MNOK in
first quarter last year. The order backlog decreased slightly from 1,515 MNOK to
1,464 MNOK end of first quarter 2019.

Revenues in the Food business stream improved year-over-year, while order
backlog decreased due to lower order intake in US and more orders taken to P/L.
The order intake improved in Recycling year-over year with both revenues and
order backlog significantly up compared to same period last year.

Asker, 7 May 2019
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 07:34 6689

Det virka jo som gode tall!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 09:22 6551

Kjemperesultat, kjempemomentum! :)

Det er nesten som om man må lure på om de som trykker på salgsknappen nå ved børsåpning har drukket tettt hele natten. ;) Tipper dog de er edrue nok, men har satt seg selv i en litt vrien posisjon i aksjen. Bærekraftig løsning er dog neppe å tisse i buksen for å holde varmen slik Tomra dundrer frem nå som det skrikes ut etter mer bærekraftige løsninger over hele kloden så her var det virkelig litt å hente på morrakvisten! :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 09:29 6525

Den eneste gode grunnen jeg kan se er at vi er ex utbytte fra og med i dag og denne delt på Shareville.


Oslo (TDN Direkt): Tomra forventer at det lavere momentumet i nye ordre som selskapet opplever innen Food-segmentet i virksomheten Sorting Solutions vil fortsette inn i andre kvartal, men situasjonen er midlertidig.

Det sier finansdirektør Espen Gundersen i Tomra under førstekvartalspresentasjonen tirsdag.

Tomra kommuniserte i dagens kvartalsrapport at de ser noe lavere moment innen Food i Sorting Solutions.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.05.2019 kl 09:29 6524

Tok et jafs på 245. Takk for gavepakken :)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
07.05.2019 kl 09:34 6499

NB! Husk på at det blir betalt ut utbytte i dag på 4,5 kr/aksje. Slik den står nå i 250,5 er den verken opp eller ned i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 09:53 6444

Legg merke til at Ranstrand og Gundersen overhodet ikke "hausser" infoen som kommer frem i trådstart her under presentasjonen. Det kunne de selvsagt gjort, for det er fantastiske nyheter for Tomra og helt sikkert 100% etterrettelig ettersom kilden som kom med disse opplysningene under en konferanse, er den skotske regjeringens egen organisasjon "Zero Waste Scotland" som nå er i sluttfasen når det gjelder å designe skottenes pantesystem som er direkte retningsgivende for pantesystemet som vil bli innført i hele Storbritannia med over 65 millioner innbyggere. Dermed er altså dette "en kjempenyhet vi fortsatt har til gode" noen dager, til den blir offisielt kommunisert til markedet fra regjeringshold. Imponerende nøktern Tomras ledelse! En stor styrke i det lange bildet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
07.05.2019 kl 11:35 6347

Har ikke fått hørt q rapporten enda. Snakket de om Scotland? Tomra vil vel få en avgjørende rolle i uka?.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 07:32 6192

Husk at store Tomra-nyheter ja de får dere først her på Hegnars forum! ?

Nå bekrefter The Times at i dag kommer den skotske regjeringen til å slippe nyheten om at Skottland innfører et "all-in" pantesystem med høye pantesatser. Så dette er en stor dag for Tomra! Ikke minst når vi vet at resten av Storbritannia kommer til å følge i skottenes fotspor slik at systemet etterhvert kommer til å betjene mer enn 65'millioner innbyggere i England, Skottland, Wales og Nord-Irland. Dette er "betal artikkel" så vil dere lese mer (gratis i en måned), må dere registrere dere.

Scotland leads the way with deposit scheme for bottles and cans

Marc Horne | Ben Webster, Environment Editor
May 8 2019, 12:01am, The Times

The price of drinks cans and bottles in Scotland is set to rise by up to 20p as the country becomes the first in the UK to introduce a deposit return scheme.

A charge will be added to the price of glass and plastic bottles and cans, and will be refunded if customers return their empties to collection points in shops, supermarkets and public areas.

The Scottish government confirmed that a statement outlining details of the scheme would be made today. A consultation attracted more than 3,000 responses, with almost 60 per cent backing a charge of between 15p and 20p.

The introduction of deposit return schemes in European countries such as Norway and Germany has pushed recycling rates to 95 per cent, compared with…
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 08:09 6156

Veldig bra kommentatoren! Det bør vel gi positive utslag selv om det allerede er priset inn en del vekst.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 08:52 7148

Gleder meg ;-)

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 15:26 7033


Da meldes det offisielt fra regjeringshold, opplyste BBC, for 5 minutter siden.. Pantesatsen settes til 20 pence. Fantastisk ambisiøst av skottene å sette den så høy som 20 p!!!..og more to follow...

Scotland's bottle deposit return scheme to be set at 20p

5 minutes ago

The Scottish government has outlined its plans for a deposit return scheme for used drinking containers, cans and glass.

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham told MSPs at Holyrood that a "return to retail" model would be adopted.

She added that following an extensive consultation the deposit would be set at 20p.

The move is part of the government's climate action plan.

This is a breaking news story - more to follow.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 15:35 7017

Og aksjekursen følger med. Rett opp 2 kr. Blir spennende å følge med på hva dette ender opp med å bety for Tomra.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 15:44 7007

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham told MSPs at Holyrood that a "return to retail" model would be adopted.

Er dette hva Tomra kaller closed loop??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 15:45 6995

Er selvsagt helt massive nyheter for Tomra dette. Hele Storbritannia kommer til å gå for det samme. 65 millioner innbyggere! Markedet har ikke sett noe som er fjernt i nærheten av disse enorme dimensjonene siden Tyskland innførte sitt pantesystem i 2005! Selve rosinen i pølsa er den høye pantesatsen på 20 pence!!! Garanti for høyt opptak og braksuksess!!! ? ☺
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 15:46 6989

Return to retail betyr retur til utsalgssteder. Modell som i Norge og Tyskland.

Closed loop er en betegnelse for "evig resirkulasjon". Ingenting går til spille. Produseres nye produkter av samme slag av de samme ressursene/råvarene i "evig tid". F.eks. (plast)flasker.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 15:54 6982

Veldig spennende! Har du noen tanker om når Tomra får vite noe om deres del av dette? Er noe annonsert fra selskapet omkring tidsskjemaet i etterkant av en avgjørelse fra Skottland?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 16:01 6963

Helt fantastisk dette og overgår mine forventninger som har vært veldig store. Særlig gjelder altså det pantesatsen på 20 pence. Glassflasker er også med!

Scotland reveals design of deposit return scheme

PrintBy Liz Wells in Industry News 8th May 2019

The Scottish government has today (8 May) outlined the design of its deposit return scheme for single-use drinks containers.

The scheme will include aluminium and steel cans, as well as drinks containers made of glass and Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic, with a 20p deposit as part of plans to combat climate change.

The Scottish Government intends to introduce legislation later this year for its implementation. Once the regulations are passed by the Scottish Parliament, there will then be an implementation period of at least 12 months before the scheme is established.

Environment secretary, Roseanna Cunningham, said: “Scotland was the first part of the UK to commit to a deposit return scheme as part of our wider efforts to prevent discarded drinks containers from ending up in our streets and seas, and is now the first to outline its design – one that is ambitious in scale and scope, and which gives the people of Scotland a clear and straightforward way to do their bit for the environment.

“There is a global climate emergency and people across Scotland have been calling, rightly, for more ambition to tackle it and safeguard our planet for future generations. I am therefore delighted to confirm that I intend to implement a system covering PET – the most common form of plastic packaging – aluminum and steel cans, and glass, with a deposit refund set at 20p.

“Supported by international evidence our plans for Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme are gathering pace with widespread consensus demonstrating that a well-run, appropriately-targeted scheme could improve the environment, change attitudes to recycling and litter, and support a more circular economy.”

In response to the news, Samantha Harding, litter programme director at CPRE, said: “We wholeheartedly congratulate the Scottish government on making this landmark decision. By introducing a deposit return system for glass, plastic and metal drinks containers it has taken a significant step in tackling the problem of packaging pollution – one that has resulted in devastating consequences for our countryside and environment for far too long.

“On this side of the border, we will be urging environment secretary Michael Gove to build on Scotland’s ambition and go one better, by making sure every drinks carton is also included within England’s deposit system.

“Introducing a truly ‘all-in’ deposit system will not only boost recycle rates to close to 100%, but also make the producers of drinks packaging rightly liable for the cost of every piece of packaging they create. This will encourage them to use more recycled materials, which will reduce waste, slow down the depletion of natural resources and move us one step closer to the circular economy that our planet so desperately needs.”

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 16:03 6959

Les mer i det jeg nettopp postet jens kristian. Vet ikke mer enn det.

Det vi imidlertid vet, er jo at Tomra har nær 80% (!!!) global markedsandel innen pantesystemer! Er sikker på at Tomra kommer til å innta den store hovedrollen i Storbritannia. ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 17:27 6880

Det synes klart at myndighetene i Westminister med miljøvernminister Michael Gove i spissen nå er satt under press for følge opp og levere på linje med det meget ambisiøse pantesystemet skotske myndigheter har vedtatt å innføre. Se heller ikke bort fra at skottenes beslutning vil fremskynde prosessen i resten av Storbritannia som følge av press om dette fra opinionen. Nasjoner i EU og andre steder i verden vil helt sikkert også rette blikket mot det som skjer i Skottland nå. Veldig bra for miljøet. Veldig bra for Tomra.

Svært lesverdig artikkel, publisert av Daily Mail.

Scottish deposit return scheme hailed as `blueprint´ for rest of UK


PUBLISHED: 15:19 BST, 8 May 2019 | UPDATED: 15:19 BST, 8 May 2019

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 17:57 6847

Det flommer nå over av artikler om skottenes nye pantesystem på nettet.

Her er første uttalelse jeg har kommet over fra Tomra som er klare, også med helt nye pantemaskiner, tilpasset behovene til de mindre butikkene som det er flere av i Storbritannia enn f.eks. her til lands.

The move to include glass was also welcomed by Truls Haug, managing director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland. He said: “This type of scheme – with as few restrictions as possible, which is convenient and easy to use – will achieve the best return rates in our experience.

“For that reason we welcome the inclusion of glass in a DRS for Scotland. I can confirm that TOMRA will have a small footprint machine for convenience stores that can accept PET, can and glass ready for the Scottish rollout. This will have an even smaller footprint than those being trialled in Scotland today."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 18:04 6831

Hei. Til info. Så sendte jeg mail til mike gove i går, og dette kommer dagen etter. Så der har dere grunnen til at det ble fortgang i sakene. Jeg etterlyste nettop det??
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 18:10 6824

Hva kan man forvente fra Uk ? HVA har man dratt inn i etablerigen fra tyskland for eks? Eller etablering fra litauen?

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 18:12 6819

Sendte denne i går?? tenkte at jeg kan jo påvirke litt:)

Dear sir.

I just read that UK declares climate crisis. In this issue solutions to big problems is needed.

What if you could raise the amount of plastic bottles from 30% to 90% within a couple of years? Would you do it? And what if the cost isnt that big and the people would be all behind you?

This is the facts, litauania went from 30% collected bottles to 75% in two years and are noe collectibg 95% of their bottles.

This is not even hard to deal with.

Reason is there is a Norwegian company specialized in collecting and sortibg bottles.
And thats the reason norway litauania germany doesnt have plastic bottle waste.

Visit for more info.

I know tou have a poan of implementinga system like this, but its way to far ahead. 2022.

Think through this and hope you found my email interessting if you werent already aware of these facts:)

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 18:16 6818

Det burde vel nesten komme en melding fra tomra også. Det fører vel til en boost dette det neste året.. alle butikker skal ha dette?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 18:23 6805

Tomra sier velkommen til nyheten (se under) ;-) Dette blir bra!! Resten av UK kommer like etter. 10 tusenvis av maskiner må installeres!! Resten av Europa kommer også nå. Her er det bare å holde seg fast. Tror ikke den vanlige mann/kvinne (eller en analytiker for den sagt skyld) vet hvor stort dette blir for TOMRA!!!!

The move to include glass was also welcomed by Truls Haug, managing director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland. He said: “This type of scheme – with as few restrictions as possible, which is convenient and easy to use – will achieve the best return rates in our experience.

“For that reason we welcome the inclusion of glass in a DRS for Scotland. I can confirm that TOMRA will have a small footprint machine for convenience stores that can accept PET, can and glass ready for the Scottish rollout. This will have an even smaller footprint than those being trialled in Scotland today."

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 18:40 6790

Det kan du ikke forvente. Iallefall ikke børsmelding. Tomra melder (heldigvis) ikke spekulativt på den måten. Anbudsrunder her ligger selvsagt noe frem i tid. Inngåtte avtaler i etterkant av disse er det som vil bli børsmeldt.

Norsk (finans-/næringsliv)presse bør imidlertid gripe tak i dette, men jeg tviler. Norsk presse er jo nærmest kjemisk fri fra oppslag om Tomra til tross for at selskapet er soleklar global markedsleder innen 4 megatrender (collection solutions [pant], sorting recycling, sorting food, sorting mining [mekanisk sortering av gruvemasse]). Vi får bare ta med oss det positive fra dette, for det er jo en miljøvennlig praksis fra pressens side. Man bruker jo ikke "unødvendige" ressurser som trykksverte og lagringsplass på servere på Tomra . ;)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 18:56 6770

Postet det samme sitatet i innlegg 17:57 KanonBra5, men en god ting kan absolutt ikke gjentas for ofte! :)

Fremragende av skotske myndigheter som med dette virkelig viser at man mener alvor på vegne av miljøet og opinionen og ikke har latt seg presse av lobbyvirksomhet fra noen mektige næringsaktører som ønsket å utvanne systemet av egenteresse. Ja, rett og slett fantastisk at de også tok med glass og satte panten så høyt som 20p så gratulerer med dagen til deg som "gudfaren" på Tomra-trådene. Da jeg begynte å poste om Tomra for rundt et og et halvt år siden, var det jo bare du som postet og visjonerte rundt Tomras fremtidsutsikter! Kursen den gang var vel ~ 115 NOK bob, bob.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
08.05.2019 kl 21:39 6666

Da tok det (som ventet) ikke lang tid før Michael Gove og myndighetene i Westminster ble satt under press med henblikk på å følge i skottenes fotspor og innføre det samme ambisiøse pantesystemet som skotske myndigheter i dag offentliggjorde at man skal innføre i Skottland, i hele Storbritannia, og slik blir det nok. Michael Gove har nemlig allerede sagt i klartekst at hele Storbritannia vil innføre nøyaktig det samme pantesystemet som Skottland. Enda mer oppsiktsvekkende er det jo at han også har sagt at han definitivt også ønsker at pantesystemet for hele Storbritannia innføres samtidig! Det siste betyr i så fall at pantesystemer i England, Wales og Nord-Irland vil være oppe og gå ett til to år tidligere enn til nå antatt. Her:

Gove said this afternoon: “We’re talking to the Scottish government because I want to operate in exactly the same way. I want to make sure we’re operating exactly the same system across the UK. We definitely want it at the same time as Scotland.” (se trådstart for sitatet og mer)

Innledning av artikkel fra The Independent (følg linken under for flere innspill og oppfordringer til britiske myndigheter om å innføre samme pantesystem som skottene)

News > UK > UK Politics

Scotland to pay people 20p for every returned bottle and can, as rest of UK urged to adopt recycling model

‘We will be urging environment secretary Michael Gove to build on Scotland’s ambition,’ say green campaigners

Adam Forrest @adamtomforrest
1 hour ago

A plan to create the UK’s first deposit return scheme for plastic bottles, cans and glass in a bid to boost recycling rates, has been backed by green groups.

The Scottish Government unveiled a proposal that includes a 20p return value for drinks containers – with all retailers in the country required to comply and accept returns.

Environmentalists hailed it as a blueprint and urged ministers at Westminster to adopt similar measures south of the border to help tackle plastic waste and other forms of packaging pollution.

Samantha Harding, of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), said: “We wholeheartedly congratulate the Scottish Government … we will be urging environment secretary Michael Gove to build on Scotland’s ambition and go one better, by making sure every drinks carton is also included within England’s deposit system.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.05.2019 kl 07:30 6510

Fremtiden er meget lys for TOMRA folkens!!!! Det er bare å hamstre med begge hender før resten av verden oppdager (og innser) dette ;-) Da er toget gått!!

Ha en strålende TOMRA dag!!

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.05.2019 kl 09:04 6419

En annen ting folkens. Det er vel ytterst sjeldent man er så sikker på hvordan markedet vil se ut framover som man er for TOMRA sin del. Har vanskeligheter med å tro at resirkulering og miljø er en flopp og vil gå over :-)

Dette er noe man tenke på ;-)

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.05.2019 kl 09:24 6387

Foretrekker egentlig å snakke om selskapsdriften som er utrolig interessant og fascinerende å følge her, og la aksjekursen leve sitt eget liv. La det likevel være sagt at enhver kursdipp i Tomra-aksjen har vist seg å være en god kjøpsanledning i uminnelige tider. Har aldri vært sikrere enn nå på at slik vil det fortsette.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.05.2019 kl 12:46 6309

By Waqas Qureshi 9 May 2019

Reverse vending machines supplier welcomes Scottish DRS

Norwegian reverse vending machines specialist TOMRA Collection Solutions is looking to capitalise on the Scottish Government’s decision to rollout a DRS

TOMRA hailed the policy decision as ‘ground-breaking’, and said the scheme could see a return of over 90% of drinks containers for recycling within two years of being introduced.

TOMRA has reverse vending machines in over 60 markets, collecting 40 billion used beverage containers each year, and has been operating a number of deposit return trials with retailers across the UK.

Truls Haug, managing director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland, said a DRS will ensure Scotland recycles and reuses beverage container material effectively, as well as motivating people to return their used bottles and cans, reducing the negative impact that beverage container waste has on the planet.

The Scottish Government’s deposit return system will include PET bottles, steel and aluminium cans, and glass for all types of drinks in these containers ranging from 50ml to 3l. The deposit on containers has been set at 20p and the system will operate on a ‘return to retailer’ basis.

“This type of scheme – with as few restrictions as possible, which is convenient and easy to use – will achieve the best return rates in our experience.

“For that reason we welcome the inclusion of glass in a DRS for Scotland. I can confirm that TOMRA will have a small footprint machine for convenience stores that can accept PET, can and glass ready for the Scottish rollout. This will have an even smaller footprint than those being trialled in Scotland today.

He added that the company supported the introduction of a similar scheme for the rest of the UK.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
28.05.2019 kl 18:58 6040

Her en artikkel fra 10.mai jeg trodde jeg hadde postet. Lenge siden, men den er så relevant og viktig at jeg poster likevel. Relevant på grunn av vedtaket til myndighetene om at også ALLE SMÅBUTIKKER/C-STORES (som det er ganske mange av i Storbritannia) BLIR EN DEL AV PANTESYSTEMET I SKOTTLAND. Godt å vite da at Tomra vil være klar på markedet i god tid, men en ny type ekstra kompakte pantemaskiner, rettet mot denne type butikker.

Tomra tests reverse vending machine designed for c-stores

By Alex Yau
10 May, 2019

Recycling specialist Tomra is trialling a reverse vending machine (RVM) specifically designed to help UK convenience stores with the deposit return scheme (DRS).

DRS is currently being trialled in Scotland as a means to help inform the upcoming Scottish DRS policy. Under the trial, customers pay a 20p premium on canned and bottled drinks. The 20p is refunded when they deposit the empty container in an RVM at a store.

Governments in England, Wales and Ireland are also examining the likelihood of introducing DRS.

Tomra is currently developing a smaller RVM for UK retailers, which measures 60cm deep, 96cm wide and 1.6m high.

The machine has one compartment that accepts glass and aluminium containers alongside plastic.

Mark Brill, Tomra UK & Ireland sales and marketing vice president, told RN: “We’re developing this for convenience stores because we know they have issues such as size constraints.

The RVM also has measures to prevent customers from reusing the same container for repeat refunds.

“The machine will crush the bottle and has several cameras to identify what is being placed into it,” Brill added.

Her har dere et referat fra en rundebordskonferanse i regi den britiske drikkevareprodusenten Britvic. Åpner dere linken og leser artikkelen, treffer dere også på sjefen for Tomra Collection Solutions i Storbritannia og Irland, Truls Haug.

By Philip Chadwick 15 May 2019

Deposit return: the future? | DRS roundtable in association with Britvic

A deposit return scheme can mean different things to different players in the supply chain and that has consequences for its future implementation. Philip Chadwick reports from PN’s roundtable.

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
06.06.2019 kl 19:03 5840

Tomras Truls Haug var på plass under møte på tvers av partigrenser i det skotske parlamentet. Tema for møtet var pantesystemet og problematikken rundt dette for de mindre butikkene.

DRS ding dong at Scottish parliament

May 2019

CPG focuses on ScotGov’s controversial proposals

THERE was only one subject for discussion at the latest meeting of the Scottish Parliament’s Cross Party Group for Independent Convenience Stores – deposit return.

Retailers and stakeholders gathered late last month to discuss all things DRS, with a packed agenda covering a recent c-store trial, the impact of deposit return on recycling and a Q&A session.

Proceedings launched with an address from Scottish Government environment secretary Roseanna Cunningham.

Cunningham told attendees that she had taken industry concerns onboard – particularly around glass and exemptions for smaller stores – but showed no signs of walking back the current DRS proposals.

“I strongly believe the inclusion of the materials is in fact the right mix. I know there is an issue around glass. I am sympathetic that it does increase costs,” she said.

“[However] I had to consider that if it’s not included at the outset you’re not going to be able to reverse engineer it into the system.

“On exemptions, even a modest model of exemptions would make the scheme moot. You very quickly get to a position where you would be exempting so many places there would be no point in starting the scheme.”

Following Cunningham’s opening remarks, the CPG heard from Truls Haug of Tomra who discussed the reverse vending machine manufacturer’s recent trial with Scotmid. Haug said the trial had been a success, adding that while he recognised there are challenges for Scottish stores, he thought the proposal is “probably the best in the world.”

Retailers Abdul Majid of Nisa Bellshill, Linda Williams of Premier Broadway in Oxgangs and Asif Bashir of Keystore Moredun, Edinburgh, presented their views having recently completed a three month DRS trial with reverse vending machine (RVM) supplier Envipco.

While each retailer said the equipment itself was easy to use, all three noted that running the system would increase their workload – with a need for vigilance around spillages and slip risks near the RVM.

The closing portion of what had been a largely cool headed discussion saw temperatures rise slightly as retailers quized Scottish Government official Scott Wood on the DRS proposals.

Scottish Grocers Federation chief executive Pete Cheema said: “We are all going to end up losing money on this, every single one of us. If you allow for opportunity cost and electricity cost and the cost of machine and services and time given up by the retailer to do this, then a handling fee will need to be somewhere in the region of 15p and that’s never going to happen.

“It’s time we were listened to, we can’t keep getting pushed into a corner.”

Walker responded: “We need to work with you to mitigate the impacts where possible.

“The reality is the handling fee will be set by the scheme administrator and it’s important that the retail sector has a strong voice in this.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
13.06.2019 kl 22:16 5732

Jubel for det kommende pantesystemet i Skottland som vil kutte ned CO2-utslippene betydelig. Skottene er veldig ambisiøse på miljøsiden. Ledende.


Deposit Return Scheme to Cut 160,000 tonnes from Scotland’s Carbon Footprint

Under Scotland’s deposit return scheme consumers will pay a 20p deposit when they buy a drink in a single-use container. They get that back when they return the empty bottle or can to be recycled.


Under Scotland’s deposit return scheme consumers will pay a 20p deposit when they buy a drink in a single-use container. They get that back when they return the empty bottle or can to be recycled.

According to Zero Waste Scotland the GHG emission reductions will be equivalent to taking 85,000 cars off the road. Similar schemes in places such as Germany, Denmark and Lithuania have already delivered recycling rates of 90% or more through improved collection of waste materials.

By capturing 90% of most types of single-use bottles and cans for recycling, ZWS said that the scheme will reduce emissions by 4 million tonnes over the first 25 years of the scheme. That’s an average of around 160,000 tonnes of CO2eq each year, the equivalent of over 110,000 return flights from Edinburgh to New York.

Iain Gulland, Chief Executive, Zero Waste Scotland, said:

“Single-use items like bottles and cans are a real menace to our environment and Scotland’s deposit return scheme will be a great way of reducing that damage.

“Scotland’s scheme will collect a staggering 1.5 billion bottles and cans for recycling each year. That will cut the number of containers going to landfill and curb the need for new material, helping to take a dent out of the harmful emissions that are causing the climate emergency.

“From Blue Planet to school children on strike, people in Scotland have been inspired to take action to protect their environment and this will make doing that easier than ever. You'll be able to return your empties to wherever you bought them from, making cutting your carbon footprint as easy as doing your weekly shop.”

Roseanna Cunningham, Environment Secretary, said:

“There is a global climate emergency and people across Scotland have been calling, rightly, for more ambition in our efforts to safeguard our planet for future generations.

“For the price of 20p per item, our ambitious deposit return scheme will recycle 1.5 billion single use drink items each year, removing the equivalent of 85,000 cars from our roads. This will make a huge difference in our efforts to tackle waste, improve recycling rates, and remove litter from our streets.”
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
20.06.2019 kl 07:59 5456

TOMRA der også ja :-) Trenger ikke mer forklaring ;-)

Denne linken virket bedre:

Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 01:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
27.06.2019 kl 18:06 5190

NEWS 6 hrs ago

‘Radical action’ now required to raise Scotland’s recycling rates
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