GIG - Ny SEB analyse, target 27 SEK
12.12.2019 kl 10:09
Utrolig hvor lett det er å kjøre ned kursen i denne med bare noen få aksjer. Uten å virke konspiratorisk, men man skulle man nesten tro det var en og samme aktør. Den eller de prøver vel å utløse noen SL, så de kan gribbe til seg flere aksjer på lavest mulig nivå. Ja, ja mine får de ikke😉
Måtte vel uansett få ned RSI noe da den var høy.
Nå som den kommer ned, så får vi vel benytte halv skatt til litt flere GIG lodd da 😀
Nå som den kommer ned, så får vi vel benytte halv skatt til litt flere GIG lodd da 😀
12.12.2019 kl 11:43
Følg med på denne nå. Det er test av bruddet i 6 mnd-kanalen, og i tillegg er det en "Cup and handle" som ser ganske så perfekt ut. Korreksjon opp nå gir teoretisk(dvs teknisk) ca 11,3 i begge tilfellene.
Bobby Dobolina
12.12.2019 kl 13:21
Interessen som var der i etterkant av Lavold sine kjøp synes å ha stilnet av. En saftig melding hadde gjort seg nå. Ny stat med HR eller salg av assets er vel det man kan håpe på.
Tok noen få nye lodd i går, satser på en re-bound nå før helgen.
Får håpe Stenshagen med fler også bestemmer seg for å øke, samt at Lavold fortsatt er mer sulten etter noen dagers pause.
Får håpe Stenshagen med fler også bestemmer seg for å øke, samt at Lavold fortsatt er mer sulten etter noen dagers pause.
Kun ca 33.000 synlige aksjer til salgs opp til kr 11.
Kommer ketchup effekten snart ? 😀
Kommer ketchup effekten snart ? 😀
Hyggelig at du svarer Dealsen, følte dette ble en monolog 😂
13.12.2019 kl 11:18
På høytid med en melding nå, gjerne av det positivet slaget. Da skal du se kursen setter fart nordover. Selgersiden er nær ikke eksisterende på dagens nivåer :)
Vi krysser fingre og tær for både positiv melding, ketchup effekt og helg 😀🍺
Kanskje litt tidlig med den pilsen, men til i kveld 🤘
Kanskje litt tidlig med den pilsen, men til i kveld 🤘
13.12.2019 kl 11:43
Bra tall fra New Jersey i går. Tror det går litt under radaren at GIG ikke bare har samarbeidet med Hard Rock i USA, men at markedet kan bli en gullgruve for GIG-media med bl.a.
13.12.2019 kl 14:05
Gaming Innovation Group Inc. (GiG) has today signed a long-term agreement with SIA Mr Green Latvia (Mr Green) for the provision of its software platform licence, online casino, sportsbook and front end services for Mr Green’s brand entry into the Latvian market. Mr Green, part of William Hill plc, is one of GiG’s existing partners.
This new agreement further strengthens GiG’s presence in the Latvian market where the Company already supports the sportsbook solution of the brand (75% owned by Mr Green). It proves the strength of GiG’s services and collaborative partnership model, supporting the growth of online gambling with new brands and markets. Mr Green will, with GiG’s services, be able to offer its end users a competitive online casino and sportsbook with a unique front end where user experience and differentiation as key.
Mr Janis Tregers, CEO Mr Green Latvia, says: “This is an exciting moment for the William Hill Group business in Latvia, where we move forward with our strategy to introduce a global brand such as Mr Green to the market. We see it as the perfect compliment to the locally well established brand, also hosted on the GIG platform. By working closely with GIG and leveraging their technology from product, compliance and other aspects we have been able to propel to second position among leading brands in the market. It is now time to make Mr Green a similar success.”
Richard Brown, Chief Executive Officer in GiG says: “I am pleased to announce this expansion of our collaboration and partnership with Mr Green. Latvia is an interesting market for online gambling, we are looking forward to support Mr Green’s growth with a strong, safe and entertaining product.”
The agreement is based on revenue share and is expected to go live in Q2 2020 with a limited contribution on GiG’s overall revenues in 2020, and an increase in 2021 onwards. The Latvian interactive gambling market is expected to grow by more than 35% in the next two years with a market value of approximately 125 million euros in 2022 (Source H2GC).
This new agreement further strengthens GiG’s presence in the Latvian market where the Company already supports the sportsbook solution of the brand (75% owned by Mr Green). It proves the strength of GiG’s services and collaborative partnership model, supporting the growth of online gambling with new brands and markets. Mr Green will, with GiG’s services, be able to offer its end users a competitive online casino and sportsbook with a unique front end where user experience and differentiation as key.
Mr Janis Tregers, CEO Mr Green Latvia, says: “This is an exciting moment for the William Hill Group business in Latvia, where we move forward with our strategy to introduce a global brand such as Mr Green to the market. We see it as the perfect compliment to the locally well established brand, also hosted on the GIG platform. By working closely with GIG and leveraging their technology from product, compliance and other aspects we have been able to propel to second position among leading brands in the market. It is now time to make Mr Green a similar success.”
Richard Brown, Chief Executive Officer in GiG says: “I am pleased to announce this expansion of our collaboration and partnership with Mr Green. Latvia is an interesting market for online gambling, we are looking forward to support Mr Green’s growth with a strong, safe and entertaining product.”
The agreement is based on revenue share and is expected to go live in Q2 2020 with a limited contribution on GiG’s overall revenues in 2020, and an increase in 2021 onwards. The Latvian interactive gambling market is expected to grow by more than 35% in the next two years with a market value of approximately 125 million euros in 2022 (Source H2GC).