BGBIO: Overraskende offensiv melding
Dagens Q1-melding kom ikke med noe overraskende på økonomien, selv om Bergenbio viser mindre cash burn nå enn på samme tid i fjor, jfr. et driftsresultat på -46 millioner kroner i første kvartal 2019 mot -55 millioner kroner i samme periode året før. Det er selvsagt tillitvekkende i en såpass aktiv testfase.
Årsaken er bl.a. at selskapet inntektsfører 8,7 MNOK i Q1, som ikke er selvsagt i ren utviklingsfase.
Det som derimot bør leses med skikkelig "Pravda-blikk" er dette:
"BerGenBio opprettholder en komplett strategisk fleksibilitet for bemcentinibs fremtidige utvikling og kommersialisering, rettet mot å skape maksimal verdi for aksjonærene, inkludert potensielle partnerskap, samt go-to-market strategier i utvalgte indikasjoner og områder."
Vi får se hvordan markedet tolker dette etter hvert :-)
Årsaken er bl.a. at selskapet inntektsfører 8,7 MNOK i Q1, som ikke er selvsagt i ren utviklingsfase.
Det som derimot bør leses med skikkelig "Pravda-blikk" er dette:
"BerGenBio opprettholder en komplett strategisk fleksibilitet for bemcentinibs fremtidige utvikling og kommersialisering, rettet mot å skape maksimal verdi for aksjonærene, inkludert potensielle partnerskap, samt go-to-market strategier i utvalgte indikasjoner og områder."
Vi får se hvordan markedet tolker dette etter hvert :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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08.05.2019 kl 12:25
08/05-2019 12:15:31: (BGBIO) BerGenBio completes recruitment into second stage of Phase II trial with selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib in combination with KEYTRUDA® in patients with advanced NSCLC
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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08.05.2019 kl 12:36
Høres ut som en uendelig rekke med svada og nyord fra BergenBio. Angrer som en hund at jeg ikke solgte meg ut ifjor sommer. Tidenes hengemyr!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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leit hvis du har tapt mer enn du liker på å komme inn på høyere kurs enn nå. Hvis du ikke har tro på at aksjen vil komme tilbake er det forståelig at du angrer på at du ikke solgte på høyere nivåer i fjor.
Men vi snakker om en utviklingsaksje som vil bruke den tid det tar å få avklart prosessen.
Og vi skal ikke glemme at BGBIO er den eneste farmaaksjen som hele veien har holdt tid og kost som angitt i guiding.
De har aldri lovt mer enn de kan holde.
For meg er det de nå melder ifm Q1 (se startinnlegget mitt) derfor svært interessant:
"BerGenBio opprettholder en komplett strategisk fleksibilitet for bemcentinibs fremtidige utvikling og kommersialisering, rettet mot å skape maksimal verdi for aksjonærene, inkludert potensielle partnerskap, samt go-to-market strategier i utvalgte indikasjoner og områder."
leit hvis du har tapt mer enn du liker på å komme inn på høyere kurs enn nå. Hvis du ikke har tro på at aksjen vil komme tilbake er det forståelig at du angrer på at du ikke solgte på høyere nivåer i fjor.
Men vi snakker om en utviklingsaksje som vil bruke den tid det tar å få avklart prosessen.
Og vi skal ikke glemme at BGBIO er den eneste farmaaksjen som hele veien har holdt tid og kost som angitt i guiding.
De har aldri lovt mer enn de kan holde.
For meg er det de nå melder ifm Q1 (se startinnlegget mitt) derfor svært interessant:
"BerGenBio opprettholder en komplett strategisk fleksibilitet for bemcentinibs fremtidige utvikling og kommersialisering, rettet mot å skape maksimal verdi for aksjonærene, inkludert potensielle partnerskap, samt go-to-market strategier i utvalgte indikasjoner og områder."
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Den oppfølgende meldingen etter lunsj idag er også interessant med tanke på resultatforventninger senere i 2019 (jfr. Andersiverden sin engelske versjon ovenfor):
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Bergenbio har fullført rekrutteringen til andre fase av fase to-studien BGBC008, med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med Keytruda i tidligere behandlede pasienter med tilbakevendende lungekreft (NSCLC).
"Andre steg av studien innrullerer ytterligere 24 pasienter til et samlet antall på 48 pasienter, og er designet for å bekrefte sikkerhet, klinisk effekt og biomarkør-korrelasjon fra kombinasjonen", skriver selskapet.
Resultater fra studien ventes i 2019.
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Bergenbio har fullført rekrutteringen til andre fase av fase to-studien BGBC008, med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med Keytruda i tidligere behandlede pasienter med tilbakevendende lungekreft (NSCLC).
"Andre steg av studien innrullerer ytterligere 24 pasienter til et samlet antall på 48 pasienter, og er designet for å bekrefte sikkerhet, klinisk effekt og biomarkør-korrelasjon fra kombinasjonen", skriver selskapet.
Resultater fra studien ventes i 2019.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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08.05.2019 kl 15:02
Til tross for dette så reagerer markedet med å sende den ned med 1,92%,RT 23,00 omsatt skarve 471 013. Selskapet har satt seg selv og oss i nok en ventemodus.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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08.05.2019 kl 15:27
BGBIO er en sovende bjørn, de har en fascinerende pipline og ikke minst har de levert data innen sine frister. Jeg har en mini post og bryr jeg meg ikke om aksjekursen, men hvis de lykkes kan jeg tjene million beløp. Aksjen kan stige kraftig dersom de får fast track og priority review. XOSPATA med 21% CR/CRi/CRp har fått fast track og priority review mens BergenBio har oppnådd 43% CR/CRi/CRp. BGBIO´s resultat er over 100% bedre enn sin konkurrent.
Nov 29, 2018
Gilteritinib/XOSPATA med 21% CR/CRi/CRp fikk fast track og og priority review:
BergenBio har oppnådd 43% CR/CRi/CRp:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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08.05.2019 kl 17:44
Korsar, jeg var blant de første som satset tungt på BGBIO etter noteringen. Snittet mitt er rundt 20, så fortsatt i pluss. Det er likevel en mager trøst når verdiene har mer enn halvert seg. Problemet er at utviklingen av Bemcentinib er blitt så fragmentert og ufokusert. Tidslinjen for komersialisering er ikke lenger troverdig. Jeg er redd BGBIO vil ta en Nano før oppturen, kanskje vi skal ned til 10-12 kr før den snur.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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09.05.2019 kl 23:25
Her mangler du sammenheng. NANO kom i en hengemyr når tidslinja ble utsatt grunnet nødvendigheten for å se effekten av andre doseringer. NANO har utsatt sin tidslinje flere ganger, før de nå nylig har greid å ha fokus over en lengre periode.
BGBIO derimot har holdt tidsfrister over hele linja. De har heller ikke blitt fragmentert, men motsatt, fokusert mot to indikasjoner, AML og NSCLC. De forsøker selvfølgelig å fange så mye som mulig av indikasjonene for hver sykdom, men det er jo ikke negativt, men heller positivt. De har nå sagt at de skal starte opp "late stage" studier i H2. Dette er studier som blir gjort før medikamentet blir registret før det går på markedet. De kommer nok først i havn i AML, også kommer kanskje hvalen som er NSCLC etterhvert. Grunnen til at NSCLC er hvalen er fordi markedet innen NSCLC overgår noe annet de andre i norsk biotech prøver på.
De har altså fokus på AML og NSCLC. Alle de andre studiene er det andre akademiske sentere og sykehus som gjør på egen regning. BGBIO gir kun sitt medikament og ber om at de som kompensasjon skal få tilgang på resultatene det generer sånn at de med best strategisk grunnlag skal kunne si hva nye og spennende indikasjoner kan være. Vi vil jo at pasientantallet dette medikamentet kan brukes på skal øke, og det gjør de på en ekstremt ressurs, og kostnadseffektiv måte akkurat nå.
BGBIO derimot har holdt tidsfrister over hele linja. De har heller ikke blitt fragmentert, men motsatt, fokusert mot to indikasjoner, AML og NSCLC. De forsøker selvfølgelig å fange så mye som mulig av indikasjonene for hver sykdom, men det er jo ikke negativt, men heller positivt. De har nå sagt at de skal starte opp "late stage" studier i H2. Dette er studier som blir gjort før medikamentet blir registret før det går på markedet. De kommer nok først i havn i AML, også kommer kanskje hvalen som er NSCLC etterhvert. Grunnen til at NSCLC er hvalen er fordi markedet innen NSCLC overgår noe annet de andre i norsk biotech prøver på.
De har altså fokus på AML og NSCLC. Alle de andre studiene er det andre akademiske sentere og sykehus som gjør på egen regning. BGBIO gir kun sitt medikament og ber om at de som kompensasjon skal få tilgang på resultatene det generer sånn at de med best strategisk grunnlag skal kunne si hva nye og spennende indikasjoner kan være. Vi vil jo at pasientantallet dette medikamentet kan brukes på skal øke, og det gjør de på en ekstremt ressurs, og kostnadseffektiv måte akkurat nå.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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bra at du fokuserer så tydelig på de to hovedløpene og deres potensial, det kan sikkert være nyttig for dem som sliter med å se hovedbildet her.
De varslede presentasjonene utover året vil nok utdype nettopp det du skriver, samt at selskapet - som tidligere - vil fortsette å levere på tid og kost.
bra at du fokuserer så tydelig på de to hovedløpene og deres potensial, det kan sikkert være nyttig for dem som sliter med å se hovedbildet her.
De varslede presentasjonene utover året vil nok utdype nettopp det du skriver, samt at selskapet - som tidligere - vil fortsette å levere på tid og kost.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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10.05.2019 kl 11:06
BGBIO er trolig den mest misforståtte / feilprisede biotech aksjen på Oslo Børs. Ikke fordi den har den høyeste potensielle kursstigningen, men fordi de har stor sannsynlighet for å få en godkjent medisin (ikke eksisterende bivirkninger) og er rettet mot store indikasjoner.
Med en enkel og sikker produksjon av BGB324 og samarbeidet med Merck så tror jeg også de har en relativt kort vei til kommersiell suksess på egen kjøl eller gjennom oppkjøp/utlisensiering. Merck er vel den mest opplagte kandidaten og med avklaringen som kom i 1Q med Rigel om rettighetene er det vel grunn til å tro at BGBIO allerede forbereder seg på en avtale med en stor aktør.
Med en enkel og sikker produksjon av BGB324 og samarbeidet med Merck så tror jeg også de har en relativt kort vei til kommersiell suksess på egen kjøl eller gjennom oppkjøp/utlisensiering. Merck er vel den mest opplagte kandidaten og med avklaringen som kom i 1Q med Rigel om rettighetene er det vel grunn til å tro at BGBIO allerede forbereder seg på en avtale med en stor aktør.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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du har trolig rett i mye der. Personlig har jeg vært litt forsiktig med å forespeile for mye en gullbelagt framtid (selv om jeg tror den kommer) og heller ikke klaget på nåværende kurs, fordi en farma utviklingsaksje uansett ikke er verdt noe substansielt før kommersiell realisering er et faktum. I selve utviklingsfasene prises slike aksjer etter en vektet sannsynlighet for kommers, og da er både 25 og 45 "like bra" estimater for BGBIO nå. Det er forøvrig dette jeg prøver å fortelle de verste hausserne på NANO, som konsekvent erklærer markedet for uvitende, og at aksjen er "ekstremt underpriset". Og det om en aksje som ikke kan framvise noe i nærheten av BGBIOs framdriftskvalitet på tid og kost.
Men begge vil bli fete saker hvis de faktisk når en skikkelig kommers fase. Og ja, jeg tror BGBIO har størst sjanse, og også kommer først av disse to :-)
du har trolig rett i mye der. Personlig har jeg vært litt forsiktig med å forespeile for mye en gullbelagt framtid (selv om jeg tror den kommer) og heller ikke klaget på nåværende kurs, fordi en farma utviklingsaksje uansett ikke er verdt noe substansielt før kommersiell realisering er et faktum. I selve utviklingsfasene prises slike aksjer etter en vektet sannsynlighet for kommers, og da er både 25 og 45 "like bra" estimater for BGBIO nå. Det er forøvrig dette jeg prøver å fortelle de verste hausserne på NANO, som konsekvent erklærer markedet for uvitende, og at aksjen er "ekstremt underpriset". Og det om en aksje som ikke kan framvise noe i nærheten av BGBIOs framdriftskvalitet på tid og kost.
Men begge vil bli fete saker hvis de faktisk når en skikkelig kommers fase. Og ja, jeg tror BGBIO har størst sjanse, og også kommer først av disse to :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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15.05.2019 kl 23:16
BerGenBio to present new NSCLC and AML clinical data and biomarker data from Phase II development programme with selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib at ASCO 2019
Two peer reviewed abstracts on Phase II clinical data with bemcentinib accepted for presentation at ASCO 2019
Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) trial of bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab, data to be presented includes safety, response rates and overall survival
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) trial of bemcentinib in combination with low dose AraC chemotherapy or decitabine reported safety and rapid, durable complete response rates
Bergen, Norway, 15 May 2019 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO) a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL kinase inhibitors for multiple cancer indications, notes the publication of abstracts relating to new interim clinical and biomarker data that the company and its collaborators will present from its extensive Phase II clinical development programme with bemcentinib at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois (31 May - 4 June 2019).
The abstracts have been made available online at today and details of the presentations are below.
The posters presented at ASCO will be made available at in the Investors / Presentations section to coincide with the following conference sessions:
Sunday 2 June, 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM Central Daylight Time
A Phase II study of bemcentinib (BGB324), a first-in-class highly selective AXL inhibitor, with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced NSCLC: OS for stage I and preliminary stage II efficacy.
Enriqueta Felip et al
Session: Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatic
Location: Hall A, poster board #421, abstract 9098
Data highlights:
Phase II clinical trial assessing bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab (KEYTRUDA) in advanced lung cancer patients post chemotherapy.
The combination treatment of bemcentinib and pembrolizumab was overall well-tolerated.
Promising clinical activity continues to be seen overall, particularly in patients with AXL positive tumours including those with weak or no PD-L1 expression.
Updated results will be reported at the meeting, including the 12-month overall survival for stage 1 and preliminary efficacy of Stage 2.
Monday 3 June, 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM Central Daylight Time
First-in class selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib (BGB324) in combination with low dose AraC (LDAC) or decitabine exerts anti-leukaemia activity in AML pts unfit for intensive chemotherapy: Phase II open-label study.
Dr Sonja Loges et al
Session: Hematologic Malignancies – Leukaemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant
Location: Hall A, poster board #418, abstract 7043
Data highlights:
Bemcentinib in combination with LDAC exerted early onset and durable responses in patients with both de novo and relapsed AML, whilst the combination of bemcentinib and decitabine exerted comparably fewer and later responses in de novo AML.
Both combinations were generally well-tolerated.
Updated results will be presented.
Richard Godfrey, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio, commented: “We are encouraged by the promising data that continues to emerge from our clinical development programme with bemcentinib in AML and NSCLC. Following the data that was gathered in January, we have expanded our clinical programmes in both indications and, together with our investigators, look forward to providing further important findings at ASCO.
“Most NSCLC patients in Europe now receive anti-PD(L)-1 therapies like KEYTRUDA as a first- or second-line treatment for their advanced disease. Improving responses to these novel agents, particularly in patients with no or limited expression of PD-L1, who may not have benefitted from such therapies, is significant. Similarly, positive responses in a less fit AML patient population considered to have unfavourable prognosis after the failure of first-line therapies, or those with high risk cytogenetics is very encouraging.”
About BerGenBio
BerGenBio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing transformative drugs targeting AXL as a potential cornerstone of therapy for aggressive diseases, including immune-evasive, therapy resistant cancers. The company’s proprietary lead candidate, bemcentinib, is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad Phase II oncology clinical development programme focussed on combination and single agent therapy in lung cancer and leukaemia. A first-in-class functional blocking anti-AXL antibody is undergoing Phase I clinical testing. In parallel, BerGenBio is developing a companion diagnostic test to identify those patient populations most likely to benefit from bemcentinib: this is expected to facilitate more efficient registration trials supporting a precision medicine-based commercialisation strategy. BerGenBio is based in Bergen, Norway with a subsidiary in Oxford, UK. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: BGBIO). For more information, visit
Richard Godfrey CEO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 304
Rune Skeie, CFO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 513
International Media and Investor Relations
Mary-Jane Elliott, Chris Welsh, Nicholas Brown, Carina Jurs, Consilium Strategic Communications
+44 20 3709 5700
Media Relations in Norway
Jan Petter Stiff, Crux Advisers
+47 995 13 891
Forward looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements.
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Two peer reviewed abstracts on Phase II clinical data with bemcentinib accepted for presentation at ASCO 2019
Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) trial of bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab, data to be presented includes safety, response rates and overall survival
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) trial of bemcentinib in combination with low dose AraC chemotherapy or decitabine reported safety and rapid, durable complete response rates
Bergen, Norway, 15 May 2019 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO) a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL kinase inhibitors for multiple cancer indications, notes the publication of abstracts relating to new interim clinical and biomarker data that the company and its collaborators will present from its extensive Phase II clinical development programme with bemcentinib at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois (31 May - 4 June 2019).
The abstracts have been made available online at today and details of the presentations are below.
The posters presented at ASCO will be made available at in the Investors / Presentations section to coincide with the following conference sessions:
Sunday 2 June, 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM Central Daylight Time
A Phase II study of bemcentinib (BGB324), a first-in-class highly selective AXL inhibitor, with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced NSCLC: OS for stage I and preliminary stage II efficacy.
Enriqueta Felip et al
Session: Lung Cancer – Non-Small Cell Metastatic
Location: Hall A, poster board #421, abstract 9098
Data highlights:
Phase II clinical trial assessing bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab (KEYTRUDA) in advanced lung cancer patients post chemotherapy.
The combination treatment of bemcentinib and pembrolizumab was overall well-tolerated.
Promising clinical activity continues to be seen overall, particularly in patients with AXL positive tumours including those with weak or no PD-L1 expression.
Updated results will be reported at the meeting, including the 12-month overall survival for stage 1 and preliminary efficacy of Stage 2.
Monday 3 June, 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM Central Daylight Time
First-in class selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib (BGB324) in combination with low dose AraC (LDAC) or decitabine exerts anti-leukaemia activity in AML pts unfit for intensive chemotherapy: Phase II open-label study.
Dr Sonja Loges et al
Session: Hematologic Malignancies – Leukaemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, and Allotransplant
Location: Hall A, poster board #418, abstract 7043
Data highlights:
Bemcentinib in combination with LDAC exerted early onset and durable responses in patients with both de novo and relapsed AML, whilst the combination of bemcentinib and decitabine exerted comparably fewer and later responses in de novo AML.
Both combinations were generally well-tolerated.
Updated results will be presented.
Richard Godfrey, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio, commented: “We are encouraged by the promising data that continues to emerge from our clinical development programme with bemcentinib in AML and NSCLC. Following the data that was gathered in January, we have expanded our clinical programmes in both indications and, together with our investigators, look forward to providing further important findings at ASCO.
“Most NSCLC patients in Europe now receive anti-PD(L)-1 therapies like KEYTRUDA as a first- or second-line treatment for their advanced disease. Improving responses to these novel agents, particularly in patients with no or limited expression of PD-L1, who may not have benefitted from such therapies, is significant. Similarly, positive responses in a less fit AML patient population considered to have unfavourable prognosis after the failure of first-line therapies, or those with high risk cytogenetics is very encouraging.”
About BerGenBio
BerGenBio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing transformative drugs targeting AXL as a potential cornerstone of therapy for aggressive diseases, including immune-evasive, therapy resistant cancers. The company’s proprietary lead candidate, bemcentinib, is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad Phase II oncology clinical development programme focussed on combination and single agent therapy in lung cancer and leukaemia. A first-in-class functional blocking anti-AXL antibody is undergoing Phase I clinical testing. In parallel, BerGenBio is developing a companion diagnostic test to identify those patient populations most likely to benefit from bemcentinib: this is expected to facilitate more efficient registration trials supporting a precision medicine-based commercialisation strategy. BerGenBio is based in Bergen, Norway with a subsidiary in Oxford, UK. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: BGBIO). For more information, visit
Richard Godfrey CEO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 304
Rune Skeie, CFO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 513
International Media and Investor Relations
Mary-Jane Elliott, Chris Welsh, Nicholas Brown, Carina Jurs, Consilium Strategic Communications
+44 20 3709 5700
Media Relations in Norway
Jan Petter Stiff, Crux Advisers
+47 995 13 891
Forward looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements.
This release was sent by Cision,c2815049
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Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Dette høres jo veldig bra ut igjen, det. Og ledelsen er jo klar på at de har sterke resultater.
Vi får likevel vente og se hva markedet syns. Det er nok for mye forlangt at analytikerne skal ha klar en tolking av dagens melding før de får rådspurt seg hos fagfolk. Dermed kan kursuttellingen vente på seg.
Men kort sagt så skal BergenBio på ASCO 2019 den 2. og 3. juni presentere nye data for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med pembrolixumab i non-small-cell lungekreft, samt for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med AraC i AML.
PS: Jeg blir opptatt de nærmeste timene og vil ikke kunne kommentere så mye mer enn dette nå. Men håper å vende tilbake til en pen utvikling :-)
Vi får likevel vente og se hva markedet syns. Det er nok for mye forlangt at analytikerne skal ha klar en tolking av dagens melding før de får rådspurt seg hos fagfolk. Dermed kan kursuttellingen vente på seg.
Men kort sagt så skal BergenBio på ASCO 2019 den 2. og 3. juni presentere nye data for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med pembrolixumab i non-small-cell lungekreft, samt for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med AraC i AML.
PS: Jeg blir opptatt de nærmeste timene og vil ikke kunne kommentere så mye mer enn dette nå. Men håper å vende tilbake til en pen utvikling :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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16.05.2019 kl 08:50
Du verden. De ville nok ikke delta der dersom de har negative nyheter å komme med. Pure Logic.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Her er abstractene til årets ASCO:
1) A phase II study of bemcentinib (BGB324), a first-in-class highly selective AXL inhibitor, with pembrolizumab in pts with advanced NSCLC: OS for stage I and preliminary stage II efficacy.
Background: AXL is an RTK implicated in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and as a resistance mechanism to multiple therapies including anti-PD1. Bemcentinib (BGB324) is a first-in-class, oral, highly selective and potent AXL inhibitor which has been demonstrated to enhance anti-PD1 therapy in the pre-clinical setting. Methods: This is a Phase II single-arm, two-Stage study with bemcentinib (200mg/d) and pembrolizumab (200 mg/q3wk) for previously treated, IO naïve pts (n = 48 in total) with Stage IV lung adenocarcinoma. The primary endpoint was ORR according to RECIST 1.1 with pre-defined minimum requirement for 18% RR in the first Stage (n = 24) to proceed to Stage 2. Secondary endpoints included DCR, PFS, OS and safety. Tumour biopsies were analysed for PD-L1 (22C3 pharmDx), AXL, and infiltrating immune cells. Results: Stage 1 completed enrolment in Apr ‘18. As of Feb ‘19, 38 pts (24 and 14 in Stage 1 and 2, respectively) have been dosed with the combination; median age 66 (range 39-79) yr, 59% male, all previously received one prior line of platinum-based chemotherapy or a licensed EGFR/ALK-directed therapy. The most common TRAEs (occurring in > 15% of pts) were transaminase increases (37%), diarrhoea (29%), and asthenia (17%). All cases of transaminase increase were reversible and resolved with concomitant administration of systemic corticosteroids and interruption of study treatments. At time of writing, Stage 1 had met the efficacy threshold to proceed to Stage 2 with continued enrolment. Among 29 pts evaluable for response 7 PRs were reported (24%). For AXL positive pts (10/21 with available biopsies), ORR was 40%. PD-L1 status was known for 5 responders: 4 pts (80%) were PD-L1 negative or weakly positive. In Stage 1, mPFS was 4.0 months (95% CI 1.9 – NR) and 5.9 months in AXL positive pts (n = 10; 3.0 - NR). mOS was not mature. Conclusions: Overall, bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab was well tolerated and promising clinical activity was seen, particularly in pts with AXL positive disease. Updated results will be reported at the meeting, incl 12-month OS for Stage 1 and preliminary efficacy of Stage 2. Clinical trial information: NCT03184571
2) First-in class selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib (BGB324) in combination with LDAC or decitabine exerts anti-leukaemic activity in AML patients unfit for intensive chemotherapy: Phase II open-label study.
Background: The RTK AXL represents a therapeutic target promoting AML cell proliferation and survival by pleiotropic mechanisms and is a negative regulator of anti-tumour immunity. Bemcentinib is a first-in-class, highly selective, oral AXL inhibitor that has previously shown encouraging anti-leukaemic activity as a monotherapy in r/r AML and hr-MDS. Methods: A monotherapy dose-escalation and expansion part of this trial is complete. In this second, phase II part of the study, 11 and 15 AML pts unfit for intensive chemotherapy received bemcentinib at RP2D (200 mg po/d) in combination with low-dose cytarabine (LDAC) and decitabine, respectively. Median age was 77 yr (range: 50-83), median screen myeloblast count 39% (3-95%) and 2/19 (11%) of pts evaluable for FLT3 were FLT3+. Plasma protein biomarker levels were measured using the DiscoveryMap v3.3 panel (Myriad RBM) at screen and following treatment. Results: The most common TRAEs (≥ 15% of pts) were ECG QT prolongation (35%) and diarrhoea (15%). Among these, 3 were Grade 3, and none 4 or 5. All TRAEs were manageable and/or reversible. As of Feb ‘19, 9 pts (2 de novo, 1 secondary, 6 r/r) in the bemcentinib + LDAC group were evaluable for response and 4 (44%; 2 de novo + 2 relapsed) achieved rapid CRi at C2D1. Responses were durable (range: 7 – 11 cycles) in 3 of the 4 responders. A further 2 pts (22%, 1 secondary + 1 relapsed) achieved durable SD (5 and 6 cycles). mPFS among the 5 pts with durable CRi or SD was 5 months (range: 3.5-7.7). Further, at the time of writing, 11 pts (8 de novo, 3 r/r) in the bemcentinib + decitabine group were evaluable for response of which 4 (36%, all de novo) achieved CRi after ≥ 4 cycles. One additional de novo pt achieved durable SD lasting for 5 cycles. Conclusions: Bemcentinib in combination with LDAC exerted early durable responses in patients with both de novo and relapsed AML whilst the combination of bemcentinib + decitabine exerted comparably fewer and later responses in de novo AML. Soluble biomarker correlations will be presented at the meeting. Both combinations were generally well-tolerated and further exploration is warranted. Clinical trial information: NCT02488408
Dette skal altså kjøres de første dagene i juni, så det er bare å følge med :-)
Enkelt sagt: begge linjer kvalifiserer til videreføring.
1) A phase II study of bemcentinib (BGB324), a first-in-class highly selective AXL inhibitor, with pembrolizumab in pts with advanced NSCLC: OS for stage I and preliminary stage II efficacy.
Background: AXL is an RTK implicated in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and as a resistance mechanism to multiple therapies including anti-PD1. Bemcentinib (BGB324) is a first-in-class, oral, highly selective and potent AXL inhibitor which has been demonstrated to enhance anti-PD1 therapy in the pre-clinical setting. Methods: This is a Phase II single-arm, two-Stage study with bemcentinib (200mg/d) and pembrolizumab (200 mg/q3wk) for previously treated, IO naïve pts (n = 48 in total) with Stage IV lung adenocarcinoma. The primary endpoint was ORR according to RECIST 1.1 with pre-defined minimum requirement for 18% RR in the first Stage (n = 24) to proceed to Stage 2. Secondary endpoints included DCR, PFS, OS and safety. Tumour biopsies were analysed for PD-L1 (22C3 pharmDx), AXL, and infiltrating immune cells. Results: Stage 1 completed enrolment in Apr ‘18. As of Feb ‘19, 38 pts (24 and 14 in Stage 1 and 2, respectively) have been dosed with the combination; median age 66 (range 39-79) yr, 59% male, all previously received one prior line of platinum-based chemotherapy or a licensed EGFR/ALK-directed therapy. The most common TRAEs (occurring in > 15% of pts) were transaminase increases (37%), diarrhoea (29%), and asthenia (17%). All cases of transaminase increase were reversible and resolved with concomitant administration of systemic corticosteroids and interruption of study treatments. At time of writing, Stage 1 had met the efficacy threshold to proceed to Stage 2 with continued enrolment. Among 29 pts evaluable for response 7 PRs were reported (24%). For AXL positive pts (10/21 with available biopsies), ORR was 40%. PD-L1 status was known for 5 responders: 4 pts (80%) were PD-L1 negative or weakly positive. In Stage 1, mPFS was 4.0 months (95% CI 1.9 – NR) and 5.9 months in AXL positive pts (n = 10; 3.0 - NR). mOS was not mature. Conclusions: Overall, bemcentinib in combination with pembrolizumab was well tolerated and promising clinical activity was seen, particularly in pts with AXL positive disease. Updated results will be reported at the meeting, incl 12-month OS for Stage 1 and preliminary efficacy of Stage 2. Clinical trial information: NCT03184571
2) First-in class selective AXL inhibitor bemcentinib (BGB324) in combination with LDAC or decitabine exerts anti-leukaemic activity in AML patients unfit for intensive chemotherapy: Phase II open-label study.
Background: The RTK AXL represents a therapeutic target promoting AML cell proliferation and survival by pleiotropic mechanisms and is a negative regulator of anti-tumour immunity. Bemcentinib is a first-in-class, highly selective, oral AXL inhibitor that has previously shown encouraging anti-leukaemic activity as a monotherapy in r/r AML and hr-MDS. Methods: A monotherapy dose-escalation and expansion part of this trial is complete. In this second, phase II part of the study, 11 and 15 AML pts unfit for intensive chemotherapy received bemcentinib at RP2D (200 mg po/d) in combination with low-dose cytarabine (LDAC) and decitabine, respectively. Median age was 77 yr (range: 50-83), median screen myeloblast count 39% (3-95%) and 2/19 (11%) of pts evaluable for FLT3 were FLT3+. Plasma protein biomarker levels were measured using the DiscoveryMap v3.3 panel (Myriad RBM) at screen and following treatment. Results: The most common TRAEs (≥ 15% of pts) were ECG QT prolongation (35%) and diarrhoea (15%). Among these, 3 were Grade 3, and none 4 or 5. All TRAEs were manageable and/or reversible. As of Feb ‘19, 9 pts (2 de novo, 1 secondary, 6 r/r) in the bemcentinib + LDAC group were evaluable for response and 4 (44%; 2 de novo + 2 relapsed) achieved rapid CRi at C2D1. Responses were durable (range: 7 – 11 cycles) in 3 of the 4 responders. A further 2 pts (22%, 1 secondary + 1 relapsed) achieved durable SD (5 and 6 cycles). mPFS among the 5 pts with durable CRi or SD was 5 months (range: 3.5-7.7). Further, at the time of writing, 11 pts (8 de novo, 3 r/r) in the bemcentinib + decitabine group were evaluable for response of which 4 (36%, all de novo) achieved CRi after ≥ 4 cycles. One additional de novo pt achieved durable SD lasting for 5 cycles. Conclusions: Bemcentinib in combination with LDAC exerted early durable responses in patients with both de novo and relapsed AML whilst the combination of bemcentinib + decitabine exerted comparably fewer and later responses in de novo AML. Soluble biomarker correlations will be presented at the meeting. Both combinations were generally well-tolerated and further exploration is warranted. Clinical trial information: NCT02488408
Dette skal altså kjøres de første dagene i juni, så det er bare å følge med :-)
Enkelt sagt: begge linjer kvalifiserer til videreføring.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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20.05.2019 kl 14:00
Selv om aksjen er blant de store taperene de siste 12 mnd fortsetter altså kursen ned i undergrunnen. Selskapet spyr ur meldinger om såkalt fremgang men blir kun møtt med skuldertrekk og total likegyldighet av markedet. Det er bare å innse at detter er et selskap med STOOR usikkerhet, og man bør ha verneutstyr for å ta i aksjen, selv med ildtang.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Man må ikke bli overrasket over det naivinvest indirekte berører her; at farmaaksjer faller (til dels mye) etter en (typisk) prematur åpningsperiode etter børsintroduksjon. Dette er fordi markedet vet at bare 1 av 7 farmaaksjer lykkes til slutt, og vil avvente å henge seg tungt på før man får bekreftet at det går veien.
I slike ventefaser ser vi altså BGBIO har falt ca. 50% siste året, NANO har falt ca. 50% siste halvåret, TRVX ca. 50% siste året, osv.
Kunsten er å plukke den aksjen aksjen (evt. flere) som faktisk lykkes.
Samtidig er det selvsagt mulig å trade på mellomfaser med oppgang mens man venter på endelig utfall, men da skal man ha litt mer peiling enn bare trua på en aksje - og aksjen må ha såpass volum og volatilitet at det er teknisk gunstig. Og det er det p.t. ikke i noen av de nevnte aksjer.
I slike ventefaser ser vi altså BGBIO har falt ca. 50% siste året, NANO har falt ca. 50% siste halvåret, TRVX ca. 50% siste året, osv.
Kunsten er å plukke den aksjen aksjen (evt. flere) som faktisk lykkes.
Samtidig er det selvsagt mulig å trade på mellomfaser med oppgang mens man venter på endelig utfall, men da skal man ha litt mer peiling enn bare trua på en aksje - og aksjen må ha såpass volum og volatilitet at det er teknisk gunstig. Og det er det p.t. ikke i noen av de nevnte aksjer.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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21.05.2019 kl 10:37
Korsar, det er stor forskjell i handelen på BGBIO og NANO. NANO kan man trade, men BGBIO har for det meste vært en illikvid aksje helt siden noteringen. Problemet til BGBIO er at ingen lenger skjønner hva de holder på med eller hva resultatene betyr. Derfor kommer det ingen nye investorer inn i selskapet. BGBIO burde ansette noen som kan kommunisere i klartekst til markedet, ikke dette kaudervelske de holder på med.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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BGBIO har Mohn-miljøet som sentral finanskilde, og de sitter rolig. Siden selskapet ikke har hatt en større andreemisjon etter notering (med innhenting av store nye aksjonærer som vil ha rask action) er det heller ikke nye, utålmodige aksjonærer som preger bildet. Aksjen er derfor tilsvarende illikvid i denne ventefasen, og har ikke vært trade-bar på lenge.
Du sier at "Men NANO kan man trade". Dessverre, det er lenge siden NANO har kunnet trades utover BI-student poster, ikke minst fordi aksjen har ligget i en fallende hovedtrend i over 2 år nå (siden januar 2017), bare avbrutt av et par sprett som så har falt tilbake enda dypere. NANO har nå ligget sideveis (ikke trade-bar) siden slutten av januar 2019, på nokså lavt volum.
Ellers forstår jeg ikke at du trekker fram BGBIO som problematisk på rapportering, medisinkyndige angir selskapet som eksemplarisk på dette. BGBIO er som kjent det eneste OSE-noterte farmaselskapet nå som har fulgt guidet tid og kost siden notering.
Det er tvertimot NANO som driver med info-hemmelighold, jfr. bl.a. at de ikke vil oppgi rekrutteringsutvikling, som trolig er en sentral årsak til fallende kurstrend nå.
Vi får se hva som skjer ved NANOs Q1-fremlegging nå, det vil ikke overraske om hemmelighold-problemet dukker opp igjen hos analytikerne.
BGBIO har Mohn-miljøet som sentral finanskilde, og de sitter rolig. Siden selskapet ikke har hatt en større andreemisjon etter notering (med innhenting av store nye aksjonærer som vil ha rask action) er det heller ikke nye, utålmodige aksjonærer som preger bildet. Aksjen er derfor tilsvarende illikvid i denne ventefasen, og har ikke vært trade-bar på lenge.
Du sier at "Men NANO kan man trade". Dessverre, det er lenge siden NANO har kunnet trades utover BI-student poster, ikke minst fordi aksjen har ligget i en fallende hovedtrend i over 2 år nå (siden januar 2017), bare avbrutt av et par sprett som så har falt tilbake enda dypere. NANO har nå ligget sideveis (ikke trade-bar) siden slutten av januar 2019, på nokså lavt volum.
Ellers forstår jeg ikke at du trekker fram BGBIO som problematisk på rapportering, medisinkyndige angir selskapet som eksemplarisk på dette. BGBIO er som kjent det eneste OSE-noterte farmaselskapet nå som har fulgt guidet tid og kost siden notering.
Det er tvertimot NANO som driver med info-hemmelighold, jfr. bl.a. at de ikke vil oppgi rekrutteringsutvikling, som trolig er en sentral årsak til fallende kurstrend nå.
Vi får se hva som skjer ved NANOs Q1-fremlegging nå, det vil ikke overraske om hemmelighold-problemet dukker opp igjen hos analytikerne.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Ikke overraskende faller BGBIO inn i samme ventefold som de fleste andre farmaaksjer for tiden.
Og ikke minst: Vi ser at det jobbes nokså suksessfylt med å tyne ned kursen før ASCO-presentasjonene om en liten uke:
- Ved ASCO 2019 den 2. og 3. juni skal BGBIO presentere nye data for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med pembrolixumab i non-small-cell lungekreft, samt for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med AraC i AML.
Verken teknisk eller fundamentalt er det lett å spå hvordan kursen vil utvikle seg videre ifm. dette. Det er et såpass langt og komplisert løp at kursen kan manipuleres opp og ned lenge ennå før endelige datafakta kan bankes i bordet
Uansett har selskapet så langt meldt å være i rute hele veien, så det er markedets tro på framtidig medisinrelevans som vil være den store X herfra :-)
Og ikke minst: Vi ser at det jobbes nokså suksessfylt med å tyne ned kursen før ASCO-presentasjonene om en liten uke:
- Ved ASCO 2019 den 2. og 3. juni skal BGBIO presentere nye data for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med pembrolixumab i non-small-cell lungekreft, samt for studien med bemcentinib i kombinasjon med AraC i AML.
Verken teknisk eller fundamentalt er det lett å spå hvordan kursen vil utvikle seg videre ifm. dette. Det er et såpass langt og komplisert løp at kursen kan manipuleres opp og ned lenge ennå før endelige datafakta kan bankes i bordet
Uansett har selskapet så langt meldt å være i rute hele veien, så det er markedets tro på framtidig medisinrelevans som vil være den store X herfra :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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27.05.2019 kl 13:21
Bra. Men som aksjonær regner jeg med å få informasjon om evt. nye data før ASCO.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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det er jo på ASCO de skal legge fram nye data. Om under en uke.
det er jo på ASCO de skal legge fram nye data. Om under en uke.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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27.05.2019 kl 14:44
Når ville det være naturlig med å informere markedet/børsmelding? Skal nyhetene legges fram på søndag eller mandag?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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27.05.2019 kl 14:58
Fant presentasjonene på ASCO hjemmesider...tid og sted.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Anders, hva mener du?
Regelen er at man a) varsler om hvor/når man skal presentere data (allerede gjort), og så b) presenterer dem som annonsert.
Her: under ASCO 2. og 3 .juni.
Regelen er at man a) varsler om hvor/når man skal presentere data (allerede gjort), og så b) presenterer dem som annonsert.
Her: under ASCO 2. og 3 .juni.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Andersiverden skrev Fant presentasjonene på ASCO hjemmesider...tid og sted.
legg gjerne ut det du finner :-)
legg gjerne ut det du finner :-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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27.05.2019 kl 15:22
Håper dette kan være til nytte.
Håper dette kan være til nytte.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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27.05.2019 kl 15:37
Da regner jeg med at dersom det kommer en knallmelding søndag 2.9, vil det tikke inn på mailen min samme dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Flott dette, Anders.
Jeg har lagt inn abstractene lenger oppe i tråden, men når man trykker opp Anders' linker er mitt tips å også sjekke linkene til US clinical trials, for letthets skyld legger jeg dem ut nedenfor:
Jeg har lagt inn abstractene lenger oppe i tråden, men når man trykker opp Anders' linker er mitt tips å også sjekke linkene til US clinical trials, for letthets skyld legger jeg dem ut nedenfor:
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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Her vil visst BGBIO komme med litt tilleggsinfo etter selve presentasjonene på ASCO 2. og 3 ,juni:
Oslo (TDN Direkt):Bergenbio vil presentere sine nyeste data i en telefonkonferanse 4. juni 2019, under American Society of Clinical Oncology-konferansen.
Det skriver selskapet i en melding fredag.
Ledelsen vil holde starte telefonkonferansen 15:30.
Oslo (TDN Direkt):Bergenbio vil presentere sine nyeste data i en telefonkonferanse 4. juni 2019, under American Society of Clinical Oncology-konferansen.
Det skriver selskapet i en melding fredag.
Ledelsen vil holde starte telefonkonferansen 15:30.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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02.06.2019 kl 19:40
Denne kom nå:
BerGenBio presents new preliminary clinical and biomarker data showing durable response & median survival rates in Phase II trial with bemcentinib and KEYTRUDA in pts with advanced NSCLC at ASCO 2019
Phase II trial evaluating bemcentinib in combination with KEYTRUDA in advanced NSCLC patients shows 12-month survival data surpassing historical benchmarks in second-line treatment with PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy
Promising clinical activity continues to be seen, particularly in patients with AXL positive tumours including those with low or no PD-L1 expression
Chicago, USA, 02 June 2019 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO) a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL kinase inhibitors for multiple cancer indications, today presents updated data from its Phase II clinical trial (BGBC008, NCT03184571) with bemcentinib and Merck’s anti-PD-1 therapy KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago, Illinois (31 May - 4 June 2019).
At data cut off, 35 out of 46 enrolled patients were evaluable; 58% were AXL +ve, and 53% were PD-L1 negative (< 1%TPS), and a further 39% were PD-L1 (1-49% TPS). An objective response rate of 40% was achieved in AXL +ve patients, irrespective of the patients PD-L1 score; and an overall response rate of 29% was achieved. The median survival rate of 12.2 months was observed at the time of data cut-off, significantly surpassing what has been shown historically in second line treatment with PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy.
The combination treatment of bemcentinib and pembrolizumab was overall well-tolerated; the most common adverse events included transaminase increase (35%), fatigue (30%), and diarrhoea (26%). No grade 5 treatment related adverse events were reported and all events were reversible.
Principal investigator Enriqueta Filip, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona
“ Following the rapid uptake of checkpoint inhibitors in first-line lung cancer therapy, treatment options for NSCLC cancer patients that have not responded to anti-PD-1 therapies such as KEYTRUDA represent a significant unmet medical need. These data, which suggest that combination therapy with bemcentinib has the potential to enhance patient responses to these novel agents, particularly in patients with no or limited expression of PD-L1, is a very significant and encouraging development.”
Richard Godfrey, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio, commented: “The clinical activity we are presenting here today surpasses what has been shown historically in previously-treated, PD-L1 low patients on PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy, and supports the hypothesis that AXL is implicated in the failure of anti-PD-L1 therapies. Further investigation is warranted and having recently extended the trial to include patients showing disease progression on checkpoint inhibitors, we will continue to test this hypothesis and look forward to providing further updates during 2019.”
It is estimated that more than 230,000 new cases of lung cancer have been diagnosed in the US in 2018 and it is the leading cause of cancer deaths. 65% of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) are of adenocarcinoma pathology. Although various treatments exist for NSCLC, they are often curtailed by acquired resistance to therapy and immune evasion. Novel treatments overcoming these mechanisms in NSCLC are urgently required.
About the BGBC008 trial
The BGBC008 trial is a Phase II open-label study of bemcentinib in combination with KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) in previously treated patients with advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung, run at centres in the US, UK, Spain and Norway. The objective of the trial is to determine the anti-tumour activity of this novel drug combination and responses will be correlated with biomarker status (including AXL kinase and PD-L1 expression).
Patients eligible for participation in Cohort A must have progressed on or after prior therapy excluding immunotherapy whereas patients in Cohort B will be actively progressing on a therapy regimen containing an anti-PD(L)-1 therapy.
Both cohorts follow a two-stage design, Cohort A has previously successfully progressed into the second stage after meeting its first efficacy endpoint. Cohort B will evaluate advancement into stage 2 after 13 patients have been assessed for response.
For more information please access trial NCT03184571 at
About BerGenBio
BerGenBio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing transformative drugs targeting AXL as a potential cornerstone of therapy for aggressive diseases, including immune-evasive, therapy resistant cancers. The company’s proprietary lead candidate, bemcentinib, is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad Phase II oncology clinical development programme focused on combination and single agent therapy in lung cancer and leukaemia. A first-in-class functional blocking anti-AXL antibody is undergoing Phase I clinical testing. In parallel, BerGenBio is developing a companion diagnostic test to identify those patient populations most likely to benefit from bemcentinib: this is expected to facilitate more efficient registration trials supporting a precision medicine-based commercialisation strategy. BerGenBio is based in Bergen, Norway with a subsidiary in Oxford, UK. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: BGBIO). For more information, visit
Richard Godfrey CEO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 304
Rune Skeie, CFO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 513
International Media and Investor Relations
Mary-Jane Elliott, Chris Welsh, Jessica Hodgson, Nicholas Brown, Carina Jurs, Consilium Strategic Communications
+44 20 3709 5700
Media Relations in Norway
Jan Petter Stiff, Crux Advisers
+47 995 13 891
Forward looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements.
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BerGenBio presents new preliminary clinical and biomarker data showing durable response & median survival rates in Phase II trial with bemcentinib and KEYTRUDA in pts with advanced NSCLC at ASCO 2019
Phase II trial evaluating bemcentinib in combination with KEYTRUDA in advanced NSCLC patients shows 12-month survival data surpassing historical benchmarks in second-line treatment with PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy
Promising clinical activity continues to be seen, particularly in patients with AXL positive tumours including those with low or no PD-L1 expression
Chicago, USA, 02 June 2019 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO) a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel, selective AXL kinase inhibitors for multiple cancer indications, today presents updated data from its Phase II clinical trial (BGBC008, NCT03184571) with bemcentinib and Merck’s anti-PD-1 therapy KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in Chicago, Illinois (31 May - 4 June 2019).
At data cut off, 35 out of 46 enrolled patients were evaluable; 58% were AXL +ve, and 53% were PD-L1 negative (< 1%TPS), and a further 39% were PD-L1 (1-49% TPS). An objective response rate of 40% was achieved in AXL +ve patients, irrespective of the patients PD-L1 score; and an overall response rate of 29% was achieved. The median survival rate of 12.2 months was observed at the time of data cut-off, significantly surpassing what has been shown historically in second line treatment with PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy.
The combination treatment of bemcentinib and pembrolizumab was overall well-tolerated; the most common adverse events included transaminase increase (35%), fatigue (30%), and diarrhoea (26%). No grade 5 treatment related adverse events were reported and all events were reversible.
Principal investigator Enriqueta Filip, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona
“ Following the rapid uptake of checkpoint inhibitors in first-line lung cancer therapy, treatment options for NSCLC cancer patients that have not responded to anti-PD-1 therapies such as KEYTRUDA represent a significant unmet medical need. These data, which suggest that combination therapy with bemcentinib has the potential to enhance patient responses to these novel agents, particularly in patients with no or limited expression of PD-L1, is a very significant and encouraging development.”
Richard Godfrey, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio, commented: “The clinical activity we are presenting here today surpasses what has been shown historically in previously-treated, PD-L1 low patients on PD-1 inhibitor monotherapy, and supports the hypothesis that AXL is implicated in the failure of anti-PD-L1 therapies. Further investigation is warranted and having recently extended the trial to include patients showing disease progression on checkpoint inhibitors, we will continue to test this hypothesis and look forward to providing further updates during 2019.”
It is estimated that more than 230,000 new cases of lung cancer have been diagnosed in the US in 2018 and it is the leading cause of cancer deaths. 65% of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) are of adenocarcinoma pathology. Although various treatments exist for NSCLC, they are often curtailed by acquired resistance to therapy and immune evasion. Novel treatments overcoming these mechanisms in NSCLC are urgently required.
About the BGBC008 trial
The BGBC008 trial is a Phase II open-label study of bemcentinib in combination with KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) in previously treated patients with advanced adenocarcinoma of the lung, run at centres in the US, UK, Spain and Norway. The objective of the trial is to determine the anti-tumour activity of this novel drug combination and responses will be correlated with biomarker status (including AXL kinase and PD-L1 expression).
Patients eligible for participation in Cohort A must have progressed on or after prior therapy excluding immunotherapy whereas patients in Cohort B will be actively progressing on a therapy regimen containing an anti-PD(L)-1 therapy.
Both cohorts follow a two-stage design, Cohort A has previously successfully progressed into the second stage after meeting its first efficacy endpoint. Cohort B will evaluate advancement into stage 2 after 13 patients have been assessed for response.
For more information please access trial NCT03184571 at
About BerGenBio
BerGenBio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing transformative drugs targeting AXL as a potential cornerstone of therapy for aggressive diseases, including immune-evasive, therapy resistant cancers. The company’s proprietary lead candidate, bemcentinib, is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad Phase II oncology clinical development programme focused on combination and single agent therapy in lung cancer and leukaemia. A first-in-class functional blocking anti-AXL antibody is undergoing Phase I clinical testing. In parallel, BerGenBio is developing a companion diagnostic test to identify those patient populations most likely to benefit from bemcentinib: this is expected to facilitate more efficient registration trials supporting a precision medicine-based commercialisation strategy. BerGenBio is based in Bergen, Norway with a subsidiary in Oxford, UK. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: BGBIO). For more information, visit
Richard Godfrey CEO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 304
Rune Skeie, CFO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 513
International Media and Investor Relations
Mary-Jane Elliott, Chris Welsh, Jessica Hodgson, Nicholas Brown, Carina Jurs, Consilium Strategic Communications
+44 20 3709 5700
Media Relations in Norway
Jan Petter Stiff, Crux Advisers
+47 995 13 891
Forward looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements.
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Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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02.06.2019 kl 21:52
BerGenBio presenterer nye foreløpige kliniske og biomarkørdata som viser varig respons og median overlevelsesrate i fase II studie med bemcentinib og KEYTRUDA i pts med avansert NSCLC ved ASCO 2019
Fase II-prøve evaluering av bemcentinib i kombinasjon med KEYTRUDA i avanserte NSCLC-pasienter viser 12-måneders overlevelsesdata som overgikk historiske referansemål i andre linje behandling med PD-1-inhibitor monoterapi
Lovende klinisk aktivitet fortsetter å bli sett, spesielt hos pasienter med AXL-positive tumorer, inkludert de med lav eller ingen PD-L1-ekspression
Chicago, USA, 2. juni 2019 - BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO), et klinisk stadium biofarmaceutisk selskap som utvikler nye, selektive AXL-kinasehemmere for flere kreftindikasjoner, presenterer i dag oppdaterte data fra sin kliniske fase II-studie (BGBC008, NCT03184571) med bemcentinib og Mercks anti-PD-1-behandling KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) hos pasienter med avansert ikke-småcellet lungekreft (NSCLC) på 2019 års møte i American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) i Chicago, Illinois (31. mai - 4. juni 2019).
Ved dataavbrudd var 35 av 46 registrerte pasienter evaluerbare; 58% var AXL + ve, og 53% var PD-L1-negative (<1% TPS), og ytterligere 39% var PD-L1 (1-49% TPS). En objektiv responsrate på 40% ble oppnådd hos AXL + ve-pasienter, uavhengig av PD-L1-score fra pasientene; og en total responsrate på 29% ble oppnådd. Median overlevelsesrate på 12,2 måneder ble observert ved data cut-off, betydelig overgått det som har blitt vist historisk i andre linje behandling med PD-1 inhibitor monoterapi.
Kombinasjonsbehandling av bemcentinib og pembrolizumab var generelt godtolerert; De vanligste bivirkningene inkluderte økning av transaminase (35%), tretthet (30%) og diaré (26%). Ingen behandlingsrelaterte bivirkninger i klasse 5 ble rapportert, og alle hendelser var reversible.
Hovedforsker Enriqueta Filip, Vall d'Hebron Universitetssykehus, Barcelona
"Etter den raske opptaket av kontrollpunktshemmere i førstelinje lungekreftbehandling, behandlingsalternativer for pasienter med NSCLC kreft som ikke har svart på anti-PD-1-behandlinger som KEYTRUDA, representerer et betydelig ufullstendig medisinsk behov. Disse dataene, som tyder på at kombinasjonsterapi med bemcentinib har potensial til å øke pasientresponsen til disse nye agensene, spesielt hos pasienter uten eller begrenset eksponering av PD-L1, er en meget betydelig og oppmuntrende utvikling. "
Richard Godfrey, administrerende direktør i BerGenBio, kommenterte: "Den kliniske aktiviteten vi presenterer her i dag overgår det som historisk har blitt vist hos tidligere behandlede, PD-L1-lave pasienter på PD-1-inhibitor monoterapi, og støtter hypotesen om at AXL er implisert i svikt av anti-PD-L1-terapier. Ytterligere undersøkelser er berettiget og har nylig utvidet forsøket til å inkludere pasienter som viser sykdomsprogresjon på kontrollpunktshemmere, vi vil fortsette å teste denne hypotesen og ser frem til å gi ytterligere oppdateringer i løpet av 2019. "
Takk a iverden
Fase II-prøve evaluering av bemcentinib i kombinasjon med KEYTRUDA i avanserte NSCLC-pasienter viser 12-måneders overlevelsesdata som overgikk historiske referansemål i andre linje behandling med PD-1-inhibitor monoterapi
Lovende klinisk aktivitet fortsetter å bli sett, spesielt hos pasienter med AXL-positive tumorer, inkludert de med lav eller ingen PD-L1-ekspression
Chicago, USA, 2. juni 2019 - BerGenBio ASA (OSE: BGBIO), et klinisk stadium biofarmaceutisk selskap som utvikler nye, selektive AXL-kinasehemmere for flere kreftindikasjoner, presenterer i dag oppdaterte data fra sin kliniske fase II-studie (BGBC008, NCT03184571) med bemcentinib og Mercks anti-PD-1-behandling KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) hos pasienter med avansert ikke-småcellet lungekreft (NSCLC) på 2019 års møte i American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) i Chicago, Illinois (31. mai - 4. juni 2019).
Ved dataavbrudd var 35 av 46 registrerte pasienter evaluerbare; 58% var AXL + ve, og 53% var PD-L1-negative (<1% TPS), og ytterligere 39% var PD-L1 (1-49% TPS). En objektiv responsrate på 40% ble oppnådd hos AXL + ve-pasienter, uavhengig av PD-L1-score fra pasientene; og en total responsrate på 29% ble oppnådd. Median overlevelsesrate på 12,2 måneder ble observert ved data cut-off, betydelig overgått det som har blitt vist historisk i andre linje behandling med PD-1 inhibitor monoterapi.
Kombinasjonsbehandling av bemcentinib og pembrolizumab var generelt godtolerert; De vanligste bivirkningene inkluderte økning av transaminase (35%), tretthet (30%) og diaré (26%). Ingen behandlingsrelaterte bivirkninger i klasse 5 ble rapportert, og alle hendelser var reversible.
Hovedforsker Enriqueta Filip, Vall d'Hebron Universitetssykehus, Barcelona
"Etter den raske opptaket av kontrollpunktshemmere i førstelinje lungekreftbehandling, behandlingsalternativer for pasienter med NSCLC kreft som ikke har svart på anti-PD-1-behandlinger som KEYTRUDA, representerer et betydelig ufullstendig medisinsk behov. Disse dataene, som tyder på at kombinasjonsterapi med bemcentinib har potensial til å øke pasientresponsen til disse nye agensene, spesielt hos pasienter uten eller begrenset eksponering av PD-L1, er en meget betydelig og oppmuntrende utvikling. "
Richard Godfrey, administrerende direktør i BerGenBio, kommenterte: "Den kliniske aktiviteten vi presenterer her i dag overgår det som historisk har blitt vist hos tidligere behandlede, PD-L1-lave pasienter på PD-1-inhibitor monoterapi, og støtter hypotesen om at AXL er implisert i svikt av anti-PD-L1-terapier. Ytterligere undersøkelser er berettiget og har nylig utvidet forsøket til å inkludere pasienter som viser sykdomsprogresjon på kontrollpunktshemmere, vi vil fortsette å teste denne hypotesen og ser frem til å gi ytterligere oppdateringer i løpet av 2019. "
Takk a iverden
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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02.06.2019 kl 22:00
Håper den f år litt opptur på mandag
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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03.06.2019 kl 09:46
BillVonka, problemet til BGBIO er at de ikke klarer å tiltrekke seg nye investorer, hverken profesjonelle eller amatører. De profesjonelle er ikke overbevist av resultatene, og amatørene skjønner ikke hva selskapet holder på med. Tidshorisonten for kommersialisering virker fjernere og fjernere for hver melding de kommer med. Tidligere snakket de om kommersialisering i 2021-2022, nå er det ingen som tror på dette lenger. Selskapet har ingen tidslinje eller ambisjoner på når de skal tjene penger. Hvorfor vil noen salte ned pengene sine i et slikt selskap. Investorer vil tjene penger, i BGBIO blir pengene gjemt bort.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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03.06.2019 kl 09:49
Nå har jo faktisk BerGenBio selv sagt at de går for registrering aka markedsføringstillatelse i 2022 i AML, noe som ble gjentatt sist Q-rapport så det blir ikke helt rett.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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03.06.2019 kl 13:51
Kommer det ny melding før dagens presentasjon (klokken 15 norsk tid) mon tro?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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03.06.2019 kl 16:29
Får ikke håpe det. Alle meldinger fra selskapet fremstår som nye spiker i kista. Ser ut til at jeg kan få rett i at kursen skal ned til 12 kr.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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03.06.2019 kl 16:52
BerGenBio presents new Phase II clinical data that bemcentinib in combination with low dose chemotherapy improves efficacy and duration of survival in elderly AML patients at ASCO 2019
Phase II trial evaluating bemcentinib in combination with low-intensity chemotherapy in elderly AML patients unfit for intensive therapy shows promising efficacy
6 out of 13 (46%) patients receiving LDAC combination achieved an Overall Response Rate (ORR) of 46%
3 out of 12 evaluable patients receiving decitabine combination achieved an ORR of 25%
ORR significantly higher than previously observed/historical benchmarks in single-agent cytarabine
Chicago, USA, 03 June 2019 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE:BGBIO) today presents data showing significant efficacy in Phase II clinical trials (BGBC003, NCT02488408) evaluating bemcentinib, a first-in-class selective oral AXL inhibitor, in combination with low-dose cytarabine (LDAC) or decitabine as a potential new treatment regimen for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients unable to tolerate intensive therapy. The data will be presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Chicago, Illinois (31 May - 4 June 2019).
In total, 33 patients were enrolled into the trial: 16 into the LDAC + bemcentinib group, of which 13 are evaluable for efficacy to date, and 17 into the decitabine + bemcentinib group, of which 12 are evaluable for efficacy to date.
Among the 13 evaluable patients in the LDAC + bemcentinib group, 6 responses have been reported; 4 patients achieved complete remission / complete remission with incomplete hematologic recovery (CR/CRi) and 2 patients’ partial remission (PR). This yields an overall response rate (ORR) of 46%, including 31% CR/CRi among elderly AML patients ( >70 years). Furthermore, one patient achieved durable stable disease for more than 3 months. The relapse free survival rate (RFS) for patients with CR/CRi is 6.2 months (0.7 to 9.6 months); data immature.
In the decitabine/bemcentinib group, of the 12 evaluable patients, 3 responses have been reported; 1 patient achieved CR/CRi and 2 patients PR. This yields an ORR of 25%. Furthermore, five patients had durable stable disease for more than 3 months. The RFS for patients with CR/CRi is 5 months; data immature.
The combination treatment of bemcentinib and LDAC or decitabine was overall well-tolerated; the most common adverse events ( >15% of patients) included anaemia, neutropenia and diarrhoea. No grade 5 TRAEs were reported and all events were reversible.
Professor Sonja Loges, attending physician and principal investigator, University Medical Centre Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany commented: “These early results are very encouraging, particularly as we have seen responses in a less fit AML patient population with comparatively poor prognosis [having not responded to first-line therapies], or with high risk cytogenetics. These data show that bemcentinib in combination with LDAC resulted in a significantly higher ORR than previously observed/historical benchmarks in single-agent cytarabine. These early results warrant further investigation of bemcentinib in a larger trial addressing AML patients unfit for intensive chemotherapy.”
Richard Godfrey, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio, commented: “A majority of AML patients are unable to tolerate intensive chemotherapy and have limited treatment options, particularly if established first-line therapies fail. These combination trials of bemcentinib with low-dose cytarabine and decitabine show promising results that the addition of our selective AXL inhibitor will improve the outcome of treatment with these much-used agents. Although these are early findings, we are encouraged by the emerging clinical data and focused on advancing our late stage development programme.”
– END –
About AML and the BGBC003 trial
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a rapidly progressing blood cancer. AML is the most common form of acute leukaemia in adults, where malignant AML blasts interfere with the normal functioning of the bone marrow leading to a multitude of complications like anaemia, infections and bleeding. AML is diagnosed in over 20,000 patients in the US annually and is rapidly lethal if left untreated. Successful treatment typically requires intensive therapy or bone marrow transplantation, and relapse and resistance are common. Consequently, there is an urgent need for effective novel therapies in relapsed/refractory patients, particularly those that are ineligible for intensive therapy or bone marrow transplant.
The BGBC003 trial is a phase Ib/II multi-centre open label study of bemcentinib in combination with cytarabine (part B2) and decitabine (part B3) in patients with AML who are unsuitable for intensive chemotherapy as a result of advanced age or existing-co-morbidities. Up to 28 patients will be enrolled at centres in the US, Norway, Germany and Italy.
For more information please access trial NCT02488408 at
About AXL
AXL kinase is a cell membrane receptor and an essential mediator of the biological mechanisms underlying life-threatening diseases. In cancer, AXL suppresses the body’s immune response to tumours and drives cancer treatment failure across many indications. AXL inhibitors, therefore, have potential high value at the centre of cancer combination therapy, addressing significant unmet medical needs and multiple high-value market opportunities. Research has also shown that AXL mediates other aggressive diseases.
About Bemcentinib
Bemcentinib (formerly known as BGB324), is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad phase II clinical development programme. Ongoing clinical trials are investigating bemcentinib in multiple solid and haematological tumours, in combination with current and emerging therapies (including immunotherapies, targeted therapies and chemotherapy), and as a single agent. Bemcentinib targets and binds to the intracellular catalytic kinase domain of AXL receptor tyrosine kinase and inhibits its activity. Increase in AXL function has been linked to key mechanisms of drug resistance and immune escape by tumour cells, leading to aggressive metastatic cancers.
About BerGenBio ASA
BerGenBio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing transformative drugs targeting AXL as a potential cornerstone of therapy for aggressive diseases, including immune-evasive, therapy resistant cancers. The company’s proprietary lead candidate, bemcentinib, is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad phase II oncology clinical development programme focused on combination and single agent therapy in lung cancer and leukaemia. A first-in-class functional blocking AXL antibody (BGB149) and an AXL-ADC (ADCT-601) are undergoing phase I clinical testing. In parallel, BerGenBio is developing a companion diagnostic test to identify those patient populations most likely to benefit from bemcentinib: this is expected to facilitate more efficient registration trials supporting a precision medicine-based commercialisation strategy.
BerGenBio is based in Bergen, Norway with a subsidiary in Oxford, UK. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: BGBIO).
Richard Godfrey CEO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 304
Rune Skeie, CFO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 513
International Media Relations
Mary-Jane Elliott, Chris Welsh, Jessica Hodgson, Nicholas Brown, Carina Jurs, Consilium Strategic Communications
+44 20 3709 5700
Media Relations in Norway
Jan Petter Stiff, Crux Advisers
+47 995 13 891
Forward looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This release was sent by Cision,c2830878
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Phase II trial evaluating bemcentinib in combination with low-intensity chemotherapy in elderly AML patients unfit for intensive therapy shows promising efficacy
6 out of 13 (46%) patients receiving LDAC combination achieved an Overall Response Rate (ORR) of 46%
3 out of 12 evaluable patients receiving decitabine combination achieved an ORR of 25%
ORR significantly higher than previously observed/historical benchmarks in single-agent cytarabine
Chicago, USA, 03 June 2019 – BerGenBio ASA (OSE:BGBIO) today presents data showing significant efficacy in Phase II clinical trials (BGBC003, NCT02488408) evaluating bemcentinib, a first-in-class selective oral AXL inhibitor, in combination with low-dose cytarabine (LDAC) or decitabine as a potential new treatment regimen for acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) patients unable to tolerate intensive therapy. The data will be presented at the 2019 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Chicago, Illinois (31 May - 4 June 2019).
In total, 33 patients were enrolled into the trial: 16 into the LDAC + bemcentinib group, of which 13 are evaluable for efficacy to date, and 17 into the decitabine + bemcentinib group, of which 12 are evaluable for efficacy to date.
Among the 13 evaluable patients in the LDAC + bemcentinib group, 6 responses have been reported; 4 patients achieved complete remission / complete remission with incomplete hematologic recovery (CR/CRi) and 2 patients’ partial remission (PR). This yields an overall response rate (ORR) of 46%, including 31% CR/CRi among elderly AML patients ( >70 years). Furthermore, one patient achieved durable stable disease for more than 3 months. The relapse free survival rate (RFS) for patients with CR/CRi is 6.2 months (0.7 to 9.6 months); data immature.
In the decitabine/bemcentinib group, of the 12 evaluable patients, 3 responses have been reported; 1 patient achieved CR/CRi and 2 patients PR. This yields an ORR of 25%. Furthermore, five patients had durable stable disease for more than 3 months. The RFS for patients with CR/CRi is 5 months; data immature.
The combination treatment of bemcentinib and LDAC or decitabine was overall well-tolerated; the most common adverse events ( >15% of patients) included anaemia, neutropenia and diarrhoea. No grade 5 TRAEs were reported and all events were reversible.
Professor Sonja Loges, attending physician and principal investigator, University Medical Centre Hamburg Eppendorf, Germany commented: “These early results are very encouraging, particularly as we have seen responses in a less fit AML patient population with comparatively poor prognosis [having not responded to first-line therapies], or with high risk cytogenetics. These data show that bemcentinib in combination with LDAC resulted in a significantly higher ORR than previously observed/historical benchmarks in single-agent cytarabine. These early results warrant further investigation of bemcentinib in a larger trial addressing AML patients unfit for intensive chemotherapy.”
Richard Godfrey, Chief Executive Officer of BerGenBio, commented: “A majority of AML patients are unable to tolerate intensive chemotherapy and have limited treatment options, particularly if established first-line therapies fail. These combination trials of bemcentinib with low-dose cytarabine and decitabine show promising results that the addition of our selective AXL inhibitor will improve the outcome of treatment with these much-used agents. Although these are early findings, we are encouraged by the emerging clinical data and focused on advancing our late stage development programme.”
– END –
About AML and the BGBC003 trial
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a rapidly progressing blood cancer. AML is the most common form of acute leukaemia in adults, where malignant AML blasts interfere with the normal functioning of the bone marrow leading to a multitude of complications like anaemia, infections and bleeding. AML is diagnosed in over 20,000 patients in the US annually and is rapidly lethal if left untreated. Successful treatment typically requires intensive therapy or bone marrow transplantation, and relapse and resistance are common. Consequently, there is an urgent need for effective novel therapies in relapsed/refractory patients, particularly those that are ineligible for intensive therapy or bone marrow transplant.
The BGBC003 trial is a phase Ib/II multi-centre open label study of bemcentinib in combination with cytarabine (part B2) and decitabine (part B3) in patients with AML who are unsuitable for intensive chemotherapy as a result of advanced age or existing-co-morbidities. Up to 28 patients will be enrolled at centres in the US, Norway, Germany and Italy.
For more information please access trial NCT02488408 at
About AXL
AXL kinase is a cell membrane receptor and an essential mediator of the biological mechanisms underlying life-threatening diseases. In cancer, AXL suppresses the body’s immune response to tumours and drives cancer treatment failure across many indications. AXL inhibitors, therefore, have potential high value at the centre of cancer combination therapy, addressing significant unmet medical needs and multiple high-value market opportunities. Research has also shown that AXL mediates other aggressive diseases.
About Bemcentinib
Bemcentinib (formerly known as BGB324), is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad phase II clinical development programme. Ongoing clinical trials are investigating bemcentinib in multiple solid and haematological tumours, in combination with current and emerging therapies (including immunotherapies, targeted therapies and chemotherapy), and as a single agent. Bemcentinib targets and binds to the intracellular catalytic kinase domain of AXL receptor tyrosine kinase and inhibits its activity. Increase in AXL function has been linked to key mechanisms of drug resistance and immune escape by tumour cells, leading to aggressive metastatic cancers.
About BerGenBio ASA
BerGenBio is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing transformative drugs targeting AXL as a potential cornerstone of therapy for aggressive diseases, including immune-evasive, therapy resistant cancers. The company’s proprietary lead candidate, bemcentinib, is a potentially first-in-class selective AXL inhibitor in a broad phase II oncology clinical development programme focused on combination and single agent therapy in lung cancer and leukaemia. A first-in-class functional blocking AXL antibody (BGB149) and an AXL-ADC (ADCT-601) are undergoing phase I clinical testing. In parallel, BerGenBio is developing a companion diagnostic test to identify those patient populations most likely to benefit from bemcentinib: this is expected to facilitate more efficient registration trials supporting a precision medicine-based commercialisation strategy.
BerGenBio is based in Bergen, Norway with a subsidiary in Oxford, UK. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker: BGBIO).
Richard Godfrey CEO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 304
Rune Skeie, CFO, BerGenBio ASA
+47 917 86 513
International Media Relations
Mary-Jane Elliott, Chris Welsh, Jessica Hodgson, Nicholas Brown, Carina Jurs, Consilium Strategic Communications
+44 20 3709 5700
Media Relations in Norway
Jan Petter Stiff, Crux Advisers
+47 995 13 891
Forward looking statements
This announcement may contain forward-looking statements, which as such are not historical facts, but are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions. These assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors. Such risks, uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause actual events to differ materially from the expectations expressed or implied in this announcement by such forward-looking statements.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
This release was sent by Cision,c2830878
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Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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04.06.2019 kl 11:18
TLF Konferanse i dag, venter spent på den. Tross gode test resultater på de siste studiene, så gjenspeiles ikke det i aksjekursen. DnB Markets opererer med kursmål nok 56,-.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:38
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04.06.2019 kl 11:53
Aksjen butter og stanger på liten omsetning 272874 og få transaksjoner. Men det er et mønster her.Nesten hver dag er det 2-3 større transaksjoner. Noen i Bergen som langsomt men sikkert kjøper seg opp? Er ikke Mohn tungt inne i selskapet?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:20
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04.06.2019 kl 13:52
Andersiverden, det eneste mønsteret er at aksjekursen faller. Selskapet er nå verdsatt omtrent likt med vurderingen for ca 10 år siden. Dvs 10 år med forskning og hundrevis av millioner sprøytet inn i selskapet har ikke hatt noen effekt på hva markedet mener om selskapet. Det bør bekymre de fleste. Stakkars Mohn.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 02:20
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Noen som har fått med seg noe fra den telefonkonferansen som skulle være i går ettermiddag?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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05.06.2019 kl 10:07
Noe må det være. Aksjen på full fart mot bunnen. Ser ut til at all tillit til selskapet er borte.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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05.06.2019 kl 10:10
Ja, presentasjonen fra det ligger her :
Selskapet fikk flere spørsmål på slutten, spesielt resultatene på AML som ser ut til å ha imponert flere key opinion leaders på ASCO. Det var interesse fra flere som ville ha BerGenBio skulle kombinere sin Bemcentinib med Venetocalx og LDAC for å gå etter 1L AML. Det er veldig positivt, og en stor mulighet for selskapet. Selskapet sa at de nå har fokus på R/R AML hvor de ser en mulighet for AA og BTD, men at de så på muligheten for å kombinere i 1L AML uten å måtte gå igjennom for mye regulatorisk. NSCLC fikk også oppmerksomhet. Stor mulig i 2L. Tolket det slik at selskapet følte at de hadde fått masse positiv oppmerksomhet på ASCO fra, men jeg tror det må komme penger utenifra (les big pharma eller big biotech) før noen av de norske biotech-selskapene på OSE kommer til å stige.
Selskapet fikk flere spørsmål på slutten, spesielt resultatene på AML som ser ut til å ha imponert flere key opinion leaders på ASCO. Det var interesse fra flere som ville ha BerGenBio skulle kombinere sin Bemcentinib med Venetocalx og LDAC for å gå etter 1L AML. Det er veldig positivt, og en stor mulighet for selskapet. Selskapet sa at de nå har fokus på R/R AML hvor de ser en mulighet for AA og BTD, men at de så på muligheten for å kombinere i 1L AML uten å måtte gå igjennom for mye regulatorisk. NSCLC fikk også oppmerksomhet. Stor mulig i 2L. Tolket det slik at selskapet følte at de hadde fått masse positiv oppmerksomhet på ASCO fra, men jeg tror det må komme penger utenifra (les big pharma eller big biotech) før noen av de norske biotech-selskapene på OSE kommer til å stige.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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05.06.2019 kl 10:19
MolONc, BGBIO klarte fint å stige ifjor uten big pharma. Hvorfor skulle det være annerledes nå? Fakta er at det er en stor skepsis til selskapet etter mange skuffende resultater.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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05.06.2019 kl 10:38
Totalt kollaps. RT ned 9,75! Hva skjer? Noen med en god forklaring?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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05.06.2019 kl 10:44
Spør orakelet Korsar.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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05.06.2019 kl 10:50
De steg i fjor uten big pharma ja, men jeg tror ikke du er inne på riktig fakta. Resultatene i AML og MDS er meget sterke, noe du ville vist, om du hadde fulgt nøye med på konkurrenter som Glasdegib sine resultater i AML. Den ble godkjent rett før 2019 og BGBIO sine resultater er langt mer imponerende. Resultatene i NSCLC er også mye bedre enn historsik data på Keytruda alene, så jeg vet ikke hvor du får dine fakta fra....
Det som er fakta, er at siden BGBIO sin ATH så har det vært emisjon i BGBIO, emisjon i NANO, emisjon i PCIB,emisjon i TRVX og IPO av ULTIMO. Viste du at MCAP for sektoren ikke har endret seg nevneverdig siden høsten 2016? Hvis du skal fordele samme MCAP på flere aksjer så får du laver kurs. Det er enkel matte, og derfor så står jeg ved at det sektoren trenger (for dette er ikke et BGBIO problem, se på resten av biotech på OSE) er tilførsel av ny kaptial.
Det som er fakta, er at siden BGBIO sin ATH så har det vært emisjon i BGBIO, emisjon i NANO, emisjon i PCIB,emisjon i TRVX og IPO av ULTIMO. Viste du at MCAP for sektoren ikke har endret seg nevneverdig siden høsten 2016? Hvis du skal fordele samme MCAP på flere aksjer så får du laver kurs. Det er enkel matte, og derfor så står jeg ved at det sektoren trenger (for dette er ikke et BGBIO problem, se på resten av biotech på OSE) er tilførsel av ny kaptial.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:13
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